diffido.py 25 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. """Diffido - because the F5 key is a terrible thing to waste.
  4. Copyright 2018 Davide Alberani <da@erlug.linux.it>
  5. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  6. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  7. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  8. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  9. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  10. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  11. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  12. limitations under the License.
  13. """
  14. import os
  15. import re
  16. import io
  17. import json
  18. import shutil
  19. import urllib
  20. import smtplib
  21. from email.mime.text import MIMEText
  22. import logging
  23. import datetime
  24. import requests
  25. import subprocess
  26. import multiprocessing
  27. from lxml import etree
  28. from xml.etree import ElementTree
  29. from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
  30. from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger
  31. from apscheduler.schedulers.tornado import TornadoScheduler
  32. from apscheduler.jobstores.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyJobStore
  33. import tornado.httpserver
  34. import tornado.ioloop
  35. import tornado.options
  36. from tornado.options import define, options
  37. import tornado.web
  38. from tornado import gen, escape
  39. JOBS_STORE = 'sqlite:///conf/jobs.db'
  40. API_VERSION = '1.0'
  41. SCHEDULES_FILE = 'conf/schedules.json'
  42. DEFAULT_CONF = 'conf/diffido.conf'
  43. EMAIL_FROM = 'diffido@localhost'
  44. SMTP_SETTINGS = {}
  45. GIT_CMD = 'git'
  46. re_commit = re.compile(r'^(?P<id>[0-9a-f]{40}) (?P<message>.*)\n(?: .* '
  47. '(?P<insertions>\d+) insertion.* (?P<deletions>\d+) deletion.*$)?', re.M)
  48. re_insertion = re.compile(r'(\d+) insertion')
  49. re_deletion = re.compile(r'(\d+) deletion')
  50. logger = logging.getLogger()
  51. logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
  52. def read_schedules():
  53. """Return the schedules configuration.
  54. :returns: dictionary from the JSON object in conf/schedules.json
  55. :rtype: dict"""
  56. if not os.path.isfile(SCHEDULES_FILE):
  57. return {'schedules': {}}
  58. try:
  59. with open(SCHEDULES_FILE, 'r') as fd:
  60. schedules = json.loads(fd.read())
  61. for id_ in schedules.get('schedules', {}).keys():
  62. schedule = schedules['schedules'][id_]
  63. try:
  64. schedule['last_history'] = get_last_history(id_)
  65. except:
  66. schedule['last_history'] = {}
  67. continue
  68. return schedules
  69. except Exception as e:
  70. logger.error('unable to read %s: %s' % (SCHEDULES_FILE, e))
  71. return {'schedules': {}}
  72. def write_schedules(schedules):
  73. """Write the schedules configuration.
  74. :param schedules: the schedules to save
  75. :type schedules: dict
  76. :returns: True in case of success
  77. :rtype: bool"""
  78. try:
  79. with open(SCHEDULES_FILE, 'w') as fd:
  80. fd.write(json.dumps(schedules, indent=2))
  81. except Exception as e:
  82. logger.error('unable to write %s: %s' % (SCHEDULES_FILE, e))
  83. return False
  84. return True
  85. def next_id(schedules):
  86. """Return the next available integer (as a string) in the list of schedules keys (do not fills holes)
  87. :param schedules: the schedules
  88. :type schedules: dict
  89. :returns: the ID of the next schedule
  90. :rtype: str"""
  91. ids = schedules.get('schedules', {}).keys()
  92. if not ids:
  93. return '1'
  94. return str(max([int(i) for i in ids]) + 1)
  95. def get_schedule(id_, add_id=True, add_history=False):
  96. """Return information about a single schedule
  97. :param id_: ID of the schedule
  98. :type id_: str
  99. :param add_id: if True, add the ID in the dictionary
  100. :type add_id: bool
  101. :returns: the schedule
  102. :rtype: dict"""
  103. try:
  104. schedules = read_schedules()
  105. except Exception:
  106. return {}
  107. data = schedules.get('schedules', {}).get(id_, {})
  108. if add_history and data:
  109. data['last_history'] = get_last_history(id_)
  110. if add_id:
  111. data['id'] = str(id_)
  112. return data
  113. def select_xpath(content, xpath):
  114. """Select a portion of a HTML document
  115. :param content: the content of the document
