2022-12-16 19:11:39 +01:00
< ? php
$bt = microtime ( true );
$dlanguc = strtoupper ( $dlang );
require ( 'mustard/include/n2es.php' );
require ( 'mustard/include/tables.php' );
2022-12-26 12:25:15 +01:00
require ( 'mustard/include/gracetime.php' );
2022-12-16 19:11:39 +01:00
require ( 'lib/fnum.php' );
2022-12-26 12:25:15 +01:00
$graceline = time () - $gracetime ;
2022-12-16 19:11:39 +01:00
use function mysqli_real_escape_string as myesc ;
/* $dlang = 'fr' ;
$dtzbl = array ( 'ca' => 'Europe/Madrid' , 'en' => 'Europe/London' , 'es' => 'Europe/Madrid' , 'fr' => 'Europe/Paris' , 'it' => 'Europe/Rome' );
date_default_timezone_set ( $dtzbl [ $dlang ]); */
$debug = '' ;
$debug .= 'REQUEST_URI: ' . $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ] . N ;
$debug .= '$_GET: ' . print_r ( $_GET , 1 );
$debug .= 'LOCALE: ' . $locale . N ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'id' , $_GET ) && preg_match ( '/^\d+$/' , $_GET [ 'id' ])) {
$_GET [ 'id' ] += 0 ;
$single = true ;
} else {
$single = false ;
//forzo $getc a 1 per non mostrare mai la spiega di come funziona il motore di ricerca
$getc = 1 ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'advc' , $_GET )) {
( $_GET [ 'advc' ] == '1' ) ? $_GET [ 'advc' ] = 1 : $_GET [ 'advc' ] = 0 ;
} else {
$_GET [ 'advc' ] = 0 ;
$minudef = 10 ;
$minumax = 10000000000 ;
$maxudef = 30000 ;
$maxumax = 10000000000 ;
$minaudef = 10 ;
$minaumax = 10000000 ;
$minkidef = 500 ;
$minkimax = 100000 ;
echo ( ' </ nav >
< div class = " scrwide " >
< div class = " scrwidein " >
< section class = " sectcontm " >
< img src = " '. $prepath .'imgs/helpbutti.svg " id = " helpbutt " class = " helpb " onmouseover = " swhelpi(true); " onmouseout = " swhelpi(false); " onclick = " swhelp(); " >
< h3 > '._(' Users ').' </ h3 >
< script language = " JavaScript " >
let mctrlsh = false ;
function shmctrl () {
let mctrl = document . getElementById ( " mctrl " );
let mctrlb = document . getElementById ( " mctrlb " );
let advc = document . getElementById ( " advc " );
if ( mctrlsh ) {
mctrl . style . height = " 0px " ;
mctrlb . value = " '._('Show advanced criteria').' " ;
advc . value = 0 ;
mctrlsh = false ;
} else {
mctrl . style . height = mctrl . scrollHeight + " px " ;
mctrlb . value = " '._('Hide advanced criteria').' " ;
advc . value = 1 ;
mctrlsh = true ;
let helpsh = '.(($getc==0) ? ' false ' : ' true ').' ;
function swhelp () {
let hdiv = document . getElementById ( " help " );
let himg = document . getElementById ( " helpbutt " );
if ( helpsh ) {
hdiv . style . height = " 0px " ;
himg . title = " '._('Show introduction').' " ;
himg . src = " '. $prepath .'imgs/helpbutti.svg " ;
helpsh = false ;
} else {
hdiv . style . height = hdiv . scrollHeight + " px " ;
himg . title = " '._('Hide introduction').' " ;
himg . src = " '. $prepath .'imgs/helpbutta.svg " ;
helpsh = true ;
function swhelpi ( over ) {
let himg = document . getElementById ( " helpbutt " ), ia ;
if ( helpsh ) {
( over ) ? ia = " i " : ia = " a " ;
} else {
( over ) ? ia = " a " : ia = " i " ;
himg . src = " '. $prepath .'imgs/helpbutt " + ia + " .svg " ;
function swp ( pn ) {
document . curvf . p . value = pn ;
document . curvf . submit ();
function sethid ( obj ) {
if ( document . getElementById ( " cb " + obj ) . checked )
document . getElementById ( obj ) . value = 1 ;
document . getElementById ( obj ) . value = 0 ;
ckadvcri ();
let advcri = true ;
function ckadvcri () {
if ( document . getElementById ( " minu " ) . value != '.$minudef.' ||
document . getElementById ( " maxu " ) . value != '.$maxudef.' ||
document . getElementById ( " minau " ) . value != '.$minaudef.' ||
document . getElementById ( " minki " ) . value != '.$minkidef.' ||
document . getElementById ( " cbnoxious " ) . checked == false ||
document . getElementById ( " cbcreg " ) . checked == false ||
document . getElementById ( " cbappr " ) . checked == true ||
document . getElementById ( " cblcok " ) . checked == true ) {
document . getElementById ( " disadvcrib " ) . value = " '._('Reset all advanced criteria to default').' " ;
advcri = false ;
} else {
document . getElementById ( " disadvcrib " ) . value = " '._('Disable all advanced criteria').' " ;
advcri = true ;
function endisadvcri () {
if ( advcri ) {
document . getElementById ( " minu " ) . value = " " ;
