1332 lines
43 KiB
1332 lines
43 KiB
//! api-check version 7.5.5 built with ♥ by Kent C. Dodds <kent@doddsfamily.us> (http://kent.doddsfamily.us) (ó ì_í)=óò=(ì_í ò)
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = factory();
else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
else if(typeof exports === 'object')
exports["apiCheck"] = factory();
root["apiCheck"] = factory();
})(this, function() {
return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId])
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ exports: {},
/******/ id: moduleId,
/******/ loaded: false
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.loaded = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(0);
/******/ })
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
var _apiCheck = __webpack_require__(1);
var _apiCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(_apiCheck);
exports['default'] = _apiCheck2['default'];
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 1 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
var stringify = __webpack_require__(2);
var apiCheckUtil = __webpack_require__(3);
var each = apiCheckUtil.each;
var isError = apiCheckUtil.isError;
var t = apiCheckUtil.t;
var arrayify = apiCheckUtil.arrayify;
var getCheckerDisplay = apiCheckUtil.getCheckerDisplay;
var typeOf = apiCheckUtil.typeOf;
var getError = apiCheckUtil.getError;
var checkers = __webpack_require__(4);
var apiCheckApis = getApiCheckApis();
module.exports = getApiCheckInstance;
module.exports.VERSION = ("7.5.5");
module.exports.utils = apiCheckUtil;
module.exports.globalConfig = {
verbose: false,
disabled: false
var apiCheckApiCheck = getApiCheckInstance({
output: { prefix: 'apiCheck' }
module.exports.internalChecker = apiCheckApiCheck;
each(checkers, function (checker, name) {
return module.exports[name] = checker;
function getApiCheckInstance() {
var config = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0];
var extraCheckers = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1];
/* eslint complexity:[2, 6] */
if (apiCheckApiCheck && arguments.length) {
apiCheckApiCheck['throw'](apiCheckApis.getApiCheckInstanceCheckers, arguments, {
prefix: 'creating an apiCheck instance'
var additionalProperties = {
'throw': getApiCheck(true),
warn: getApiCheck(false),
getErrorMessage: getErrorMessage,
handleErrorMessage: handleErrorMessage,
config: {
output: config.output || {
prefix: '',
suffix: '',
docsBaseUrl: ''
verbose: config.verbose || false,
disabled: config.disabled || false
utils: apiCheckUtil
each(additionalProperties, function (wrapper, name) {
return apiCheck[name] = wrapper;
var disabled = apiCheck.disabled || module.exports.globalConfig.disabled;
each(checkers.getCheckers(disabled), function (checker, name) {
return apiCheck[name] = checker;
each(extraCheckers, function (checker, name) {
return apiCheck[name] = checker;
return apiCheck;
* This is the instance function. Other things are attached to this see additional properties above.
* @param {Array} api - the checkers to check with
* @param {Array} args - the args to check
* @param {Object} output - output options
* @returns {Object} - if this has a failed = true property, then it failed
function apiCheck(api, args, output) {
/* eslint complexity:[2, 8] */
if (apiCheck.config.disabled || module.exports.globalConfig.disabled) {
return {
apiTypes: {}, argTypes: {},
passed: true, message: '',
failed: false
}; // empty version of what is normally returned
if (!Array.isArray(api)) {
api = [api];
args = [args];
} else {
// turn arguments into an array
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(args);
var messages = checkEnoughArgs(api, args);
if (!messages.length) {
// this is where we actually go perform the checks.
