As of July 2016, EventMan(ager) is under heavy refactoring. For a list of main changes that will be introduced, see
These are the paths you see in the browser (AngularJS does client-side routing: no request is issued to the web server, during navigation, if not for fetching data and issuing commands):
Notice that the above paths are the ones used by the webapp. If you plan to use them from an external application (like the _event\_man_ barcode/qrcode scanner) you better prepend all the path with /v1.0, where 1.0 is the current value of API\_VERSION.
Being too lazy to implement a proper MAC or RBAC, we settled to a simpler mapping on CRUD operations on paths. This will probably change in the future.
User's permission are stored in the *permission* key, and merged with a set of defaults, valid also for unregistered users. Operations are *read*, *create*, *update* and *delete* (plus the spcial *all* value). There's also the special *admin|all* value: if present, the user has every privilege.
Permissions are strings: the path and the permission are separated by **|**; the path components (resource:sub-resource, if any) are separated by **:**. In case we are not accessing a specific sub-resource (i.e.: we don't have a sub-resource ID), the **-all** string is appended to the resource name. For example:
- **events|read**: ability to retrieve the list of events and their data (some fields, like the list of registered persons, are filtered out if you don't have other permissions)
- **event:tickets|all**: ability to do everything to a ticket (provided that you know its ID)
- **event:tickets-all|create**: ability to create a new ticket (you don't have an ID, if you're creating a new ticket, hence the -all suffix)
In the **data/triggers** we have a series of directories; scripts inside of them will be executed when the related action was performed on the GUI or calling the controller.
In the data/trigger directory you can create a directory named with this schema: *crudAction_document[_resource]*, where crudAction is one in "create", "update", "delete" (there're no triggers for "read"). So, for example you can create scripts in directories named:
- create\_user
- delete\_event
- update\_event\_tickets
We also have some special triggers, which will contain more information (for example: both the old and the new ticket, updating one):
Most of the time you have to edit something in angular\_app/js/ (for the logic; especially controllers.js and services.js), angular\_app/\*.html (for the presentation) or eventman\ for the backend.
But, but, but... you don't use bower/npm/jam/CthulhuJS!
Yes, exactly. I'm too old for that stuff: I just downloaded the third-party libraries that I needed and put them in static/. Seems to work, by the way.
I you're a big fan of those tools, please go ahead and send me a pull request.