document . getElementById ( " maxu " ) . value = " " ;
document . getElementById ( " minau " ) . value = " " ;
document . getElementById ( " minki " ) . value = " " ;
document . getElementById ( " cbnoxious " ) . checked = false ;
document . getElementById ( " noxious " ) . value = 0 ;
document . getElementById ( " cbcreg " ) . checked = false ;
document . getElementById ( " creg " ) . value = 0 ;
document . getElementById ( " cbappr " ) . checked = false ;
document . getElementById ( " appr " ) . value = 0 ;
document . getElementById ( " cblcok " ) . checked = false ;
document . getElementById ( " lcok " ) . value = 0 ;
} else {
document . getElementById ( " minu " ) . value = '.$minudef.' ;
document . getElementById ( " maxu " ) . value = '.$maxudef.' ;
document . getElementById ( " minau " ) . value = '.$minaudef.' ;
document . getElementById ( " minki " ) . value = '.$minkidef.' ;
document . getElementById ( " cbnoxious " ) . checked = true ;
document . getElementById ( " noxious " ) . value = 1 ;
document . getElementById ( " cbcreg " ) . checked = true ;
document . getElementById ( " creg " ) . value = 1 ;
document . getElementById ( " cbappr " ) . checked = false ;
document . getElementById ( " appr " ) . value = 0 ;
document . getElementById ( " cblcok " ) . checked = false ;
document . getElementById ( " lcok " ) . value = 0 ;
ckadvcri ();
</ script >
' . N );
function nullemp ( $inp ) {
if ( is_null ( $inp ) || preg_match ( '/^\s*$/' , $inp ) === 1 ) return ( true );
return ( false );
function ldate ( $ts , $dateonly = false ) {
if ( nullemp ( $ts )) return ( null );
$ts = round ( $ts );
if ( ! $dateonly )
return ( gmdate ( 'd/m/Y H:i:s e' , $ts ));
return ( gmdate ( 'd/m/Y' , $ts ));
function hspech ( $str ) {
if ( nullemp ( $str )) return ( null );
return ( htmlspecialchars ( $str , ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5 , 'UTF-8' ));
function muorimeglio ( $msg , $close ) {
global $link ;
if ( $close )
mysqli_close ( $link );
echo ( '<p>' . $msg . '</p>' . N . '</section>' . N . '</div>' . N . '</div>' . N . '</body>' . N );
exit ( 2 );
function nully ( $str ) {
// "Not available" in singular form - translators, please omit "{singular}" from translation,
// it's there just to diversify this "Not available" from the next one
if ( nullemp ( $str )) return ( '<span class="null">' . _ ( 'Not available{singular}' ) . '</span>' );
return ( $str );
function nullyp ( $str ) {
// "Not available" in plural form - translators, please omit "{plural}" from translation,
// it's there just to diversify this "Not available" from the previous one
if ( nullemp ( $str )) return ( '<span class="null">' . _ ( 'Not available{plural}' ) . '</span>' );
return ( $str );
function strip ( $str , $uri ) {
if ( nullemp ( $str )) return ( null );
while ( preg_match ( '#^\s*<br\s*[\\\/]?>#' , $str ) === 1 ) $str = preg_replace ( '#^\s*<br\s*[\\\/]?>#' , '' , $str );
while ( preg_match ( '#<br\s*[\\\/]?>\s*$#' , $str ) === 1 ) $str = preg_replace ( '#<br\s*[\\\/]?>\s*$#' , '' , $str );
while ( preg_match ( '#<br\s*[\\\/]?>\s*<br\s*[\\\/]?>#s' , $str ) === 1 )
$str = preg_replace ( '#<br\s*[\\\/]?>\s*<br\s*[\\\/]?>#s' , '<br>' , $str );
$str = preg_replace ( '#<style( [^>]*)?>.*</style>#s' , '' , $str );
$str = preg_replace ( '#<a href="(?![a-zA-Z]+://)([^"]+)#' , '<a href="https://' . $uri . '$1>' , $str );
$str = preg_replace ( '#<h[1-9][^>]*>#' , '<p><strong>' , $str );
$str = preg_replace ( '#</h[1-9]>#' , '</strong></p>' , $str );
$str = preg_replace ( array ( '#</p><br>#' , '#</li><br>#' , '#</ul><br>#' , '#<ul><br>#' ), array ( '</p>' , '</li>' , '</ul>' , '<ul>' ), $str );
$str = preg_replace ( '#<b>#' , '<strong>' , $str );
$str = preg_replace ( '#</b>#' , '</strong>' , $str );
$str = preg_replace ( '#<p></p>#' , '' , $str );
$str = strip_tags ( $str , '<a><br><ol><ul><li><p><div><i><b><strong><em><small><img>' );
return ( $str );
$link = mysqli_connect ( $conf [ 'db_host' ], $conf [ 'db_user_name' ], $conf [ 'db_user_password' ], $conf [ 'db_name' ], $conf [ 'db_port' ], $conf [ 'db_socket' ]) or muorimeglio ( _ ( 'Couldn’ t connect to database: ' ) . mysqli_connect_error () . ' [' . mysqli_connect_errno () . ']' , false );
mysqli_set_charset ( $link , 'utf8mb4' );
$tables = tables ( $link );
