3070 lines
126 KiB
3070 lines
126 KiB
@license textAngular
Author : Austin Anderson
License : 2013 MIT
Version 1.5.1
See README.md or https://github.com/fraywing/textAngular/wiki for requirements and use.
Commonjs package manager support (eg componentjs).
"use strict";
// IE version detection - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4169160/javascript-ie-detection-why-not-use-simple-conditional-comments
// We need this as IE sometimes plays funny tricks with the contenteditable.
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// If you're not in IE (or IE version is less than 5) then:
// ie === undefined
// If you're in IE (>=5) then you can determine which version:
// ie === 7; // IE7
// Thus, to detect IE:
// if (ie) {}
// And to detect the version:
// ie === 6 // IE6
// ie > 7 // IE8, IE9, IE10 ...
// ie < 9 // Anything less than IE9
// ----------------------------------------------------------
/* istanbul ignore next: untestable browser check */
var _browserDetect = {
ie: (function(){
var undef,
v = 3,
div = document.createElement('div'),
all = div.getElementsByTagName('i');
while (
div.innerHTML = '<!--[if gt IE ' + (++v) + ']><i></i><![endif]-->',
return v > 4 ? v : undef;
webkit: /AppleWebKit\/([\d.]+)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
// fix a webkit bug, see: https://gist.github.com/shimondoodkin/1081133
// this is set true when a blur occurs as the blur of the ta-bind triggers before the click
var globalContentEditableBlur = false;
/* istanbul ignore next: Browser Un-Focus fix for webkit */
if(_browserDetect.webkit) {
document.addEventListener("mousedown", function(_event){
var e = _event || window.event;
var curelement = e.target;
if(globalContentEditableBlur && curelement !== null){
var isEditable = false;
var tempEl = curelement;
while(tempEl !== null && tempEl.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'html' && !isEditable){
isEditable = tempEl.contentEditable === 'true';
tempEl = tempEl.parentNode;
document.getElementById('textAngular-editableFix-010203040506070809').setSelectionRange(0, 0); // set caret focus to an element that handles caret focus correctly.
curelement.focus(); // focus the wanted element.
if (curelement.select) {
curelement.select(); // use select to place cursor for input elements.
globalContentEditableBlur = false;
}, false); // add global click handler
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
angular.element(document.body).append(angular.element('<input id="textAngular-editableFix-010203040506070809" class="ta-hidden-input" aria-hidden="true" unselectable="on" tabIndex="-1">'));
// Gloabl to textAngular REGEXP vars for block and list elements.
var BLOCKELEMENTS = /^(address|article|aside|audio|blockquote|canvas|dd|div|dl|fieldset|figcaption|figure|footer|form|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|header|hgroup|hr|noscript|ol|output|p|pre|section|table|tfoot|ul|video)$/i;
var LISTELEMENTS = /^(ul|li|ol)$/i;
var VALIDELEMENTS = /^(address|article|aside|audio|blockquote|canvas|dd|div|dl|fieldset|figcaption|figure|footer|form|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|header|hgroup|hr|noscript|ol|output|p|pre|section|table|tfoot|ul|video|li)$/i;
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/Trim#Compatibility
/* istanbul ignore next: trim shim for older browsers */
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
Custom stylesheet for the placeholders rules.
Credit to: http://davidwalsh.name/add-rules-stylesheets
var sheet, addCSSRule, removeCSSRule, _addCSSRule, _removeCSSRule, _getRuleIndex;
/* istanbul ignore else: IE <8 test*/
if(_browserDetect.ie > 8 || _browserDetect.ie === undefined){
var _sheets = document.styleSheets;
/* istanbul ignore next: preference for stylesheet loaded externally */
for(var i = 0; i < _sheets.length; i++){
if(_sheets[i].media.length === 0 || _sheets[i].media.mediaText.match(/(all|screen)/ig)){
sheet = _sheets[i];
/* istanbul ignore next: preference for stylesheet loaded externally */
// this sheet is used for the placeholders later on.
sheet = (function() {
// Create the <style> tag
var style = document.createElement("style");
/* istanbul ignore else : WebKit hack :( */
if(_browserDetect.webkit) style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
// Add the <style> element to the page, add as first so the styles can be overridden by custom stylesheets
return style.sheet;
// use as: addCSSRule("header", "float: left");
addCSSRule = function(selector, rules) {
return _addCSSRule(sheet, selector, rules);
_addCSSRule = function(_sheet, selector, rules){
var insertIndex;
var insertedRule;
// This order is important as IE 11 has both cssRules and rules but they have different lengths - cssRules is correct, rules gives an error in IE 11
/* istanbul ignore next: browser catches */
if(_sheet.cssRules) insertIndex = Math.max(_sheet.cssRules.length - 1, 0);
else if(_sheet.rules) insertIndex = Math.max(_sheet.rules.length - 1, 0);
/* istanbul ignore else: untestable IE option */
if(_sheet.insertRule) {
_sheet.insertRule(selector + "{" + rules + "}", insertIndex);
else {
_sheet.addRule(selector, rules, insertIndex);
/* istanbul ignore next: browser catches */
if(sheet.rules) insertedRule = sheet.rules[insertIndex];
else if(sheet.cssRules) insertedRule = sheet.cssRules[insertIndex];
// return the inserted stylesheet rule
return insertedRule;
_getRuleIndex = function(rule, rules) {
var i, ruleIndex;
for (i=0; i < rules.length; i++) {
/* istanbul ignore else: check for correct rule */
if (rules[i].cssText === rule.cssText) {
ruleIndex = i;
return ruleIndex;
removeCSSRule = function(rule){
_removeCSSRule(sheet, rule);
/* istanbul ignore next: tests are browser specific */
_removeCSSRule = function(sheet, rule){
var rules = sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules;
if(!rules || rules.length === 0) return;
var ruleIndex = _getRuleIndex(rule, rules);
angular.module('textAngular.factories', [])
.factory('taBrowserTag', [function(){
return function(tag){
/* istanbul ignore next: ie specific test */
if(!tag) return (_browserDetect.ie <= 8)? 'P' : 'p';
else if(tag === '') return (_browserDetect.ie === undefined)? 'div' : (_browserDetect.ie <= 8)? 'P' : 'p';
else return (_browserDetect.ie <= 8)? tag.toUpperCase() : tag;
}]).factory('taApplyCustomRenderers', ['taCustomRenderers', 'taDOM', function(taCustomRenderers, taDOM){
return function(val){
var element = angular.element('<div></div>');
element[0].innerHTML = val;
angular.forEach(taCustomRenderers, function(renderer){
var elements = [];
// get elements based on what is defined. If both defined do secondary filter in the forEach after using selector string
if(renderer.selector && renderer.selector !== '')
elements = element.find(renderer.selector);
/* istanbul ignore else: shouldn't fire, if it does we're ignoring everything */
else if(renderer.customAttribute && renderer.customAttribute !== '')
elements = taDOM.getByAttribute(element, renderer.customAttribute);
// process elements if any found
angular.forEach(elements, function(_element){
_element = angular.element(_element);
if(renderer.selector && renderer.selector !== '' && renderer.customAttribute && renderer.customAttribute !== ''){
if(_element.attr(renderer.customAttribute) !== undefined) renderer.renderLogic(_element);
} else renderer.renderLogic(_element);
return element[0].innerHTML;
}]).factory('taFixChrome', function(){
// get whaterever rubbish is inserted in chrome
// should be passed an html string, returns an html string
var taFixChrome = function(html){
if(!html || !angular.isString(html) || html.length <= 0) return html;
// grab all elements with a style attibute
var spanMatch = /<([^>\/]+?)style=("([^"]+)"|'([^']+)')([^>]*)>/ig;
var match, styleVal, newTag, finalHtml = '', lastIndex = 0;
while(match = spanMatch.exec(html)){
// one of the quoted values ' or "
/* istanbul ignore next: quotations match */
styleVal = match[3] || match[4];
// test for chrome inserted junk
if(styleVal && styleVal.match(/line-height: 1.[0-9]{3,12};|color: inherit; line-height: 1.1;/i)){
// replace original tag with new tag
styleVal = styleVal.replace(/( |)font-family: inherit;|( |)line-height: 1.[0-9]{3,12};|( |)color: inherit;/ig, '');
newTag = '<' + match[1].trim();
if(styleVal.trim().length > 0) newTag += ' style=' + match[2].substring(0,1) + styleVal + match[2].substring(0,1);
newTag += match[5].trim() + ">";
finalHtml += html.substring(lastIndex, match.index) + newTag;
lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
finalHtml += html.substring(lastIndex);
// only replace when something has changed, else we get focus problems on inserting lists
if(lastIndex > 0){
// replace all empty strings
return finalHtml.replace(/<span\s?>(.*?)<\/span>(<br(\/|)>|)/ig, '$1');
} else return html;
return taFixChrome;
}).factory('taSanitize', ['$sanitize', function taSanitizeFactory($sanitize){
var convert_infos = [
property: 'font-weight',
values: [ 'bold' ],
tag: 'b'
property: 'font-style',
values: [ 'italic' ],
tag: 'i'
var styleMatch = [];
for(var i = 0; i < convert_infos.length; i++){
var _partialStyle = '(' + convert_infos[i].property + ':\\s*(';
for(var j = 0; j < convert_infos[i].values.length; j++){
/* istanbul ignore next: not needed to be tested yet */
if(j > 0) _partialStyle += '|';
_partialStyle += convert_infos[i].values[j];
_partialStyle += ');)';
var styleRegexString = '(' + styleMatch.join('|') + ')';
function wrapNested(html, wrapTag) {
var depth = 0;
var lastIndex = 0;
var match;
var tagRegex = /<[^>]*>/ig;
while(match = tagRegex.exec(html)){
lastIndex = match.index;
if(match[0].substr(1, 1) === '/'){
if(depth === 0) break;
else depth--;
}else depth++;
return wrapTag +
html.substring(0, lastIndex) +
// get the start tags reversed - this is safe as we construct the strings with no content except the tags
angular.element(wrapTag)[0].outerHTML.substring(wrapTag.length) +
function transformLegacyStyles(html){
if(!html || !angular.isString(html) || html.length <= 0) return html;
var i;
var styleElementMatch = /<([^>\/]+?)style=("([^"]+)"|'([^']+)')([^>]*)>/ig;
var match, subMatch, styleVal, newTag, lastNewTag = '', newHtml, finalHtml = '', lastIndex = 0;
while(match = styleElementMatch.exec(html)){
