dieYoung("Error: «{$argv[$i]}» is not a known option; use «-h» or «--help» to display help.\n",1);
} elseif (is_null($confFP)) {
} else {
dieYoung("Error: could not interpret «{$argv[$i]}» (configuration file has already been set to «{$confFP}»); use «-h» or «--help» to display help.\n",1);
pcntl_signal(SIGTERM,'sighandler');// Termination ('kill' was called)
if ($res['content']===false) dieYoung("Error: could not connect to «{$url}».\n",1);
if ($res['httpcode']!='200') dieYoung("Error: got http code «{$res['httpcode']}» from «{$url}».\n",1);
// alb|sqi|sq|Albanian|albanais
// tup|||Tupi languages|tupi, langues
foreach ($res as $val)
if (preg_match('#^[a-z]{3}\|([a-z]{3})?\|([a-z]{2})\|.+\|.+$#',$val,$matches)===1)
if (@file_put_contents($langsFP,implode("\n",$langCodes)."\n")===false) dieYoung("Error: could not save the {$count} ISO 639-1 language code(s) i got from «{$url}» into «{$langsFP}».\n",1);
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: successfully saved the {$count} ISO 639-1 language code(s) i got from «{$url}» into «{$langsFP}».\n");
if (($langs=@file($langsFP,FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES|FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES))===false) dieYoung("Error: could not load ISO 639-1 language codes from «{$langsFP}».\n",1);
if (is_null($confFP)) dieYoung("Error: you have not specified a configuration file; use «-h» or «--help» to display help.\n",1);
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: trying to load configuration file «{$confFP}» from directory «".getcwd()."».\n");
if (!file_exists($confFP)) dieYoung("Error: «{$confFP}» does not exist.\n",1);
if (!is_file($confFP)) dieYoung("Error: «{$confFP}» is not a file.\n",1);
if (!is_readable($confFP)) dieYoung("Error: «{$confFP}» is not readable.\n",1);
if (preg_match('#^/.*$#',$conf['state_file_absolute_path'])!==1) dieYoung("Error: in configuration file: «state_file_absolute_path» must be an absolute path.\n",1);
if (!in_array($conf['timezone'],$timezones)) dieYoung("Error: in configuration file: «timezone»: «{$conf['timezone']}» is not one of the supported timezones (use «-T» or «--timezones» to list them).\n",1);
if (!in_array($conf['posts_language'],$langs)) dieYoung("Error: in configuration file: «posts_language»: «{$conf['posts_language']}» is not a known language code.\n",1);
if (!in_array($conf['posts_visibility'],['public', 'unlisted', 'private', 'direct'])) dieYoung("Error: in configuration file: «posts_visibility» must be one of «public», «unlisted», «private» or «direct».\n",1);
if (!is_null($conf['max_post_length'])) {
if (preg_match('#^\d+$#',$conf['max_post_length'])!==1 || $conf['max_post_length']+0<10) dieYoung("Error: configuration file: «max_post_length» must be an integer greater than or equal to 10.\n",1);
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: got «{$conf['max_post_length']}» as «max_post_length» from configuration file.\n");
if (!is_bool($conf['always_link_gancio_post']) && preg_match('#^(true|false)$#',$conf['always_link_gancio_post'])!==1) {
dieYoung("Error: configuration file: «always_link_gancio_post» must be «true» or «false».\n",1);
if ($res['httpcode']!='200') dieYoung("Error: got http code «{$res['httpcode']}»{$buff} from «{$url}».\n",1);
if (!isset($res['content']['configuration']['media_attachments']['image_size_limit'])) dieYoung("Error: JSON from «{$url}» doesn’t declare «image_size_limit».\n",1);
if (!is_int($res['content']['configuration']['media_attachments']['image_size_limit'])) dieYoung("Error: JSON from «{$url}» declares «image_size_limit» with an unexpected format.\n",1);
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: got «{$conf['max_image_size']}» as «max_image_size» from «{$url}».\n");
if (!isset($res['content']['configuration']['statuses']['max_characters'])) dieYoung("Error: JSON from «{$url}» doesn’t declare «max_characters».\n",1);
if (!is_int($res['content']['configuration']['statuses']['max_characters'])) dieYoung("Error: JSON from «{$url}» declares «max_characters» with an unexpected format.\n",1);
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: got «{$conf['max_post_length']}» as «max_post_length» from «{$url}».\n");
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: trying to load the references to already posted announcements from state file «{$conf['state_file_absolute_path']}».\n");
