2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
! function ( e ) { function r ( e , r , o ) { return 4 === arguments . length ? t . apply ( this , arguments ) : void n ( e , { declarative : ! 0 , deps : r , declare : o } ) } function t ( e , r , t , o ) { n ( e , { declarative : ! 1 , deps : r , executingRequire : t , execute : o } ) } function n ( e , r ) { r . name = e , e in p || ( p [ e ] = r ) , r . normalizedDeps = r . deps } function o ( e , r ) { if ( r [ e . groupIndex ] = r [ e . groupIndex ] || [ ] , - 1 == v . call ( r [ e . groupIndex ] , e ) ) { r [ e . groupIndex ] . push ( e ) ; for ( var t = 0 , n = e . normalizedDeps . length ; n > t ; t ++ ) { var a = e . normalizedDeps [ t ] , u = p [ a ] ; if ( u && ! u . evaluated ) { var d = e . groupIndex + ( u . declarative != e . declarative ) ; if ( void 0 === u . groupIndex || u . groupIndex < d ) { if ( void 0 !== u . groupIndex && ( r [ u . groupIndex ] . splice ( v . call ( r [ u . groupIndex ] , u ) , 1 ) , 0 == r [ u . groupIndex ] . length ) ) throw new TypeError ( "Mixed dependency cycle detected" ) ; u . groupIndex = d } o ( u , r ) } } } } function a ( e ) { var r = p [ e ] ; r . groupIndex = 0 ; var t = [ ] ; o ( r , t ) ; for ( var n = ! ! r . declarative == t . length % 2 , a = t . length - 1 ; a >= 0 ; a -- ) { for ( var u = t [ a ] , i = 0 ; i < u . length ; i ++ ) { var s = u [ i ] ; n ? d ( s ) : l ( s ) } n = ! n } } function u ( e ) { return x [ e ] || ( x [ e ] = { name : e , dependencies : [ ] , exports : { } , importers : [ ] } ) } function d ( r ) { if ( ! r . module ) { var t = r . module = u ( r . name ) , n = r . module . exports , o = r . declare . call ( e , function ( e , r ) { if ( t . locked = ! 0 , "object" == typeof e ) for ( var o in e ) n [ o ] = e [ o ] ; else n [ e ] = r ; for ( var a = 0 , u = t . importers . length ; u > a ; a ++ ) { var d = t . importers [ a ] ; if ( ! d . locked ) for ( var i = 0 ; i < d . dependencies . length ; ++ i ) d . dependencies [ i ] === t && d . setters [ i ] ( n ) } return t . locked = ! 1 , r } , r . name ) ; t . setters = o . setters , t . execute = o . execute ; for ( var a = 0 , i = r . normalizedDeps . length ; i > a ; a ++ ) { var l , s = r . normalizedDeps [ a ] , c = p [ s ] , v = x [ s ] ; v ? l = v . exports : c && ! c . declarative ? l = c . esModule : c ? ( d ( c ) , v = c . module , l = v . exports ) : l = f ( s ) , v && v . importers ? ( v . importers . push ( t ) , t . dependencies . push ( v ) ) : t . dependencies . push ( null ) , t . setters [ a ] && t . setters [ a ] ( l ) } } } function i ( e ) { var r , t = p [ e ] ; if ( t ) t . declarative ? c ( e , [ ] ) : t . evaluated || l ( t ) , r = t . module . exports ; else if ( r = f ( e ) , ! r ) throw new Error ( "Unable to load dependency " + e + "." ) ; return ( ! t || t . declarative ) && r && r . _ _useDefault ? r [ "default" ] : r } function l ( r ) { if ( ! r . module ) { var t = { } , n = r . module = { exports : t , id : r . name } ; if ( ! r . executingRequire ) for ( var o = 0 , a = r . normalizedDeps . length ; a > o ; o ++ ) { var u = r . normalizedDeps [ o ] , d = p [ u ] ; d && l ( d ) } r . evaluated = ! 0 ; var c = r . execute . call ( e , function ( e ) { for ( var t = 0 , n = r . deps . length ; n > t ; t ++ ) if ( r . deps [ t ] == e ) return i ( r . normalizedDeps [ t ] ) ; throw new TypeError ( "Module " + e + " not declared as a dependency." ) } , t , n ) ; c && ( n . exports = c ) , t = n . exports , t && t . _ _esModule ? r . esModule = t : r . esModule = s ( t ) } } function s ( r ) { if ( r === e ) return r ; var t = { } ; if ( "object" == typeof r || "function" == typeof r ) if ( g ) { var n ; for ( var o in r ) ( n = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( r , o ) ) && h ( t , o , n ) } else { var a = r && r . hasOwnProperty ; for ( var o in r ) ( ! a || r . hasOwnProperty ( o ) ) && ( t [ o ] = r [ o ] ) } return t [ "default" ] = r , h ( t , "__useDefault" , { value : ! 0 } ) , t } function c ( r , t ) { var n = p [ r ] ; if ( n && ! n . evaluated && n . declarative ) { t . push ( r ) ; for ( var o = 0 , a = n . normalizedDeps . length ; a > o ; o ++ ) { var u = n . normalizedDeps [ o ] ; - 1 == v . call ( t , u ) && ( p [ u ] ? c ( u , t ) : f ( u ) ) } n . evaluated || ( n . evaluated = ! 0 , n . module . execute . call ( e ) ) } } function f ( e ) { if ( D [ e ] ) return D [ e ] ; if ( "@node/" == e . substr ( 0 , 6 ) ) return y ( e . substr ( 6 ) ) ; var r = p [ e ] ; if ( ! r ) throw "Module " + e + " not present." ; return a ( e ) , c ( e , [ ] ) , p [ e ] = void 0 , r . declarative && h ( r . module . exports , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) , D [ e ] = r . declarative ? r . module . exports : r . esModule } var p = { } , v = Array . prototype . indexOf || function ( e ) { for ( var r = 0 , t = this . length ; t > r ; r ++ ) if ( this [ r ] === e ) return r ; return - 1 } , g = ! 0 ; try { Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( { a : 0 } , "a" ) } catch ( m ) { g = ! 1 } var h ; ! function ( ) { try { Object . defineProperty ( { } , "a" , { } ) && ( h = Object . defineProperty ) } catch ( e ) { h = function ( e , r , t ) { try { e [ r ] = t . value || t . get . call ( e ) } catch ( n ) { } } } } ( ) ; var x = { } , y = "undefined" != typeof System && System . _nodeRequire || "undefined" != typeof require && require . resolve && "undefined" != typeof process && require , D = { "@empty" : { } } ; return function ( e , n , o ) { return function ( a ) { a ( function ( a ) { for ( var u = { _nodeRequire : y , register : r , registerDynamic : t , get : f , set : function ( e , r ) { D [ e ] = r } , newModule : function ( e ) { return e } } , d = 0 ; d < n . length ; d ++ ) ( function ( e , r ) { r && r . _ _esModule ? D [ e ] = r : D [ e ] = s ( r ) } ) ( n [ d ] , arguments [ d ] ) ; o ( u ) ; var i = f ( e [ 0 ] ) ; if ( e . length > 1 ) for ( var d = 1 ; d < e . length ; d ++ ) f ( e [ d ] ) ; return i . _ _useDefault ? i [ "default" ] : i } ) } } } ( "undefined" != typ
( [ "1" ] , [ ] , function ( $ _ _System ) {
! function ( ) { var t = $ _ _System ; if ( "undefined" != typeof window && "undefined" != typeof document && window . location ) var s = location . protocol + "//" + location . hostname + ( location . port ? ":" + location . port : "" ) ; t . set ( "@@cjs-helpers" , t . newModule ( { getPathVars : function ( t ) { var n , o = t . lastIndexOf ( "!" ) ; n = - 1 != o ? t . substr ( 0 , o ) : t ; var e = n . split ( "/" ) ; return e . pop ( ) , e = e . join ( "/" ) , "file:///" == n . substr ( 0 , 8 ) ? ( n = n . substr ( 7 ) , e = e . substr ( 7 ) , isWindows && ( n = n . substr ( 1 ) , e = e . substr ( 1 ) ) ) : s && n . substr ( 0 , s . length ) === s && ( n = n . substr ( s . length ) , e = e . substr ( s . length ) ) , { filename : n , dirname : e } } } ) ) } ( ) ;