$res = mysqli_query ( $link , 'SELECT COUNT(ID) AS totusers FROM Users' ) or muorimeglio ( __LINE__ . ': ' . mysqli_error ( $link ), true );
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $res );
echo ( _ ( '<div id="help" class="helpd"><p class="intro">This is our search engine for Mastodon users. It works this way...</p></div>' ) . N );
printf ( _ ( '<p class="introe">We currently count <span class="statd">%s</span> Mastodon users.</p>' ) . N , fnum ( $row [ 'totusers' ], 0 , $dlang ));
if (( array_key_exists ( 'noxious' , $_GET ) && $_GET [ 'noxious' ] == '1' ) || ! array_key_exists ( 'noxious' , $_GET )) {
$_GET [ 'cbnoxious' ] = ' checked' ;
$_GET [ 'noxious' ] = 1 ;
} else {
$_GET [ 'cbnoxious' ] = '' ;
$_GET [ 'noxious' ] = 0 ;
//echo('<p>noxious: '.$_GET['noxious'].'</p>');
if (( array_key_exists ( 'creg' , $_GET ) && $_GET [ 'creg' ] == '1' ) || ! array_key_exists ( 'creg' , $_GET )) {
$_GET [ 'cbcreg' ] = ' checked' ;
$_GET [ 'creg' ] = 1 ;
} else {
$_GET [ 'cbcreg' ] = '' ;
$_GET [ 'creg' ] = 0 ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'appr' , $_GET ) && $_GET [ 'appr' ] == '1' ) {
$_GET [ 'cbappr' ] = ' checked' ;
$_GET [ 'appr' ] = 1 ;
} else {
$_GET [ 'cbappr' ] = '' ;
$_GET [ 'appr' ] = 0 ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'lcok' , $_GET ) && $_GET [ 'lcok' ] == '1' ) {
$_GET [ 'cblcok' ] = ' checked' ;
$_GET [ 'lcok' ] = 1 ;
} else {
$_GET [ 'cblcok' ] = '' ;
$_GET [ 'lcok' ] = 0 ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'lang' , $_GET )) {
if ( preg_match ( '#^[0-9]+$#' , $_GET [ 'lang' ]) === 1 )
$_GET [ 'lang' ] = $_GET [ 'lang' ] + 0 ;
$_GET [ 'lang' ] = 0 ;
} else {
$res = mysqli_query ( $link , 'SELECT ID FROM Languages WHERE Code="' . $dlang . '"' ) or muorimeglio ( __LINE__ . ': ' . mysqli_error ( $link ), true );
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $res ) > 0 ) {
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $res );
$_GET [ 'lang' ] = $row [ 'ID' ];
} else {
$_GET [ 'lang' ] = 0 ;
if ( $_GET [ 'lang' ] > 5000000000 ) $_GET [ 'lang' ] = 0 ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'desc' , $_GET ) && preg_match ( '#^.+$#' , $_GET [ 'lang' ]) === 1 )
$_GET [ 'desc' ] = trim ( n2es ( $_GET [ 'desc' ]));
$_GET [ 'desc' ] = '' ;
if ( mb_strlen ( $_GET [ 'desc' ]) > 64 ) $_GET [ 'desc' ] = '' ;
function ckgnum ( $key , $def , $max ) {
if ( array_key_exists ( $key , $_GET )) {
$_GET [ $key ] = trim ( $_GET [ $key ]);
if ( preg_match ( '#^[0-9]+$#' , $_GET [ $key ]) === 1 ) {
$_GET [ $key ] = $_GET [ $key ] + 0 ;
if ( $_GET [ $key ] > $max ) $_GET [ $key ] = $max ;
} elseif ( $_GET [ $key ] != '' ) {
$_GET [ $key ] = $def ;
} else {
$_GET [ $key ] = $def ;
ckgnum ( 'minu' , $minudef , $minumax );
ckgnum ( 'maxu' , $maxudef , $maxumax );
if ( is_int ( $_GET [ 'maxu' ]) && is_int ( $_GET [ 'minu' ]) && $_GET [ 'maxu' ] < $_GET [ 'minu' ]) $_GET [ 'maxu' ] = $_GET [ 'minu' ];
ckgnum ( 'minau' , $minaudef , $minaumax );
ckgnum ( 'minki' , $minkidef , $minkimax );
$order = array (
'rand' => array ( 't' => _ ( 'Random, recommended first' ), 'q' => 'Instances.Priority DESC, Instances.RPos ASC' ),
// 'feat'=>array('t'=>_('Prima le consigliate'),'q'=>'Instances.Priority DESC'),
// partecipazione: totusers/activeusers
// 'part'=>array('t'=>_('Partecipazione (decr.)'),'q'=>'(Instances.UserCount / Instances.ActiveUsersMonth) ASC'),
'tusersa' => array ( 't' => _ ( 'By number of users, ascending' ), 'q' => 'Instances.UserCount ASC' ),
'tusersd' => array ( 't' => _ ( 'By number of users, descending' ), 'q' => 'Instances.UserCount DESC' ),
'ausersd' => array ( 't' => _ ( 'By number of active users, descending' ), 'q' => 'Instances.ActiveUsersMonth DESC' ),
'kinstsd' => array ( 't' => _ ( 'By number of known instances, descending' ), 'q' => 'Instances.DomainCount DESC' ),
'charsd' => array ( 't' => _ ( 'By maximum number of characters per toot, descending' ), 'q' => 'Instances.MaxTootChars DESC' ),
// 'open'=>array('t'=>_('Prima quelle con iscriz. aperte'),'q'=>'Instances.RegOpen DESC, Instances.RegReqApproval ASC'),
// 'alph'=>array('t'=>_('Alfabetico'),'q'=>'Instances.URI ASC'),
// new non ha senso di esistere visto che c'è firstseen
// 'name'=>array('t'=>_('Nome (crescente)'),'q'=>'Instances.Title ASC'),
