1. v1.2.0:
  2. date: 2016-04-14
  3. changes:
  4. - Add support for filtering running modules using command line (--modules)
  5. - Removed 'grunt.warn' output from `error.onError` handler, onus now on end user binding to event.
  6. - Update docs.
  7. v1.1.0:
  8. date: 2016-03-11
  9. changes:
  10. - Adding support for 'summaryOnly'.
  11. - Fix `options.force`.
  12. - Fix query string for `noGlobals`.
  13. - Update docs.
  14. v1.0.1:
  15. date: 2016-02-05
  16. changes:
  17. - Change `QUnit.jsDump` to `QUnit.dump`.
  18. v1.0.0:
  19. date: 2016-02-05
  20. changes:
  21. - Update grunt-lib-phantomjs to 1.0.0, effectively upgrading to phantomjs 2.x.
  22. - Remove grunt as a peerDependency.
  23. v0.7.0:
  24. date: 2015-04-03
  25. changes:
  26. - Log PhantomJS errors as warnings.
  27. v0.6.0:
  28. date: 2015-03-31
  29. changes:
  30. - Add noGlobals option, forwarded to QUnit.
  31. - Report proper exit code to grunt based on failures.
  32. - Add support for AMD.
  33. v0.5.2:
  34. date: 2014-07-09
  35. changes:
  36. - Added support for reporting the duration of `testDone`.
  37. - Other minor fixes.
  38. v0.5.1:
  39. date: 2014-05-31
  40. changes:
  41. - Updates grunt-lib-phantomjs.
  42. v0.5.0:
  43. date: 2014-05-31
  44. changes:
  45. - Add ability to hide PhantomJS console output.
  46. - Add option for binding phantomjs console to grunt output. Default is `true` (do bind).
  47. - Add `httpBase` option.
  48. - Only call `jsDump.parse()` if a test failed.
  49. v0.4.0:
  50. date: 2014-01-17
  51. changes:
  52. - Update grunt-lib-phantomjs to v0.5.0.
  53. - Explicitly set files to publish to npm. Ref gruntjs/
  54. - Update, include CentOS dependencies. Closes gh-49.
  55. v0.3.0:
  56. date: 2013-09-29
  57. changes:
  58. - Update grunt-lib-phantomjs to v0.4.0.
  59. - Add `` and `` events.
  60. - Update QUnit to v1.12.0.
  61. - Add `force` option.
  62. - Propagate `onError` events from phantomjs through the `qunit.error.onError` event.
  63. - Remove confusing error message.
  64. v0.2.2:
  65. date: 2013-06-06
  66. changes:
  67. - Warn if no assertions ran in a single test.
  68. - Spaces instead of newlines for clickable URLs.
  69. - Wrap bridge.js in a IIFE.
  70. v0.2.1:
  71. date: 2013-04-05
  72. changes:
  73. - Update to use PhantomJS 1.9.0. Fixes PhantomJS not found errors.
  74. v0.2.0:
  75. date: 2013-02-28
  76. changes:
  77. - Update to use PhantomJS 1.8.1.
  78. v0.1.1:
  79. date: 2013-02-15
  80. changes:
  81. - First official release for Grunt 0.4.0.
  82. v0.1.1rc6:
  83. date: 2013-01-18
  84. changes:
  85. - Updating grunt/gruntplugin dependencies to rc6.
  86. - Changing in-development grunt/gruntplugin dependency versions from tilde version ranges to specific versions.
  87. v0.1.1rc5:
  88. date: 2013-01-09
  89. changes:
  90. - Updating to work with grunt v0.4.0rc5.
  91. - Switching to `this.filesSrc` API.
  92. - Adding `urls` option for specifying absolute test URLs.
  93. v0.1.0:
  94. date: 2012-10-05
  95. changes:
  96. - Work in progress, not yet officially released.