// one of the quoted values ' or "
/* istanbul ignore next: quotations match */
styleVal = match[3] || match[4];
var styleRegex = new RegExp(styleRegexString, 'i');
// test for style values to change
if(angular.isString(styleVal) && styleRegex.test(styleVal)){
// remove build tag list
newTag = '';
// init regex here for exec
var styleRegexExec = new RegExp(styleRegexString, 'ig');
// find relevand tags and build a string of them
while(subMatch = styleRegexExec.exec(styleVal)){
for(i = 0; i < convert_infos.length; i++){
if(!!subMatch[(i*2) + 2]){
newTag += '<' + convert_infos[i].tag + '>';
// recursively find more legacy styles in html before this tag and after the previous match (if any)
newHtml = transformLegacyStyles(html.substring(lastIndex, match.index));
// build up html
if(lastNewTag.length > 0){
finalHtml += wrapNested(newHtml, lastNewTag);
}else finalHtml += newHtml;
// grab the style val without the transformed values
styleVal = styleVal.replace(new RegExp(styleRegexString, 'ig'), '');
// build the html tag
finalHtml += '<' + match[1].trim();
if(styleVal.length > 0) finalHtml += ' style="' + styleVal + '"';
finalHtml += match[5] + '>';
// update the start index to after this tag
lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
lastNewTag = newTag;
if(lastNewTag.length > 0){
finalHtml += wrapNested(html.substring(lastIndex), lastNewTag);
else finalHtml += html.substring(lastIndex);
return finalHtml;
function transformLegacyAttributes(html){
if(!html || !angular.isString(html) || html.length <= 0) return html;
// replace all align='...' tags with text-align attributes
var attrElementMatch = /<([^>\/]+?)align=("([^"]+)"|'([^']+)')([^>]*)>/ig;
var match, finalHtml = '', lastIndex = 0;
// match all attr tags
while(match = attrElementMatch.exec(html)){
// add all html before this tag
finalHtml += html.substring(lastIndex, match.index);
// record last index after this tag
lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
// construct tag without the align attribute
var newTag = '<' + match[1] + match[5];
// add the style attribute
/* istanbul ignore next: quotations match */
newTag = newTag.replace(/style=("([^"]+)"|'([^']+)')/i, 'style="$2$3 text-align:' + (match[3] || match[4]) + ';"');
/* istanbul ignore next: quotations match */
newTag += ' style="text-align:' + (match[3] || match[4]) + ';"';
newTag += '>';
// add to html
finalHtml += newTag;
// return with remaining html
return finalHtml + html.substring(lastIndex);
return function taSanitize(unsafe, oldsafe, ignore){
// unsafe html should NEVER built into a DOM object via angular.element. This allows XSS to be inserted and run.
if ( !ignore ) {
try {
unsafe = transformLegacyStyles(unsafe);
} catch (e) {
// unsafe and oldsafe should be valid HTML strings
// any exceptions (lets say, color for example) should be made here but with great care
// setup unsafe element for modification
unsafe = transformLegacyAttributes(unsafe);
var safe;
try {
safe = $sanitize(unsafe);
// do this afterwards, then the $sanitizer should still throw for bad markup
if(ignore) safe = unsafe;
} catch (e){
safe = oldsafe || '';
// Do processing for <pre> tags, removing tabs and return carriages outside of them
var _preTags = safe.match(/(<pre[^>]*>.*?<\/pre[^>]*>)/ig);
var processedSafe = safe.replace(/(&#(9|10);)*/ig, '');
var re = /<pre[^>]*>.*?<\/pre[^>]*>/ig;
var index = 0;
var lastIndex = 0;
var origTag;
safe = '';
while((origTag = re.exec(processedSafe)) !== null && index < _preTags.length){
safe += processedSafe.substring(lastIndex, origTag.index) + _preTags[index];
lastIndex = origTag.index + origTag[0].length;
return safe + processedSafe.substring(lastIndex);
}]).factory('taToolExecuteAction', ['$q', '$log', function($q, $log){
// this must be called on a toolScope or instance
return function(editor){
if(editor !== undefined) this.$editor = function(){ return editor; };
var deferred = $q.defer(),
promise = deferred.promise,
_editor = this.$editor();
// pass into the action the deferred function and also the function to reload the current selection if rangy available
var result;
result = this.action(deferred, _editor.startAction());
// We set the .finally callback here to make sure it doesn't get executed before any other .then callback.
if(result || result === undefined){
// if true or undefined is returned then the action has finished. Otherwise the deferred action will be resolved manually.
angular.module('textAngular.DOM', ['textAngular.factories'])
.factory('taExecCommand', ['taSelection', 'taBrowserTag', '$document', function(taSelection, taBrowserTag, $document){
var listToDefault = function(listElement, defaultWrap){
var $target, i;
// if all selected then we should remove the list
// grab all li elements and convert to taDefaultWrap tags
var children = listElement.find('li');
for(i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
$target = angular.element('<' + defaultWrap + '>' + children[i].innerHTML + '</' + defaultWrap + '>');
var selectLi = function(liElement){
if(/(<br(|\/)>)$/i.test(liElement.innerHTML.trim())) taSelection.setSelectionBeforeElement(angular.element(liElement).find("br")[0]);
else taSelection.setSelectionToElementEnd(liElement);
var listToList = function(listElement, newListTag){
var $target = angular.element('<' + newListTag + '>' + listElement[0].innerHTML + '</' + newListTag + '>');
var childElementsToList = function(elements, listElement, newListTag){
var html = '';
for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){
html += '<' + taBrowserTag('li') + '>' + elements[i].innerHTML + '</' + taBrowserTag('li') + '>';
var $target = angular.element('<' + newListTag + '>' + html + '</' + newListTag + '>');
return function(taDefaultWrap, topNode){
taDefaultWrap = taBrowserTag(taDefaultWrap);
return function(command, showUI, options, defaultTagAttributes){
var i, $target, html, _nodes, next, optionsTagName, selectedElement;
var defaultWrapper = angular.element('<' + taDefaultWrap + '>');
selectedElement = taSelection.getSelectionElement();
var $selected = angular.element(selectedElement);
if(selectedElement !== undefined){
var tagName = selectedElement.tagName.toLowerCase();
if(command.toLowerCase() === 'insertorderedlist' || command.toLowerCase() === 'insertunorderedlist'){
var selfTag = taBrowserTag((command.toLowerCase() === 'insertorderedlist')? 'ol' : 'ul');
if(tagName === selfTag){
// if all selected then we should remove the list
// grab all li elements and convert to taDefaultWrap tags
return listToDefault($selected, taDefaultWrap);
}else if(tagName === 'li' && $selected.parent()[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === selfTag && $selected.parent().children().length === 1){
// catch for the previous statement if only one li exists
return listToDefault($selected.parent(), taDefaultWrap);
}else if(tagName === 'li' && $selected.parent()[0].tagName.toLowerCase() !== selfTag && $selected.parent().children().length === 1){
// catch for the previous statement if only one li exists
return listToList($selected.parent(), selfTag);
}else if(tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS) && !$selected.hasClass('ta-bind')){
// if it's one of those block elements we have to change the contents
// if it's a ol/ul we are changing from one to the other
if(tagName === 'ol' || tagName === 'ul'){
return listToList($selected, selfTag);
var childBlockElements = false;
angular.forEach($selected.children(), function(elem){
if(elem.tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS)) {
childBlockElements = true;
return childElementsToList($selected.children(), $selected, selfTag);
return childElementsToList([angular.element('<div>' + selectedElement.innerHTML + '</div>')[0]], $selected, selfTag);
}else if(tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS)){
// if we get here then all the contents of the ta-bind are selected
_nodes = taSelection.getOnlySelectedElements();
if(_nodes.length === 0){
// here is if there is only text in ta-bind ie <div ta-bind>test content</div>
$target = angular.element('<' + selfTag + '><li>' + selectedElement.innerHTML + '</li></' + selfTag + '>');
}else if(_nodes.length === 1 && (_nodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ol' || _nodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ul')){
if(_nodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === selfTag){
// remove
return listToDefault(angular.element(_nodes[0]), taDefaultWrap);
return listToList(angular.element(_nodes[0]), selfTag);
html = '';
var $nodes = [];
for(i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++){
/* istanbul ignore else: catch for real-world can't make it occur in testing */
if(_nodes[i].nodeType !== 3){
var $n = angular.element(_nodes[i]);
/* istanbul ignore if: browser check only, phantomjs doesn't return children nodes but chrome at least does */
if(_nodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'li') continue;
else if(_nodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ol' || _nodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ul'){
html += $n[0].innerHTML; // if it's a list, add all it's children
}else if(_nodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'span' && (_nodes[i].childNodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ol' || _nodes[i].childNodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ul')){
html += $n[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML; // if it's a list, add all it's children
html += '<' + taBrowserTag('li') + '>' + $n[0].innerHTML + '</' + taBrowserTag('li') + '>';
$target = angular.element('<' + selfTag + '>' + html + '</' + selfTag + '>');
angular.forEach($nodes, function($node){ $node.remove(); });
}else if(command.toLowerCase() === 'formatblock'){
optionsTagName = options.toLowerCase().replace(/[<>]/ig, '');
if(optionsTagName.trim() === 'default') {
optionsTagName = taDefaultWrap;
options = '<' + taDefaultWrap + '>';
if(tagName === 'li') $target = $selected.parent();
else $target = $selected;
// find the first blockElement
while(!$target[0].tagName || !$target[0].tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS) && !$target.parent().attr('contenteditable')){
$target = $target.parent();
/* istanbul ignore next */
tagName = ($target[0].tagName || '').toLowerCase();
