#!/usr/bin/php . */ const N="\n"; define('SNAME',basename(__FILE__)); const CONFIGFP=__DIR__.'/../../conf/mustard.ini'; $help='SYNOPSYS '.SNAME.' [options] DESCRIPTION This is a script to set the new «PublicBlocksList» columns of «Instances» table according to the «InstBlocks» table.. OPTIONS -h, --help Show this help text and exit.'.N; for ($i=1; $i<$argc; $i++) { if ($argv[$i]=='-h' || $argv[$i]=='--help') { mexit($help,0); } else { mexit('Don’t know how to interpret «'.$argv[$i].'», please read the help text using «-h» or «--help» option.'.N,1); } } use function mysqli_real_escape_string as myesc; $iniarr=@parse_ini_file(CONFIGFP) or mexit('Could not open config file «'.CONFIGFP.'».'.N,1); try { $link=@mysqli_connect($iniarr['db_host'],$iniarr['db_admin_name'],$iniarr['db_admin_password'],$iniarr['db_name'],$iniarr['db_port'],$iniarr['db_socket']); } catch (Exception $error) { mexit('could not connect to MySQL server: '.mysqli_connect_error().'.'.N,1,true); } // for php versions < 8 if ($link===false) mexit('could not connect to MySQL server: '.mysqli_connect_error().'.'.N,1,true); try { $res=mysqli_set_charset($link,'utf8mb4'); } catch (Exception $error) { mexit('could not set «utf8mb4» charset for MySQL: '.mysqli_error($link).'.'.N,1,true); } // for php versions < 8 if ($res===false) mexit('could not set MySQL charset: '.mysqli_errno($link).': '.mysqli_error($link).'.'.N,1,true); $now=time(); $res=myq($link,'SELECT DISTINCT InstID FROM InstBlocks'); $cres=mysqli_num_rows($res); $i=0; while ($row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { $i++; echo "{$i}/{$cres} done\r"; myq($link,'UPDATE Instances SET PublicBlocksList=1 WHERE ID='.$row['InstID']); } echo "{$i}/{$cres} done.\n"; exit(0); // functions function myq(&$l,$q) { try { $res=mysqli_query($l,$q); } catch (Exception $e) { echo('query «'.$q.'» failed: '.$e->getMessage().' (error code: '.$e->getCode().').'.N); exit(3); } if ($res===false) { echo('query «'.$q.'» failed: '.mysqli_errno($l).': '.mysqli_error($l).'.'.N); exit(3); } return($res); } function mexit($msg,$code) { global $link; if (isset($link) && $link!==false) mysqli_close($link); if ($code>0) fwrite(STDERR,$msg); else echo $msg; exit($code); } ?>