  116. :type content: str
  117. :param xpath: the XPath selector
  118. :type xpath: str
  119. :returns: the selected document
  120. :rtype: str"""
  121. fd = io.StringIO(content)
  122. tree = etree.parse(fd)
  123. elems = tree.xpath(xpath)
  124. if not elems:
  125. return content
  126. selected_content = []
  127. for elem in elems:
  128. selected_content.append(''.join([elem.text] + [ElementTree.tostring(e).decode('utf-8', 'replace')
  129. for e in elem.getchildren()]))
  130. content = ''.join(selected_content)
  131. return content
  132. def run_job(id_=None, *args, **kwargs):
  133. """Run a job
  134. :param id_: ID of the schedule to run
  135. :type id_: str
  136. :param args: positional arguments
  137. :type args: tuple
  138. :param kwargs: named arguments
  139. :type kwargs: dict
  140. :returns: True in case of success
  141. :rtype: bool"""
  142. schedule = get_schedule(id_, add_id=False)
  143. url = schedule.get('url')
  144. if not url:
  145. return False
  146. logger.debug('running job id:%s title:%s url: %s' % (id_, schedule.get('title', ''), url))
  147. if not schedule.get('enabled'):
  148. logger.info('not running job %s: disabled' % id_)
  149. return True
  150. req = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True, timeout=(30.10, 240))
  151. content = req.text
  152. xpath = schedule.get('xpath')
  153. if xpath:
  154. try:
  155. content = select_xpath(content, xpath)
  156. except Exception as e:
  157. logger.warn('unable to extract XPath %s: %s' % (xpath, e))
  158. req_path = urllib.parse.urlparse(req.url).path
  159. base_name = os.path.basename(req_path) or 'index.html'
  160. def _commit(id_, filename, content, queue):
  161. os.chdir('storage/%s' % id_)
  162. current_lines = 0
  163. if os.path.isfile(filename):
  164. with open(filename, 'r') as fd:
  165. for line in fd:
  166. current_lines += 1
  167. with open(filename, 'w') as fd:
  168. fd.write(content)
  169. p = subprocess.Popen([GIT_CMD, 'add', filename])
  170. p.communicate()
  171. p = subprocess.Popen([GIT_CMD, 'commit', '-m', '%s' % datetime.datetime.utcnow(), '--allow-empty'],
  172. stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  173. stdout, _ = p.communicate()
  174. stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8')
  175. insert = re_insertion.findall(stdout)
  176. if insert:
  177. insert = int(insert[0])
  178. else:
  179. insert = 0
  180. delete = re_deletion.findall(stdout)
  181. if delete:
  182. delete = int(delete[0])
  183. else:
  184. delete = 0
  185. queue.put({'insertions': insert, 'deletions': delete, 'previous_lines': current_lines,
  186. 'changes': max(insert, delete)})
  187. queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
  188. p = multiprocessing.Process(target=_commit, args=(id_, base_name, content, queue))
  189. p.start()
  190. res = queue.get()
  191. p.join()
  192. email = schedule.get('email')
  193. if not email:
  194. return True
  195. changes = res.get('changes')
  196. if not changes:
  197. return True
  198. min_change = schedule.get('minimum_change')
  199. previous_lines = res.get('previous_lines')
  200. if min_change and previous_lines:
  201. min_change = float(min_change)
  202. change_fraction = res.get('changes') / previous_lines
  203. if change_fraction < min_change:
  204. return True
  205. # send notification
  206. diff = get_diff(id_).get('diff')
  207. if not diff:
  208. return True
  209. send_email(to=email, subject='%s page changed' % schedule.get('title'),
  210. body='changes:\n\n%s' % diff)
  211. return True
  212. def safe_run_job(id_=None, *args, **kwargs):
  213. """Safely run a job, catching all the exceptions
  214. :param id_: ID of the schedule to run
  215. :type id_: str
  216. :param args: positional arguments
  217. :type args: tuple
  218. :param kwargs: named arguments
  219. :type kwargs: dict
  220. :returns: True in case of success
  221. :rtype: bool"""
  222. try:
  223. run_job(id_, *args, **kwargs)
  224. except Exception as e:
  225. send_email('error executing job %s: %s' % (id_, e))
  226. def send_email(to, subject='diffido', body='', from_=None):
  227. """Send an email
  228. :param to: destination address
  229. :type to: str
  230. :param subject: email subject
  231. :type subject: str
  232. :param body: body of the email
