Removed code referencing New, Good and Chosen columns

This commit is contained in:
pezcurrel 2022-12-18 18:26:03 +01:00
parent f4aa3cb804
commit 835e02c171

View file

@ -48,9 +48,7 @@ $opts=[
'deadline'=>60*24*60*60,// if an instance has not been responding for more than this value of seconds, declare it dead
'oldline'=>30*24*60*60,// if an instance has been new for a period longer than this amount, it's no longer new
'ldtoots'=>40,// number of toots to check with the automatic language detection function
@ -75,17 +73,10 @@ DESCRIPTION
-N, --dontsetnew
If this option is set, the script wont mark a new instance as new. This can
be useful for a first run.
-D, --deadline <time>
If an instance has not been responding for longer than this time, declare
it dead. See section «TIME SPECIFICATION» below to see how to specify time.
DEFAULT: '.ght($opts['deadline'],$ghtsa).'
-o, --oldline <time>
If an instance has been marked as new for longer than this time, mark it as
not new. See section «TIME SPECIFICATION» below to see how to specify time.
DEFAULT: '.ght($opts['oldline'],$ghtsa).'
-l, --ldtoots <number>
This option defines the number of toots the script will try to fetch from
the local public timelines, to try and guess the most used languages of each
@ -163,18 +154,11 @@ for ($i=1; $i<$argc; $i++) {
mexit('option «'.$argv[$i].'» requires a time specification as an argument (use «-h» to read help).'.N,1);
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-o' || $argv[$i]=='--oldline') {
if ($i+1>=$argc || parsetime($argv[$i+1])===false)
mexit('option «'.$argv[$i].'» requires a time specification as an argument (use «-h» to read help).'.N,1);
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-l' || $argv[$i]=='--ldtoots') {
if ($i+1>=$argc || preg_match('/^\d+$/',$argv[$i+1])!==1 || $argv[$i+1]+0>40 || $argv[$i+1]+0<10)
mexit('option «'.$argv[$i].'» requires a number >= 10 and <= 40 as an argument (use «-h» to read help).'.N,1);
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-N' || $argv[$i]=='--dontsetnew') {
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-d' || $argv[$i]=='--dryrun') {
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-j' || $argv[$i]=='--jsonwrite') {
@ -206,10 +190,15 @@ foreach ($msglevs as $key=>$val) $msglevs[$key]=ucfirst($val);
or mexit('could not open config file «'.$inifp.'»'.N,1);
or mexit('could not connect to MySQL server: '.mysqli_connect_error().N,1);
or mexit('could not set «utf8mb4» charset fro MySQL: '.mysqli_error($link).N,1);
try { $link=@mysqli_connect($iniarr['db_host'],$iniarr['db_admin_name'],$iniarr['db_admin_password'],$iniarr['db_name'],$iniarr['db_port'],$iniarr['db_socket']); }
catch (Exception $error) { mexit('could not connect to MySQL server: '.mysqli_connect_error().'.'.N,1,true); }
// for php versions < 8
if ($link===false) mexit('could not connect to MySQL server: '.mysqli_connect_error().'.'.N,1,true);
try { $res=mysqli_set_charset($link,'utf8mb4'); }
catch (Exception $error) { mexit('could not set «utf8mb4» charset for MySQL: '.mysqli_error($link).'.'.N,1,true); }
// for php versions < 8
if ($res===false) mexit('could not set MySQL charset: '.mysqli_errno($link).': '.mysqli_error($link).'.'.N,1,true);
@ -350,15 +339,10 @@ if (willtrunc($opts['hostname'],'Instances','URI')) {
$res=myq($link,'SELECT * FROM Instances WHERE URI=\''.myesc($link,$opts['hostname']).'\'',__LINE__);
if ($nrows==1) {
