
493 lines
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This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
const N="\n";
require __DIR__.'/../lib/gurl.php';
require __DIR__.'/../lib/ghs.php';
require __DIR__.'/../lib/ght.php';
require __DIR__.'/../lib/gracetime.php';
require __DIR__.'/../lib/parsetime.php';
use function mysqli_real_escape_string as myesc;
$msglevs=['Debug', 'Info', 'Warning', 'Error', 'None'];
'.SNAME.' [options]
This program tries to build a fairly complete list of fediverse instances
exposing the [instance]/api/v1/instance/peers endpoint.
-s, --startinst <domain>
Defines the first instance to crawl.
DEFAULT: «'.$opts['startinst'].
-e, --excludefp <file>
Defines a file containing exclusion rules: one regular expression per
line (empty lines are ignored). Any instance matching any defined regex
will be ignored by the program. Changes made to this file during program
execution will be taken into account.
-i, --includedead
Include “dead” instances (see next two options descriptions to know which
instances are considered “dead”).
-g, --gracetime <time>
If an instance has not been responding for longer than this time, consider
it dead and avoid checking it. See section «TIME SPECIFICATION» below to see
how to specify time.
DEFAULT: '.ght($opts['gracetime'],null,0).'
-G, --graceline
Return the “graceline” (now - gracetime: see option above) in unix time and
local time, then exit.
-p, --peersfp <file>
Defines the file into which the ordered list of responding instances
will be saved.
DEFAULT: «'.$opts['peersfp'].
-c, --ckpeersfp <file>
Defines the file into which the ordered list of all checked instances will
be saved.
DEFAULT: «'.$opts['ckpeersfp'].
-I, --ignorelock
Normally, if its lockfile exists, the program exits with an error before
doing anything. With this option the lockfile is ignored. Please verify
that the program is not already running before using it.
-t, --conntimeout <time>
Defines the timeout in seconds for every connection attempt. See section
«TIME SPECIFICATION» below to see how to specify time.
DEFAULT: '.ght($opts['conntimeout'],null,0).'
-T, --functimeout <time>
Defines the timeout in seconds for every download. See section «TIME
SPECIFICATION» below to see how to specify time.
DEFAULT: '.ght($opts['functimeout'],null,0).'
-m, --minmsgimplev <«debug»|«info»|«warning»|«error»|«none»>
Defines the minimum “importance level” of messages to be written to the text
user interface. There are 4 “importance levels”, in this order of
importance: «debug», «info», «warning», «error». Setting this option to any
of these values will write to the text user interface all the messages with
the specified or a greater level; setting it to the special value «none»
will completely disable message writing.
DEFAULT: '.lcfirst($msglevs[$opts['minmsgimplev']]).'
-h, --help
Show this help text and exit.
An example is better than ~5148 words :-)
To specify 1 year, 6 months (made of 31 days), 2 weeks, 3 days, 5 hours,
7 minutes and 12 seconds you can use «1y,6M,2w,3d,5h,7m,12s»; but you can
also use «12s,7m,5h,3d,2w,6M,1y», or even «18M,1w,1w,2d,1d,3h,2h,7m,12s».
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see the source.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
conditions; see <> for details.'.N;
for ($i=1; $i<$argc; $i++) {
if ($argv[$i]=='-s' || $argv[$i]=='--startinst') {
if ($i+1>=$argc)
mexit(3,'option «'.$argv[$i].'» has to be followed by a domain name (use «-h» for more info).'.N,1,false);
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-g' || $argv[$i]=='--gracetime') {
if ($i+1>=$argc || ($time=parsetime($argv[$i+1]))===false)
mexit(3,'option «'.$argv[$i].'» requires a valid time specification as an argument (use «-h» to read help).'.N,1,false);
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-p' || $argv[$i]=='--peersfp') {
if ($i+1>=$argc)
mexit(3,'option «'.$argv[$i].'» has to be followed by a files path (use «-h» for more info).'.N,1,false);
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-c' || $argv[$i]=='--ckpeersfp') {
if ($i+1>=$argc)
mexit(3,'option «'.$argv[$i].'» has to be followed by a files path (use «-h» for more info).'.N,1,false);
