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Find files. Walks a directory tree emitting events based on what it finds. Presents a familliar callback/emitter/sync interface. Walk a tree of any depth. This is a performant option any pull requests to make it more so will be talken into consderation..


var walk = require('walkdir');

//async with path callback 

  console.log('found: ',path);

//use async emitter to capture more events

var emitter = walk('../');

  console.log('file from emitter: ', filename);

//sync with callback

  console.log('found sync:',path);

//sync just need paths

var paths = walk.sync('../');
console.log('found paths sync: ',paths);


npm install walkdir


walkdir(path, [options], [callback]) walkdir.sync(path, [options], [callback]);

  • path

    • the starting point of your directory walk
  • options. supported options are

    • general
    "follow_symlinks":false, // default is off 
    "no_recurse":false,      // only recurse one level deep
    "max_depth":undefined    // only recurse down to max_depth. if you need more than no_recurse
    • sync only
    "return_object":false, // if true the sync return will be in {path:stat} format instead of [path,path,...]
    "no_return":false, // if true null will be returned and no array or object will be created with found paths. useful for large listings
  • callback

    • this is bound to the path event of the emitter. its optional in all cases.


    non error type events are emitted with (path,stat). stat is an instanceof fs.Stats

    ###path fired for everything

    ###file fired only for regular files

    ###directory fired only for directories

    ###link fired when a symbolic link is found

    ###end fired when the entire tree has been read and emitted.

    ###socket fired when a socket descriptor is found

    ###fifo fired when a fifo is found

    ###characterdevice fired when a character device is found

    ###blockdevice fired when a block device is found

    ###targetdirectory fired for the stat of the path you provided as the first argument. is is only fired if it is a directory.

    ###empty fired for empty directory

    error events

    error type events are emitted with (path,error). error being the error object returned from an fs call or other opperation.

    ###error if the target path cannot be read an error event is emitted. this is the only failure case.

    ###fail when stat or read fails on a path somewhere in the walk and it is not your target path you get a fail event instead of error. This is handy if you want to find places you dont have access too.


    the async emitter returned supports 3 methods

    ###end stop a walk in progress

    ###pause pause the walk. no more events will be emitted until resume

    ###resume resume the walk

    cancel a walk in progress

    //cancel a walk in progress within callback.
    var walk = require('walkdir');
    //cancel a walk in progress with emitter handle
    var walk = require('walkdir');
    var emitter = walk('../');


thanks to substack. the interface for this module is based off of node-findit