$ _ _System . register ( "2" , [ ] , function ( _export ) {
"use strict" ;
return {
setters : [ ] ,
execute : function ( ) {
_export ( "default" , window . angular ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . registerDynamic ( "3" , [ ] , true , function ( $ _ _require , exports , module ) {
var global = this ,
_ _define = global . define ;
global . define = undefined ;
module . exports = "<div class=\"easyFormViewer\">\n\t\n\t<form \tng-submit=\"vm.onSubmit()\"\n\t\t\t\t\tname=\"vm.form\"> \n\t\t<formly-form \tmodel=\"vm.model\" \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfields=\"vm.fields\" \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tform=\"vm.form\"> \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<div class=\"pull-right\">\n\t\t\t\t<button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tng-disabled=\"vm.form.$invalid\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tng-click=\"vm.edaSubmitThisDataModel();\">{{vm.submitText}}</button>\n\t\t\t\t<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary\" \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tng-click=\"vm.edaCancelEvent();\">{{vm.cancelText}}</button>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t</div>\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t</formly-form> \n\t</form>\n\n</div>" ;
global . define = _ _define ;
return module . exports ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . register ( '4' , [ ] , function ( _export ) {
/* global angular */
'use strict' ;
var EMPTY _FIELD _MODEL , emptyEdaFieldsModel , returnAttributeDataModelIfNotEmpty , returnAttributeConfigurationLinesIfNotEmpty ;
return {
setters : [ ] ,
execute : function ( ) {
'line' : 1 ,
'activeColumn' : 1 ,
'columns' : [ {
'numColumn' : 1 ,
'exist' : true ,
'control' : {
'type' : 'none' ,
'key' : 'none'
} ]
} ] ;
/ * *
* empty fields model : to display at least an empty line
* otherwise would look like ugly empty line like it were a bug
* /
emptyEdaFieldsModel = function emptyEdaFieldsModel ( ) {
return angular . copy ( EMPTY _FIELD _MODEL ) ;
} ;
returnAttributeDataModelIfNotEmpty = function returnAttributeDataModelIfNotEmpty ( edaEasyFormGeneratorModel ) {
var dataModelToReturn = angular . isArray ( edaEasyFormGeneratorModel . dataModel ) ? edaEasyFormGeneratorModel . dataModel . length > 0 ? edaEasyFormGeneratorModel . dataModel : [ ] : [ ] ;
return dataModelToReturn ;
} ;
returnAttributeConfigurationLinesIfNotEmpty = function returnAttributeConfigurationLinesIfNotEmpty ( loadedFieldModel ) {
var edaEasyFormGeneratorModelToReturn = angular . isArray ( loadedFieldModel ) ? loadedFieldModel . length > 0 ? loadedFieldModel : emptyEdaFieldsModel ( ) : emptyEdaFieldsModel ( ) ;
return edaEasyFormGeneratorModelToReturn ;
} ;
_export ( 'emptyEdaFieldsModel' , emptyEdaFieldsModel ) ;
_export ( 'returnAttributeDataModelIfNotEmpty' , returnAttributeDataModelIfNotEmpty ) ;
_export ( 'returnAttributeConfigurationLinesIfNotEmpty' , returnAttributeConfigurationLinesIfNotEmpty ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . register ( '5' , [ '3' , '4' , '6' ] , function ( _export ) {
/* global angular */
'use strict' ;
var easyFormViewerTemplate , returnAttributeConfigurationLinesIfNotEmpty , EASY _FORM _VIEWER _CONTROLLER , EASY _FORM _VIEWER _CONTROLLERAS , EASY _FORM _VIEWER _DIRECTIVE _NAME ;
function edaFormViewerDirective ( $modelsTranslator ) {
var directive = {
restrict : 'E' ,
scope : {
edaEasyFormViewerDataModel : '=?' ,
edaEasyFormViewerEasyFormGeneratorFieldsModel : '=?' ,
edaEasyFormViewerSubmitButtonText : '@?' ,
edaEasyFormViewerCancelButtonText : '@?' ,
edaEasyFormViewerSubmitFormEvent : '&?' ,
edaEasyFormViewerCancelFormEvent : '&?'
} ,
replace : false ,
template : easyFormViewerTemplate ,
link : linkFct
} ;
return directive ;
function linkFct ( scope ) {
scope . vm . model = { } ;
scope . vm . fields = loadFieldsModel ( ) ;
scope . vm . submitText = scope . edaEasyFormViewerSubmitButtonText || 'Submit' ;
scope . vm . cancelText = scope . edaEasyFormViewerCancelButtonText || 'Cancel' ;
scope . $watch ( fieldsModelToWatch , fieldsModelWatcher , true ) ;
scope . $watch ( dataModelToWatch , dataModelWatcher , true ) ;
scope . $watch ( submitBtnTextToWatch , submitBtnTextWatcher ) ;
scope . $watch ( cancelBtnTextToWatch , cancelBtnTextWatcher ) ;
scope . $watch ( submitEventToWatch , submitEventWatcher ) ;
scope . $watch ( cancelEventToWatch , cancelEventWatcher ) ;
function dataModelToWatch ( ) {
return scope . vm . model ;
function fieldsModelToWatch ( ) {
return scope . edaEasyFormViewerEasyFormGeneratorFieldsModel ;
function submitBtnTextToWatch ( ) {
return scope . edaEasyFormViewerSubmitButtonText ;
function cancelBtnTextToWatch ( ) {
return scope . edaEasyFormViewerCancelButtonText ;
function submitEventToWatch ( ) {
return scope . vm . hasJustSumitted ;
function cancelEventToWatch ( ) {
return scope . vm . hasJustCancelled ;
function fieldsModelWatcher ( newFieldsModel ) {
scope . vm . fields = loadExistingConfigurationModel ( newFieldsModel ) ;
function submitBtnTextWatcher ( newSubmitBtntext , oldSubmitBtntext ) {
if ( newSubmitBtntext !== oldSubmitBtntext ) {
scope . vm . submitText = newSubmitBtntext || 'Submit' ;
function cancelBtnTextWatcher ( newCancelBtntext , oldCancelBtntext ) {
if ( newCancelBtntext !== oldCancelBtntext ) {
scope . vm . cancelText = newCancelBtntext || 'Submit' ;
function dataModelWatcher ( newDataModel ) {
scope . edaEasyFormViewerDataModel = newDataModel ;
function submitEventWatcher ( newSubmitEvent ) {
if ( newSubmitEvent === true ) {
if ( angular . isFunction ( scope . edaEasyFormViewerSubmitFormEvent ) ) {
var _dataModelSubmitted = scope . vm . model ;
scope . edaEasyFormViewerSubmitFormEvent ( { dataModelSubmitted : _dataModelSubmitted } ) ;
scope . vm . hasJustSumitted = false ;
function cancelEventWatcher ( newCancelEvent ) {
if ( newCancelEvent === true ) {
if ( angular . isFunction ( scope . edaEasyFormViewerCancelFormEvent ) ) {
scope . edaEasyFormViewerCancelFormEvent ( ) ;
scope . vm . hasJustCancelled = false ;
/ * *
* TODO : check if formly or easy form generato fields model
* by default or if both - > easy for generator is chosen
* /
function loadFieldsModel ( ) {
var initialFieldsModel = angular . isArray ( scope . edaEasyFormViewerEasyFormGeneratorFieldsModel ) ?