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-I' || $argv[$i]=='--ignorelock') {
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-e' || $argv[$i]=='--excludefp') {
if ($i+1>=$argc)
mexit(3,'option «'.$argv[$i].'» has to be followed by a files path (use «-h» for more info).'.N,1,false);
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-t' || $argv[$i]=='--conntimeout') {
if ($i+1>=$argc || ($time=parsetime($argv[$i+1]))===false)
mexit(3,'option «'.$argv[$i].'» requires a valid time specification as an argument (use «-h» to read help).'.N,1,false);
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-T' || $argv[$i]=='--functimeout') {
if ($i+1>=$argc || ($time=parsetime($argv[$i+1]))===false)
mexit(3,'option «'.$argv[$i].'» requires a valid time specification as an argument (use «-h» to read help).'.N,1,false);
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-i' || $argv[$i]=='--includedead') {
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-m' || $argv[$i]=='--minmsgimplev') {
if ($i+1>=$argc || !in_array(ucfirst(strtolower($argv[$i+1])),$msglevs))
mexit(3,'option «'.$argv[$i].'» requires a valid “message importance level” value as an argument (use «-h» to read help).'.N,1,false);
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-G' || $argv[$i]=='--graceline') {
echo 'Graceline: '.$graceline.' ('.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$graceline).').'.N;
} elseif ($argv[$i]=='-h' || $argv[$i]=='--help') {
echo $help;
} else {
mexit(3,'dont know how to interpret «'.$argv[$i].'» (use «-h» to read the help text).'.N,1,false);
if (is_file($lockfp) && !$opts['ignorelock']) mexit(3,'lockfile exists: it seems the program is already running; if youre sure its not, you can use «-I» to force execution.'.N,1,false);
if (@touch($lockfp)===false) mexit(3,'could not create lockfile «'.$lockfp.'».'.N,1,false);
pcntl_signal(SIGTERM,'sighandler');// Termination ('kill' was called)
pcntl_signal(SIGHUP,'sighandler');// Terminal log-out
pcntl_signal(SIGINT,'sighandler');// Interrupted (Ctrl-C is pressed)
lecho(1,'###### Starting '.BNAME.' ######'.N);
if ($iniarr===false) mexit(3,'couldnt open «'.$opts['inifp'].'».'.N,1,true);
try { $link=@mysqli_connect($iniarr['db_host'],$iniarr['db_admin_name'],$iniarr['db_admin_password'],$iniarr['db_name'],$iniarr['db_port'],$iniarr['db_socket']); }
catch (Exception $error) { mexit(3,'couldnt connect to MySQL server: '.mysqli_connect_error().'.'.N,1,true); }
// for php versions < 8
if ($link===false) mexit(3,'couldnt connect to MySQL server: '.mysqli_connect_error().'.'.N,1,true);
try { $res=mysqli_set_charset($link,'utf8mb4'); }
catch (Exception $error) { mexit(3,'couldnt set «utf8mb4» charset for MySQL: '.mysqli_error($link).' ('.mysqli_errno($link).'.'.N,1,true); }
// for php versions < 8
if ($res===false) mexit(3,'couldnt set «utf8mb4» charset for MySQL: '.mysqli_error($link).' ('.mysqli_errno($link).').'.N,1,true);
if ($opts['excludedead']) {
lecho(1,'loading dead instances from “Instances” and “Peers” table (gracetime: '.ght($opts['gracetime'],null,0).'; graceline: '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$graceline).').'.N);
$res=myq($link,'SELECT URI FROM Instances WHERE LastOkCheckTS<'.$graceline.' OR (LastOkCheckTS IS NULL AND InsertTS<'.$graceline.')');
lecho(1,'got '.mysqli_num_rows($res).' dead instances from “Instances” table.'.N);
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($res))
if (!in_array($row['URI'],$deadinsts))
$res=myq($link,'SELECT Hostname FROM Peers WHERE LastOkCheckTS<'.$graceline.' OR (LastOkCheckTS IS NULL AND FirstCheckTS<'.$graceline.')');
lecho(1,'got '.mysqli_num_rows($res).' dead instances from “Peers” table.'.N);
while ($row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($res))
if (!in_array($row['Hostname'],$deadinsts))
lecho(1,'loaded list of dead instances ('.count($deadinsts).').'.N);
// go
lecho(1,'done crawling! :-)'.N);