messages = checkApiWithArgs(api, args);
var returnObject = getTypes(api, args);
returnObject.args = args;
if (messages.length) {
returnObject.message = apiCheck.getErrorMessage(api, args, messages, output);
returnObject.failed = true;
returnObject.passed = false;
} else {
returnObject.message = '';
returnObject.failed = false;
returnObject.passed = true;
return returnObject;
* checkApiCheckApi, should be read like: check apiCheck api. As in, check the api for apiCheck :-)
* @param {Array} checkApiArgs - args provided to apiCheck function
function checkApiCheckApi(checkApiArgs) {
var api = checkApiArgs[0];
var args = checkApiArgs[1];
var isArrayOrArgs = Array.isArray(args) || args && typeof args === 'object' && typeof args.length === 'number';
if (Array.isArray(api) && !isArrayOrArgs) {
throw new Error(getErrorMessage(api, [args], ['If an array is provided for the api, an array must be provided for the args as well.'], { prefix: 'apiCheck' }));
// dog fooding here
var errors = checkApiWithArgs(apiCheckApis.checkApiCheckApi, checkApiArgs);
if (errors.length) {
var message = apiCheck.getErrorMessage(apiCheckApis.checkApiCheckApi, checkApiArgs, errors, {
prefix: 'apiCheck'
apiCheck.handleErrorMessage(message, true);
function getApiCheck(shouldThrow) {
return function apiCheckWrapper(api, args, output) {
var result = apiCheck(api, args, output);
apiCheck.handleErrorMessage(result.message, shouldThrow);
return result; // wont get here if an error is thrown
function handleErrorMessage(message, shouldThrow) {
if (shouldThrow && message) {
throw new Error(message);
} else if (message) {
/* eslint no-console:0 */
function getErrorMessage(api, args) {
var messages = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? [] : arguments[2];
var output = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? {} : arguments[3];
var gOut = apiCheck.config.output || {};
var prefix = getPrefix();
var suffix = getSuffix();
var url = getUrl();
var message = 'apiCheck failed! ' + messages.join(', ');
var passedAndShouldHavePassed = '\n\n' + buildMessageFromApiAndArgs(api, args);
return (prefix + ' ' + message + ' ' + suffix + ' ' + (url || '') + passedAndShouldHavePassed).trim();
function getPrefix() {
var p = output.onlyPrefix;
if (!p) {
p = ((gOut.prefix || '') + ' ' + (output.prefix || '')).trim();
return p;
function getSuffix() {
var s = output.onlySuffix;
if (!s) {
s = ((output.suffix || '') + ' ' + (gOut.suffix || '')).trim();
return s;
function getUrl() {
var u = output.url;
if (!u) {
u = gOut.docsBaseUrl && output.urlSuffix && ('' + gOut.docsBaseUrl + output.urlSuffix).trim();
return u;
function buildMessageFromApiAndArgs(api, args) {
var _getTypes = getTypes(api, args);
var apiTypes = _getTypes.apiTypes;
var argTypes = _getTypes.argTypes;
var copy = Array.prototype.slice.call(args || []);
var replacedItems = [];
var passedArgs = getObjectString(copy);
argTypes = getObjectString(argTypes);
apiTypes = getObjectString(apiTypes);
return generateMessage();
// functions
function replaceFunctionWithName(obj) {
each(obj, function (val, name) {
/* eslint complexity:[2, 6] */
if (replacedItems.indexOf(val) === -1) {
// avoid recursive problems
if (typeof val === 'object') {
} else if (typeof val === 'function') {
obj[name] = val.displayName || val.name || 'anonymous function';
function getObjectString(types) {
if (!types || !types.length) {
return 'nothing';
} else if (types && types.length === 1) {
types = types[0];
return stringify(types, null, 2);
function generateMessage() {
var n = '\n';
var useS = true;
if (args && args.length === 1) {
if (typeof args[0] === 'object' && args[0] !== null) {
useS = !!Object.keys(args[0]).length;
} else {
useS = false;
var types = 'type' + (useS ? 's' : '');
var newLine = n + n;
return 'You passed:' + n + passedArgs + newLine + ('With the ' + types + ':' + n + argTypes + newLine) + ('The API calls for:' + n + apiTypes);
function getTypes(api, args) {
api = arrayify(api);
args = arrayify(args);
var apiTypes = api.map(function (checker, index) {
var specified = module.exports.globalConfig.hasOwnProperty('verbose');
return getCheckerDisplay(checker, {
terse: specified ? !module.exports.globalConfig.verbose : !apiCheck.config.verbose,
obj: args[index],
addHelpers: true
var argTypes = args.map(function (arg) {
return getArgDisplay(arg, []);
return { argTypes: argTypes, apiTypes: apiTypes };
* This is where the magic happens for actually checking the arguments with the api.