if(tagName === optionsTagName){
// $target is wrap element
_nodes = $target.children();
var hasBlock = false;
for(i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++){
hasBlock = hasBlock || _nodes[i].tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS);
next = $target.next();
$target = next;
$target = defaultWrapper;
}else if($target.parent()[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === optionsTagName && !$target.parent().hasClass('ta-bind')){
//unwrap logic for parent
var blockElement = $target.parent();
var contents = blockElement.contents();
for(i = 0; i < contents.length; i ++){
/* istanbul ignore next: can't test - some wierd thing with how phantomjs works */
if(blockElement.parent().hasClass('ta-bind') && contents[i].nodeType === 3){
defaultWrapper = angular.element('<' + taDefaultWrap + '>');
defaultWrapper[0].innerHTML = contents[i].outerHTML;
contents[i] = defaultWrapper[0];
blockElement.parent()[0].insertBefore(contents[i], blockElement[0]);
}else if(tagName.match(LISTELEMENTS)){
// wrapping a list element
// default wrap behaviour
_nodes = taSelection.getOnlySelectedElements();
if(_nodes.length === 0) _nodes = [$target[0]];
// find the parent block element if any of the nodes are inline or text
for(i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++){
if(_nodes[i].nodeType === 3 || !_nodes[i].tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS)){
while(_nodes[i].nodeType === 3 || !_nodes[i].tagName || !_nodes[i].tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS)){
_nodes[i] = _nodes[i].parentNode;
$target = angular.element(options);
$target[0].innerHTML = _nodes[0].innerHTML;
_nodes[0].innerHTML = $target[0].outerHTML;
}else if(optionsTagName === 'blockquote'){
// blockquotes wrap other block elements
html = '';
for(i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++){
html += _nodes[i].outerHTML;
$target = angular.element(options);
$target[0].innerHTML = html;
for(i = _nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
/* istanbul ignore else: */
if(_nodes[i].parentNode) _nodes[i].parentNode.removeChild(_nodes[i]);
else {
// regular block elements replace other block elements
for(i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++){
$target = angular.element(options);
$target[0].innerHTML = _nodes[i].innerHTML;
}else if(command.toLowerCase() === 'createlink'){
var tagBegin = '<a href="' + options + '" target="' +
(defaultTagAttributes.a.target ? defaultTagAttributes.a.target : '') +
tagEnd = '</a>',
_selection = taSelection.getSelection();
// insert text at selection, then select then just let normal exec-command run
taSelection.insertHtml(tagBegin + options + tagEnd, topNode);
}else if(rangy.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).canSurroundContents()){
var node = angular.element(tagBegin + tagEnd)[0];
}else if(command.toLowerCase() === 'inserthtml'){
taSelection.insertHtml(options, topNode);
$document[0].execCommand(command, showUI, options);
}]).service('taSelection', ['$document', 'taDOM',
/* istanbul ignore next: all browser specifics and PhantomJS dosen't seem to support half of it */
function($document, taDOM){
// need to dereference the document else the calls don't work correctly
var _document = $document[0];
var brException = function (element, offset) {
/* check if selection is a BR element at the beginning of a container. If so, get
* the parentNode instead.
* offset should be zero in this case. Otherwise, return the original
* element.
if (element.tagName && element.tagName.match(/^br$/i) && offset === 0 && !element.previousSibling) {
return {
element: element.parentNode,
offset: 0
} else {
return {
element: element,
offset: offset
var api = {
getSelection: function(){
var range = rangy.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
var container = range.commonAncestorContainer;
var selection = {
start: brException(range.startContainer, range.startOffset),
end: brException(range.endContainer, range.endOffset),
collapsed: range.collapsed
// Check if the container is a text node and return its parent if so
container = container.nodeType === 3 ? container.parentNode : container;
if (container.parentNode === selection.start.element ||
container.parentNode === selection.end.element) {
selection.container = container.parentNode;
} else {
selection.container = container;
return selection;
getOnlySelectedElements: function(){
var range = rangy.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
var container = range.commonAncestorContainer;
// Check if the container is a text node and return its parent if so
container = container.nodeType === 3 ? container.parentNode : container;
return range.getNodes([1], function(node){
return node.parentNode === container;
// Some basic selection functions
getSelectionElement: function () {
return api.getSelection().container;
setSelection: function(el, start, end){
var range = rangy.createRange();
range.setStart(el, start);
range.setEnd(el, end);
setSelectionBeforeElement: function (el){
var range = rangy.createRange();
setSelectionAfterElement: function (el){
var range = rangy.createRange();
setSelectionToElementStart: function (el){
var range = rangy.createRange();
setSelectionToElementEnd: function (el){
var range = rangy.createRange();
if(el.childNodes && el.childNodes[el.childNodes.length - 1] && el.childNodes[el.childNodes.length - 1].nodeName === 'br'){
range.startOffset = range.endOffset = range.startOffset - 1;
// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6690752/insert-html-at-caret-in-a-contenteditable-div
// topNode is the contenteditable normally, all manipulation MUST be inside this.
insertHtml: function(html, topNode){
var parent, secondParent, _childI, nodes, i, lastNode, _tempFrag;
var element = angular.element("<div>" + html + "</div>");
var range = rangy.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
var frag = _document.createDocumentFragment();
var children = element[0].childNodes;
var isInline = true;
if(children.length > 0){
// NOTE!! We need to do the following:
// check for blockelements - if they exist then we have to split the current element in half (and all others up to the closest block element) and insert all children in-between.
// If there are no block elements, or there is a mixture we need to create textNodes for the non wrapped text (we don't want them spans messing up the picture).
nodes = [];
for(_childI = 0; _childI < children.length; _childI++){
(children[_childI].nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'p' && children[_childI].innerHTML.trim() === '') || // empty p element
(children[_childI].nodeType === 3 && children[_childI].nodeValue.trim() === '') // empty text node
isInline = isInline && !BLOCKELEMENTS.test(children[_childI].nodeName);
for(var _n = 0; _n < nodes.length; _n++) lastNode = frag.appendChild(nodes[_n]);
if(!isInline && range.collapsed && /^(|<br(|\/)>)$/i.test(range.startContainer.innerHTML)) range.selectNode(range.startContainer);
isInline = true;
// paste text of some sort
lastNode = frag = _document.createTextNode(html);
// Other Edge case - selected data spans multiple blocks.
}else{ // not inline insert
if(range.collapsed && range.startContainer !== topNode){
if(range.startContainer.innerHTML && range.startContainer.innerHTML.match(/^<[^>]*>$/i)){
// this log is to catch when innerHTML is something like `<img ...>`
parent = range.startContainer;
if(range.startOffset === 1){
// before single tag
// after single tag
// split element into 2 and insert block element in middle
if(range.startContainer.nodeType === 3 && range.startContainer.parentNode !== topNode){ // if text node
parent = range.startContainer.parentNode;
secondParent = parent.cloneNode();
// split the nodes into two lists - before and after, splitting the node with the selection into 2 text nodes.
taDOM.splitNodes(parent.childNodes, parent, secondParent, range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
// Escape out of the inline tags like b
parent = parent.parentNode;
var _lastSecondParent = secondParent;
secondParent = parent.cloneNode();
// split the nodes into two lists - before and after, splitting the node with the selection into 2 text nodes.
taDOM.splitNodes(parent.childNodes, parent, secondParent, _lastSecondParent);
parent = range.startContainer;
secondParent = parent.cloneNode();
taDOM.splitNodes(parent.childNodes, parent, secondParent, undefined, undefined, range.startOffset);
// put cursor to end of inserted content
if(/^(|<br(|\/)>)$/i.test(secondParent.innerHTML.trim())) angular.element(secondParent).remove();
if(parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'li'){
_tempFrag = _document.createDocumentFragment();
for(i = 0; i < frag.childNodes.length; i++){
element = angular.element('<li>');
taDOM.transferChildNodes(frag.childNodes[i], element[0]);
taDOM.transferNodeAttributes(frag.childNodes[i], element[0]);
frag = _tempFrag;
lastNode = frag.childNodes[frag.childNodes.length - 1];
lastNode = lastNode.childNodes[lastNode.childNodes.length - 1];
return api;
}]).service('taDOM', function(){
var taDOM = {
// recursive function that returns an array of angular.elements that have the passed attribute set on them
getByAttribute: function(element, attribute){
var resultingElements = [];
var childNodes = element.children();
angular.forEach(childNodes, function(child){
resultingElements = resultingElements.concat(taDOM.getByAttribute(angular.element(child), attribute));
if(element.attr(attribute) !== undefined) resultingElements.push(element);
return resultingElements;
transferChildNodes: function(source, target){
// clear out target
target.innerHTML = '';
while(source.childNodes.length > 0) target.appendChild(source.childNodes[0]);
return target;
splitNodes: function(nodes, target1, target2, splitNode, subSplitIndex, splitIndex){
if(!splitNode && isNaN(splitIndex)) throw new Error('taDOM.splitNodes requires a splitNode or splitIndex');
var startNodes = document.createDocumentFragment();
var endNodes = document.createDocumentFragment();
var index = 0;
while(nodes.length > 0 && (isNaN(splitIndex) || splitIndex !== index) && nodes[0] !== splitNode){
startNodes.appendChild(nodes[0]); // this removes from the nodes array (if proper childNodes object.