// 'admc'=>array('t'=>_('Data creazione account admin'),'q'=>'IF (Instances.AdmCreatedAt IS NULL, 9999999999, Instances.AdmCreatedAt) ASC'),
// 'fseena'=>array('t'=>_('Data di “avvistamento” cresc.'),'q'=>'Instances.FirstSeen ASC'),
// 'fseend'=>array('t'=>_('Data di “avvistamento” decr.'),'q'=>'Instances.FirstSeen DESC'),
if ( ! ( array_key_exists ( 'ord' , $_GET ) && array_key_exists ( $_GET [ 'ord' ], $order )))
$_GET [ 'ord' ] = 'rand' ;
if ( $_GET [ 'lang' ] == 0 ) $order [ 'rand' ] = array ( 't' => _ ( 'Random' ), 'q' => 'Instances.RPos ASC' );
$p = 1 ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'p' , $_GET ) && preg_match ( '#^[0-9]+$#' , $_GET [ 'p' ]) === 1 ) $p = $_GET [ 'p' ] + 0 ;
echo ( ' < form method = " get " id = " curvf " name = " curvf " >
< input name = " advc " type = " hidden " value = " '. $_GET['advc'] .' " >
< input name = " noxious " type = " hidden " value = " '. $_GET['noxious'] .' " >
< input name = " creg " type = " hidden " value = " '. $_GET['creg'] .' " >
< input name = " appr " type = " hidden " value = " '. $_GET['appr'] .' " >
< input name = " lcok " type = " hidden " value = " '. $_GET['lcok'] .' " >
< input name = " lang " type = " hidden " value = " '. $_GET['lang'] .' " >
< input name = " desc " type = " hidden " value = " '.htmlentities( $_GET['desc'] ).' " >
< input name = " minu " type = " hidden " value = " '. $_GET['minu'] .' " >
< input name = " maxu " type = " hidden " value = " '. $_GET['maxu'] .' " >
< input name = " minau " type = " hidden " value = " '. $_GET['minau'] .' " >
< input name = " minki " type = " hidden " value = " '. $_GET['minki'] .' " >
< input name = " ord " type = " hidden " value = " '. $_GET['ord'] .' " >
< input name = " p " type = " hidden " value = " '. $p .' " >
</ form > ' . N );
( $_GET [ 'lang' ] == 0 ) ? $selected = ' selected' : $selected = '' ;
echo ( ' < form method = " get " id = " searchf " class = " sdbox " onsubmit = " document.getElementById( \ 'p \ ').value=1; " >
< div class = " sdtit " > '._(' Search criteria ').' </ div >
< div class = " sdrow " >
< div class = " sdlabel " >< label for = " display_name " title = " '._('Include only users whose “display name” contains this string').' " > '._(' “Display name” contains ').' </ label ></ div >
< div class = " sdinput " >< input type = " text " id = " display_name " name = " display_name " class = " sinput " maxlength = " '. $tables['Users'] ['display_name'].' " value = " '.hspech( $_GET['display_name'] ).' " ></ div >
</ div >
< div class = " sdrow " >
< div class = " sdlabel " >< label for = " username " title = " '._('Include only users whose username contains this string').' " > '._(' Username contains ').' </ label ></ div >
< div class = " sdinput " >< input type = " text " id = " username " name = " username " class = " sinput " maxlength = " '. $tables['Users'] ['username'].' " value = " '.hspech( $_GET['username'] ).' " ></ div >
</ div >
< div id = " mctrl " >
< div class = " sdrow " >
< input type = " button " class = " litbut " id = " disadvcrib " value = " '._('Disable all advanced criteria').' " onclick = " endisadvcri(); " >
</ div >
< div class = " sdrow " >
< div class = " sdlabel " >< label for = " minu " title = " '._('Include only instances which have at least this number of users (set to empty to disable this criterion)').' " > '._(' Minimum number of users is ').' </ label ></ div >
< div class = " sdinput " >< input type = " number " id = " minu " name = " minu " min = " 0 " max = " '. $minumax .' " class = " sinput " value = " '. $_GET['minu'] .' " onchange = " ckadvcri(); " ></ div >
</ div >
< div class = " sdrow " >
< div class = " sdlabel " >< label for = " maxu " title = " '._('Include only instances which have at most this number of users (set to empty to disable this criterion)').' " > '._(' Maximum number of users is ').' </ label ></ div >
< div class = " sdinput " >< input type = " number " id = " maxu " name = " maxu " min = " 0 " max = " '. $maxumax .' " class = " sinput " value = " '. $_GET['maxu'] .' " onchange = " ckadvcri(); " ></ div >
</ div >
< div class = " sdrow " >
< div class = " sdlabel " >< label for = " minau " title = " '._('Include only instances which had at least this number of active users during the last 30 days (set to empty to disable this criterion)').' " > '._(' Minimum number of active users is ').' </ label ></ div >
