Tired of clicking F5 waiting for a change on a web page? Define a list of pages to watch, and receive an email when something has changed.
# Demo
See [http://ismito.it:3210/](http://ismito.it:3210/) (you can only add \*.wikipedia.org pages, there)
## Install, run, develop and debug
## Docker
Just run:
## Old-fashioned installation
To install it:
``` bash
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
sudo python3 get-pip.py
# if you want to install these modules for an unprivileged user, add --user and remove "sudo";
# if you want to upgrade the versions already present in the system, also add --upgrade
sudo pip3 install apscheduler
sudo pip3 install requests
sudo pip3 install sqlalchemy
sudo pip3 install tornado
git clone https://github.com/alberanid/diffido
cd diffido
./diffido.py --debug
Now you can **point your browser to [http://localhost:3210/](http://localhost:3210/)**
You can also **run the server in https**, putting in the *ssl* directory two files named *diffido_key.pem* and *diffido_cert.pem*
# Settings
You can edit the *conf/diffido.conf* file (Python syntax) to change the global settings; you almost surely have to configure the SMTP settings, at least.
Each schedule has its own web page GUI; the settings should be pretty self-explanatory, except:
- **XPath seelctor**: define which portion of a web page to consider
- **minimum change**: float between 0.0 and 1.0, which represent the minimum amount of the page (in percentage of number of lines) that has to be changed to send a notification; if left empty, any change will be notified
- **crontab**: a complete crontab definition, to specify the period of the check
# Development
See the *docs/DEVELOPMENT.md* file for more information about how to contribute.
## Technological stack
- [VueJS 2](https://vuejs.org/) for the webApp
- [Vue Material](https://vuematerial.github.io/) for the UI components
- [Tornado web](http://www.tornadoweb.org/) as web server
- [APScheduler](https://github.com/agronholm/apscheduler) to run the scheduled jobs