lecho(1,'crawl started on '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$tini).' and ended on '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$now).'; took '.ght($now-$tini,null,0).' in '.$maxround.' rounds; '.count($insts).' instances responded; '.count($ckinsts).' instances were considered; '.$totnewc.' new instances were found; max. memory usage: '.ghs(memory_get_peak_usage(true)).'.'.N);
sortcheckandsave($insts,'list of responding instances',$opts['peersfp']);
sortcheckandsave($ckinsts,'list of checked instances',$opts['ckpeersfp']);
lecho(1,'done :-)'.N);
// functions
function crawl(&$list,$id) {
global $insts, $ckinsts, $deadinsts, $tini, $opts, $maxround, $totnewc, $link;
// wouldn't make sense to filter $list here: filtering already happens before adding an instance to next round list
lecho(1,'###### START OF ROUND '.$id.' ######'.N);
lecho(1,'will check '.$clist.' instance(s).'.N);
foreach ($list as $inst) {
lecho(1,'round '.$id.': working on instance «'.$inst.'» ('.$i.'/'.$clist.').'.N);
lecho(1,'round '.$id.': trying to load instance «'.$inst.s peers...'.N);
if ($peers['cont']===false) {
lecho(2,'round '.$id.': could not load instance «'.$inst.s peers: '.$peers['emsg'].'.'.N);
} else {
if (!is_array($peers)) {
lecho(2,'round '.$id.': expecting instance «'.$inst.s peers, got bad JSON instead.'.N);
} else {
lecho(1,'round '.$id.': successfully loaded instance «'.$inst.s peers ('.$cpeers.') :-)'.N);
foreach ($peers as $key=>$peer) {
if ($key!=$pi-1) {
lecho(2,'round '.$id.': instance «'.$inst.s peers: entity '.$pi.'/'.$cpeers.'s key is not sequential: not checking further.'.N);
} elseif (!is_string($peer)) {
lecho(2,'round '.$id.': instance «'.$inst.s peers: entity '.$pi.'/'.$cpeers.' is not a string: not checking further.'.N);
} else {
if (in_array($peer,$ckinsts)) $whynot[]='it has already been checked';
if (!validhostname($peer)) $whynot[]='its hostname is not valid';
if (ckexarr($peer)) $whynot[]='its hostname matches an exclusion regexp';
if (in_array($peer,$list)) $whynot[]='it is already present in current list';
if (in_array($peer,$nlist)) $whynot[]='it is already present in next round list';
if ($opts['excludedead'] && in_array($peer,$deadinsts)) $whynot[]='its dead';
if (count($whynot)>0) {
lecho(0,'round '.$id.': instance «'.$inst.'»: not adding peer «'.$peer.'» ('.$pi.'/'.$cpeers.') to next round list: '.implode(', ',$whynot).'.'.N);
} else {
lecho(1,'round '.$id.': instance «'.$inst.'»: adding peer «'.$peer.'» ('.$pi.'/'.$cpeers.') to next round list :-)'.N);
if (!$responded) {
lecho(1,'round '.$id.': instance «'.$inst.'» didnt respond at its “peers” endpoint; trying to load its info from “instance” endpoint...'.N);
if ($instinfo['cont']===false) {
lecho(2,'round '.$id.': could not load instance «'.$inst.s info: '.$instinfo['emsg'].'.'.N);
} else {
if (is_array($instinfo))
lecho(2,'round '.$id.': expecting instance «'.$inst.s info, got bad JSON instead.'.N);
if ($responded) {
lecho(1,'round '.$id.': instance «'.$inst.'» responded :-)'.N);
$res=myq($link,'SELECT ID FROM Instances WHERE URI=\''.myesc($link,$inst).'\'');
if ($cres<1) {
lecho(1,'round '.$id.': instance «'.$inst.'» is new to “Instances” table, adding it :-)'.N);
myq($link,'INSERT INTO Instances SET URI=\''.myesc($link,$inst).'\', InsertTS='.$now);
} elseif ($cres>1) {
lecho(2,'round '.$id.': instance «'.$inst.'» has '.$cres.' records in “Instances” table! :-('.N);
} else {
lecho(1,'round '.$id.': instance «'.$inst.'» is already present in “Instances” table.'.N);
} else {
lecho(1,'round '.$id.': instance «'.$inst.'» didnt respond :-('.N);
$res=myq($link,'SELECT * FROM Peers WHERE Hostname=\''.myesc($link,$inst).'\'');
if ($cres<1) {
lecho(1,'round '.$id.': instance «'.$inst.'» is new to “Peers” table, adding it :-)'.N);
$query='INSERT INTO Peers SET Hostname=\''.myesc($link,$inst).'\', FirstCheckTS='.$now;
if ($responded) $query.=', LastOkCheckTS='.$now;
} elseif ($cres>0) {
if ($cres>1) lecho(2,'round '.$id.': instance «'.$inst.'» has '.$cres.' records in “Peers” table! :-('.N);
if ($responded) {
lecho(1,'round '.$id.': instance «'.$inst.'» is already present in “Peers” table, but it responded: updating its records “LastOkCheckTS” value...'.N);
myq($link,'UPDATE Peers SET LastOkCheckTS='.$now.' WHERE ID='.$row['ID']);