< div class = " sdinput " >< input type = " number " id = " minau " name = " minau " min = " 0 " max = " '. $minaumax .' " class = " sinput " value = " '. $_GET['minau'] .' " onchange = " ckadvcri(); " ></ div >
</ div >
< div class = " sdrow " >
< div class = " sdlabel " >< label for = " minki " title = " '._('Include only instances which know at least this number of other instances (set to empty to disable this criterion)').' " > '._(' Minimum number of known instances is ').' </ label ></ div >
< div class = " sdinput " >< input type = " number " id = " minki " name = " minki " min = " 0 " max = " '. $minkimax .' " class = " sinput " value = " '. $_GET['minki'] .' " onchange = " ckadvcri(); " ></ div >
</ div >
< div class = " sdrow " >
< div class = " sdlabel " >< label for = " cbnoxious " title = " '._('Exclude noxious instances').' " > '._(' Exclude noxious ').' </ label ></ div >
< div class = " sdinput " >
< input type = " checkbox " class = " sckbox " id = " cbnoxious " value = " 1 " '.$_GET[' cbnoxious '].' onchange = " sethid( \ 'noxious \ '); " >
< input type = " hidden " id = " noxious " name = " noxious " value = " '. $_GET['noxious'] .' " >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " sdrow " >
< div class = " sdlabel " >< label for = " cbcreg " title = " '._('Exclude instances which don’ t accept new registrations').' " > '._(' Exclude if registrations are closed ').' </ label ></ div >
< div class = " sdinput " >
< input type = " checkbox " class = " sckbox " id = " cbcreg " value = " 1 " '.$_GET[' cbcreg '].' onchange = " sethid( \ 'creg \ '); " >
< input type = " hidden " id = " creg " name = " creg " value = " '. $_GET['creg'] .' " >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " sdrow " >
< div class = " sdlabel " >< label for = " cbappr " title = " '._('Exclude instances on which admin approval is required for registration').' " > '._(' Exclude if registration requires approval ').' </ label ></ div >
< div class = " sdinput " >
< input type = " checkbox " class = " sckbox " id = " cbappr " value = " 1 " '.$_GET[' cbappr '].' onchange = " sethid( \ 'appr \ '); " >
< input type = " hidden " id = " appr " name = " appr " value = " '. $_GET['appr'] .' " >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " sdrow " >
< div class = " sdlabel " >< label for = " cblcok " title = " '._('Exclude instances which didn’ t respond to last check').' " > '._(' Exclude if offline on last check ').' </ label ></ div >
< div class = " sdinput " >
< input type = " checkbox " class = " sckbox " id = " cblcok " value = " 1 " '.$_GET[' cblcok '].' onchange = " sethid( \ 'lcok \ '); " >
< input type = " hidden " id = " lcok " name = " lcok " value = " '. $_GET['lcok'] .' " >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< script language = " JavaScript " >
ckadvcri ();
</ script >
< div class = " sdcrow " >
< input type = " button " class = " litbut " id = " mctrlb " value = " '._('Advanced criteria').' " onclick = " shmctrl() " >
</ div >
< div class = " sdtitb " > '._(' Order of results ').' </ div >
< div class = " sdcrow " >
< select id = " ord " name = " ord " class = " sselect100 " > ' . N );
foreach ( $order as $key => $buf ) {
( $key != $_GET [ 'ord' ]) ? $selected = '' : $selected = ' selected' ;
echo ( '<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected . '>' . $buf [ 't' ] . '</option>' . N );
echo ( ' </ select >
</ div >
< div class = " sdlrow " >
< input type = " submit " value = " '._('Search').' " class = " ssubmit " >
</ div >
< div class = " sdlcrow " >
< input type = " button " class = " litbut " value = " '._('Reset search').' " onclick = " document.location.href=document.location.href.replace(/ \\ ?.* $ /, \ ' \ ') " >
</ div >
< input type = " hidden " id = " advc " name = " advc " value = " '. $_GET['advc'] .' " >
< input type = " hidden " id = " p " name = " p " value = " '. $p .' " >
</ form >
< script language = " JavaScript " >
mctrlsh = '.(($_GET[' advc ']==1) ? ' false ' : ' true ').' ;
shmctrl ();
swhelp ();
</ script > ' . N );
$joins = array ();
$wheres = array ();
2022-12-26 12:25:15 +01:00
$wheres [] = 'Instances.IsMastodon=1 AND Instances.FirstSeen IS NOT NULL AND Instances.LastOkCheckTS>=' . $graceline ;
