2024-10-24 06:53:20 +02:00

1515 lines
16 KiB

function gettlds($cachefp,$regexformat) {
// $deftlds was last updated 2024-10-24
if ($tlds===false) {
$warnings[]="could not load TLDs cache file «{$cachefp}»";
} elseif (count($tlds)>=3 && $tlds[0][0]=='#' && preg_match('#^\d+$#',$tlds[1])===1) {
if (preg_match('#^\d+$#',$ts)===1) {
foreach ($tlds as $val) {
if (preg_match('#^[a-z\-\d]+$#',$val)!==1) {
$warnings[]="TLDs cache file «{$cachefp}» had unexpected format (3)";
} else {
$warnings[]="TLDs cache file «{$cachefp}» had unexpected format (2)";
} else {
$warnings[]="TLDs cache file «{$cachefp}» had unexpected format (1)";
// if cache file doesn't exist, is not readable or has wrong format, or if its timestamp is more than 1 day old, try to load tlds from the web
if ($tlds===false || $now-$ts>86400) {
if ($tlds===false) {
$warnings[]="could not load TLDs from «{$url}»";
} else {
if ($tlds[0][0]=='#') array_shift($tlds);// remove first line if it's comment
foreach ($tlds as $key=>$val) {
if (preg_match('#^[A-Z\-\d]+$#',$val)!==1) {
echo "{$val}\n";
} else {
if ($tlds===false) $warnings[]="TLDs from «{$url}» had unexpected format";
if ($tlds===false) {
$warnings[]='resorted to embedded TLDs (1)';
} else {
if (@file_put_contents($cachefp,"# This file is automatically generated, please do not modify it\n{$now}\n".implode("\n",$tlds)."\n")===false) {
$warnings[]="could not write TLDs into cache file «{$cachefp}»";
$warnings[]='resorted to embedded TLDs (2)';
// uncomment next line to output tlds for $deftlds
// echo "'".implode("',\n'",$tlds)."'\n";
if ($regexformat) {
(count($warnings)==0) ? $warnings=null : $warnings=implode('; ',$warnings);
return ['tlds'=>$tlds, 'warnings'=>$warnings];