eecho(1,'«'.$opts['hostname'].'»: didnt respond, but it is present in the database; updating InstChecks, Instances.LastCheckOk and possibly Instances.New=0 and Instances.Dead=1.'.N);
eecho(1,'«'.$opts['hostname'].'»: didnt respond, but it is present in the database; updating InstChecks, Instances.LastCheckOk and possibly Instances.Dead.'.N);
if (!$opts['dryrun']) myq($link,'UPDATE Instances SET LastCheckOk=0 WHERE ID='.$instid,__LINE__);
if ($row['New']==1 && !is_null($row['FirstSeen']) && $now-$row['FirstSeen']>$opts['oldline']) {
notify('Instance «<a href="viewinst.php?id='.$instid.'">'.$row['URI'].'</a>» is no longer new.',2);
if (!$opts['dryrun']) myq($link,'UPDATE Instances SET New=0 WHERE ID='.$instid,__LINE__);
// we check the last time instance responded, if ever
$rres=myq($link,'SELECT Time FROM InstChecks WHERE InstID='.$instid.' AND Status=1 ORDER BY Time DESC LIMIT 1',__LINE__);
// if instance never responded we consider the time of first check
@ -375,10 +359,9 @@ if (willtrunc($opts['hostname'],'Instances','URI')) {
} elseif ($nrows==0) {
eecho(1,'«'.$opts['hostname'].'»: doesnt respond and is not in the database, adding it.'.N);
($opts['setnew']) ? $new=1 : $new=0;
// "FirstSeen=NULL" because it's not seen until it responds for the first time
if (!$opts['dryrun']) {
myq($link,'INSERT INTO Instances SET FirstSeen=NULL, New='.$new.', Good=0, Chosen=0, Visible=0, Noxious=0, URI=\''.myesc($link,$opts['hostname']).'\', LastCheckOk=0, InsertTS='.$now,__LINE__);
myq($link,'INSERT INTO Instances SET FirstSeen=NULL, Visible=1, Noxious=0, URI=\''.myesc($link,$opts['hostname']).'\', LastCheckOk=0, InsertTS='.$now,__LINE__);
myq($link,'INSERT INTO InstChecks SET InstID='.$instid.', Time='.$now.', Status=0',__LINE__);
} else {
@ -404,7 +387,7 @@ if (willtrunc($opts['hostname'],'Instances','URI')) {
if (!is_null($ismast))
($ismast) ? $ismast=1 : $ismast=0;
$instrow=['ID'=>null, 'FirstSeen'=>null, 'IsMastodon'=>$ismast, 'Dead'=>0, 'New'=>0, 'Good'=>0, 'Chosen'=>0, 'Priority'=>null, 'Visible'=>0, 'Noxious'=>0, 'NoxReason'=>null, 'NoxLastModTS'=>null, 'URI'=>null, 'Title'=>null, 'ShortDesc'=>null, 'LongDesc'=>null, 'OurDesc'=>null, 'OurDescEN'=> null, 'LocalityID'=>null, 'OurLangsLock'=>0, 'Email'=>null, 'Software'=>null, 'Version'=>null, 'UserCount'=>null, 'StatusCount'=>null, 'DomainCount'=>null, 'ActiveUsersMonth'=>null, 'ActiveUsersHalfYear'=>null, 'Thumb'=>null, 'RegOpen'=>null, 'RegReqApproval'=>null, 'MaxTootChars'=>null, 'AdmAccount'=>null, 'AdmDisplayName'=>null, 'AdmCreatedAt'=>null, 'AdmNote'=>null, 'AdmURL'=>null, 'AdmAvatar'=>null, 'AdmHeader'=>null, 'LastCheckOk'=>1, 'GuestID'=>null, 'LastGuestEdit'=>null];
$instrow=['ID'=>null, 'FirstSeen'=>null, 'IsMastodon'=>$ismast, 'Dead'=>0, 'Priority'=>null, 'Visible'=>1, 'Noxious'=>0, 'NoxReason'=>null, 'NoxLastModTS'=>null, 'URI'=>null, 'Title'=>null, 'ShortDesc'=>null, 'LongDesc'=>null, 'OurDesc'=>null, 'OurDescEN'=> null, 'LocalityID'=>null, 'OurLangsLock'=>0, 'Email'=>null, 'Software'=>null, 'Version'=>null, 'UserCount'=>null, 'StatusCount'=>null, 'DomainCount'=>null, 'ActiveUsersMonth'=>null, 'ActiveUsersHalfYear'=>null, 'Thumb'=>null, 'RegOpen'=>null, 'RegReqApproval'=>null, 'MaxTootChars'=>null, 'AdmAccount'=>null, 'AdmDisplayName'=>null, 'AdmCreatedAt'=>null, 'AdmNote'=>null, 'AdmURL'=>null, 'AdmAvatar'=>null, 'AdmHeader'=>null, 'LastCheckOk'=>1, 'GuestID'=>null, 'LastGuestEdit'=>null];
if (akeavinn('title',$info))