* @param {Array} api - checkers
* @param {Array} args - and arguments object
* @returns {Array} - the error messages
function checkApiWithArgs(api, args) {
/* eslint complexity:[2, 7] */
var messages = [];
var failed = false;
var checkerIndex = 0;
var argIndex = 0;
var arg = undefined,
checker = undefined,
res = undefined,
lastChecker = undefined,
argName = undefined,
argFailed = undefined,
skipPreviousChecker = undefined;
/* jshint -W084 */
while ((checker = api[checkerIndex++]) && argIndex < args.length) {
arg = args[argIndex++];
argName = 'Argument ' + argIndex + (checker.isOptional ? ' (optional)' : '');
res = checker(arg, 'value', argName);
argFailed = isError(res);
lastChecker = checkerIndex >= api.length;
skipPreviousChecker = checkerIndex > 1 && api[checkerIndex - 1].isOptional;
if (argFailed && lastChecker || argFailed && !lastChecker && !checker.isOptional && !skipPreviousChecker) {
failed = true;
messages.push(getCheckerErrorMessage(res, checker, arg));
} else if (argFailed && checker.isOptional) {
} else {
messages.push(t(argName) + ' passed');
return failed ? messages : [];
checkerTypeType.type = 'function with __apiCheckData property and `${function.type}` property';
function checkerTypeType(checkerType, name, location) {
var apiCheckDataChecker = checkers.shape({
type: checkers.string,
optional: checkers.bool
var asFunc = checkers.func.withProperties({ __apiCheckData: apiCheckDataChecker });
var asShape = checkers.shape({ __apiCheckData: apiCheckDataChecker });
var wrongShape = checkers.oneOfType([asFunc, asShape])(checkerType, name, location);
if (isError(wrongShape)) {
return wrongShape;
if (typeof checkerType !== 'function' && !checkerType.hasOwnProperty(checkerType.__apiCheckData.type)) {
return getError(name, location, checkerTypeType.type);
function getCheckerErrorMessage(res, checker, val) {
var checkerHelp = getCheckerHelp(checker, val);
checkerHelp = checkerHelp ? ' - ' + checkerHelp : '';
return res.message + checkerHelp;
function getCheckerHelp(_ref, val) {
var help = _ref.help;
if (!help) {
return '';
if (typeof help === 'function') {
help = help(val);
return help;
function checkEnoughArgs(api, args) {
var requiredArgs = api.filter(function (a) {
return !a.isOptional;
if (args.length < requiredArgs.length) {
return ['Not enough arguments specified. Requires `' + requiredArgs.length + '`, you passed `' + args.length + '`'];
} else {
return [];
function getArgDisplay(arg, gottenArgs) {
/* eslint complexity:[2, 7] */
var cName = arg && arg.constructor && arg.constructor.name;
var type = typeOf(arg);
if (type === 'function') {
if (hasKeys()) {
var properties = stringify(getDisplayIfNotGotten());
return cName + ' (with properties: ' + properties + ')';
return cName;
if (arg === null) {
return 'null';
if (type !== 'array' && type !== 'object') {
return type;
if (hasKeys()) {
return getDisplayIfNotGotten();
return cName;
// utility functions
function hasKeys() {
return arg && Object.keys(arg).length;
function getDisplayIfNotGotten() {
if (gottenArgs.indexOf(arg) !== -1) {
return '[Circular]';
return getDisplay(arg, gottenArgs);
function getDisplay(obj, gottenArgs) {
var argDisplay = {};
each(obj, function (v, k) {
return argDisplay[k] = getArgDisplay(v, gottenArgs);
return argDisplay;
function getApiCheckApis() {
var os = checkers.string.optional;
var checkerFnChecker = checkers.func.withProperties({
type: checkers.oneOfType([checkers.string, checkerTypeType]).optional,
displayName: checkers.string.optional,
shortType: checkers.string.optional,
notOptional: checkers.bool.optional,
notRequired: checkers.bool.optional
var getApiCheckInstanceCheckers = [checkers.shape({
output: checkers.shape({
prefix: checkers.string.optional,
suffix: checkers.string.optional,
docsBaseUrl: checkers.string.optional
verbose: checkers.bool.optional,
disabled: checkers.bool.optional
}).strict.optional, checkers.objectOf(checkerFnChecker).optional];
var checkApiCheckApi = [checkers.typeOrArrayOf(checkerFnChecker), checkers.any.optional, checkers.shape({
prefix: os, suffix: os, urlSuffix: os, // appended case
onlyPrefix: os, onlySuffix: os, url: os // override case
return {
checkerFnChecker: checkerFnChecker,
getApiCheckInstanceCheckers: getApiCheckInstanceCheckers,
checkApiCheckApi: checkApiCheckApi
/***/ },
/* 2 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
module.exports = stringify;
function getSerialize (fn, decycle) {
var seen = [], keys = [];
decycle = decycle || function(key, value) {
return '[Circular ' + getPath(value, seen, keys) + ']'