if(!isNaN(subSplitIndex) && subSplitIndex >= 0 && nodes[0]){
startNodes.appendChild(document.createTextNode(nodes[0].nodeValue.substring(0, subSplitIndex)));
nodes[0].nodeValue = nodes[0].nodeValue.substring(subSplitIndex);
while(nodes.length > 0) endNodes.appendChild(nodes[0]);
taDOM.transferChildNodes(startNodes, target1);
taDOM.transferChildNodes(endNodes, target2);
transferNodeAttributes: function(source, target){
for(var i = 0; i < source.attributes.length; i++) target.setAttribute(source.attributes[i].name, source.attributes[i].value);
return target;
return taDOM;
angular.module('textAngular.validators', [])
.directive('taMaxText', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl){
var max = parseInt(scope.$eval(attrs.taMaxText));
if (isNaN(max)){
throw('Max text must be an integer');
attrs.$observe('taMaxText', function(value){
max = parseInt(value);
if (isNaN(max)){
throw('Max text must be an integer');
if (ctrl.$dirty){
ctrl.$validators.taMaxText = function(viewValue){
var source = angular.element('<div/>');
return source.text().length <= max;
}).directive('taMinText', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl){
var min = parseInt(scope.$eval(attrs.taMinText));
if (isNaN(min)){
throw('Min text must be an integer');
attrs.$observe('taMinText', function(value){
min = parseInt(value);
if (isNaN(min)){
throw('Min text must be an integer');
if (ctrl.$dirty){
ctrl.$validators.taMinText = function(viewValue){
var source = angular.element('<div/>');
return !source.text().length || source.text().length >= min;
angular.module('textAngular.taBind', ['textAngular.factories', 'textAngular.DOM'])
.service('_taBlankTest', [function(){
var INLINETAGS_NONBLANK = /<(a|abbr|acronym|bdi|bdo|big|cite|code|del|dfn|img|ins|kbd|label|map|mark|q|ruby|rp|rt|s|samp|time|tt|var)[^>]*(>|$)/i;
return function(_defaultTest){
return function(_blankVal){
if(!_blankVal) return true;
// find first non-tag match - ie start of string or after tag that is not whitespace
var _firstMatch = /(^[^<]|>)[^<]/i.exec(_blankVal);
var _firstTagIndex;
// find the end of the first tag removing all the
// Don't do a global replace as that would be waaayy too long, just replace the first 4 occurences should be enough
_blankVal = _blankVal.toString().replace(/="[^"]*"/i, '').replace(/="[^"]*"/i, '').replace(/="[^"]*"/i, '').replace(/="[^"]*"/i, '');
_firstTagIndex = _blankVal.indexOf('>');
_firstTagIndex = _firstMatch.index;
_blankVal = _blankVal.trim().substring(_firstTagIndex, _firstTagIndex + 100);
// check for no tags entry
if(/^[^<>]+$/i.test(_blankVal)) return false;
// this regex is to match any number of whitespace only between two tags
if (_blankVal.length === 0 || _blankVal === _defaultTest || /^>(\s| )*<\/[^>]+>$/ig.test(_blankVal)) return true;
// this regex tests if there is a tag followed by some optional whitespace and some text after that
else if (/>\s*[^\s<]/i.test(_blankVal) || INLINETAGS_NONBLANK.test(_blankVal)) return false;
else return true;
.directive('taButton', [function(){
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
element.attr('unselectable', 'on');
element.on('mousedown', function(e, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(e, eventData);
// this prevents focusout from firing on the editor when clicking toolbar buttons
return false;
.directive('taBind', [
'taSanitize', '$timeout', '$document', 'taFixChrome', 'taBrowserTag',
'taSelection', 'taSelectableElements', 'taApplyCustomRenderers', 'taOptions',
'_taBlankTest', '$parse', 'taDOM', 'textAngularManager',
taSanitize, $timeout, $document, taFixChrome, taBrowserTag,
taSelection, taSelectableElements, taApplyCustomRenderers, taOptions,
_taBlankTest, $parse, taDOM, textAngularManager){
// Uses for this are textarea or input with ng-model and ta-bind='text'
// OR any non-form element with contenteditable="contenteditable" ta-bind="html|text" ng-model
return {
priority: 2, // So we override validators correctly
require: ['ngModel','?ngModelOptions'],
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller){
var ngModel = controller[0];
var ngModelOptions = controller[1] || {};
// the option to use taBind on an input or textarea is required as it will sanitize all input into it correctly.
var _isContentEditable = element.attr('contenteditable') !== undefined && element.attr('contenteditable');
var _isInputFriendly = _isContentEditable || element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' || element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input';
var _isReadonly = false;
var _focussed = false;
var _skipRender = false;
var _disableSanitizer = attrs.taUnsafeSanitizer || taOptions.disableSanitizer;
var _lastKey;
// see http://www.javascripter.net/faq/keycodes.htm for good information
// NOTE Mute On|Off 173 (Opera MSIE Safari Chrome) 181 (Firefox)
// BLOCKED_KEYS are special keys...
// Tab, pause/break, CapsLock, Esc, Page Up, End, Home,
// Left arrow, Up arrow, Right arrow, Down arrow, Insert, Delete,
// f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12
// NumLock, ScrollLock
var BLOCKED_KEYS = /^(9|19|20|27|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|40|45|112|113|114|115|116|117|118|119|120|121|122|123|144|145)$/i;
// UNDO_TRIGGER_KEYS - spaces, enter, delete, backspace, all punctuation
// Backspace, Enter, Space, Delete, (; :) (Firefox), (= +) (Firefox),
// Numpad +, Numpad -, (; :), (= +),
// (, <), (- _), (. >), (/ ?), (` ~), ([ {), (\ |), (] }), (' ")
// NOTE - Firefox: 173 = (- _) -- adding this to UNDO_TRIGGER_KEYS
var UNDO_TRIGGER_KEYS = /^(8|13|32|46|59|61|107|109|173|186|187|188|189|190|191|192|219|220|221|222)$/i;
var _pasteHandler;
// defaults to the paragraph element, but we need the line-break or it doesn't allow you to type into the empty element
// non IE is '<p><br/></p>', ie is '<p></p>' as for once IE gets it correct...
var _defaultVal, _defaultTest;
var _CTRL_KEY = 0x0001;
var _META_KEY = 0x0002;
var _ALT_KEY = 0x0004;
var _SHIFT_KEY = 0x0008;
// map events to special keys...
// mappings is an array of maps from events to specialKeys as declared in textAngularSetup
var _keyMappings = [
// ctrl/command + z
specialKey: 'UndoKey',
forbiddenModifiers: _ALT_KEY + _SHIFT_KEY,
mustHaveModifiers: [_META_KEY + _CTRL_KEY],
keyCode: 90
// ctrl/command + shift + z
specialKey: 'RedoKey',
forbiddenModifiers: _ALT_KEY,
mustHaveModifiers: [_META_KEY + _CTRL_KEY, _SHIFT_KEY],
keyCode: 90
// ctrl/command + y
specialKey: 'RedoKey',
forbiddenModifiers: _ALT_KEY + _SHIFT_KEY,
mustHaveModifiers: [_META_KEY + _CTRL_KEY],
keyCode: 89
// TabKey
specialKey: 'TabKey',
forbiddenModifiers: _META_KEY + _SHIFT_KEY + _ALT_KEY + _CTRL_KEY,
mustHaveModifiers: [],
keyCode: 9
// shift + TabKey
specialKey: 'ShiftTabKey',
forbiddenModifiers: _META_KEY + _ALT_KEY + _CTRL_KEY,
mustHaveModifiers: [_SHIFT_KEY],
keyCode: 9
function _mapKeys(event) {
var specialKey;
_keyMappings.forEach(function (map){
if (map.keyCode === event.keyCode) {
var netModifiers = (event.metaKey ? _META_KEY: 0) +
(event.ctrlKey ? _CTRL_KEY: 0) +
(event.shiftKey ? _SHIFT_KEY: 0) +
(event.altKey ? _ALT_KEY: 0);
if (map.forbiddenModifiers & netModifiers) return;
if (map.mustHaveModifiers.every(function (modifier) { return netModifiers & modifier; })){
specialKey = map.specialKey;
return specialKey;
// set the default to be a paragraph value
if(attrs.taDefaultWrap === undefined) attrs.taDefaultWrap = 'p';
/* istanbul ignore next: ie specific test */
if(attrs.taDefaultWrap === ''){
_defaultVal = '';
_defaultTest = (_browserDetect.ie === undefined)? '<div><br></div>' : (_browserDetect.ie >= 11)? '<p><br></p>' : (_browserDetect.ie <= 8)? '<P> </P>' : '<p> </p>';
_defaultVal = (_browserDetect.ie === undefined || _browserDetect.ie >= 11)?
'<' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '><br></' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '>' :
(_browserDetect.ie <= 8)?
'<' + attrs.taDefaultWrap.toUpperCase() + '></' + attrs.taDefaultWrap.toUpperCase() + '>' :
'<' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '></' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '>';
_defaultTest = (_browserDetect.ie === undefined || _browserDetect.ie >= 11)?
'<' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '><br></' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '>' :
(_browserDetect.ie <= 8)?