@ -461,37 +444,6 @@ if (willtrunc($opts['hostname'],'Instances','URI')) {
if (is_null($instrow['RegOpen'])) {
$whynot[]='we dont know if it allows registrations';
} elseif ($instrow['RegOpen']==0) {
$whynot[]='it doesnt allow registrations';
if (is_null($instrow['UserCount'])) {
$whynot[]='we dont know its total users number';
} elseif ($instrow['UserCount']<10 || $instrow['UserCount']>30000) {
$whynot[]='total users number is not greater than 10 and less than 30000';
if (is_null($instrow['DomainCount'])) {
$whynot[]='we dont know the number of other instances it knows';
} elseif ($instrow['DomainCount']<500) {
$whynot[]='the number of other instances it knows is less than 500';
if (!is_null($instrow['ActiveUsersMonth'])) {
if ($instrow['ActiveUsersMonth']<10)
$whynot[]='the number of active users for the last month is less than 10';
} elseif (!is_null($instrow['StatusCount']) && $instrow['UserCount']>0 && $instrow['StatusCount']/$instrow['UserCount']<10) {
$whynot[]='the average number of toots for user is less than 10';
} else {
$whynot[]='it was impossible to detect the number of active users for the last month or the average number of toots for user';
if (count($whynot)==0) {
eecho(1,'«'.$opts['hostname'].'»: this is a suitable instance! :-)'.N);
} else {
eecho(1,'«'.$opts['hostname'].'»: this is not a suitable instance: '.implode('; ',$whynot).' :-('.N);
$res=myq($link,'SELECT * FROM Instances WHERE URI=\''.myesc($link,$instrow['URI']).'\'',__LINE__);
@ -500,23 +452,7 @@ if (willtrunc($opts['hostname'],'Instances','URI')) {
if ($oldinstrow['New']==1) {
if (!is_null($oldinstrow['FirstSeen']) && $now-$oldinstrow['FirstSeen']>$opts['oldline']) {
notify('Instance «<a href="viewinst.php?id='.$instrow['ID'].'">'.$instrow['URI'].'</a>» is no longer new.',2);
} else {
} else {
(is_null($oldinstrow['FirstSeen'])) ? $instrow['FirstSeen']=$now : $instrow['FirstSeen']=$oldinstrow['FirstSeen'];
if ($instrow['Good']==1 && $oldinstrow['Good']==0) {
notify('Instance «<a href="viewinst.php?id='.$instrow['ID'].'">'.$instrow['URI'].'</a>» wasnt suitable, but it is now!',1);
} elseif ($instrow['Good']==0 && $oldinstrow['Good']==1) {
notify('Instance «<a href="viewinst.php?id='.$instrow['ID'].'">'.$instrow['URI'].'</a>» was suitable, but its no longer for these reasons: '.implode('; ',$whynot),1);
@ -573,9 +509,9 @@ if (willtrunc($opts['hostname'],'Instances','URI')) {
} elseif ($nrows==0) {
eecho(1,'«'.$opts['hostname'].'» is not present in the database, adding it...'.N);
if (!$opts['dryrun']) notify('New instance found: «<a href="viewinst.php?id='.$instid.'">'.$instrow['URI'].'</a>».',1);
if ($opts['setnew'])
foreach ($instrow as $field=>$value) {
@ -594,8 +530,6 @@ if (willtrunc($opts['hostname'],'Instances','URI')) {
} else {
if ($opts['setnew'] && !$opts['dryrun'])
notify('New instance found: «<a href="viewinst.php?id='.$instid.'">'.$instrow['URI'].'</a>».',1);
$instlangs=langs($instid, $instrow['URI'], false);
if (!$opts['dryrun']) {
@ -612,9 +546,6 @@ if (willtrunc($opts['hostname'],'Instances','URI')) {
myq($link,'INSERT INTO InstOurLangs (InstID, OurLangID, Pos) VALUES ('.$row['InstID'].', '.$row['LangID'].', '.$row['Pos'].')',__LINE__);
if ($instrow['Good']==1)
notify('New instance «<a href="viewinst.php?id='.$instid.'">'.$instrow['URI'].'</a>» is suitable!',1);
} else {
notify('Instance «'.$opts['hostname'].'» has '.$nrows.' entries in «Instances» table!',3);