//translate easy form generator to formly fields model
loadExistingConfigurationModel ( scope . edaEasyFormViewerEasyFormGeneratorFieldsModel ) : { } ;
return initialFieldsModel ;
function loadExistingConfigurationModel ( loadedFieldModel ) {
if ( angular . isArray ( loadedFieldModel ) ) {
var configlines = returnAttributeConfigurationLinesIfNotEmpty ( loadedFieldModel ) ;
var formlyFieldsModel = [ ] ;
scope . configurationLoaded = { } ;
$modelsTranslator . bindConfigurationLines ( scope . configurationLoaded , configlines ) ;
/ * *
* rebind special control properties :
* formly expression properties
* Validators
* Validation
* /
$modelsTranslator . refreshControlFormlyExpressionProperties ( scope . configurationLoaded ) ;
$modelsTranslator . refreshControlFormlyValidators ( scope . configurationLoaded ) ;
$modelsTranslator . refreshControlFormlyValidation ( scope . configurationLoaded ) ;
//apply configuration model
scope . configuration = angular . copy ( scope . configurationLoaded ) ;
//apply formly model
$modelsTranslator . applyConfigurationToformlyModel ( scope . configurationLoaded , formlyFieldsModel , scope . vm . model ) ;
return formlyFieldsModel ;
return {
setters : [ function ( _ ) {
easyFormViewerTemplate = _ [ 'default' ] ;
} , function ( _2 ) {
returnAttributeConfigurationLinesIfNotEmpty = _2 . returnAttributeConfigurationLinesIfNotEmpty ;
} , function ( _3 ) {
} ] ,
execute : function ( ) {
edaFormViewerDirective . $inject = [ '$modelsTranslator' ] ;
_export ( 'default' , edaFormViewerDirective ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . register ( '6' , [ '7' , '8' ] , function ( _export ) {
var _createClass , _classCallCheck , EASY _FORM _VIEWER _CONTROLLER , EASY _FORM _VIEWER _CONTROLLERAS , edaEasyFormViewerController ;
return {
setters : [ function ( _ ) {
_createClass = _ [ 'default' ] ;
} , function ( _2 ) {
_classCallCheck = _2 [ 'default' ] ;
} ] ,
execute : function ( ) {
'use strict' ;
EASY _FORM _VIEWER _CONTROLLER = 'edaEasyFormViewerCtrl' ;
edaEasyFormViewerController = ( function ( ) {
function edaEasyFormViewerController ( ) {
_classCallCheck ( this , edaEasyFormViewerController ) ;
this . init ( ) ;
_createClass ( edaEasyFormViewerController , [ {
key : 'init' ,
value : function init ( ) {
this . model = { } ;
this . fields = { } ;
this . hasJustSumitted = false ;
this . hasJustCancelled = false ;
} , {
key : 'edaSubmitThisDataModel' ,
value : function edaSubmitThisDataModel ( ) {
this . hasJustSumitted = true ;
} , {
key : 'edaCancelEvent' ,
value : function edaCancelEvent ( ) {
this . hasJustCancelled = true ;
} ] ) ;
return edaEasyFormViewerController ;
} ) ( ) ;
edaEasyFormViewerController . $inject = [ ] ;
_export ( 'default' , edaEasyFormViewerController ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . register ( '9' , [ '5' , '6' ] , function ( _export ) {
/* global angular */
'use strict' ;
var edaFormViewerDirective , EASY _FORM _VIEWER _DIRECTIVE _NAME , edaEasyFormViewerController , EASY _FORM _VIEWER _CONTROLLER , FORM _VIEWER _MAIN _MODULE _NAME ;
return {
setters : [ function ( _ ) {
edaFormViewerDirective = _ [ 'default' ] ;
} , function ( _2 ) {
edaEasyFormViewerController = _2 [ 'default' ] ;
} ] ,
execute : function ( ) {
FORM _VIEWER _MAIN _MODULE _NAME = 'edaFormViewerMainModule' ;
_export ( 'default' , angular . module ( FORM _VIEWER _MAIN _MODULE _NAME , [ ] ) . directive ( EASY _FORM _VIEWER _DIRECTIVE _NAME , edaFormViewerDirective ) . controller ( EASY _FORM _VIEWER _CONTROLLER , edaEasyFormViewerController ) ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . register ( 'a' , [ ] , function ( _export ) {
'use strict' ;
return {
setters : [ ] ,
execute : function ( ) {
CORE _MODULES = [ 'textAngular' , 'formly' , 'ngAnimate' , 'formlyBootstrap' , 'ui.bootstrap' , 'nya.bootstrap.select' ] ;
FORMVIEWER _CORE _MODULE _NAME = 'edaEasyFormViewerCore.module' ;
_export ( 'default' , angular . module ( FORMVIEWER _CORE _MODULE _NAME , CORE _MODULES ) ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . registerDynamic ( "b" , [ ] , true , function ( $ _ _require , exports , module ) {
var global = this ,
_ _define = global . define ;
global . define = undefined ;
var $Object = Object ;
module . exports = {
create : $Object . create ,
getProto : $Object . getPrototypeOf ,
isEnum : { } . propertyIsEnumerable ,
getDesc : $Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ,
setDesc : $Object . defineProperty ,
setDescs : $Object . defineProperties ,
getKeys : $Object . keys ,
getNames : $Object . getOwnPropertyNames ,
getSymbols : $Object . getOwnPropertySymbols ,
each : [ ] . forEach
} ;
global . define = _ _define ;
return module . exports ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . registerDynamic ( "c" , [ "b" ] , true , function ( $ _ _require , exports , module ) {
var global = this ,
_ _define = global . define ;
global . define = undefined ;
var $ = $ _ _require ( 'b' ) ;
module . exports = function defineProperty ( it , key , desc ) {
return $ . setDesc ( it , key , desc ) ;
} ;
global . define = _ _define ;
return module . exports ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . registerDynamic ( "d" , [ "c" ] , true , function ( $ _ _require , exports , module ) {
var global = this ,
_ _define = global . define ;
global . define = undefined ;
module . exports = {
"default" : $ _ _require ( 'c' ) ,
_ _esModule : true
} ;
global . define = _ _define ;
return module . exports ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . registerDynamic ( "7" , [ "d" ] , true , function ( $ _ _require , exports , module ) {
"use strict" ;
var global = this ,
_ _define = global . define ;
global . define = undefined ;
var _Object$defineProperty = $ _ _require ( 'd' ) [ "default" ] ;
exports [ "default" ] = ( function ( ) {
function defineProperties ( target , props ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < props . length ; i ++ ) {
var descriptor = props [ i ] ;
descriptor . enumerable = descriptor . enumerable || false ;
descriptor . configurable = true ;
if ( "value" in descriptor )
descriptor . writable = true ;
_Object$defineProperty ( target , descriptor . key , descriptor ) ;
return function ( Constructor , protoProps , staticProps ) {
if ( protoProps )
defineProperties ( Constructor . prototype , protoProps ) ;
if ( staticProps )
defineProperties ( Constructor , staticProps ) ;
return Constructor ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
exports . _ _esModule = true ;
global . define = _ _define ;
return module . exports ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . registerDynamic ( "8" , [ ] , true , function ( $ _ _require , exports , module ) {
"use strict" ;
var global = this ,
_ _define = global . define ;
global . define = undefined ;
exports [ "default" ] = function ( instance , Constructor ) {
if ( ! ( instance instanceof Constructor ) ) {
throw new TypeError ( "Cannot call a class as a function" ) ;
} ;
exports . _ _esModule = true ;
global . define = _ _define ;
return module . exports ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . register ( 'e' , [ ] , function ( _export ) {
/* global angular */
'use strict' ;
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
var resetNyaSelect , getConfigurationModelInit , getEmptyConfigModelResult , resetDataModel , getErrorObject , getMessageObject , resetFormlyModel , extractTemplateOptionDescription , extractTemplateOptionPlaceholder , extractTemplateOptionType , extractTemplateOptionLabel , extractTemplateOptionDatepickerPopup , extractFormlyExpressionProperties , extractFormlyValidators , extractFormlyValidation , extractTemplateOptionRequired , extractTemplateOptionOptions , addDatepickerPopupProperty , addOneColumnHeader , addOneColumnControl , addTwoColumnControl , addThreeColumnControl ;
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
return {
setters : [ ] ,
execute : function ( ) {
resetNyaSelect = function resetNyaSelect ( nyaSelectObj ) {
var newNyaSelectObj = {
controls : [ {
id : 'empty' ,
name : 'no control' ,
subtitle : 'no control' ,
group : 'Blank' ,
formlyType : 'blank' ,
formlySubtype : '' ,
formlyLabel : '' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : { } ,
formlyValidation : { }
} , {
id : 'Header' ,
name : 'Header' ,
subtitle : 'no control' ,
group : 'Decoration' ,
formlyType : 'header' ,
formlySubtype : '' ,
formlyLabel : '' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : { } ,
formlyValidation : { }
} , {
id : 'Subtitle' ,
name : 'Subtitle' ,
subtitle : 'no control' ,
group : 'Decoration' ,
formlyType : 'subTitle' ,
formlySubtype : '' ,
formlyLabel : '' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : { } ,