2022-12-16 19:11:39 +01:00
if ( $_GET [ 'noxious' ] == 1 ) $wheres [] = 'Instances.Noxious=0' ;
if ( $_GET [ 'creg' ] == 1 ) $wheres [] = 'Instances.RegOpen=1' ;
if ( $_GET [ 'appr' ] == 1 ) $wheres [] = 'Instances.RegReqApproval=0' ;
2022-12-26 05:30:35 +01:00
if ( $_GET [ 'lcok' ] == 1 ) $wheres [] = 'Instances.WasLastCheckOk=1' ;
2022-12-16 19:11:39 +01:00
/* if ( $_GET [ 'lcok' ] == 1 ) {
$joins [] = 'LEFT JOIN InstChecks AS InstChecks ON InstChecks.InstID=Instances.ID AND InstChecks.Time=(SELECT MAX(InstChecks.Time) AS MaxTime FROM InstChecks WHERE InstChecks.InstID=Instances.ID)' ;
$wheres [] = 'InstChecks.Status=1' ;
} */
if ( $_GET [ 'lang' ] > 0 ) {
$joins [] = 'LEFT JOIN InstOurLangs ON InstOurLangs.InstID=Instances.ID' ;
$wheres [] = '(InstOurLangs.OurLangID=' . $_GET [ 'lang' ] . ' AND InstOurLangs.Pos=1)' ;
$buf = preg_replace ( '#%#' , '\%' , myesc ( $link , $_GET [ 'desc' ]));
if ( $_GET [ 'desc' ] != '' ) $wheres [] = '(Instances.URI LIKE "%' . $buf . '%" OR Instances.Title LIKE "%' . $buf . '%" OR Instances.ShortDesc LIKE "%' . $buf . '%" OR Instances.LongDesc LIKE "%' . $buf . '%")' ;
if ( $_GET [ 'minu' ] != '' ) $wheres [] = 'Instances.UserCount>=' . $_GET [ 'minu' ];
if ( $_GET [ 'maxu' ] != '' ) $wheres [] = 'Instances.UserCount<=' . $_GET [ 'maxu' ];
if ( $_GET [ 'minau' ] != '' ) $wheres [] = 'Instances.ActiveUsersMonth>=' . $_GET [ 'minau' ];
if ( $_GET [ 'minki' ] != '' ) $wheres [] = 'Instances.DomainCount>=' . $_GET [ 'minki' ];
$joins = implode ( ' ' , $joins );
$wheres = 'WHERE ' . implode ( ' AND ' , $wheres );
if ( ! $single )
$que = 'SELECT * FROM Instances ' . $joins . ' ' . $wheres . ' ORDER BY ' . $order [ $_GET [ 'ord' ]][ 'q' ];
$que = 'SELECT * FROM Instances WHERE ID=' . $_GET [ 'id' ];
$debug .= 'QUERY: «' . $que . '»' . N ;
$qbt = microtime ( true );
$res = mysqli_query ( $link , $que ) or muorimeglio ( __LINE__ . ': ' . mysqli_error ( $link ), true );
$debug .= 'MAIN QUERY EXEC TIME: ' . ( microtime ( true ) - $qbt ) . ' sec.' . N ;
$itot = mysqli_num_rows ( $res );
$debug .= 'RESULTS: ' . $itot . N ;
$ipp = 10 ; // istanze per pagina
$if = $ipp * ( $p - 1 );
if ( $if >= $itot ) {
$if = 0 ;
$p = 1 ;
$il = $if + $ipp ;
function tquery ( $query , $line ) {
global $link , $debug ;
$bt = microtime ( true );
$res = mysqli_query ( $link , $query ) or muorimeglio ( $line . ': ' . mysqli_error ( $link ), true );
$debug .= ( microtime ( true ) - $bt ) . ' secs. for query «' . $query . '»' . N ;
return ( $res );
mysqli_data_seek ( $res , $if );
while ( $if < $il && $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $res )) {
$if ++ ;
$out = '<div class="ihead"><a href="https://' . hspech ( $row [ 'URI' ]) . '" title="' . _ ( 'Go to instance' ) . '">' . hspech ( $row [ 'URI' ]) . '</a>' ;
if ( ! $single ) $out .= ' <a href="' . $conf [ 'baseurl' ] . '/instances?id=' . $row [ 'ID' ] . '" title="' . _ ( 'Direct link to this instance’ s card' ) . '">(' . $if . '/' . $itot . ')</a>' ;
$out .= '</div>' . N . '<div class="ibody">' . N ;
$qbt = microtime ( true );
$rres = tquery ( 'SELECT CONCAT(Languages.Name' . $dlanguc . '," (",Languages.Code,")") AS Lang FROM InstOurLangs LEFT JOIN Languages ON Languages.ID=InstOurLangs.OurLangID WHERE InstOurLangs.InstID=' . $row [ 'ID' ] . ' ORDER BY InstOurLangs.Pos ASC' , __LINE__ );
$buf = array ();
while ( $rrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $rres ))
$buf [] = hspech ( $rrow [ 'Lang' ]);
$out .= '<a href="https://' . hspech ( $row [ 'URI' ]) . '" title="' . _ ( 'Go to instance' ) . '"><div class="iimgc"><img class="iimg" src="' . $row [ 'Thumb' ] . '">' ;
// if (!is_null($row['Priority'])) $out.='<img src="'.$prepath.'imgs/featured-it.svg" class="ifeat">';
if ( ! is_null ( $row [ 'Priority' ])) $out .= '<div class="dfeat">' . _ ( 'Recommended' ) . '</div>' ;
$out .= '</div></a>' . N ;
$out .= '<div class="icol">' . N ;
$out .= '<div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Name' ) . '</span> <a href="https://' . hspech ( $row [ 'URI' ]) . '" title="' . _ ( 'Go to instance' ) . '">' . nully ( hspech ( $row [ 'Title' ])) . '</a></div>' . N ;
/* $out .= '<div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Consigliata' ) . '</span> ' ;
( ! is_null ( $row [ 'Priority' ])) ? $out .= '<span class="ivgood">' . _ ( 'Si!' ) . '</span>' : $out .= _ ( 'No' );
