diff --git a/todo.txt b/todo.txt index 1120048..a83a960 100644 --- a/todo.txt +++ b/todo.txt @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ - mustool.php: could clean InstChecks too now, since we dropped Instances.Dead and use Instances.LastOkCheckTS ! peerscrawl.php: restore option: script should write a state file with at least the current index in list, better also current round and elapsed time * peerscrawl.php: make "Peers" and "PeersChecks" tables in db, to store checks and declare dead instances, to avoid uselessy checking all those dead instances -- getinstinfo.php: make langs function and its use better... +* getinstinfo.php: make langs function and its use better... - make a populate.php script to populate some tables with default values after importing the structure * death to akeavinn! - don't use truncs, use willtrunc or even better check mastodon docs/source for maximum length of values and modify the database accordingly