formlyValidation : { }
} , {
id : 'TextInput' ,
name : 'Text input' ,
subtitle : 'Text input' ,
group : 'input' ,
formlyType : 'input' ,
formlySubtype : '' ,
formlyLabel : '' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : { } ,
formlyValidation : {
messages : {
required : function required ( viewValue , modelValue , scope ) {
//return a required validation message :
//-> '<label as name> is required '
//-> or if not exists or empty just 'this field is required'
var defaultReturnMsg = 'this Text input field is required' ;
var returnMsg = typeof scope . to . label !== 'undefined' ? scope . to . label !== '' ? scope . to . label + ' is required' : defaultReturnMsg : defaultReturnMsg ;
return returnMsg ;
} , {
id : 'Password' ,
name : 'Password' ,
subtitle : 'Password' ,
group : 'input' ,
formlyType : 'input' ,
formlySubtype : 'password' ,
formlyLabel : '' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : { } ,
formlyValidation : {
messages : {
required : function required ( viewValue , modelValue , scope ) {
//return a required validation message :
//-> '<label as name> is required '
//-> or if not exists or empty just 'this field is required'
var defaultReturnMsg = 'this Password field is required' ;
var returnMsg = typeof scope . to . label !== 'undefined' ? scope . to . label !== '' ? scope . to . label + ' is required' : defaultReturnMsg : defaultReturnMsg ;
return returnMsg ;
} , {
id : 'Email' ,
name : 'Email' ,
subtitle : 'Email' ,
group : 'input' ,
formlyType : 'input' ,
formlySubtype : 'email' ,
formlyLabel : '' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : {
emailShape : {
expression : function expression ( viewValue , modelValue ) {
var value = modelValue || viewValue ;
return ( /^[a-z]+[a-z0-9._]+@[a-z]+\.[a-z.]{2,5}$/ . test ( value )
) ;
} ,
message : '$viewValue + \' is not a valid email\''
} ,
formlyValidation : {
messages : {
required : function required ( viewValue , modelValue , scope ) {
//return a required validation message :
//-> '<label as name> is required '
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
//-> or if not exists or empty just 'this field is required'
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
var defaultReturnMsg = 'this Email field is required' ;
var returnMsg = typeof scope . to . label !== 'undefined' ? scope . to . label !== '' ? scope . to . label + ' is required' : defaultReturnMsg : defaultReturnMsg ;
//check if validation is really dued to require validation
//and not another validation like emailShape validator
if ( scope . to . required ) return returnMsg ;
} , {
id : 'Date' ,
name : 'Date' ,
subtitle : 'Date' ,
group : 'input' ,
formlyType : 'datepicker' ,
formlySubtype : '' ,
formlyLabel : '' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
datepickerPopup : 'dd-MMMM-yyyy' ,
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : { } ,
formlyValidation : {
messages : {
required : function required ( viewValue , modelValue , scope ) {
//return a required validation message :
//-> '<label as name> is required '
//-> or if not exists or empty just 'this field is required'
var defaultReturnMsg = 'this Date field is required' ;
var returnMsg = typeof scope . to . label !== 'undefined' ? scope . to . label !== '' ? scope . to . label + ' is required' : defaultReturnMsg : defaultReturnMsg ;
return returnMsg ;
} , {
id : 'Texarea' ,
name : 'Textarea' ,
subtitle : 'Textarea' ,
group : 'Textarea' ,
formlyType : 'textarea' ,
formlySubtype : '' ,
formlyLabel : '' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : { } ,
formlyValidation : {
messages : {
required : function required ( viewValue , modelValue , scope ) {
//return a required validation message :
//-> '<label as name> is required '
//-> or if not exists or empty just 'this field is required'
var defaultReturnMsg = 'this Textarea field is required' ;
var returnMsg = typeof scope . to . label !== 'undefined' ? scope . to . label !== '' ? scope . to . label + ' is required' : defaultReturnMsg : defaultReturnMsg ;
return returnMsg ;
} , {
id : 'RichTextEditor' ,
name : 'RichTextEditor' ,
subtitle : 'RichTextEditor' ,
group : 'Textarea' ,
formlyType : 'richEditor' ,
formlySubtype : '' ,
formlyLabel : '' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : { } ,
formlyValidation : {
messages : {
required : function required ( viewValue , modelValue , scope ) {
//return a required validation message :
//-> '<label as name> is required '
//-> or if not exists or empty just 'this field is required'
var defaultReturnMsg = 'this RichTextEditor field is required' ;
var returnMsg = typeof scope . to . label !== 'undefined' ? scope . to . label !== '' ? scope . to . label + ' is required' : defaultReturnMsg : defaultReturnMsg ;
return returnMsg ;
} , {
id : 'Radio' ,
name : 'Radio' ,
subtitle : 'Radio' ,
options : [ ] ,
group : 'Radio' ,
formlyType : 'radio' ,
formlySubtype : '' ,
formlyLabel : '' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : { } ,
formlyValidation : {
messages : {
required : function required ( viewValue , modelValue , scope ) {
//return a required validation message :
//-> '<label as name> is required '
//-> or if not exists or empty just 'this field is required'
var defaultReturnMsg = 'this Password field is required' ;
var returnMsg = typeof scope . to . label !== 'undefined' ? scope . to . label !== '' ? scope . to . label + ' is required' : defaultReturnMsg : defaultReturnMsg ;
return returnMsg ;
} , {
id : 'Checkbox' ,
name : 'Checkbox' ,
subtitle : 'Checkbox' ,
group : 'Checkbox' ,
formlyType : 'checkbox' ,
formlySubtype : '' ,
formlyLabel : '' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : { } ,
formlyValidation : {
messages : {
required : function required ( viewValue , modelValue , scope ) {
//return a required validation message :
//-> '<label as name> is required '
//-> or if not exists or empty just 'this field is required'
var defaultReturnMsg = 'this Checkbox field is required' ;
var returnMsg = typeof scope . to . label !== 'undefined' ? scope . to . label !== '' ? scope . to . label + ' is required' : defaultReturnMsg : defaultReturnMsg ;
return returnMsg ;
} , {
id : 'BasicSelect' ,
name : 'Basic select' ,
subtitle : 'Basic select' ,
options : [ ] ,
group : 'Select' ,
formlyType : 'basicSelect' ,
formlySubtype : '' ,
formlyLabel : '' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : { } ,
formlyValidation : {
messages : {
required : function required ( viewValue , modelValue , scope ) {
//return a required validation message :
//-> '<label as name> is required '
//-> or if not exists or empty just 'this field is required'
var defaultReturnMsg = 'this Basic select field is required' ;
var returnMsg = typeof scope . to . label !== 'undefined' ? scope . to . label !== '' ? scope . to . label + ' is required' : defaultReturnMsg : defaultReturnMsg ;
return returnMsg ;
} , {
id : 'GroupedSelect' ,
name : 'Grouped Select' ,
subtitle : 'Grouped Select' ,
options : [ ] ,
group : 'Select' ,
formlyType : 'groupedSelect' ,
formlySubtype : '' ,
formlyLabel : '' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : { } ,
formlyValidation : {
messages : {
required : function required ( viewValue , modelValue , scope ) {
//return a required validation message :
//-> '<label as name> is required '
//-> or if not exists or empty just 'this field is required'
var defaultReturnMsg = 'this Grouped Select field is required' ;
var returnMsg = typeof scope . to . label !== 'undefined' ? scope . to . label !== '' ? scope . to . label + ' is required' : defaultReturnMsg : defaultReturnMsg ;
return returnMsg ;
} ] ,
selectedControl : 'none' ,
temporyConfig : {
selectedControl : 'none' ,
formlyLabel : 'label' ,
formlyRequired : false ,
formlyDesciption : '' ,
formlyPlaceholder : '' ,
formlyOptions : [ ] ,
//expressions/validation fields
formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
formlyValidators : { } ,
formlyValidation : { }
} ;
angular . copy ( newNyaSelectObj , nyaSelectObj ) ;
return true ;
} ;
/ * *
* equivalent to formFielManage service in easy form generator
* /
getConfigurationModelInit = function getConfigurationModelInit ( ) {
var configurationModelInit = {
activeLine : 1 ,
listConfigStep : [ 'init' , 'first' , 'second' , 'third' ] ,
stepIndicators : [ true , false , false , false ] ,
configStepCounter : 0 ,
submitButtonText : 'submit' ,
cancelButtonText : 'cancel' ,
lines : [ {
line : 1 ,
activeColumn : 1 ,
columns : [ {
numColumn : 1 ,
exist : true ,
control : {
type : 'none' ,
key : 'none'
// templateOptions: {
// label: 'none',
// placeholder: 'none',
// required: false,
// description: 'Descriptive text'
// }
} ]
} ]
} ;
return configurationModelInit ;
} ;