'<' + attrs.taDefaultWrap.toUpperCase() + '> </' + attrs.taDefaultWrap.toUpperCase() + '>' :
'<' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '> </' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '>';
/* istanbul ignore else */
if(!ngModelOptions.$options) ngModelOptions.$options = {}; // ng-model-options support
var _blankTest = _taBlankTest(_defaultTest);
var _ensureContentWrapped = function(value) {
if (_blankTest(value)) return value;
var domTest = angular.element("<div>" + value + "</div>");
//console.log('domTest.children().length():', domTest.children().length);
if (domTest.children().length === 0) {
value = "<" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">" + value + "</" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">";
} else {
var _children = domTest[0].childNodes;
var i;
var _foundBlockElement = false;
for (i = 0; i < _children.length; i++) {
if (_foundBlockElement = _children[i].nodeName.toLowerCase().match(BLOCKELEMENTS)) break;
if (!_foundBlockElement) {
value = "<" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">" + value + "</" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">";
value = "";
for(i = 0; i < _children.length; i++){
var node = _children[i];
var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if(nodeName === '#comment') {
value += '<!--' + node.nodeValue + '-->';
} else if(nodeName === '#text') {
// determine if this is all whitespace, if so, we will leave it as it is.
// otherwise, we will wrap it as it is
var text = node.textContent;
if (!text.trim()) {
// just whitespace
value += text;
} else {
// not pure white space so wrap in <p>...</p> or whatever attrs.taDefaultWrap is set to.
value += "<" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">" + text + "</" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">";
} else if(!nodeName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS)){
/* istanbul ignore next: Doesn't seem to trigger on tests */
var _subVal = (node.outerHTML || node.nodeValue);
/* istanbul ignore else: Doesn't seem to trigger on tests, is tested though */
if(_subVal.trim() !== '')
value += "<" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">" + _subVal + "</" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">";
else value += _subVal;
} else {
value += node.outerHTML;
return value;
if(attrs.taPaste) _pasteHandler = $parse(attrs.taPaste);
var _undoKeyupTimeout;
scope['$undoManager' + (attrs.id || '')] = ngModel.$undoManager = {
_stack: [],
_index: 0,
_max: 1000,
push: function(value){
if((typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) ||
((typeof this.current() !== "undefined" && this.current() !== null) && value === this.current())) return value;
if(this._index < this._stack.length - 1){
this._stack = this._stack.slice(0,this._index+1);
if(_undoKeyupTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_undoKeyupTimeout);
if(this._stack.length > this._max) this._stack.shift();
this._index = this._stack.length - 1;
return value;
undo: function(){
return this.setToIndex(this._index-1);
redo: function(){
return this.setToIndex(this._index+1);
setToIndex: function(index){
if(index < 0 || index > this._stack.length - 1){
return undefined;
this._index = index;
return this.current();
current: function(){
return this._stack[this._index];
var _redoUndoTimeout;
var _undo = scope['$undoTaBind' + (attrs.id || '')] = function(){
/* istanbul ignore else: can't really test it due to all changes being ignored as well in readonly */
if(!_isReadonly && _isContentEditable){
var content = ngModel.$undoManager.undo();
if(typeof content !== "undefined" && content !== null){
_setViewValue(content, false);
if(_redoUndoTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_redoUndoTimeout);
_redoUndoTimeout = $timeout(function(){
}, 1);
var _redo = scope['$redoTaBind' + (attrs.id || '')] = function(){
/* istanbul ignore else: can't really test it due to all changes being ignored as well in readonly */
if(!_isReadonly && _isContentEditable){
var content = ngModel.$undoManager.redo();
if(typeof content !== "undefined" && content !== null){
_setViewValue(content, false);
/* istanbul ignore next */
if(_redoUndoTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_redoUndoTimeout);
_redoUndoTimeout = $timeout(function(){
}, 1);
// in here we are undoing the converts used elsewhere to prevent the < > and & being displayed when they shouldn't in the code.
var _compileHtml = function(){
if(_isContentEditable) return element[0].innerHTML;
if(_isInputFriendly) return element.val();
throw ('textAngular Error: attempting to update non-editable taBind');
var _setViewValue = function(_val, triggerUndo, skipRender){
_skipRender = skipRender || false;
if(typeof triggerUndo === "undefined" || triggerUndo === null) triggerUndo = true && _isContentEditable; // if not contentEditable then the native undo/redo is fine
if(typeof _val === "undefined" || _val === null) _val = _compileHtml();
// this avoids us from tripping the ng-pristine flag if we click in and out with out typing
if(ngModel.$viewValue !== '') ngModel.$setViewValue('');
if(triggerUndo && ngModel.$undoManager.current() !== '') ngModel.$undoManager.push('');
if(ngModel.$viewValue !== _val){
if(triggerUndo) ngModel.$undoManager.push(_val);
//used for updating when inserting wrapped elements
scope['updateTaBind' + (attrs.id || '')] = function(){
if(!_isReadonly) _setViewValue(undefined, undefined, true);
// catch DOM XSS via taSanitize
// Sanitizing both ways is identical
var _sanitize = function(unsafe){
return (ngModel.$oldViewValue = taSanitize(taFixChrome(unsafe), ngModel.$oldViewValue, _disableSanitizer));
// trigger the validation calls
if(element.attr('required')) ngModel.$validators.required = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
return !_blankTest(modelValue || viewValue);
// parsers trigger from the above keyup function or any other time that the viewValue is updated and parses it for storage in the ngModel
// because textAngular is bi-directional (which is awesome) we need to also sanitize values going in from the server
return ngModel.$undoManager.push(value || '');
//this code is used to update the models when data is entered/deleted
scope.events = {};
// if a textarea or input just add in change and blur handlers, everything else is done by angulars input directive
element.on('change blur', scope.events.change = scope.events.blur = function(){
if(!_isReadonly) ngModel.$setViewValue(_compileHtml());
element.on('keydown', scope.events.keydown = function(event, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(event, eventData);
// Reference to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6140632/how-to-handle-tab-in-textarea
/* istanbul ignore else: otherwise normal functionality */
if(event.keyCode === 9){ // tab was pressed
// get caret position/selection
var start = this.selectionStart;
var end = this.selectionEnd;
var value = element.val();
// find \t
var _linebreak = value.lastIndexOf('\n', start), _tab = value.lastIndexOf('\t', start);
if(_tab !== -1 && _tab >= _linebreak){
// set textarea value to: text before caret + tab + text after caret
element.val(value.substring(0, _tab) + value.substring(_tab + 1));
// put caret at right position again (add one for the tab)
this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start - 1;
// set textarea value to: text before caret + tab + text after caret
element.val(value.substring(0, start) + "\t" + value.substring(end));
// put caret at right position again (add one for the tab)
this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + 1;
// prevent the focus lose
var _repeat = function(string, n){
var result = '';
for(var _n = 0; _n < n; _n++) result += string;
return result;
// add a forEach function that will work on a NodeList, etc..
var forEach = function (array, callback, scope) {
for (var i= 0; i<array.length; i++) {
callback.call(scope, i, array[i]);
// handle <ul> or <ol> nodes
var recursiveListFormat = function(listNode, tablevel){
var _html = '';
var _subnodes = listNode.childNodes;
// tab out and add the <ul> or <ol> html piece
_html += _repeat('\t', tablevel-1) + listNode.outerHTML.substring(0, 4);
forEach(_subnodes, function (index, node) {
/* istanbul ignore next: browser catch */
var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (nodeName === '#comment') {
_html += '<!--' + node.nodeValue + '-->';
if (nodeName === '#text') {
_html += node.textContent;
/* istanbul ignore next: not tested, and this was original code -- so not wanting to possibly cause an issue, leaving it... */
if(!node.outerHTML) {
// no html to add
if(nodeName === 'ul' || nodeName === 'ol') {
_html += '\n' + recursiveListFormat(node, tablevel);
else {
// no reformatting within this subnode, so just do the tabing...
_html += '\n' + _repeat('\t', tablevel) + node.outerHTML;
// now add on the </ol> or </ul> piece
_html += '\n' + _repeat('\t', tablevel-1) + listNode.outerHTML.substring(listNode.outerHTML.lastIndexOf('<'));
return _html;
// handle formating of something like:
// <ol><!--First comment-->
// <li>Test Line 1<!--comment test list 1--></li>
// <ul><!--comment ul-->
// <li>Nested Line 1</li>
// <!--comment between nested lines--><li>Nested Line 2</li>
// </ul>
// <li>Test Line 3</li>
// </ol>
// tabulate the HTML so it looks nicer
// first get a list of the nodes...
// we do this by using the element parser...
// doing this -- which is simpiler -- breaks our tests...