$out .= '</div>' . N ; */
$out .= '<div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Languages' ) . '</span> ' . nully ( implode ( ', ' , $buf )) . '</div>' . N ;
$out .= '<div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Users' ) . '</span> ' . nully ( fnum ( $row [ 'UserCount' ], 0 , $dlang )) . '</div>' . N ;
$out .= '<div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Active users (last month)' ) . '</span> ' . nully ( fnum ( $row [ 'ActiveUsersMonth' ], 0 , $dlang )) . '</div>' . N ;
$out .= '<div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Active users (last six months)' ) . '</span> ' . nully ( fnum ( $row [ 'ActiveUsersHalfYear' ], 0 , $dlang )) . '</div>' . N ;
$out .= '<div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Known instances' ) . '</span> ' . nully ( fnum ( $row [ 'DomainCount' ], 0 , $dlang )) . '</div>' . N ;
$out .= '</div>' . N ;
$out .= '<div class="icol">' . N ;
$out .= '<div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Characters per toot (max)' ) . '</span> ' ;
if ( nullemp ( fnum ( $row [ 'MaxTootChars' ], 0 , $dlang )))
$out .= '<span class="null">500</span>' ;
$out .= $row [ 'MaxTootChars' ];
$out .= '</div>' . N ;
$out .= '<div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Noxious' ) . '</span> ' ;
( $row [ 'Noxious' ] == 1 ) ? $out .= '<span class="ibad">' . _ ( 'Yes (see why below)' ) . '</span>' : $out .= '<span class="igood">' . _ ( 'No' ) . '</span>' ;
$out .= '</div>' . N ;
$out .= '<div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Software' ) . '</span> ' . nully ( hspech ( ucfirst ( $row [ 'Software' ]))) . ' ' . nully ( hspech ( $row [ 'Version' ])) . '</div>' . N ;
$out .= '<div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Registrations' ) . '</span> ' ;
( $row [ 'RegReqApproval' ] == 1 ) ? $buf = ' <span class="iwarn">(' . _ ( 'by admin approval' ) . ')</span>' : $buf = '' ;
if ( nullemp ( $row [ 'RegOpen' ]))
$out .= '<span class="null">' . _ ( 'Not available{singular}' ) . '</span>' ;
elseif ( $row [ 'RegOpen' ] == 1 )
$out .= '<span class="igood">' . _ ( 'Open' ) . '</span>' . $buf ;
$out .= '<span class="iwarn">' . _ ( 'Closed' ) . '</span>' ;
$out .= '</div>' . N ;
$out .= '<div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'E-mail' ) . '</span> ' ;
if ( nullemp ( $row [ 'Email' ]))
$out .= '<span class="null">' . _ ( 'Not available{singular}' ) . '</span>' ;
$out .= '<a href="mailto:' . $row [ 'Email' ] . '">' . $row [ 'Email' ] . '</a>' ;
$out .= '</div>' . N ;
$out .= '</div>' . N ;
$out .= '<div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Most used hashtags (last week)' ) . '</span> ' ;
$rres = tquery ( 'SELECT * FROM InstTrends WHERE InstID=' . $row [ 'ID' ] . ' ORDER BY Pos ASC' , __LINE__ );
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $rres ) > 0 ) {
$buf = array ();
while ( $rrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $rres ))
$buf [] = '<a href="' . hspech ( $rrow [ 'URL' ]) . '">' . hspech ( $rrow [ 'Name' ]) . '</a>' ;
$out .= implode ( ', ' , $buf );
} else {
$out .= '<span class="null">' . _ ( 'Not available{plural}' ) . '</span>' ;
$out .= '</div>' . N ;
if ( $row [ 'Noxious' ]) {
$out .= '<div><div class="noxlab">' . _ ( 'Why we consider this instance noxious' ) . '</div><div class="noxreas">' . nully ( strip ( nl2br ( trim ( n2es ( $row [ 'NoxReason' ])), false ), $row [ 'URI' ])) . '</div></div>' . N ;
$out .= '<div><div class="idlab">' . _ ( 'Short description' ) . '</div><div class="idesc">' . nully ( strip ( nl2br ( trim ( n2es ( $row [ 'ShortDesc' ])), false ), $row [ 'URI' ])) . '</div></div>' . N ;
$out .= '<div><div class="idlab">' . _ ( 'Long description' ) . '</div><div class="idesc">' . nully ( strip ( trim ( n2es ( $row [ 'LongDesc' ])), $row [ 'URI' ])) . '</div></div>' . N ;
$out .= '<div class="abox"><img class="aimg" src="' . $row [ 'AdmAvatar' ] . '"><div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Admin account' ) . '</span> ' . nully ( hspech ( $row [ 'AdmAccount' ])) . '</div><div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Date of creation' ) . '</span> ' . nully ( ldate ( $row [ 'AdmCreatedAt' ], true )) . '</div><div><span class="ilab">' . _ ( 'Admin name' ) . '</span> ' . nully ( hspech ( $row [ 'AdmDisplayName' ])) . '</div><div><div class="idlab">' . _ ( 'Admin notes' ) . '</div><div class="inote">' . nullyp ( strip ( trim ( n2es ( $row [ 'AdmNote' ])), $row [ 'URI' ])) . '</div>' . N ;