getEmptyConfigModelResult = function getEmptyConfigModelResult ( ) {
var configurationModelResult = {
activeLine : 1 ,
listConfigStep : [ 'init' , 'first' , 'second' , 'third' ] ,
stepIndicators : [ true , false , false , false ] ,
configStepCounter : 0 ,
submitButtonText : 'submit' ,
cancelButtonText : 'cancel' ,
lines : [ ]
} ;
return angular . copy ( configurationModelResult ) ;
} ;
resetDataModel = function resetDataModel ( obj ) {
var emptyDataModel = { } ;
angular . copy ( emptyDataModel , obj ) ;
return true ;
} ;
getErrorObject = function getErrorObject ( errorTitle , errorMessage ) {
var messageObj = {
noError : false ,
title : '' ,
Message : ''
} ;
messageObj . noError = false ;
messageObj . title = errorTitle ;
messageObj . Message = errorMessage ;
return messageObj ;
} ;
getMessageObject = function getMessageObject ( messageTitle , messageBody ) {
var messageObj = {
noError : false ,
title : '' ,
Message : ''
} ;
messageObj . noError = true ;
messageObj . title = messageTitle ;
messageObj . Message = messageBody ;
return messageObj ;
} ;
resetFormlyModel = function resetFormlyModel ( formlyModel ) {
var resetformly = [ ] ;
angular . copy ( resetformly , formlyModel ) ;
} ;
extractTemplateOptionDescription = function extractTemplateOptionDescription ( obj ) {
return typeof obj . templateOptions !== 'undefined' ? typeof obj . templateOptions . description !== 'undefined' ? obj . templateOptions . description : '' : '' ;
} ;
extractTemplateOptionPlaceholder = function extractTemplateOptionPlaceholder ( obj ) {
return typeof obj . templateOptions !== 'undefined' ? typeof obj . templateOptions . placeholder !== 'undefined' ? obj . templateOptions . placeholder : '' : '' ;
} ;
extractTemplateOptionType = function extractTemplateOptionType ( obj ) {
return typeof obj . subtype !== 'undefined' ? obj . subtype : '' ;
} ;
// const isTemplateOptionDefined = (obj) => typeof obj.templateOptions !== 'undefined' ? true : false;
extractTemplateOptionLabel = function extractTemplateOptionLabel ( obj ) {
return typeof obj . templateOptions !== 'undefined' ? typeof obj . templateOptions . label !== 'undefined' ? obj . templateOptions . label : '' : '' ;
} ;
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
extractTemplateOptionDatepickerPopup = function extractTemplateOptionDatepickerPopup ( obj ) {
return typeof obj . templateOptions !== 'undefined' ? typeof obj . templateOptions . datepickerPopup !== 'undefined' ? obj . templateOptions . datepickerPopup : '' : '' ;
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
} ;
extractFormlyExpressionProperties = function extractFormlyExpressionProperties ( obj ) {
return typeof obj . formlyExpressionProperties !== 'undefined' ? angular . copy ( obj . formlyExpressionProperties ) : { } ;
} ;
extractFormlyValidators = function extractFormlyValidators ( obj ) {
return typeof obj . formlyValidators !== 'undefined' ? angular . copy ( obj . formlyValidators ) : { } ;
} ;
extractFormlyValidation = function extractFormlyValidation ( obj ) {
return typeof obj . formlyValidation !== 'undefined' ? angular . copy ( obj . formlyValidation ) : { } ;
} ;
extractTemplateOptionRequired = function extractTemplateOptionRequired ( obj ) {
return typeof obj . templateOptions !== 'undefined' ? typeof obj . templateOptions . required !== 'undefined' ? obj . templateOptions . required : '' : '' ;
} ;
extractTemplateOptionOptions = function extractTemplateOptionOptions ( obj ) {
return typeof obj . templateOptions !== 'undefined' ? typeof obj . templateOptions . options !== 'undefined' ? obj . templateOptions . options : '' : '' ;
} ;
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
addDatepickerPopupProperty = function addDatepickerPopupProperty ( fieldToPush , configurationModel , lineIndex ) {
return fieldToPush . templateOptions . datepickerPopup = extractTemplateOptionDatepickerPopup ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ;
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
} ;
addOneColumnHeader = function addOneColumnHeader ( formlyModel , configurationModel , lineIndex ) {
/ * *
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
* text header is stored in "description" in templateOtion model
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
* /
var headerTemplateCol0 = '<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12"><h2 class="text-center">' + extractTemplateOptionDescription ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) + '<h2></div></div><hr/>' ;
formlyModel . push ( {
template : typeof configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type !== 'undefined' ? configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type === 'header' ? headerTemplateCol0 : '<div></div>' : '<div></div>'
} ) ;
} ;
addOneColumnControl = function addOneColumnControl ( formlyModel , configurationModel , lineIndex ) {
var fieldToPush = {
className : 'col-xs-12' ,
type : typeof configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type !== 'undefined' ? configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type === 'none' ? 'blank' : configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type : 'blank' ,
key : typeof configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . key !== 'undefined' ? configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . key : 'blank' + Date . now ( ) ,
templateOptions : {
type : extractTemplateOptionType ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
label : extractTemplateOptionLabel ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
required : extractTemplateOptionRequired ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
placeholder : extractTemplateOptionPlaceholder ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
description : extractTemplateOptionDescription ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
options : extractTemplateOptionOptions ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control )
} ,
expressionProperties : extractFormlyExpressionProperties ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
validators : extractFormlyValidators ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
validation : extractFormlyValidation ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control )
} ;
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
//datepicker additionnal particular property
if ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type === 'datepicker' ) addDatepickerPopupProperty ( fieldToPush , configurationModel , lineIndex ) ;
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
formlyModel . push ( fieldToPush ) ;
} ;
addTwoColumnControl = function addTwoColumnControl ( formlyModel , configurationModel , lineIndex ) {
//text header is stored in "description" in templateOtion model
var headerTemplateCol0 = {
className : 'col-xs-6' ,
template : '<div class="row"><div class=""><h2 class="text-center">' + extractTemplateOptionDescription ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) + '<h2><hr/></div></div>'
} ;
var headerTemplateCol1 = {
className : 'col-xs-6' ,
template : '<div class="row"><div class=""><h2 class="text-center">' + extractTemplateOptionDescription ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) + '<h2><hr/></div></div>'
} ;
var controlCol0 = {
className : 'col-xs-6' ,
type : typeof configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type !== 'undefined' ? configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type === 'none' ? 'blank' : configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type : 'blank' ,
key : typeof configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . key !== 'undefined' ? configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . key : 'blank' + Date . now ( ) ,
templateOptions : {
type : extractTemplateOptionType ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
label : extractTemplateOptionLabel ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
required : extractTemplateOptionRequired ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
placeholder : extractTemplateOptionPlaceholder ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
description : extractTemplateOptionDescription ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
options : extractTemplateOptionOptions ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control )
} ,
expressionProperties : extractFormlyExpressionProperties ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
validators : extractFormlyValidators ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
validation : extractFormlyValidation ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control )
} ;
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