//var _nodes=angular.element(htmlValue);
var _nodes = angular.element('<div>' + htmlValue + '</div>')[0].childNodes;
if(_nodes.length > 0){
// do the reformatting of the layout...
htmlValue = '';
forEach(_nodes, function (index, node) {
var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (nodeName === '#comment') {
htmlValue += '<!--' + node.nodeValue + '-->';
if (nodeName === '#text') {
htmlValue += node.textContent;
/* istanbul ignore next: not tested, and this was original code -- so not wanting to possibly cause an issue, leaving it... */
// nothing to format!
if(htmlValue.length > 0) {
// we aready have some content, so drop to a new line
htmlValue += '\n';
if(nodeName === 'ul' || nodeName === 'ol') {
// okay a set of list stuff we want to reformat in a nested way
htmlValue += '' + recursiveListFormat(node, 0);
else {
// just use the original without any additional formating
htmlValue += '' + node.outerHTML;
return htmlValue;
// all the code specific to contenteditable divs
var _processingPaste = false;
/* istanbul ignore next: phantom js cannot test this for some reason */
var processpaste = function(text) {
var _isOneNote = text.match(/content=["']*OneNote.File/i);
/* istanbul ignore else: don't care if nothing pasted */
if(text && text.trim().length){
// test paste from word/microsoft product
if(text.match(/class=["']*Mso(Normal|List)/i) || text.match(/content=["']*Word.Document/i) || text.match(/content=["']*OneNote.File/i)){
var textFragment = text.match(/<!--StartFragment-->([\s\S]*?)<!--EndFragment-->/i);
if(!textFragment) textFragment = text;
else textFragment = textFragment[1];
textFragment = textFragment.replace(/<o:p>[\s\S]*?<\/o:p>/ig, '').replace(/class=(["']|)MsoNormal(["']|)/ig, '');
var dom = angular.element("<div>" + textFragment + "</div>");
var targetDom = angular.element("<div></div>");
var _list = {
element: null,
lastIndent: [],
lastLi: null,
isUl: false
_list.lastIndent.peek = function(){
var n = this.length;
if (n>0) return this[n-1];
var _resetList = function(isUl){
_list.isUl = isUl;
_list.element = angular.element(isUl ? "<ul>" : "<ol>");
_list.lastIndent = [];
_list.lastIndent.peek = function(){
var n = this.length;
if (n>0) return this[n-1];
_list.lastLevelMatch = null;
for(var i = 0; i <= dom[0].childNodes.length; i++){
if(!dom[0].childNodes[i] || dom[0].childNodes[i].nodeName === "#text"){
} else {
var tagName = dom[0].childNodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase();
if(tagName !== "p" && tagName !== "h1" && tagName !== "h2" && tagName !== "h3" && tagName !== "h4" && tagName !== "h5" && tagName !== "h6"){
var el = angular.element(dom[0].childNodes[i]);
var _listMatch = (el.attr('class') || '').match(/MsoList(Bullet|Number|Paragraph)(CxSp(First|Middle|Last)|)/i);
if(el[0].childNodes.length < 2 || el[0].childNodes[1].childNodes.length < 1){
var isUl = _listMatch[1].toLowerCase() === "bullet" || (_listMatch[1].toLowerCase() !== "number" && !(/^[^0-9a-z<]*[0-9a-z]+[^0-9a-z<>]</i.test(el[0].childNodes[1].innerHTML) || /^[^0-9a-z<]*[0-9a-z]+[^0-9a-z<>]</i.test(el[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].innerHTML)));
var _indentMatch = (el.attr('style') || '').match(/margin-left:([\-\.0-9]*)/i);
var indent = parseFloat((_indentMatch)?_indentMatch[1]:0);
var _levelMatch = (el.attr('style') || '').match(/mso-list:l([0-9]+) level([0-9]+) lfo[0-9+]($|;)/i);
// prefers the mso-list syntax
if(_levelMatch && _levelMatch[2]) indent = parseInt(_levelMatch[2]);
if ((_levelMatch && (!_list.lastLevelMatch || _levelMatch[1] !== _list.lastLevelMatch[1])) || !_listMatch[3] || _listMatch[3].toLowerCase() === "first" || (_list.lastIndent.peek() === null) || (_list.isUl !== isUl && _list.lastIndent.peek() === indent)) {
} else if (_list.lastIndent.peek() != null && _list.lastIndent.peek() < indent){
_list.element = angular.element(isUl ? "<ul>" : "<ol>");
} else if (_list.lastIndent.peek() != null && _list.lastIndent.peek() > indent){
while(_list.lastIndent.peek() != null && _list.lastIndent.peek() > indent){
if(_list.element.parent()[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'li'){
_list.element = _list.element.parent();
}else if(/[uo]l/i.test(_list.element.parent()[0].tagName.toLowerCase())){
_list.element = _list.element.parent();
}else{ // else it's it should be a sibling
_list.isUl = _list.element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === "ul";
if (isUl !== _list.isUl) {
_list.lastLevelMatch = _levelMatch;
if(indent !== _list.lastIndent.peek()) _list.lastIndent.push(indent);
_list.lastLi = angular.element("<li>");
_list.lastLi.html(el.html().replace(/<!(--|)\[if !supportLists\](--|)>[\s\S]*?<!(--|)\[endif\](--|)>/ig, ''));
var _unwrapElement = function(node){
node = angular.element(node);
for(var _n = node[0].childNodes.length - 1; _n >= 0; _n--) node.after(node[0].childNodes[_n]);
angular.forEach(targetDom.find('span'), function(node){
if(node.attributes.length <= 0) _unwrapElement(node);
angular.forEach(targetDom.find('font'), _unwrapElement);
text = targetDom.html();
text = targetDom.html() || dom.html();
// remove unnecessary chrome insert
text = text.replace(/<(|\/)meta[^>]*?>/ig, '');
// entire text-angular or ta-bind has been pasted, REMOVE AT ONCE!!
var _el = angular.element("<div>" + text + "</div>");
var binds = taDOM.getByAttribute(_el, 'ta-bind');
for(var _b = 0; _b < binds.length; _b++){
var _target = binds[_b][0].parentNode.parentNode;
for(var _c = 0; _c < binds[_b][0].childNodes.length; _c++){
_target.parentNode.insertBefore(binds[_b][0].childNodes[_c], _target);
text = _el.html().replace('<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">', '');
}else if(text.match(/^<span/)){
// in case of pasting only a span - chrome paste, remove them. THis is just some wierd formatting
// if we remove the '<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>' here we destroy the spacing
// on paste from even ourselves!
if (!text.match(/<span class=(\"Apple-converted-space\"|\'Apple-converted-space\')>.<\/span>/ig)) {
text = text.replace(/<(|\/)span[^>]*?>/ig, '');
// Webkit on Apple tags
text = text.replace(/<br class="Apple-interchange-newline"[^>]*?>/ig, '').replace(/<span class="Apple-converted-space">( | )<\/span>/ig, ' ');
if (/<li(\s.*)?>/i.test(text) && /(<ul(\s.*)?>|<ol(\s.*)?>).*<li(\s.*)?>/i.test(text) === false) {
// insert missing parent of li element
text = text.replace(/<li(\s.*)?>.*<\/li(\s.*)?>/i, '<ul>$&</ul>');
// parse whitespace from plaintext input, starting with preceding spaces that get stripped on paste
text = text.replace(/^[ |\u00A0]+/gm, function (match) {
var result = '';
for (var i = 0; i < match.length; i++) {
result += ' ';
return result;
}).replace(/\n|\r\n|\r/g, '<br />').replace(/\t/g, ' ');
if(_pasteHandler) text = _pasteHandler(scope, {$html: text}) || text;
text = taSanitize(text, '', _disableSanitizer);
taSelection.insertHtml(text, element[0]);
_processingPaste = false;
}, 0);
_processingPaste = false;
element.on('paste', scope.events.paste = function(e, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(e, eventData);
if(_isReadonly || _processingPaste){
return false;
// Code adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2176861/javascript-get-clipboard-data-on-paste-event-cross-browser/6804718#6804718
_processingPaste = true;
var pastedContent;
var clipboardData = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData;
if (clipboardData && clipboardData.getData && clipboardData.types.length > 0) {// Webkit - get data from clipboard, put into editdiv, cleanup, then cancel event
var _types = "";
for(var _t = 0; _t < clipboardData.types.length; _t++){
_types += " " + clipboardData.types[_t];
/* istanbul ignore next: browser tests */
if (/text\/html/i.test(_types)) {
pastedContent = clipboardData.getData('text/html');
} else if (/text\/plain/i.test(_types)) {
pastedContent = clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
return false;
} else {// Everything else - empty editdiv and allow browser to paste content into it, then cleanup
var _savedSelection = rangy.saveSelection(),
_tempDiv = angular.element('<div class="ta-hidden-input" contenteditable="true"></div>');
// restore selection
}, 0);
element.on('cut', scope.events.cut = function(e){
// timeout to next is needed as otherwise the paste/cut event has not finished actually changing the display
if(!_isReadonly) $timeout(function(){
}, 0);
else e.preventDefault();
element.on('keydown', scope.events.keydown = function(event, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(event, eventData);
event.specialKey = _mapKeys(event);
var userSpecialKey;
/* istanbul ignore next: difficult to test */
taOptions.keyMappings.forEach(function (mapping) {
if (event.specialKey === mapping.commandKeyCode) {
// taOptions has remapped this binding... so
// we disable our own
event.specialKey = undefined;
if (mapping.testForKey(event)) {
userSpecialKey = mapping.commandKeyCode;
if ((mapping.commandKeyCode === 'UndoKey') || (mapping.commandKeyCode === 'RedoKey')) {
// this is necessary to fully stop the propagation.
if (!mapping.enablePropagation) {
/* istanbul ignore next: difficult to test */
if (typeof userSpecialKey !== 'undefined') {
event.specialKey = userSpecialKey;
/* istanbul ignore next: difficult to test as can't seem to select */
if ((typeof event.specialKey !== 'undefined') && (
event.specialKey !== 'UndoKey' || event.specialKey !== 'RedoKey'
)) {
textAngularManager.sendKeyCommand(scope, event);
/* istanbul ignore else: readonly check */
if (event.specialKey==='UndoKey') {
if (event.specialKey==='RedoKey') {
/* istanbul ignore next: difficult to test as can't seem to select */
if(event.keyCode === 13 && !event.shiftKey){
var contains = function(a, obj) {
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] === obj) {
return true;
return false;
var $selection;
var selection = taSelection.getSelectionElement();
if(!selection.tagName.match(VALIDELEMENTS)) return;
var _new = angular.element(_defaultVal);
// if we are in the last element of a blockquote, or ul or ol and the element is blank
// we need to pull the element outside of the said type
var moveOutsideElements = ['blockquote', 'ul', 'ol'];
if (contains(moveOutsideElements, selection.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase())) {
if (/^<br(|\/)>$/i.test(selection.innerHTML.trim()) && !selection.nextSibling) {
// if last element is blank, pull element outside.