$out .= '</div></div>' ;
$out .= '<div class="ghost"><div class="idlab">' . _ ( 'Stats' ) . '</div><div class="istat">' ;
$rres = tquery ( 'SELECT COUNT(InstID) AS cnt, SUM(Statuses) AS tstatuses, SUM(Logins) AS tlogins, SUM(Registrations) AS tregs FROM InstActivity WHERE InstID=' . $row [ 'ID' ], __LINE__ );
$out .= '<div class="dida">' . _ ( 'Last 12 weeks activity' );
if ( mysqli_num_rows ( $rres ) > 0 ) {
$rrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $rres );
if ( $rrow [ 'cnt' ] > 0 )
$out .= ' (' . _ ( 'totals:' ) . ' ' . $rrow [ 'tstatuses' ] . ' ' . _ ( 'statuses' ) . ', ' . $rrow [ 'tlogins' ] . ' ' . _ ( 'logins' ) . ', ' . $rrow [ 'tregs' ] . ' ' . _ ( 'registrations' ) . ')' ;
$out .= '</div>' . N ;
$rres = tquery ( 'SELECT * FROM InstActivity WHERE InstID=' . $row [ 'ID' ] . ' ORDER BY Week ASC' , __LINE__ );
$out .= '<table class="abar"><tr>' ;
$tot = mysqli_num_rows ( $rres );
if ( $tot > 0 ) {
while ( $rrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $rres ))
// initials for Statuses, Logins, Registrations
$out .= '<td width="' . ( 100 / $tot ) . '%">' . _ ( 'S' ) . ': ' . $rrow [ 'Statuses' ] . '<br>' . _ ( 'L' ) . ': ' . $rrow [ 'Logins' ] . '<br>' . _ ( 'R' ) . ': ' . $rrow [ 'Registrations' ] . '</td>' ;
} else {
$out .= '<td><span class="null">' . _ ( 'Not available{singular}' ) . '</span></td>' ;
$out .= '</tr></table>' . N ;
$rres = tquery ( 'SELECT * FROM InstChecks WHERE InstID=' . $row [ 'ID' ] . ' ORDER BY Time DESC LIMIT 0,8' , __LINE__ );
$tot = mysqli_num_rows ( $rres );
$buf = array ();
while ( $rrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $rres )) $buf [] = $rrow ;
$out .= '<div class="dida">' . _ ( 'Last checks (green: OK; red: KO)' ) . '</div><table class="cbar"><tr>' ;
for ( $i = $tot - 1 ; $i >= 0 ; $i -- ) {
$out .= '<td width="' . ( 100 / $tot ) . '%"' ;
if ( $buf [ $i ][ 'Status' ] == 1 ) $out .= ' class="cbarok"' ;
$out .= '>' . ldate ( $buf [ $i ][ 'Time' ]) . '</td>' ;
$out .= '</tr></table>' . N ;
$out .= '</div></div>' . N ;
$out .= '</div>' . N ;
echo ( $out );
mysqli_close ( $link );
echo ( '</section>' . N );
$ptot = ceil ( $itot / $ipp );
if ( $ptot > 1 ) {
echo ( '<div id="footmarg"></div>' . N );
echo ( '<div id="bmenu">' . N );
$pnav = '<table id="pnav"><tr>' ;
if ( $p > 1 )
$pnav .= '<td><img src="' . $prepath . 'imgs/nav_first.svg" onclick="swp(1);" class="hov" title="' . _ ( 'Go to first page' ) . '"></td><td><img src="' . $prepath . 'imgs/nav_prev.svg" onclick="swp(' . ( $p - 1 ) . ');" class="hov" title="' . _ ( 'Go to previous page' ) . '"></td>' ;
$pnav .= '<td><img src="' . $prepath . 'imgs/nav_first_off.svg"></td><td><img src="' . $prepath . 'imgs/nav_prev_off.svg"></td>' ;
//$pnav.='<td>Page '.$p.'/'.$ptot.'</td>';
$pnav .= '<td><select id="pagesel" onchange="swp(this.value);" title="' . _ ( 'Select page' ) . '">' . N ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= $ptot ; $i ++ ) {
( $i != $p ) ? $selected = '' : $selected = ' selected' ;
$li = $i * $ipp ;
if ( $li > $itot ) $li = $itot ;
//page number prefix
$pnav .= '<option value="' . $i . '"' . $selected . '>' . _ ( 'Page' ) . ' ' . $i . ' ' . _ ( 'of' ) . ' ' . $ptot . ' (' . _ ( 'instances' ) . ': ' . (( $i - 1 ) * $ipp + 1 ) . '-' . $li . '/' . $itot . ')</option>' . N ;
$pnav .= '</select></td>' . N ;
if ( $p < $ptot )
$pnav .= '<td><img src="' . $prepath . 'imgs/nav_next.svg" onclick="swp(' . ( $p + 1 ) . ');" class="hov" title="' . _ ( 'Go to next page' ) . '"></td><td><img src="' . $prepath . 'imgs/nav_last.svg" onclick="swp(' . ( $ptot ) . ');" class="hov" title="' . _ ( 'Go to last page' ) . '"></td>' ;
$pnav .= '<td><img src="' . $prepath . 'imgs/nav_next_off.svg"></td><td><img src="' . $prepath . 'imgs/nav_last_off.svg"></td>' ;
$pnav .= '</tr></table>' . N ;
echo ( $pnav );
echo ( '</div>' . N );
echo ( '</div>' . N );
echo ( '</div>' . N );
$debug .= 'TOTAL RENDERING TIME: ' . ( microtime ( true ) - $bt ) . N ;
if ( array_key_exists ( 'debug' , $_GET ) && $_GET [ 'debug' ] == '1' ) echo ( '<!--' . N . '--- DEBUG INFO ---' . N . $debug . '//-->' . N );