if (file_exists($conf['state_file_absolute_path'])) {
if (!is_file($conf['state_file_absolute_path'])) dieYoung("Error: «{$conf['state_file_absolute_path']}» exists but it’s not a file.\n",1);
if (!is_readable($conf['state_file_absolute_path'])) dieYoung("Error: «{$conf['state_file_absolute_path']}» exists but it’s not readable.\n",1);
if (!is_writeable($conf['state_file_absolute_path'])) dieYoung("Error: «{$conf['state_file_absolute_path']}» exists but it’s not writable.\n",1);
vecho($opts['verbose'],'Info: got '.count($refs)." reference(s) to already posted announcement(s) from state file «{$conf['state_file_absolute_path']}»; removed {$i} reference(s) older than one year.\n");
dieyoung("Warning: state file «{$conf['state_file_absolute_path']}» doesn’t exist yet, so this is probably a first run on Gancio instance «{$conf['feed_hostname']}»; thus, all the announcements {$SNAME} may find in the feed will be considered new and, as a precaution against unintentionally flooding your Mastodon instance’s «Local» timeline, and possibly your followers’ «Home» timelines, you have to explicitly declare whether you want it to post them all, or not, by explicitly setting option «-p» or «--do-post» to «y» («yes») or «n» («no»); mind that in both cases the references to the announcements will be recorded in the state file, so the announcements won’t be posted again on subsequent runs (unless they were changed in the meantime).\n",1);
} else {
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: state file «{$conf['state_file_absolute_path']}» was not found.\n");
if (is_null($opts['do-post']) || $opts['test']) $opts['do-post']=true;
//$dfmt=datefmt_create('it',IntlDateFormatter::FULL,IntlDateFormatter::SHORT,$conf['timezone'],IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN,"eeee d MMMM '"._('alle')."' HH:mm");
if (!$opts['test'] && ($fh=@fopen($tsfp,'w'))===false) dieYoung("Error: could not open «{$tsfp}» in «write» mode.\n",1);
if (is_array($item['online_locations']) && count($item['online_locations'])>0) $postHead.='; '._('e anche online su ').implode(' - ',$item['online_locations']);
if (!is_null($item['description']) && $item['description']!='' && $item['description']!='<p></p>') $postBody.=html2text($item['description']);
if ($postBody!='') $postBody="\n\n{$postBody}";
if (isset($item['tags']) && is_array($item['tags']) && count($item['tags'])>0) {
fwrite(STDERR,"Warning: could not shrink post for {$state} announcement «{$postUrl}» into {$conf['max_post_length']} characters; won’t try to post.\n");
} elseif (!$opts['do-post'] && !$opts['test']) {
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: would try to post status for {$state} announcement «{$postUrl}».\n");
if ($state=='new' || $state=='changed') $refs[$item['slug']]=['updatedAt'=>$item['updatedAt'], 'postedAt'=>time()];
} else {
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: trying to post status for {$state} announcement «{$postUrl}».\n");
if (isset($item['media']) && count($item['media'])>0) {
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: {$state} announcement «{$postUrl}» has an attachment; processing.\n");
if ($item['media'][0]['size']>$conf['max_image_size']) {
fwrite(STDERR,"Warning: attachment size is greater than «{$conf['fedi_hostname']}» maximum image size; won’t try to post.\n");
if (array_key_exists($item['slug'],$refs)) fwrite($fh,"{$item['slug']}\t{$refs[$item['slug']]['updatedAt']}\t{$refs[$item['slug']]['postedAt']}\n");
} else {
if (!$opts['test']) {
if ($opts['do-post'])
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: succesfully posted {$goodPostsCount} of {$itemsToPost} statuses for new or changed announcement(s) (of {$itemsCount} total announcement(s) in the feed).\n");
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: would have tried to post {$itemsToPost} statuses for new or changed announcement(s) of {$itemsCount} total announcement(s) in the feed.\n");
} elseif ($goodPostsCount==1) {
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: successfully posted status for the first of {$itemsCount} total announcements in the feed.\n");
} else {
vecho($opts['verbose'],"Info: failed to post status for the first of {$itemsCount} total announcements in the feed.\n");