  233. :type body: str
  234. :param from_: sender address
  235. :type from_: str
  236. :returns: True in case of success
  237. :rtype: bool"""
  238. msg = MIMEText(body)
  239. msg['Subject'] = subject
  240. msg['From'] = from_ or EMAIL_FROM
  241. msg['To'] = to
  242. starttls = SMTP_SETTINGS.get('smtp-starttls')
  243. use_ssl = SMTP_SETTINGS.get('smtp-use-ssl')
  244. args = {}
  245. for key, value in SMTP_SETTINGS.items():
  246. if key in ('smtp-starttls', 'smtp-use-ssl'):
  247. continue
  248. if key in ('smtp-port'):
  249. value = int(value)
  250. key = key.replace('smtp-', '', 1).replace('-', '_')
  251. args[key] = value
  252. if use_ssl:
  253. with smtplib.SMTP_SSL(**args) as s:
  254. s.send_message(msg)
  255. else:
  256. tls_args = {}
  257. for key in ('ssl_keyfile', 'ssl_certfile', 'ssl_context'):
  258. if key in args:
  259. tls_args = args[key]
  260. del args[key]
  261. with smtplib.SMTP(**args) as s:
  262. if starttls:
  263. s.starttls(**tls_args)
  264. s.ehlo_or_helo_if_needed()
  265. s.send_message(msg)
  266. return True
  267. def get_history(id_, limit=None, add_info=False):
  268. """Read the history of a schedule
  269. :param id_: ID of the schedule
  270. :type id_: str
  271. :param limit: number of entries to fetch
  272. :type limit: int
  273. :param add_info: add information about the schedule itself
  274. :type add_info: int
  275. :returns: information about the schedule and its history
  276. :rtype: dict"""
  277. def _history(id_, limit, queue):
  278. os.chdir('storage/%s' % id_)
  279. cmd = [GIT_CMD, 'log', '--pretty=oneline', '--shortstat']
  280. if limit is not None:
  281. cmd.append('-%s' % limit)
  282. p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  283. stdout, _ = p.communicate()
  284. queue.put(stdout)
  285. queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
  286. p = multiprocessing.Process(target=_history, args=(id_, limit, queue))
  287. p.start()
  288. res = queue.get().decode('utf-8')
  289. p.join()
  290. history = []
  291. for match in re_commit.finditer(res):
  292. info = match.groupdict()
  293. info['insertions'] = int(info['insertions'] or 0)
  294. info['deletions'] = int(info['deletions'] or 0)
  295. info['changes'] = max(info['insertions'], info['deletions'])
  296. history.append(info)
  297. last_id = None
  298. if history and 'id' in history[0]:
  299. last_id = history[0]['id']
  300. for idx, item in enumerate(history):
  301. item['seq'] = idx + 1
  302. data = {'history': history, 'last_id': last_id}
  303. if add_info:
  304. data['schedule'] = get_schedule(id_)
  305. return data
  306. def get_last_history(id_):
  307. """Read the last history entry of a schedule
  308. :param id_: ID of the schedule
  309. :type id_: str
  310. :returns: information about the schedule and its history
  311. :rtype: dict"""
  312. history = get_history(id_, limit=1)
  313. return history.get('history', [{}])[0]
  314. def get_diff(id_, commit_id='HEAD', old_commit_id=None):
  315. """Return the diff between commits of a schedule
  316. :param id_: ID of the schedule
  317. :type id_: str
  318. :param commit_id: the most recent commit ID; HEAD by default
  319. :type commit_id: str
  320. :param old_commit_id: the older commit ID; if None, the previous commit is used
  321. :type old_commit_id: str
  322. :returns: information about the schedule and the diff between commits
  323. :rtype: dict"""
  324. def _history(id_, commit_id, old_commit_id, queue):
  325. os.chdir('storage/%s' % id_)
  326. p = subprocess.Popen([GIT_CMD, 'diff', old_commit_id or '%s~' % commit_id, commit_id],
  327. stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  328. stdout, _ = p.communicate()
  329. queue.put(stdout)
  330. queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
  331. p = multiprocessing.Process(target=_history, args=(id_, commit_id, old_commit_id, queue))
  332. p.start()
  333. res = queue.get().decode('utf-8')
  334. p.join()
  335. schedule = get_schedule(id_)
  336. return {'diff': res, 'schedule': schedule}
  337. def scheduler_update(scheduler, id_):
  338. """Update a scheduler job, using information from the JSON object
  339. :param scheduler: the TornadoScheduler instance to modify
  340. :type scheduler: TornadoScheduler
  341. :param id_: ID of the schedule that must be updated
  342. :type id_: str
