this.'); exit(0); } echo('

'._('Some links you may find useful').'

  • '._('a good starting point to approach the Fediverse').'
  • '._('an extensive guide to the Fediverse with a Directory of accounts').'
  • '._('another Mastodon instances database, has a wizard to help choosing one').'
  • '._('very comprehensive stats about Fediverse, with another instances database covering all Fediverse platforms').'
  • '._('another very good, unofficial, non-technical guide to using Mastodon and the wider Fediverse').'
  • Verbose: '._('a tool to split Mastodon posts').'
  • Acck: '._('a tool to easily check if a Mastodon account is moderated by a Mastodon instance').'
  • Unocck: '._('a tool that is set up to easily check if «», an italian Mastodon instance whose admins are well known for bad practices and censoring those who criticize them, is censoring a given post').'
  • '._('Exercises for rachialgia (in italian language)').'
'.N); ?>