return function(key, value) {
var ret = value;
if (typeof value === 'object' && value) {
if (seen.indexOf(value) !== -1)
ret = decycle(key, value);
else {
if (fn) ret = fn(key, ret);
return ret;
function getPath (value, seen, keys) {
var index = seen.indexOf(value);
var path = [ keys[index] ];
for (index--; index >= 0; index--) {
if (seen[index][ path[0] ] === value) {
value = seen[index];
return '~' + path.join('.');
function stringify(obj, fn, spaces, decycle) {
return JSON.stringify(obj, getSerialize(fn, decycle), spaces);
stringify.getSerialize = getSerialize;
/***/ },
/* 3 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
var stringify = __webpack_require__(2);
var checkerHelpers = {
addOptional: addOptional, getRequiredVersion: getRequiredVersion, setupChecker: setupChecker, addNullable: addNullable
module.exports = {
each: each, copy: copy, typeOf: typeOf, arrayify: arrayify, getCheckerDisplay: getCheckerDisplay,
isError: isError, list: list, getError: getError, nAtL: nAtL, t: t, undef: undef, checkerHelpers: checkerHelpers,
noop: noop
function copy(obj) {
var type = typeOf(obj);
var daCopy = undefined;
if (type === 'array') {
daCopy = [];
} else if (type === 'object') {
daCopy = {};
} else {
return obj;
each(obj, function (val, key) {
daCopy[key] = val; // cannot single-line this because we don't want to abort the each
return daCopy;
function typeOf(obj) {
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
return 'array';
} else if (obj instanceof RegExp) {
return 'object';
} else {
return typeof obj;
function getCheckerDisplay(checker, options) {
/* eslint complexity:[2, 7] */
var display = undefined;
var short = options && options.short;
if (short && checker.shortType) {
display = checker.shortType;
} else if (!short && typeof checker.type === 'object' || checker.type === 'function') {
display = getCheckerType(checker, options);
} else {
display = getCheckerType(checker, options) || checker.displayName || checker.name;
return display;
function getCheckerType(_ref, options) {
var type = _ref.type;
if (typeof type === 'function') {
var __apiCheckData = type.__apiCheckData;
var typeTypes = type(options);
type = _defineProperty({
__apiCheckData: __apiCheckData
}, __apiCheckData.type, typeTypes);
return type;
function arrayify(obj) {
if (!obj) {
return [];
} else if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
return obj;
} else {
return [obj];
function each(obj, iterator, context) {
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
return eachArry(obj, iterator, context);
} else {
return eachObj(obj, iterator, context);
function eachObj(obj, iterator, context) {
var ret = undefined;
var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
/* eslint prefer-const:0 */ // some weird eslint bug?
for (var key in obj) {
if (hasOwn.call(obj, key)) {
ret = iterator.call(context, obj[key], key, obj);
if (ret === false) {
return ret;
return true;
function eachArry(obj, iterator, context) {
var ret = undefined;
var length = obj.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ret = iterator.call(context, obj[i], i, obj);
if (ret === false) {
return ret;
return true;
function isError(obj) {
return obj instanceof Error;
function list(arry, join, finalJoin) {
arry = arrayify(arry);
var copy = arry.slice();
var last = copy.pop();
if (copy.length === 1) {
join = ' ';
return copy.join(join) + ('' + (copy.length ? join + finalJoin : '') + last);
function getError(name, location, checkerType) {
if (typeof checkerType === 'function') {
checkerType = checkerType({ short: true });
var stringType = typeof checkerType !== 'object' ? checkerType : stringify(checkerType);
return new Error(nAtL(name, location) + ' must be ' + t(stringType));
function nAtL(name, location) {
var tName = t(name || 'value');
var tLocation = !location ? '' : ' at ' + t(location);
return '' + tName + tLocation;
function t(thing) {
return '`' + thing + '`';
function undef(thing) {
return typeof thing === 'undefined';
* This will set up the checker with all of the defaults that most checkers want like required by default and an
* optional version
* @param {Function} checker - the checker to setup with properties
* @param {Object} properties - properties to add to the checker
* @param {boolean} disabled - when set to true, this will set the checker to a no-op function
* @returns {Function} checker - the setup checker
function setupChecker(checker, properties, disabled) {
/* eslint complexity:[2, 9] */
if (disabled) {
// swap out the checker for its own copy of noop
checker = getNoop();
