```text SYNOPSIS decrypt -d DESCRIPTION This is decrypt v0.2, a CLI PHP script that can help decrypting phrases encrypted with any algorithm producing an encrypted phrase where each symbol always replaces the same, different symbol from the clear text one. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS -d, --dictfp Load a dictionary file. It has to be a simple text file with one word on each line. You have to specify at least one, and you can specify more than one prepending «-d» or «--dictfp» to each file path. Currently decrypt comes with two xz compressed dictionary files: «english.txt.xz» and «italiano.txt.xz». To use any of them, you have to decompress it with the xz program. They both are dumps from the corresponding aspell dictionaries, with each lemma declined in all its forms. You can get dumps for other languages with something like this: aspell -d dump master | aspell -l expand 4 (You may need to further process the above command output with tr, grep, sed and the likes, in order to have a functional dictionary file). -n, --normalize “Normalize” each dictionar(y|ies) entry replacing every accented or otherwise “signed” character with its “plain” form, and removing possible duplicated entries. For example, this will substitute every “è” character with “e”. -e, --encrypt Encrypt the given phrase. Useful for testing purposes. By default, or when «-m» or «--method» is set to «0», it encrypts the phrase by simply switching every source character with its subsequent character in the UTF-8 table. With «-m» or «--method» set to «1», it encrypts the phrase using a random substition table. -m, --method <0|1> Choose a method for encryption when «-e» or «--encrypt» is specified (see previous option description). It defaults to “0”. -p, --progress <0|1|2> With «0», show no progress during script execution. With «1», show bare minimum progress. With «2», show detailed progress (this consumes more CPU and RAM). Defaults to «0». -w, --write Write any substition table decrypt may find into a «substable.txt» file and any solution decrypt may find into a «solutions.txt» file. Both files will be written in current working directory. Note that possible existing files with the same name will be overwritten. -h, --help Show this help text and exit. EXAMPLES decrypt "ipx nvdi xppe xpvme b xppedivdl divdl?" -d english.txt -p 1 -w With the bundled «english.txt» dictionary, this will produce 68 possible solutions, with «how much wood would a woodchuck chuck?» being one of them, showing bare minimum progress during the execution, writing substitution tables into «substable.txt» and solutions into «solutions.txt» within current working directory. DISCLAIMER AND LICENSE This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see the source. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see for details. ```