  343. :returns: True in case of success
  344. :rtype: bool"""
  345. schedule = get_schedule(id_, add_id=False)
  346. if not schedule:
  347. logger.warn('unable to update empty schedule %s' % id_)
  348. return False
  349. trigger = schedule.get('trigger')
  350. if trigger not in ('interval', 'cron'):
  351. logger.warn('unable to update empty schedule %s: trigger not in ("cron", "interval")' % id_)
  352. return False
  353. args = {}
  354. if trigger == 'interval':
  355. args['trigger'] = 'interval'
  356. for unit in 'weeks', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds':
  357. if 'interval_%s' % unit not in schedule:
  358. continue
  359. try:
  360. args[unit] = int(schedule['interval_%s' % unit])
  361. except Exception:
  362. logger.warn('invalid argument on schedule %s: %s parameter %s is not an integer' %
  363. (id_, 'interval_%s' % unit, schedule['interval_%s' % unit]))
  364. elif trigger == 'cron':
  365. try:
  366. cron_trigger = CronTrigger.from_crontab(schedule['cron_crontab'])
  367. args['trigger'] = cron_trigger
  368. except Exception:
  369. logger.warn('invalid argument on schedule %s: cron_tab parameter %s is not a valid crontab' %
  370. (id_, schedule.get('cron_crontab')))
  371. git_create_repo(id_)
  372. try:
  373. scheduler.add_job(safe_run_job, id=id_, replace_existing=True, kwargs={'id_': id_}, **args)
  374. except Exception as e:
  375. logger.warn('unable to update job %s: %s' % (id_, e))
  376. return False
  377. return True
  378. def scheduler_delete(scheduler, id_):
  379. """Update a scheduler job, using information from the JSON object
  380. :param scheduler: the TornadoScheduler instance to modify
  381. :type scheduler: TornadoScheduler
  382. :param id_: ID of the schedule
  383. :type id_: str
  384. :returns: True in case of success
  385. :rtype: bool"""
  386. try:
  387. scheduler.remove_job(job_id=id_)
  388. except Exception as e:
  389. logger.warn('unable to delete job %s: %s' % (id_, e))
  390. return False
  391. return git_delete_repo(id_)
  392. def reset_from_schedules(scheduler):
  393. """"Reset all scheduler jobs, using information from the JSON object
  394. :param scheduler: the TornadoScheduler instance to modify
  395. :type scheduler: TornadoScheduler
  396. :returns: True in case of success
  397. :rtype: bool"""
  398. ret = False
  399. try:
  400. scheduler.remove_all_jobs()
  401. for key in read_schedules().get('schedules', {}).keys():
  402. ret |= scheduler_update(scheduler, id_=key)
  403. except Exception as e:
  404. logger.warn('unable to reset all jobs: %s' % e)
  405. return False
  406. return ret
  407. def git_create_repo(id_):
  408. """Create a Git repository
  409. :param id_: ID of the schedule
  410. :type id_: str
  411. :returns: True in case of success
  412. :rtype: bool"""
  413. repo_dir = 'storage/%s' % id_
  414. if os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
  415. return True
  416. p = subprocess.Popen([GIT_CMD, 'init', repo_dir])
  417. p.communicate()
  418. return p.returncode == 0
  419. def git_delete_repo(id_):
  420. """Delete a Git repository
  421. :param id_: ID of the schedule
  422. :type id_: str
  423. :returns: True in case of success
  424. :rtype: bool"""
  425. repo_dir = 'storage/%s' % id_
  426. if not os.path.isdir(repo_dir):
  427. return False
  428. try:
  429. shutil.rmtree(repo_dir)
  430. except Exception as e:
  431. logger.warn('unable to delete Git repository %s: %s' % (id_, e))
  432. return False
  433. return True
  434. class DiffidoBaseException(Exception):
  435. """Base class for diffido custom exceptions.
  436. :param message: text message
  437. :type message: str
  438. :param status: numeric http status code
  439. :type status: int"""
  440. def __init__(self, message, status=400):
  441. super(DiffidoBaseException, self).__init__(message)
  442. self.message = message
  443. self.status = status
  444. class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
  445. """Base class for request handlers."""
  446. # A property to access the first value of each argument.
  447. arguments = property(lambda self: dict([(k, v[0].decode('utf-8'))
  448. for k, v in self.request.arguments.items()]))
  449. @property
  450. def clean_body(self):
  451. """Return a clean dictionary from a JSON body, suitable for a query on MongoDB.