checker.isNoop = true;
if (typeof checker.type === 'string') {
checker.shortType = checker.type;
// assign all properties given
each(properties, function (prop, name) {
return checker[name] = prop;
if (!checker.displayName) {
checker.displayName = 'apiCheck ' + t(checker.shortType || checker.type || checker.name) + ' type checker';
if (!checker.notRequired) {
checker = getRequiredVersion(checker, disabled);
if (!checker.notNullable) {
addNullable(checker, disabled);
if (!checker.notOptional) {
addOptional(checker, disabled);
return checker;
function getRequiredVersion(checker, disabled) {
var requiredChecker = disabled ? getNoop() : function requiredChecker(val, name, location, obj) {
if (undef(val) && !checker.isOptional) {
var tLocation = location ? ' in ' + t(location) : '';
var type = getCheckerDisplay(checker, { short: true });
var stringType = typeof type !== 'object' ? type : stringify(type);
return new Error('Required ' + t(name) + ' not specified' + tLocation + '. Must be ' + t(stringType));
} else {
return checker(val, name, location, obj);
copyProps(checker, requiredChecker);
requiredChecker.originalChecker = checker;
return requiredChecker;
function addOptional(checker, disabled) {
var optionalCheck = disabled ? getNoop() : function optionalCheck(val, name, location, obj) {
if (!undef(val)) {
return checker(val, name, location, obj);
// inherit all properties on the original checker
copyProps(checker, optionalCheck);
optionalCheck.isOptional = true;
optionalCheck.displayName = checker.displayName + ' (optional)';
optionalCheck.originalChecker = checker;
// the magic line that allows you to add .optional to the end of the checkers
checker.optional = optionalCheck;
fixType(checker, checker.optional);
function addNullable(checker, disabled) {
var nullableCheck = disabled ? getNoop() : function nullableCheck(val, name, location, obj) {
if (val !== null) {
return checker(val, name, location, obj);
// inherit all properties on the original checker
copyProps(checker, nullableCheck);
nullableCheck.isNullable = true;
nullableCheck.displayName = checker.displayName + ' (nullable)';
nullableCheck.originalChecker = checker;
// the magic line that allows you to add .nullable to the end of the checkers
checker.nullable = nullableCheck;
fixType(checker, checker.nullable);
if (!checker.notOptional) {
addOptional(checker.nullable, disabled);
function fixType(checker, checkerCopy) {
// fix type, because it's not a straight copy...
// the reason is we need to specify type.__apiCheckData.optional as true for the terse/verbose option.
// we also want to add "(optional)" to the types with a string
if (typeof checkerCopy.type === 'object') {
checkerCopy.type = copy(checkerCopy.type); // make our own copy of this
} else if (typeof checkerCopy.type === 'function') {
checkerCopy.type = function () {
return checker.type.apply(checker, arguments);
} else {
checkerCopy.type += ' (optional)';
checkerCopy.type.__apiCheckData = copy(checker.type.__apiCheckData) || {}; // and this
checkerCopy.type.__apiCheckData.optional = true;
function copyProps(src, dest) {
each(Object.keys(src), function (key) {
return dest[key] = src[key];
function noop() {}
function getNoop() {
/* eslint no-shadow:0 */
/* istanbul ignore next */
return function noop() {};
/***/ },
/* 4 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
var stringify = __webpack_require__(2);
var _require = __webpack_require__(3);
var typeOf = _require.typeOf;
var each = _require.each;
var copy = _require.copy;
var getCheckerDisplay = _require.getCheckerDisplay;
var isError = _require.isError;
var arrayify = _require.arrayify;
var list = _require.list;
var getError = _require.getError;
var nAtL = _require.nAtL;
var t = _require.t;
var checkerHelpers = _require.checkerHelpers;
var undef = _require.undef;
var setupChecker = checkerHelpers.setupChecker;
var checkers = module.exports = getCheckers();
module.exports.getCheckers = getCheckers;
function getCheckers(disabled) {
return {
array: typeOfCheckGetter('Array'),
bool: typeOfCheckGetter('Boolean'),
number: typeOfCheckGetter('Number'),
string: typeOfCheckGetter('String'),
func: funcCheckGetter(),
object: objectCheckGetter(),
emptyObject: emptyObjectCheckGetter(),
instanceOf: instanceCheckGetter,
oneOf: oneOfCheckGetter,
oneOfType: oneOfTypeCheckGetter,
arrayOf: arrayOfCheckGetter,
objectOf: objectOfCheckGetter,
typeOrArrayOf: typeOrArrayOfCheckGetter,
range: rangeCheckGetter,
lessThan: lessThanCheckGetter,
greaterThan: greaterThanCheckGetter,
shape: getShapeCheckGetter(),