//datepicker additionnal particular property
if ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type === 'datepicker' ) addDatepickerPopupProperty ( controlCol0 , configurationModel , lineIndex ) ;
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
var controlCol1 = {
className : 'col-xs-6' ,
type : typeof configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . type !== 'undefined' ? configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . type === 'none' ? 'blank' : configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . type : 'blank' ,
key : typeof configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . key !== 'undefined' ? configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . key : 'blank' + Date . now ( ) ,
templateOptions : {
type : extractTemplateOptionType ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
label : extractTemplateOptionLabel ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
required : extractTemplateOptionRequired ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
placeholder : extractTemplateOptionPlaceholder ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
description : extractTemplateOptionDescription ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
options : extractTemplateOptionOptions ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control )
} ,
expressionProperties : extractFormlyExpressionProperties ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
validators : extractFormlyValidators ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
validation : extractFormlyValidation ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control )
} ;
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
//datepicker additionnal particular property
if ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . type === 'datepicker' ) addDatepickerPopupProperty ( controlCol1 , configurationModel , lineIndex ) ;
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
var FieldGroup = [ ] ;
if ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type === 'header' ) {
FieldGroup . push ( headerTemplateCol0 ) ;
} else {
FieldGroup . push ( controlCol0 ) ;
if ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . type === 'header' ) {
FieldGroup . push ( headerTemplateCol1 ) ;
} else {
FieldGroup . push ( controlCol1 ) ;
formlyModel . push ( {
className : 'row' ,
fieldGroup : FieldGroup
} ) ;
} ;
addThreeColumnControl = function addThreeColumnControl ( formlyModel , configurationModel , lineIndex ) {
//text header is stored in "description" in templateOtion model
var headerTemplateCol0 = {
className : 'col-xs-4' ,
template : '<div class="row"><div class=""><h2 class="text-center">' + extractTemplateOptionDescription ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) + '<h2><hr/></div></div>'
} ;
var headerTemplateCol1 = {
className : 'col-xs-4' ,
template : '<div class="row"><div class=""><h2 class="text-center">' + extractTemplateOptionDescription ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) + '<h2><hr/></div></div>'
} ;
var headerTemplateCol2 = {
className : 'col-xs-4' ,
template : '<div class="row"><div class=""><h2 class="text-center">' + extractTemplateOptionDescription ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control ) + '<h2><hr/></div></div>'
} ;
var controlCol0 = {
className : 'col-xs-4' ,
type : typeof configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type !== 'undefined' ? configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type === 'none' ? 'blank' : configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type : 'blank' ,
key : typeof configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . key !== 'undefined' ? configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . key : 'blank' + Date . now ( ) ,
templateOptions : {
type : extractTemplateOptionType ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
label : extractTemplateOptionLabel ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
required : extractTemplateOptionRequired ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
placeholder : extractTemplateOptionPlaceholder ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
description : extractTemplateOptionDescription ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
options : extractTemplateOptionOptions ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control )
} ,
expressionProperties : extractFormlyExpressionProperties ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
validators : extractFormlyValidators ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control ) ,
validation : extractFormlyValidation ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control )
} ;
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
//datepicker additionnal particular property
if ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type === 'datepicker' ) addDatepickerPopupProperty ( controlCol0 , configurationModel , lineIndex ) ;
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
var controlCol1 = {
className : 'col-xs-4' ,
type : typeof configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . type !== 'undefined' ? configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . type === 'none' ? 'blank' : configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . type : 'blank' ,
key : typeof configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . key !== 'undefined' ? configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . key : 'blank' + Date . now ( ) ,
templateOptions : {
type : extractTemplateOptionType ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
label : extractTemplateOptionLabel ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
required : extractTemplateOptionRequired ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
placeholder : extractTemplateOptionPlaceholder ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
description : extractTemplateOptionDescription ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
options : extractTemplateOptionOptions ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control )
} ,
expressionProperties : extractFormlyExpressionProperties ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
validators : extractFormlyValidators ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control ) ,
validation : extractFormlyValidation ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control )
} ;
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
//datepicker additionnal particular property
if ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . type === 'datepicker' ) addDatepickerPopupProperty ( controlCol1 , configurationModel , lineIndex ) ;
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
var controlCol2 = {
className : 'col-xs-4' ,
type : typeof configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control . type !== 'undefined' ? configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control . type === 'none' ? 'blank' : configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control . type : 'blank' ,
key : typeof configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control . key !== 'undefined' ? configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control . key : 'blank' + Date . now ( ) ,
templateOptions : {
type : extractTemplateOptionType ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control ) ,
label : extractTemplateOptionLabel ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control ) ,
required : extractTemplateOptionRequired ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control ) ,
placeholder : extractTemplateOptionPlaceholder ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control ) ,
description : extractTemplateOptionDescription ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control ) ,
options : extractTemplateOptionOptions ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control )
} ,
expressionProperties : extractFormlyExpressionProperties ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control ) ,
validators : extractFormlyValidators ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control ) ,
validation : extractFormlyValidation ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control )
} ;
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
//datepicker additionnal particular property
if ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control . type === 'datepicker' ) addDatepickerPopupProperty ( controlCol2 , configurationModel , lineIndex ) ;
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
var FieldGroup = [ ] ;
if ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type === 'header' ) {