lecho(1,'round '.$id.': finished working on instance «'.$inst.'» ('.$i.'/'.$clist.'); RoundElapsedTime: '.ght($rtela,null,0).'; RoundEstimatedTimeRemaining: '.ght($rtela/$i*$clist-$rtela,null,0).'; RoundNewInsts: '.$newc.'; NextRoundInsts: '.count($nlist).'; TotElapsedTime: '.ght($now-$tini,null,0).'; TotConsideredInsts: '.count($ckinsts).'; TotRespondingInsts: '.count($insts).'; TotNewInsts: '.$totnewc.'; using '.ghs(memory_get_usage(true)).' mem. (peak: '.ghs(memory_get_peak_usage(true)).').'.N);
lecho(1,'END OF ROUND STATS: RoundCheckedInsts: '.$clist.'; RoundElapsedTime: '.ght($rtela,null,0).'; RoundNewInsts: '.$newc.'; NextRoundInsts: '.$cnlist.'; TotElapsedTime: '.ght($now-$tini,null,0).'; TotConsideredInsts: '.count($ckinsts).'; TotRespondingInsts: '.count($insts).'; TotNewInsts: '.$totnewc.'; using '.ghs(memory_get_usage(true)).' mem. (peak: '.ghs(memory_get_peak_usage(true)).').'.N);
if ($cnlist<1) lecho(1,'next round list is empty.'.N);
lecho(1,'###### END OF ROUND '.$id.' ######'.N);
if ($cnlist>0) {
if ($id+1>$maxround) $maxround=$id+1;
function mexit($lev,$msg,$code,$remlock) {
global $link, $insts, $ckinsts, $lockfp, $opts;
if (isset($insts) && is_array($insts)) sortcheckandsave($insts,'list of responding instances',$opts['peersfp']);
if (isset($ckinsts) && is_array($ckinsts)) sortcheckandsave($ckinsts,'list of checked instances',$opts['ckpeersfp']);
if ($remlock && isset($lockfp) && is_file($lockfp)) unlink($lockfp);
function lecho($lev,$msg) {
global $opts, $msglevs;
$msg=$time.' '.$msglevs[$lev].': '.$msg;
if ($lev>=$opts['minmsgimplev']) {
if ($lev<2)
echo $msg;
function myq(&$link,$query) {
try { $res=mysqli_query($link,$query); }
catch (Exception $error) { mexit(3,'query «'.$query.'» failed: '.$error->getMessage().' ('.$error->getCode().').'.N,2,true); }
// for php versions < 8, which seem to not catch mysql exceptions
if ($res===false) mexit(3,'query «'.$query.'» failed: '.mysqli_error($link).' ('.mysqli_errno($link).').'.N,2,true);
function microdate($time=null) {
if (is_null($time)) $time=microtime(false);
$time=explode(' ',$time);
return(date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$time[1]).'.'.substr($time[0],2,-2));
function sortcheckandsave(&$arr,$arrdesc,&$fp) {
if ($buc!=$auc) lecho(2,$arrdesc.' contained duplicates, better check the code ;-)'.N);
lecho(1,'saving ordered '.$arrdesc.' into «'.$fp.'».'.N);
if ($f!==false) {
foreach ($arr as $val)
} else {
lecho(2,'couldnt open «'.$fp.'» for writing.'.N);
function sighandler($signal) {
echo N;
mexit(1,'interrupted (signal: '.$signal.').'.N,0,true);
function isempty($val) {
if (preg_match('/^\s*$/',$val)===1)
function waituntilonline($roundid) {
while (false===($f=@fsockopen($url,80,$errno,$errstr,1))) {
lecho(2,'round '.$roundid.': it seems we are offline, waiting 10 seconds before retrying...'.N);
if ($gotoff) lecho(1,'round '.$roundid.': it seems we are back online! :-)'.N);
function updexarr($roundid) {
global $exarr, $opts;
if (!is_null($opts['excludefp'])) {
if ($f!==false) {
while (!feof($f)) {
if (!isempty($line)) {
if (@preg_match($line,'foo')!==false)
lecho(2,'round '.$roundid.': exclude file «'.$opts['excludefp'].'» contains an invalid regular expression on line '.$i.': «'.$line.'».'.N);
} else {
lecho(2,'round '.$roundid.': could not open exclude file «'.$opts['excludefp'].'» for reading.'.N);
function ckexarr($inst) {
global $exarr;
foreach ($exarr as $re)
if (preg_match($re,$inst)===1) return(true);
function ismultibyte($s) {
(strlen($s)>$c) ? $r=true : $r=false;
function validhostname($hostname) {
if (ismultibyte($hostname)) $hostname=idn_to_ascii($hostname,IDNA_DEFAULT,INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46);
if (strlen($hostname)>253) return(false);
foreach($labels as $label) {
if ($len<1 || $len>63) return(false);
if (preg_match('#^-#',$label)==1) return(false);
if (preg_match('#-$#',$label)==1) return(false);
//if (preg_match('#--#',$label)==1) return(false);
if (preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$#',$label)!==1) return(false);
//$url=''; if (validhostname($url)) echo('OK: '.$url.N); else echo('KO: '.$url.N); die();