$selection = angular.element(selection);
var _parent = $selection.parent();
if (_parent.children().length === 0) _parent.remove();
if (/^<[^>]+><br(|\/)><\/[^>]+>$/i.test(selection.innerHTML.trim())) {
$selection = angular.element(selection);
var _keyupTimeout;
element.on('keyup', scope.events.keyup = function(event, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(event, eventData);
/* istanbul ignore next: FF specific bug fix */
if (event.keyCode === 9) {
var _selection = taSelection.getSelection();
if(_selection.start.element === element[0] && element.children().length) taSelection.setSelectionToElementStart(element.children()[0]);
if(_undoKeyupTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_undoKeyupTimeout);
if(!_isReadonly && !BLOCKED_KEYS.test(event.keyCode)){
// if enter - insert new taDefaultWrap, if shift+enter insert <br/>
if(_defaultVal !== '' && event.keyCode === 13){
// new paragraph, br should be caught correctly
var selection = taSelection.getSelectionElement();
while(!selection.tagName.match(VALIDELEMENTS) && selection !== element[0]){
selection = selection.parentNode;
if(selection.tagName.toLowerCase() !== attrs.taDefaultWrap && selection.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'li' && (selection.innerHTML.trim() === '' || selection.innerHTML.trim() === '<br>')){
var _new = angular.element(_defaultVal);
var val = _compileHtml();
if(_defaultVal !== '' && val.trim() === ''){
}else if(val.substring(0, 1) !== '<' && attrs.taDefaultWrap !== ''){
/* we no longer do this, since there can be comments here and white space
var _savedSelection = rangy.saveSelection();
val = _compileHtml();
val = "<" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">" + val + "</" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">";
var triggerUndo = _lastKey !== event.keyCode && UNDO_TRIGGER_KEYS.test(event.keyCode);
if(_keyupTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_keyupTimeout);
_keyupTimeout = $timeout(function() {
_setViewValue(val, triggerUndo, true);
}, ngModelOptions.$options.debounce || 400);
if(!triggerUndo) _undoKeyupTimeout = $timeout(function(){ ngModel.$undoManager.push(val); }, 250);
_lastKey = event.keyCode;
element.on('blur', scope.events.blur = function(){
_focussed = false;
/* istanbul ignore else: if readonly don't update model */
_setViewValue(undefined, undefined, true);
_skipRender = true; // don't redo the whole thing, just check the placeholder logic
// Placeholders not supported on ie 8 and below
if(attrs.placeholder && (_browserDetect.ie > 8 || _browserDetect.ie === undefined)){
var rule;
if(attrs.id) rule = addCSSRule('#' + attrs.id + '.placeholder-text:before', 'content: "' + attrs.placeholder + '"');
else throw('textAngular Error: An unique ID is required for placeholders to work');
scope.$on('$destroy', function(){
element.on('focus', scope.events.focus = function(){
_focussed = true;
element.on('mouseup', scope.events.mouseup = function(){
var _selection = taSelection.getSelection();
if(_selection.start.element === element[0] && element.children().length) taSelection.setSelectionToElementStart(element.children()[0]);
// prevent propagation on mousedown in editor, see #206
element.on('mousedown', scope.events.mousedown = function(event, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(event, eventData);
var selectorClickHandler = function(event){
// emit the element-select event, pass the element
scope.$emit('ta-element-select', this);
return false;
var fileDropHandler = function(event, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(event, eventData);
// emit the drop event, pass the element, preventing should be done elsewhere
if(!dropFired && !_isReadonly){
dropFired = true;
var dataTransfer;
if(event.originalEvent) dataTransfer = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer;
else dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer;
scope.$emit('ta-drop-event', this, event, dataTransfer);
dropFired = false;
_setViewValue(undefined, undefined, true);
}, 100);
//used for updating when inserting wrapped elements
var _reApplyOnSelectorHandlers = scope['reApplyOnSelectorHandlers' + (attrs.id || '')] = function(){
/* istanbul ignore else */
if(!_isReadonly) angular.forEach(taSelectableElements, function(selector){
// check we don't apply the handler twice
.off('click', selectorClickHandler)
.on('click', selectorClickHandler);
var _setInnerHTML = function(newval){
element[0].innerHTML = newval;
var _renderTimeout;
var _renderInProgress = false;
// changes to the model variable from outside the html/text inputs
ngModel.$render = function(){
/* istanbul ignore if: Catches rogue renders, hard to replicate in tests */
if(_renderInProgress) return;
else _renderInProgress = true;
// catch model being null or undefined
var val = ngModel.$viewValue || '';
// if the editor isn't focused it needs to be updated, otherwise it's receiving user input
/* istanbul ignore else: in other cases we don't care */
if(_isContentEditable && _focussed){
// update while focussed
if(_renderTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_renderTimeout);
_renderTimeout = $timeout(function(){
/* istanbul ignore if: Can't be bothered testing this... */
taSelection.setSelectionToElementEnd(element.children()[element.children().length - 1]);
_renderTimeout = undefined;
}, 1);
if(val === ''){
// blank
// not-blank
_setInnerHTML((val === '') ? _defaultVal : val);
// if in WYSIWYG and readOnly we kill the use of links by clicking
element.on('drop', fileDropHandler);
element.off('drop', fileDropHandler);
}else if(element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'textarea' && element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'input'){
// make sure the end user can SEE the html code as a display. This is a read-only display element
// only for input and textarea inputs
if(_isContentEditable && attrs.placeholder){
if(val === ''){
if(_focussed) element.removeClass('placeholder-text');
else element.addClass('placeholder-text');
_renderInProgress = _skipRender = false;
//set initial value
_isReadonly = scope.$eval(attrs.taReadonly);
// we changed to readOnly mode (taReadonly='true')
if(element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' || element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input'){
element.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
if(element.attr('contenteditable') !== undefined && element.attr('contenteditable')){
// we changed to NOT readOnly mode (taReadonly='false')
if(element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' || element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input'){
}else if(_isContentEditable){
element.attr('contenteditable', 'true');
// taReadonly only has an effect if the taBind element is an input or textarea or has contenteditable='true' on it.
// Otherwise it is readonly by default
scope.$watch(attrs.taReadonly, function(newVal, oldVal){
if(oldVal === newVal) return;
// we changed to readOnly mode (taReadonly='true')
if(element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' || element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input'){
element.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
if(element.attr('contenteditable') !== undefined && element.attr('contenteditable')){
// turn ON selector click handlers
angular.forEach(taSelectableElements, function(selector){
element.find(selector).on('click', selectorClickHandler);
element.off('drop', fileDropHandler);
// we changed to NOT readOnly mode (taReadonly='false')
if(element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' || element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input'){
}else if(_isContentEditable){
element.attr('contenteditable', 'true');
// remove the selector click handlers
angular.forEach(taSelectableElements, function(selector){
element.find(selector).off('click', selectorClickHandler);
element.on('drop', fileDropHandler);
_isReadonly = newVal;
// Initialise the selectableElements
// if in WYSIWYG and readOnly we kill the use of links by clicking
if(_isContentEditable && !_isReadonly){
angular.forEach(taSelectableElements, function(selector){
element.find(selector).on('click', selectorClickHandler);
element.on('drop', fileDropHandler);
element.on('blur', function(){
/* istanbul ignore next: webkit fix */
if(_browserDetect.webkit) { // detect webkit
globalContentEditableBlur = true;
// this global var is used to prevent multiple fires of the drop event. Needs to be global to the textAngular file.
var dropFired = false;
var textAngular = angular.module("textAngular", ['ngSanitize', 'textAngularSetup', 'textAngular.factories', 'textAngular.DOM', 'textAngular.validators', 'textAngular.taBind']); //This makes ngSanitize required
// clear taTools variable. Just catches testing and any other time that this config may run multiple times...
angular.forEach(taTools, function(value, key){ delete taTools[key]; });
textAngular.directive("textAngular", [
'$compile', '$timeout', 'taOptions', 'taSelection', 'taExecCommand',
'textAngularManager', '$document', '$animate', '$log', '$q', '$parse',
function($compile, $timeout, taOptions, taSelection, taExecCommand,
textAngularManager, $document, $animate, $log, $q, $parse){
return {
require: '?ngModel',
scope: {},
restrict: "EA",
priority: 2, // So we override validators correctly
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel){
// all these vars should not be accessable outside this directive
var _keydown, _keyup, _keypress, _mouseup, _focusin, _focusout,
_originalContents, _toolbars,
_serial = (attrs.serial) ? attrs.serial : Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000000000000),
_taExecCommand, _resizeMouseDown, _updateSelectedStylesTimeout;
scope._name = (attrs.name) ? attrs.name : 'textAngularEditor' + _serial;
var oneEvent = function(_element, event, action){
// shim the .one till fixed
var _func = function(){
_element.off(event, _func);
action.apply(this, arguments);
_element.on(event, _func);
}, 100);
_taExecCommand = taExecCommand(attrs.taDefaultWrap);
// get the settings from the defaults and add our specific functions that need to be on the scope
angular.extend(scope, angular.copy(taOptions), {
// wraps the selection in the provided tag / execCommand function. Should only be called in WYSIWYG mode.
wrapSelection: function(command, opt, isSelectableElementTool){
if(command.toLowerCase() === "undo"){
scope['$undoTaBindtaTextElement' + _serial]();
}else if(command.toLowerCase() === "redo"){
scope['$redoTaBindtaTextElement' + _serial]();
// catch errors like FF erroring when you try to force an undo with nothing done
_taExecCommand(command, false, opt, scope.defaultTagAttributes);
// re-apply the selectable tool events
scope['reApplyOnSelectorHandlerstaTextElement' + _serial]();
// refocus on the shown display element, this fixes a display bug when using :focus styles to outline the box.