FieldGroup . push ( headerTemplateCol0 ) ;
} else {
FieldGroup . push ( controlCol0 ) ;
if ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 1 ] . control . type === 'header' ) {
FieldGroup . push ( headerTemplateCol1 ) ;
} else {
FieldGroup . push ( controlCol1 ) ;
if ( configurationModel . lines [ lineIndex ] . columns [ 2 ] . control . type === 'header' ) {
FieldGroup . push ( headerTemplateCol2 ) ;
} else {
FieldGroup . push ( controlCol2 ) ;
formlyModel . push ( {
className : 'row' ,
fieldGroup : FieldGroup
} ) ;
} ;
_export ( 'resetNyaSelect' , resetNyaSelect ) ;
_export ( 'getConfigurationModelInit' , getConfigurationModelInit ) ;
_export ( 'getEmptyConfigModelResult' , getEmptyConfigModelResult ) ;
_export ( 'resetDataModel' , resetDataModel ) ;
_export ( 'getErrorObject' , getErrorObject ) ;
_export ( 'getMessageObject' , getMessageObject ) ;
_export ( 'resetFormlyModel' , resetFormlyModel ) ;
_export ( 'addOneColumnHeader' , addOneColumnHeader ) ;
_export ( 'addOneColumnControl' , addOneColumnControl ) ;
_export ( 'addTwoColumnControl' , addTwoColumnControl ) ;
_export ( 'addThreeColumnControl' , addThreeColumnControl ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . register ( 'f' , [ '7' , '8' , 'e' ] , function ( _export ) {
var _createClass , _classCallCheck , resetNyaSelect , getEmptyConfigModelResult , resetDataModel , getErrorObject , getMessageObject , resetFormlyModel , addOneColumnHeader , addOneColumnControl , addTwoColumnControl , addThreeColumnControl , MODEL _TRANSLATOR _SERVICE , $modelsTranslator ;
return {
setters : [ function ( _ ) {
_createClass = _ [ 'default' ] ;
} , function ( _2 ) {
_classCallCheck = _2 [ 'default' ] ;
} , function ( _e ) {
resetNyaSelect = _e . resetNyaSelect ;
getEmptyConfigModelResult = _e . getEmptyConfigModelResult ;
resetDataModel = _e . resetDataModel ;
getErrorObject = _e . getErrorObject ;
getMessageObject = _e . getMessageObject ;
resetFormlyModel = _e . resetFormlyModel ;
addOneColumnHeader = _e . addOneColumnHeader ;
addOneColumnControl = _e . addOneColumnControl ;
addTwoColumnControl = _e . addTwoColumnControl ;
addThreeColumnControl = _e . addThreeColumnControl ;
} ] ,
execute : function ( ) {
/* global angular */
'use strict' ;
MODEL _TRANSLATOR _SERVICE = '$modelsTranslator' ;
$modelsTranslator = ( function ( ) {
function $modelsTranslator ( ) {
_classCallCheck ( this , $modelsTranslator ) ;
_createClass ( $modelsTranslator , [ {
key : 'initNyaSelect' ,
value : function initNyaSelect ( nyaSelectObj ) {
return resetNyaSelect ( nyaSelectObj ) ;
/ * *
* get all controls definition ( nyaSelectObj )
* needed to bind these properties :
* formlyExpressionProperties : { } ,
* formlyValidators : { } ,
* formlyValidation
* /
} , {
key : 'getControlsDefinition' ,
value : function getControlsDefinition ( ) {
var controls = { } ;
resetNyaSelect ( controls ) ;
return controls ;
/ * *
* loading forms will not be able to retrieve formlyExpressionProperties
* - > here does the job
* /
} , {
key : 'refreshControlFormlyExpressionProperties' ,
value : function refreshControlFormlyExpressionProperties ( configurationModel ) {
var _this = this ;
if ( angular . isObject ( configurationModel ) ) {
//iterates lines
angular . forEach ( configurationModel . lines , function ( line ) {
angular . forEach ( line . columns , function ( column ) {
var _controlsDefinition = _this . getControlsDefinition ( ) ;
angular . forEach ( _controlsDefinition . controls , function ( aControl ) {
if ( column . control . type === aControl . formlyType && column . control . subtype === aControl . formlySubtype ) {
//----> update control formlyExpressionProperties property
column . control . formlyExpressionProperties = aControl . formlyExpressionProperties ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* loading forms will not be able to retrieve formlyValidators
* - > here does the job
* /
} , {
key : 'refreshControlFormlyValidators' ,
value : function refreshControlFormlyValidators ( configurationModel ) {
var _this2 = this ;
if ( angular . isObject ( configurationModel ) ) {
//iterates lines
angular . forEach ( configurationModel . lines , function ( line ) {
angular . forEach ( line . columns , function ( column ) {
var _controlsDefinition = _this2 . getControlsDefinition ( ) ;
angular . forEach ( _controlsDefinition . controls , function ( aControl ) {
if ( column . control . type === aControl . formlyType && column . control . subtype === aControl . formlySubtype ) {
//----> update control formlyValidators property
column . control . formlyValidators = aControl . formlyValidators ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* loading forms will not be able to retrieve formlyValidation
* - > here does the job
* /
} , {
key : 'refreshControlFormlyValidation' ,
value : function refreshControlFormlyValidation ( configurationModel ) {
var _this3 = this ;
if ( angular . isObject ( configurationModel ) ) {
//iterates lines
angular . forEach ( configurationModel . lines , function ( line ) {
angular . forEach ( line . columns , function ( column ) {
var _controlsDefinition = _this3 . getControlsDefinition ( ) ;
angular . forEach ( _controlsDefinition . controls , function ( aControl ) {
if ( column . control . type === aControl . formlyType && column . control . subtype === aControl . formlySubtype ) {
//----> update control formlyValidation property
column . control . formlyValidation = aControl . formlyValidation ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// initConfigurationEditFromScratch(configurationModel) {
// configurationModel = angular.copy(getConfigurationModelInit());
// }
} , {
key : 'bindConfigurationLines' ,
value : function bindConfigurationLines ( configurationModel , lines ) {
if ( angular . isArray ( lines ) ) {
var configurationModelResult = getEmptyConfigModelResult ( ) ;
configurationModelResult . lines = [ ] . concat ( lines ) ;
angular . copy ( configurationModelResult , configurationModel ) ;
return getMessageObject ( 'configuration model is bound' , 'lines are bound to configuration model.' ) ;
} else {
return getErrorObject ( 'lines is not an array' , 'Checks lines type, it is not an array.' ) ;
} , {
key : 'applyConfigurationToformlyModel' ,
value : function applyConfigurationToformlyModel ( configurationModel , formlyModel , formlyDataModel ) {
resetFormlyModel ( formlyModel ) ;
resetDataModel ( formlyDataModel ) ;
/ * *
* manage header here line0
* /
var lineNumber = configurationModel . lines . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < lineNumber ; i ++ ) {
//1 column line control
if ( configurationModel . lines [ i ] . columns . length === 1 ) {
//test if template control = header
if ( configurationModel . lines [ i ] . columns [ 0 ] . control . type === 'header' ) {
addOneColumnHeader ( formlyModel , configurationModel , i ) ;
} else {
addOneColumnControl ( formlyModel , configurationModel , i ) ;
if ( configurationModel . lines [ i ] . columns . length === 2 ) {
addTwoColumnControl ( formlyModel , configurationModel , i ) ;
if ( configurationModel . lines [ i ] . columns . length === 3 ) {
addThreeColumnControl ( formlyModel , configurationModel , i ) ;
} ] ) ;
return $modelsTranslator ;
} ) ( ) ;
$modelsTranslator . $inject = [ ] ;
_export ( 'default' , $modelsTranslator ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
// getConfigurationModelInit,
$ _ _System . register ( '10' , [ 'f' ] , function ( _export ) {
/* global angular */
'use strict' ;
return {
setters : [ function ( _f ) {
$modelsTranslator = _f [ 'default' ] ;
} ] ,
execute : function ( ) {
FORM _VIEWER _MODEL _TRANSLATOR _MODULE _NAME = 'edaFormViewerModelTranslatorModule' ;
_export ( 'default' , angular . module ( FORM _VIEWER _MODEL _TRANSLATOR _MODULE _NAME , [ ] ) . service ( MODEL _TRANSLATOR _SERVICE , $modelsTranslator ) ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . register ( "11" , [ ] , function ( _export ) {
"use strict" ;
var richTextTemplate , blankTemplate , subTitleTemplate , basicSelectTemplate , groupedSelectTemplate , datepickerTemplate , validationTemplate ;
return {
setters : [ ] ,
execute : function ( ) {
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
richTextTemplate = "\n\t<text-angular name=\"{{id}}\" \n\t\tclass=\"richTextAngular\" \n\t\tng-model=\"model[options.key || index]\">\n\t</text-angular>" ;
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
blankTemplate = "<div></div>" ;
subTitleTemplate = "\n\t<div class=\"row\">\n\t\t<div class=\"\">\n\t\t\t<h4 class=\"text-center\">\n\t\t\t{{options.templateOptions.placeholder}}\n\t\t\t<h4><hr/>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>" ;
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