  452. :returns: a clean copy of the body arguments
  453. :rtype: dict"""
  454. return escape.json_decode(self.request.body or '{}')
  455. def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs):
  456. """Default error handler."""
  457. if isinstance(kwargs.get('exc_info', (None, None))[1], DiffidoBaseException):
  458. exc = kwargs['exc_info'][1]
  459. status_code = exc.status
  460. message = exc.message
  461. else:
  462. message = 'internal error'
  463. self.build_error(message, status=status_code)
  464. def initialize(self, **kwargs):
  465. """Add every passed (key, value) as attributes of the instance."""
  466. for key, value in kwargs.items():
  467. setattr(self, key, value)
  468. def build_error(self, message='', status=400):
  469. """Build and write an error message.
  470. :param message: textual message
  471. :type message: str
  472. :param status: HTTP status code
  473. :type status: int
  474. """
  475. self.set_status(status)
  476. self.write({'error': True, 'message': message})
  477. def build_success(self, message='', status=200):
  478. """Build and write a success message.
  479. :param message: textual message
  480. :type message: str
  481. :param status: HTTP status code
  482. :type status: int
  483. """
  484. self.set_status(status)
  485. self.write({'error': False, 'message': message})
  486. class SchedulesHandler(BaseHandler):
  487. """Schedules handler."""
  488. @gen.coroutine
  489. def get(self, id_=None, *args, **kwargs):
  490. """Get a schedule."""
  491. if id_ is not None:
  492. return self.write({'schedule': get_schedule(id_, add_history=True)})
  493. schedules = read_schedules()
  494. self.write(schedules)
  495. @gen.coroutine
  496. def put(self, id_=None, *args, **kwargs):
  497. """Update a schedule."""
  498. if id_ is None:
  499. return self.build_error(message='update action requires an ID')
  500. data = self.clean_body
  501. schedules = read_schedules()
  502. if id_ not in schedules.get('schedules', {}):
  503. return self.build_error(message='schedule %s not found' % id_)
  504. schedules['schedules'][id_] = data
  505. write_schedules(schedules)
  506. scheduler_update(scheduler=self.scheduler, id_=id_)
  507. self.write(get_schedule(id_=id_))
  508. @gen.coroutine
  509. def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
  510. """Add a schedule."""
  511. data = self.clean_body
  512. schedules = read_schedules()
  513. id_ = next_id(schedules)
  514. schedules['schedules'][id_] = data
  515. write_schedules(schedules)
  516. scheduler_update(scheduler=self.scheduler, id_=id_)
  517. self.write(get_schedule(id_=id_))
  518. @gen.coroutine
  519. def delete(self, id_=None, *args, **kwargs):
  520. """Delete a schedule."""
  521. if id_ is None:
  522. return self.build_error(message='an ID must be specified')
  523. schedules = read_schedules()
  524. if id_ in schedules.get('schedules', {}):
  525. del schedules['schedules'][id_]
  526. write_schedules(schedules)
  527. scheduler_delete(scheduler=self.scheduler, id_=id_)
  528. self.build_success(message='removed schedule %s' % id_)
  529. class RunScheduleHandler(BaseHandler):
  530. """Reset schedules handler."""
  531. @gen.coroutine
  532. def post(self, id_, *args, **kwargs):
  533. if run_job(id_):
  534. return self.build_success('job run')
  535. self.build_error('job not run')
  536. class ResetSchedulesHandler(BaseHandler):
  537. """Reset schedules handler."""
  538. @gen.coroutine
  539. def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
  540. reset_from_schedules(self.scheduler)
  541. class HistoryHandler(BaseHandler):
  542. """History handler."""
  543. @gen.coroutine
  544. def get(self, id_, *args, **kwargs):
  545. self.write(get_history(id_, add_info=True))
  546. class DiffHandler(BaseHandler):
  547. """Diff handler."""
  548. @gen.coroutine
  549. def get(self, id_, commit_id, old_commit_id=None, *args, **kwargs):
  550. self.write(get_diff(id_, commit_id, old_commit_id))
  551. class TemplateHandler(BaseHandler):
  552. """Handler for the template files in the / path."""
  553. @gen.coroutine
  554. def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
  555. """Get a template file."""
  556. page = 'index.html'
  557. if args and args[0]:
  558. page = args[0].strip('/')
  559. arguments = self.arguments
  560. self.render(page, **arguments)
  561. def serve():
  562. """Read configuration and start the server."""