args: argumentsCheckerGetter(),
any: anyCheckGetter(),
'null': nullCheckGetter()
function typeOfCheckGetter(type) {
var lType = type.toLowerCase();
return setupChecker(function typeOfCheckerDefinition(val, name, location) {
if (typeOf(val) !== lType) {
return getError(name, location, type);
}, { type: type }, disabled);
function funcCheckGetter() {
var type = 'Function';
var functionChecker = setupChecker(function functionCheckerDefinition(val, name, location) {
if (typeOf(val) !== 'function') {
return getError(name, location, type);
}, { type: type }, disabled);
functionChecker.withProperties = function getWithPropertiesChecker(properties) {
var apiError = checkers.objectOf(checkers.func)(properties, 'properties', 'apiCheck.func.withProperties');
if (isError(apiError)) {
throw apiError;
var shapeChecker = checkers.shape(properties, true);
shapeChecker.type.__apiCheckData.type = 'func.withProperties';
return setupChecker(function functionWithPropertiesChecker(val, name, location) {
var notFunction = checkers.func(val, name, location);
if (isError(notFunction)) {
return notFunction;
return shapeChecker(val, name, location);
}, { type: shapeChecker.type, shortType: 'func.withProperties' }, disabled);
return functionChecker;
function objectCheckGetter() {
var type = 'Object';
var nullType = 'Object (null ok)';
var objectNullOkChecker = setupChecker(function objectNullOkCheckerDefinition(val, name, location) {
if (typeOf(val) !== 'object') {
return getError(name, location, nullType);
}, { type: nullType }, disabled);
var objectChecker = setupChecker(function objectCheckerDefinition(val, name, location) {
if (val === null || isError(objectNullOkChecker(val, name, location))) {
return getError(name, location, objectChecker.type);
}, { type: type, nullOk: objectNullOkChecker }, disabled);
return objectChecker;
function instanceCheckGetter(classToCheck) {
return setupChecker(function instanceCheckerDefinition(val, name, location) {
if (!(val instanceof classToCheck)) {
return getError(name, location, classToCheck.name);
}, { type: classToCheck.name }, disabled);
function oneOfCheckGetter(enums) {
var type = {
__apiCheckData: { optional: false, type: 'enum' },
'enum': enums
var shortType = 'oneOf[' + enums.map(function (enm) {
return stringify(enm);
}).join(', ') + ']';
return setupChecker(function oneOfCheckerDefinition(val, name, location) {
if (!enums.some(function (enm) {
return enm === val;
})) {
return getError(name, location, shortType);
}, { type: type, shortType: shortType }, disabled);
function oneOfTypeCheckGetter(typeCheckers) {
var checkersDisplay = typeCheckers.map(function (checker) {
return getCheckerDisplay(checker, { short: true });
var shortType = 'oneOfType[' + checkersDisplay.join(', ') + ']';
function type(options) {
if (options && options.short) {
return shortType;
return typeCheckers.map(function (checker) {
return getCheckerDisplay(checker, options);
type.__apiCheckData = { optional: false, type: 'oneOfType' };
return setupChecker(function oneOfTypeCheckerDefinition(val, name, location) {
if (!typeCheckers.some(function (checker) {
return !isError(checker(val, name, location));
})) {
return getError(name, location, shortType);
}, { type: type, shortType: shortType }, disabled);
function arrayOfCheckGetter(checker) {
var shortCheckerDisplay = getCheckerDisplay(checker, { short: true });
var shortType = 'arrayOf[' + shortCheckerDisplay + ']';
function type(options) {
if (options && options.short) {
return shortType;
return getCheckerDisplay(checker, options);
type.__apiCheckData = { optional: false, type: 'arrayOf' };
return setupChecker(function arrayOfCheckerDefinition(val, name, location) {
if (isError(checkers.array(val)) || !val.every(function (item) {
return !isError(checker(item));
})) {
return getError(name, location, shortType);
}, { type: type, shortType: shortType }, disabled);
function objectOfCheckGetter(checker) {
var checkerDisplay = getCheckerDisplay(checker, { short: true });
var shortType = 'objectOf[' + checkerDisplay + ']';
function type(options) {
if (options && options.short) {
return shortType;
return getCheckerDisplay(checker, options);
type.__apiCheckData = { optional: false, type: 'objectOf' };
return setupChecker(function objectOfCheckerDefinition(val, name, location) {
var notObject = checkers.object(val, name, location);
if (isError(notObject)) {
return notObject;
var allTypesSuccess = each(val, function (item, key) {
if (isError(checker(item, key, name))) {
return false;
if (!allTypesSuccess) {
return getError(name, location, shortType);