basicSelectTemplate = " \n<ol \n\tclass=\"nya-bs-select col-sm-12 col-xs-12 col-md-12 col-lg12\" \n\tng-model=\"model[options.key || index]\" \n\tid=\"{{id}}\" \n\tdisabled=\"options.templateOptions.options.length === 0\"> \n\t<li class=\"nya-bs-option\" nya-bs-option=\"option in options.templateOptions.options\"> \n\t\t<a>{{option.name}}</a> \n\t</li> \n</ol>" ;
groupedSelectTemplate = "\n\t<ol class=\"nya-bs-select col-sm-12 col-xs-12 col-md-12 col-lg12\" \n\t\tng-model=\"model[options.key || index]\" \n\t\tdata-live-search=\"true\" \n\t\tdisabled=\"options.templateOptions.options.length === 0\">\n\t\t<li nya-bs-option=\"option in options.templateOptions.options group by option.group\">\n\t\t\t<span class=\"dropdown-header\">{{$group}}</span> \n\t\t\t<a>\n\t\t\t\t<span>{{option.name}}</span>\n\t\t\t\t<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-ok check-mark\"></span>\n\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t</li>\n\t</ol>" ;
datepickerTemplate = "\t<input id=\"{{id}}\" \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tclass=\"form-control\" \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tng-click=\"open($event)\" \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tng-model=\"model[options.key || index]\" \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tis-open=\"to.isOpen\" \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tng-click=\"to.isOpen = true\" \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdatepicker-options=\"to.datepickerOptions\" />" ;
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
validationTemplate = "\n\t<div class=\"formly-template-wrapper form-group\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tng-class=\"{'has-error': options.validation.errorExistsAndShouldBeVisible}\">\n\t\t\t\t<formly-transclude></formly-transclude>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"validation\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tng-if=\"options.validation.errorExistsAndShouldBeVisible\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tng-messages=\"options.formControl.$error\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div ng-messages-include=\"validation.html\"></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<div ng-message=\"{{::name}}\" ng-repeat=\"(name, message) in ::options.validation.messages\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{{message(options.formControl.$viewValue, options.formControl.$modelValue, this)}}\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</div>" ;
_export ( "richTextTemplate" , richTextTemplate ) ;
_export ( "blankTemplate" , blankTemplate ) ;
_export ( "subTitleTemplate" , subTitleTemplate ) ;
_export ( "basicSelectTemplate" , basicSelectTemplate ) ;
_export ( "groupedSelectTemplate" , groupedSelectTemplate ) ;
_export ( "datepickerTemplate" , datepickerTemplate ) ;
_export ( "validationTemplate" , validationTemplate ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . register ( '12' , [ '11' ] , function ( _export ) {
'use strict' ;
var richTextTemplate , blankTemplate , subTitleTemplate , basicSelectTemplate , groupedSelectTemplate , datepickerTemplate , validationTemplate ;
function edaEasyFormViewerConfig ( formlyConfigProvider ) {
formlyConfigProvider . setType ( {
name : 'richEditor' ,
template : richTextTemplate ,
wrapper : [ 'bootstrapLabel' , 'bootstrapHasError' ]
} ) ;
formlyConfigProvider . setType ( {
name : 'blank' ,
template : blankTemplate
} ) ;
formlyConfigProvider . setType ( {
name : 'subTitle' ,
template : subTitleTemplate
} ) ;
formlyConfigProvider . setType ( {
name : 'basicSelect' ,
template : basicSelectTemplate ,
wrapper : [ 'bootstrapLabel' , 'bootstrapHasError' ]
} ) ;
formlyConfigProvider . setType ( {
name : 'groupedSelect' ,
template : groupedSelectTemplate ,
wrapper : [ 'bootstrapLabel' , 'bootstrapHasError' ]
} ) ;
// angular UI date picker
// thx Kent C. Dodds
var attributes = [ 'date-disabled' , 'custom-class' , 'show-weeks' , 'starting-day' , 'init-date' , 'min-mode' , 'max-mode' , 'format-day' , 'format-month' , 'format-year' , 'format-day-header' , 'format-day-title' , 'format-month-title' , 'year-range' , 'shortcut-propagation' , 'datepicker-popup' , 'show-button-bar' , 'current-text' , 'clear-text' , 'close-text' , 'close-on-date-selection' , 'datepicker-append-to-body' ] ;
var bindings = [ 'datepicker-mode' , 'min-date' , 'max-date' ] ;
var ngModelAttrs = { } ;
angular . forEach ( attributes , function ( attr ) {
ngModelAttrs [ camelize ( attr ) ] = { attribute : attr } ;
} ) ;
angular . forEach ( bindings , function ( binding ) {
ngModelAttrs [ camelize ( binding ) ] = { bound : binding } ;
} ) ;
formlyConfigProvider . setType ( {
name : 'datepicker' ,
template : datepickerTemplate ,
wrapper : [ 'bootstrapLabel' , 'bootstrapHasError' ] ,
controller : [ '$scope' , function ( $scope ) {
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
$scope . open = function ( $event ) {
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
$event . preventDefault ( ) ;
$event . stopPropagation ( ) ;
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
$scope . opened = true ;
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
} ;
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
} ] ,
defaultOptions : {
ngModelAttrs : ngModelAttrs ,
templateOptions : {
addonLeft : {
'class' : 'glyphicon glyphicon-calendar' ,
onClick : function onClick ( options ) {
return options . templateOptions . isOpen = ! options . templateOptions . isOpen ;
} ,
onFocus : function onFocus ( $viewValue , $modelValue , scope ) {
return scope . to . isOpen = ! scope . to . isOpen ;
} ,
datepickerOptions : { }
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
} ) ;
/ * *
* wrappers to show validation errors
* without having to rewrite formly types
* /
formlyConfigProvider . setWrapper ( [ {
template : validationTemplate
} ] ) ;
function camelize ( string ) {
string = string . replace ( /[\-_\s]+(.)?/g , function ( match , chr ) {
return chr ? chr . toUpperCase ( ) : '' ;
} ) ;
// Ensure 1st char is always lowercase
return string . replace ( /^([A-Z])/ , function ( match , chr ) {
return chr ? chr . toLowerCase ( ) : '' ;
} ) ;
return {
setters : [ function ( _ ) {
richTextTemplate = _ . richTextTemplate ;
blankTemplate = _ . blankTemplate ;
subTitleTemplate = _ . subTitleTemplate ;
basicSelectTemplate = _ . basicSelectTemplate ;
groupedSelectTemplate = _ . groupedSelectTemplate ;
datepickerTemplate = _ . datepickerTemplate ;
validationTemplate = _ . validationTemplate ;
} ] ,
execute : function ( ) {
edaEasyFormViewerConfig . $inject = [ 'formlyConfigProvider' ] ;
_export ( 'default' , edaEasyFormViewerConfig ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . registerDynamic ( "13" , [ ] , true , function ( $ _ _require , exports , module ) {
var global = this ,
_ _define = global . define ;
global . define = undefined ;
module . exports = {
2016-06-19 15:06:50 +02:00
"stepway" : { "version" : "1.1.0" } ,
"dragdropway" : { "version" : "1.1.0" } ,
"formviewer" : { "version" : "1.1.0" }
2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00
} ;
global . define = _ _define ;
return module . exports ;
} ) ;
$ _ _System . register ( '1' , [ '2' , '9' , '10' , '12' , '13' , 'a' ] , function ( _export ) {
'use strict' ;
var edaFormViewerMainModule , edaFormViewerModelTranslatorModule , edaEasyFormViewerConfig , easyFormConfig , edaFormViewerCoreModule , DEP _TO _INJECT _IN _MAIN , EASY _FORM _VIEWER _VERSION _NAME , EASY _FORM _VIEWER _VERSION _VALUE , MAIN _MODULE _NAME , mainModule ;
return {
setters : [ function ( _ ) { } , function ( _2 ) {
edaFormViewerMainModule = _2 [ 'default' ] ;
} , function ( _3 ) {
edaFormViewerModelTranslatorModule = _3 [ 'default' ] ;
} , function ( _4 ) {
edaEasyFormViewerConfig = _4 [ 'default' ] ;
} , function ( _5 ) {
easyFormConfig = _5 [ 'default' ] ;
} , function ( _a ) {
edaFormViewerCoreModule = _a [ 'default' ] ;
} ] ,
execute : function ( ) {
DEP _TO _INJECT _IN _MAIN = [ edaFormViewerMainModule . name , edaFormViewerCoreModule . name , edaFormViewerModelTranslatorModule . name ] ;
EASY _FORM _VIEWER _VERSION _NAME = 'easyFormViewerVersion' ;
EASY _FORM _VIEWER _VERSION _VALUE = easyFormConfig . formviewer . version ;
MAIN _MODULE _NAME = 'eda.easyFormViewer' ;
mainModule = angular . module ( MAIN _MODULE _NAME , DEP _TO _INJECT _IN _MAIN ) . config ( edaEasyFormViewerConfig ) . value ( EASY _FORM _VIEWER _VERSION _NAME , EASY _FORM _VIEWER _VERSION _VALUE ) ;
_export ( 'default' , mainModule ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
} )
( function ( factory ) {
factory ( ) ;
} ) ;
//# sourceMappingURL=eda.easyFormViewer.js.map