  564. jobstores = {'default': SQLAlchemyJobStore(url=JOBS_STORE)}
  565. scheduler = TornadoScheduler(jobstores=jobstores)
  566. scheduler.start()
  567. define('port', default=3210, help='run on the given port', type=int)
  568. define('address', default='', help='bind the server at the given address', type=str)
  569. define('ssl_cert', default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'ssl', 'diffido_cert.pem'),
  570. help='specify the SSL certificate to use for secure connections')
  571. define('ssl_key', default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'ssl', 'diffido_key.pem'),
  572. help='specify the SSL private key to use for secure connections')
  573. define('admin-email', default='', help='email address of the site administrator', type=str)
  574. define('smtp-host', default='localhost', help='SMTP server address', type=str)
  575. define('smtp-port', default=0, help='SMTP server port', type=int)
  576. define('smtp-local-hostname', default=None, help='SMTP local hostname', type=str)
  577. define('smtp-use-ssl', default=False, help='Use SSL to connect to the SMTP server', type=bool)
  578. define('smtp-starttls', default=False, help='Use STARTTLS to connect to the SMTP server', type=bool)
  579. define('smtp-ssl-keyfile', default=None, help='SSL key file', type=str)
  580. define('smtp-ssl-certfile', default=None, help='SSL cert file', type=str)
  581. define('smtp-ssl-context', default=None, help='SSL context', type=str)
  582. define('debug', default=False, help='run in debug mode', type=bool)
  583. define('config', help='read configuration file',
  584. callback=lambda path: tornado.options.parse_config_file(path, final=False))
  585. if not options.config and os.path.isfile(DEFAULT_CONF):
  586. tornado.options.parse_config_file(DEFAULT_CONF, final=False)
  587. tornado.options.parse_command_line()
  588. if options.admin_email:
  589. EMAIL_FROM = options.admin_email
  590. for key, value in options.as_dict().items():
  591. if key.startswith('smtp-'):
  592. SMTP_SETTINGS[key] = value
  593. if options.debug:
  594. logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
  595. ssl_options = {}
  596. if os.path.isfile(options.ssl_key) and os.path.isfile(options.ssl_cert):
  597. ssl_options = dict(certfile=options.ssl_cert, keyfile=options.ssl_key)
  598. init_params = dict(listen_port=options.port, logger=logger, ssl_options=ssl_options,
  599. scheduler=scheduler)
  600. _reset_schedules_path = r'schedules/reset'
  601. _schedule_run_path = r'schedules/(?P<id_>\d+)/run'
  602. _schedules_path = r'schedules/?(?P<id_>\d+)?'
  603. _history_path = r'history/?(?P<id_>\d+)'
  604. _diff_path = r'diff/(?P<id_>\d+)/(?P<commit_id>[0-9a-f]+)/?(?P<old_commit_id>[0-9a-f]+)?/?'
  605. application = tornado.web.Application([
  606. (r'/api/%s' % _reset_schedules_path, ResetSchedulesHandler, init_params),
  607. (r'/api/v%s/%s' % (API_VERSION, _reset_schedules_path), ResetSchedulesHandler, init_params),
  608. (r'/api/%s' % _schedule_run_path, RunScheduleHandler, init_params),
  609. (r'/api/v%s/%s' % (API_VERSION, _schedule_run_path), RunScheduleHandler, init_params),
  610. (r'/api/%s' % _schedules_path, SchedulesHandler, init_params),
  611. (r'/api/v%s/%s' % (API_VERSION, _schedules_path), SchedulesHandler, init_params),
  612. (r'/api/%s' % _history_path, HistoryHandler, init_params),
  613. (r'/api/v%s/%s' % (API_VERSION, _history_path), HistoryHandler, init_params),
  614. (r'/api/%s' % _diff_path, DiffHandler, init_params),
  615. (r'/api/v%s/%s' % (API_VERSION, _diff_path), DiffHandler, init_params),
  616. (r'/?(.*)', TemplateHandler, init_params),
  617. ],
  618. static_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'dist/static'),
  619. template_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'dist/'),
  620. debug=options.debug)
  621. http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application, ssl_options=ssl_options or None)
  622. logger.info('Start serving on %s://%s:%d', 'https' if ssl_options else 'http',
  623. options.address if options.address else '',
  624. options.port)
  625. http_server.listen(options.port, options.address)
  626. send_email('da@localhost', 'meh', 'molto meh')
  627. try:
  628. IOLoop.instance().start()
  629. except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
  630. pass
  631. if __name__ == '__main__':
  632. serve()