}, { type: type, shortType: shortType }, disabled);
function typeOrArrayOfCheckGetter(checker) {
var checkerDisplay = getCheckerDisplay(checker, { short: true });
var shortType = 'typeOrArrayOf[' + checkerDisplay + ']';
function type(options) {
if (options && options.short) {
return shortType;
return getCheckerDisplay(checker, options);
type.__apiCheckData = { optional: false, type: 'typeOrArrayOf' };
return setupChecker(function typeOrArrayOfDefinition(val, name, location, obj) {
if (isError(checkers.oneOfType([checker, checkers.arrayOf(checker)])(val, name, location, obj))) {
return getError(name, location, shortType);
}, { type: type, shortType: shortType }, disabled);
function getShapeCheckGetter() {
function shapeCheckGetter(shape, nonObject) {
var shapeTypes = {};
each(shape, function (checker, prop) {
shapeTypes[prop] = getCheckerDisplay(checker);
function type() {
var options = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0];
var ret = {};
var terse = options.terse;
var obj = options.obj;
var addHelpers = options.addHelpers;
var parentRequired = options.required;
each(shape, function (checker, prop) {
/* eslint complexity:[2, 6] */
var specified = obj && obj.hasOwnProperty(prop);
var required = undef(parentRequired) ? !checker.isOptional : parentRequired;
if (!terse || (specified || !checker.isOptional)) {
ret[prop] = getCheckerDisplay(checker, { terse: terse, obj: obj && obj[prop], required: required, addHelpers: addHelpers });
if (addHelpers) {
modifyTypeDisplayToHelpOut(ret, prop, specified, checker, required);
return ret;
function modifyTypeDisplayToHelpOut(theRet, prop, specified, checker, required) {
if (!specified && required && !checker.isOptional) {
var item = 'ITEM';
if (checker.type && checker.type.__apiCheckData) {
item = checker.type.__apiCheckData.type.toUpperCase();
addHelper('missing', 'MISSING THIS ' + item, ' <-- YOU ARE MISSING THIS');
} else if (specified) {
var error = checker(obj[prop], prop, null, obj);
if (isError(error)) {
addHelper('error', 'THIS IS THE PROBLEM: ' + error.message, ' <-- THIS IS THE PROBLEM: ' + error.message);
function addHelper(property, objectMessage, stringMessage) {
if (typeof theRet[prop] === 'string') {
theRet[prop] += stringMessage;
} else {
theRet[prop].__apiCheckData[property] = objectMessage;
type.__apiCheckData = { strict: false, optional: false, type: 'shape' };
var shapeChecker = setupChecker(function shapeCheckerDefinition(val, name, location) {
/* eslint complexity:[2, 6] */
var isObject = !nonObject && checkers.object(val, name, location);
if (isError(isObject)) {
return isObject;
var shapePropError = undefined;
location = location ? location + (name ? '/' : '') : '';
name = name || '';
each(shape, function (checker, prop) {
if (val.hasOwnProperty(prop) || !checker.isOptional) {
shapePropError = checker(val[prop], prop, '' + location + name, val);
return !isError(shapePropError);
if (isError(shapePropError)) {
return shapePropError;
}, { type: type, shortType: 'shape' }, disabled);
function strictType() {
return type.apply(undefined, arguments);
strictType.__apiCheckData = copy(shapeChecker.type.__apiCheckData);
strictType.__apiCheckData.strict = true;
shapeChecker.strict = setupChecker(function strictShapeCheckerDefinition(val, name, location) {
var shapeError = shapeChecker(val, name, location);
if (isError(shapeError)) {
return shapeError;
var allowedProperties = Object.keys(shape);
var extraProps = Object.keys(val).filter(function (prop) {
return allowedProperties.indexOf(prop) === -1;
if (extraProps.length) {
return new Error(nAtL(name, location) + ' cannot have extra properties: ' + t(extraProps.join('`, `')) + '.' + ('It is limited to ' + t(allowedProperties.join('`, `'))));
}, { type: strictType, shortType: 'strict shape' }, disabled);
return shapeChecker;
shapeCheckGetter.ifNot = function ifNot(otherProps, propChecker) {
if (!Array.isArray(otherProps)) {
otherProps = [otherProps];
var description = undefined;
if (otherProps.length === 1) {
description = 'specified only if ' + otherProps[0] + ' is not specified';
} else {
description = 'specified only if none of the following are specified: [' + list(otherProps, ', ', 'and ') + ']';
var shortType = 'ifNot[' + otherProps.join(', ') + ']';
var type = getTypeForShapeChild(propChecker, description, shortType);
return setupChecker(function ifNotChecker(prop, propName, location, obj) {
var propExists = obj && obj.hasOwnProperty(propName);
var otherPropsExist = otherProps.some(function (otherProp) {
return obj && obj.hasOwnProperty(otherProp);
if (propExists === otherPropsExist) {
return getError(propName, location, type);
} else if (propExists) {
return propChecker(prop, propName, location, obj);
}, { notRequired: true, type: type, shortType: shortType }, disabled);
shapeCheckGetter.onlyIf = function onlyIf(otherProps, propChecker) {
otherProps = arrayify(otherProps);
var description = undefined;
if (otherProps.length === 1) {
description = 'specified only if ' + otherProps[0] + ' is also specified';
} else {
description = 'specified only if all of the following are specified: [' + list(otherProps, ', ', 'and ') + ']';
var shortType = 'onlyIf[' + otherProps.join(', ') + ']';
var type = getTypeForShapeChild(propChecker, description, shortType);
return setupChecker(function onlyIfCheckerDefinition(prop, propName, location, obj) {
var othersPresent = otherProps.every(function (property) {
return obj.hasOwnProperty(property);
if (!othersPresent) {
return getError(propName, location, type);
} else {
return propChecker(prop, propName, location, obj);
}, { type: type, shortType: shortType }, disabled);
shapeCheckGetter.requiredIfNot = function shapeRequiredIfNot(otherProps, propChecker) {
if (!Array.isArray(otherProps)) {
otherProps = [otherProps];
return getRequiredIfNotChecker(false, otherProps, propChecker);
shapeCheckGetter.requiredIfNot.all = function shapeRequiredIfNotAll(otherProps, propChecker) {
if (!Array.isArray(otherProps)) {
throw new Error('requiredIfNot.all must be passed an array');
return getRequiredIfNotChecker(true, otherProps, propChecker);
function getRequiredIfNotChecker(all, otherProps, propChecker) {
var props = t(otherProps.join(', '));
var ifProps = 'if ' + (all ? 'all of' : 'at least one of');
var description = 'specified ' + ifProps + ' these are not specified: ' + props + ' (otherwise it\'s optional)';
var shortType = 'requiredIfNot' + (all ? '.all' : '') + '[' + otherProps.join(', ') + '}]';
var type = getTypeForShapeChild(propChecker, description, shortType);
return setupChecker(function shapeRequiredIfNotDefinition(prop, propName, location, obj) {
var propExists = obj && obj.hasOwnProperty(propName);
var iteration = all ? 'every' : 'some';
var otherPropsExist = otherProps[iteration](function (otherProp) {
return obj && obj.hasOwnProperty(otherProp);
if (!otherPropsExist && !propExists) {
return getError(propName, location, type);
} else if (propExists) {
return propChecker(prop, propName, location, obj);
}, { type: type, notRequired: true }, disabled);
return shapeCheckGetter;
function getTypeForShapeChild(propChecker, description, shortType) {
function type(options) {
if (options && options.short) {
return shortType;
return getCheckerDisplay(propChecker);
type.__apiCheckData = { optional: false, type: 'ifNot', description: description };
return type;
function argumentsCheckerGetter() {
var type = 'function arguments';
return setupChecker(function argsCheckerDefinition(val, name, location) {
if (Array.isArray(val) || isError(checkers.object(val)) || isError(checkers.number(val.length))) {
return getError(name, location, type);
}, { type: type }, disabled);
function anyCheckGetter() {
return setupChecker(function anyCheckerDefinition() {
// don't do anything
}, { type: 'any' }, disabled);
function nullCheckGetter() {
var type = 'null';
return setupChecker(function nullChecker(val, name, location) {
if (val !== null) {
return getError(name, location, type);
}, { type: type }, disabled);
function rangeCheckGetter(min, max) {
var type = 'Range (' + min + ' - ' + max + ')';
return setupChecker(function rangeChecker(val, name, location) {
if (typeof val !== 'number' || val < min || val > max) {
return getError(name, location, type);
}, { type: type }, disabled);
function lessThanCheckGetter(min) {
var type = 'lessThan[' + min + ']';
return setupChecker(function lessThanChecker(val, name, location) {
if (typeof val !== 'number' || val > min) {
return getError(name, location, type);
}, { type: type }, disabled);
function greaterThanCheckGetter(max) {
var type = 'greaterThan[' + max + ']';
return setupChecker(function greaterThanChecker(val, name, location) {
if (typeof val !== 'number' || val < max) {
return getError(name, location, type);
}, { type: type }, disabled);
function emptyObjectCheckGetter() {
var type = 'empty object';
return setupChecker(function emptyObjectChecker(val, name, location) {
if (typeOf(val) !== 'object' || val === null || Object.keys(val).length) {
return getError(name, location, type);
}, { type: type }, disabled);
/***/ }
/******/ ])