// You still have focus on the text/html input it just doesn't show up
showHtml: scope.$eval(attrs.taShowHtml) || false
// setup the options from the optional attributes
if(attrs.taFocussedClass) scope.classes.focussed = attrs.taFocussedClass;
if(attrs.taTextEditorClass) scope.classes.textEditor = attrs.taTextEditorClass;
if(attrs.taHtmlEditorClass) scope.classes.htmlEditor = attrs.taHtmlEditorClass;
try {
// TODO: This should use angular.merge to enhance functionality once angular 1.4 is required
angular.extend(scope.defaultTagAttributes, angular.fromJson(attrs.taDefaultTagAttributes));
} catch (error) {
// optional setup functions
if(attrs.taTextEditorSetup) scope.setup.textEditorSetup = scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.taTextEditorSetup);
if(attrs.taHtmlEditorSetup) scope.setup.htmlEditorSetup = scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.taHtmlEditorSetup);
// optional fileDropHandler function
if(attrs.taFileDrop) scope.fileDropHandler = scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.taFileDrop);
else scope.fileDropHandler = scope.defaultFileDropHandler;
_originalContents = element[0].innerHTML;
// clear the original content
element[0].innerHTML = '';
// Setup the HTML elements as variable references for use later
scope.displayElements = {
// we still need the hidden input even with a textarea as the textarea may have invalid/old input in it,
// wheras the input will ALLWAYS have the correct value.
forminput: angular.element("<input type='hidden' tabindex='-1' style='display: none;'>"),
html: angular.element("<textarea></textarea>"),
text: angular.element("<div></div>"),
// other toolbased elements
scrollWindow: angular.element("<div class='ta-scroll-window'></div>"),
popover: angular.element('<div class="popover fade bottom" style="max-width: none; width: 305px;"></div>'),
popoverArrow: angular.element('<div class="arrow"></div>'),
popoverContainer: angular.element('<div class="popover-content"></div>'),
resize: {
overlay: angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-overlay"></div>'),
background: angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-background"></div>'),
anchors: [
angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-corner ta-resizer-handle-corner-tl"></div>'),
angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-corner ta-resizer-handle-corner-tr"></div>'),
angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-corner ta-resizer-handle-corner-bl"></div>'),
angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-corner ta-resizer-handle-corner-br"></div>')
info: angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-info"></div>')
// Setup the popover
scope.displayElements.popover.on('mousedown', function(e, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(e, eventData);
// this prevents focusout from firing on the editor when clicking anything in the popover
return false;
// define the popover show and hide functions
scope.showPopover = function(_el){
scope.displayElements.popover.css('display', 'block');
$animate.addClass(scope.displayElements.popover, 'in');
oneEvent($document.find('body'), 'click keyup', function(){scope.hidePopover();});
scope.reflowPopover = function(_el){
/* istanbul ignore if: catches only if near bottom of editor */
if(scope.displayElements.text[0].offsetHeight - 51 > _el[0].offsetTop){
scope.displayElements.popover.css('top', _el[0].offsetTop + _el[0].offsetHeight + scope.displayElements.scrollWindow[0].scrollTop + 'px');
scope.displayElements.popover.css('top', _el[0].offsetTop - 54 + scope.displayElements.scrollWindow[0].scrollTop + 'px');
var _maxLeft = scope.displayElements.text[0].offsetWidth - scope.displayElements.popover[0].offsetWidth;
var _targetLeft = _el[0].offsetLeft + (_el[0].offsetWidth / 2.0) - (scope.displayElements.popover[0].offsetWidth / 2.0);
scope.displayElements.popover.css('left', Math.max(0, Math.min(_maxLeft, _targetLeft)) + 'px');
scope.displayElements.popoverArrow.css('margin-left', (Math.min(_targetLeft, (Math.max(0, _targetLeft - _maxLeft))) - 11) + 'px');
scope.hidePopover = function(){
scope.displayElements.popover.css('display', '');
scope.displayElements.popoverContainer.attr('style', '');
scope.displayElements.popoverContainer.attr('class', 'popover-content');
// setup the resize overlay
angular.forEach(scope.displayElements.resize.anchors, function(anchor){ scope.displayElements.resize.overlay.append(anchor);});
// define the show and hide events
scope.reflowResizeOverlay = function(_el){
_el = angular.element(_el)[0];
'display': 'block',
'left': _el.offsetLeft - 5 + 'px',
'top': _el.offsetTop - 5 + 'px',
'width': _el.offsetWidth + 10 + 'px',
'height': _el.offsetHeight + 10 + 'px'
scope.displayElements.resize.info.text(_el.offsetWidth + ' x ' + _el.offsetHeight);
/* istanbul ignore next: pretty sure phantomjs won't test this */
scope.showResizeOverlay = function(_el){
var _body = $document.find('body');
_resizeMouseDown = function(event){
var startPosition = {
width: parseInt(_el.attr('width')),
height: parseInt(_el.attr('height')),
x: event.clientX,
y: event.clientY
if(startPosition.width === undefined || isNaN(startPosition.width)) startPosition.width = _el[0].offsetWidth;
if(startPosition.height === undefined || isNaN(startPosition.height)) startPosition.height = _el[0].offsetHeight;
var ratio = startPosition.height / startPosition.width;
var mousemove = function(event){
// calculate new size
var pos = {
x: Math.max(0, startPosition.width + (event.clientX - startPosition.x)),
y: Math.max(0, startPosition.height + (event.clientY - startPosition.y))
// DEFAULT: the aspect ratio is not locked unless the Shift key is pressed.
// attribute: ta-resize-force-aspect-ratio -- locks resize into maintaing the aspect ratio
var bForceAspectRatio = (attrs.taResizeForceAspectRatio !== undefined);
// attribute: ta-resize-maintain-aspect-ratio=true causes the space ratio to remain locked
// unless the Shift key is pressed
var bFlipKeyBinding = attrs.taResizeMaintainAspectRatio;
var bKeepRatio = bForceAspectRatio || (bFlipKeyBinding && !event.shiftKey);
if(bKeepRatio) {
var newRatio = pos.y / pos.x;
pos.x = ratio > newRatio ? pos.x : pos.y / ratio;
pos.y = ratio > newRatio ? pos.x * ratio : pos.y;
var el = angular.element(_el);
function roundedMaxVal(val) {
return Math.round(Math.max(0, val));
el.css('height', roundedMaxVal(pos.y) + 'px');
el.css('width', roundedMaxVal(pos.x) + 'px');
// reflow the popover tooltip
_body.on('mousemove', mousemove);
oneEvent(_body, 'mouseup', function(event){
_body.off('mousemove', mousemove);
// at this point, we need to force the model to update! since the css has changed!
// this fixes bug: #862 - we now hide the popover -- as this seems more consitent.
// there are still issues under firefox, the window does not repaint. -- not sure
// how best to resolve this, but clicking anywhere works.
scope.$apply(function (){
}, 100);
scope.displayElements.resize.anchors[3].on('mousedown', _resizeMouseDown);
oneEvent(_body, 'click', function(){scope.hideResizeOverlay();});
/* istanbul ignore next: pretty sure phantomjs won't test this */
scope.hideResizeOverlay = function(){
scope.displayElements.resize.anchors[3].off('mousedown', _resizeMouseDown);
scope.displayElements.resize.overlay.css('display', '');
// allow for insertion of custom directives on the textarea and div
'id': 'taHtmlElement' + _serial,
'ng-show': 'showHtml',
'ta-bind': 'ta-bind',
'ng-model': 'html',
'ng-model-options': element.attr('ng-model-options')
'id': 'taTextElement' + _serial,
'contentEditable': 'true',
'ta-bind': 'ta-bind',
'ng-model': 'html',
'ng-model-options': element.attr('ng-model-options')
scope.displayElements.scrollWindow.attr({'ng-hide': 'showHtml'});
if(attrs.taDefaultWrap) scope.displayElements.text.attr('ta-default-wrap', attrs.taDefaultWrap);
scope.displayElements.text.attr('ta-unsafe-sanitizer', attrs.taUnsafeSanitizer);
scope.displayElements.html.attr('ta-unsafe-sanitizer', attrs.taUnsafeSanitizer);
// add the main elements to the origional element
scope.displayElements.forminput.attr('name', scope._name);
scope.displayElements.text.attr('tabindex', attrs.tabindex);
scope.displayElements.html.attr('tabindex', attrs.tabindex);
if (attrs.placeholder) {
scope.displayElements.text.attr('placeholder', attrs.placeholder);
scope.displayElements.html.attr('placeholder', attrs.placeholder);
scope.displayElements.text.attr('ta-readonly', 'disabled');
scope.displayElements.html.attr('ta-readonly', 'disabled');
scope.disabled = scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.taDisabled);
scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.taDisabled, function(newVal){
scope.disabled = newVal;
scope._pasteHandler = function(_html){
return $parse(attrs.taPaste)(scope.$parent, {$html: _html});
scope.displayElements.text.attr('ta-paste', '_pasteHandler($html)');
// compile the scope with the text and html elements only - if we do this with the main element it causes a compile loop
scope.updateTaBindtaTextElement = scope['updateTaBindtaTextElement' + _serial];
scope.updateTaBindtaHtmlElement = scope['updateTaBindtaHtmlElement' + _serial];
// add the classes manually last
scope.displayElements.scrollWindow.addClass("ta-text ta-editor " + scope.classes.textEditor);
scope.displayElements.html.addClass("ta-html ta-editor " + scope.classes.htmlEditor);
// used in the toolbar actions
scope._actionRunning = false;
var _savedSelection = false;
scope.startAction = function(){
scope._actionRunning = true;
// if rangy library is loaded return a function to reload the current selection
_savedSelection = rangy.saveSelection();
return function(){
if(_savedSelection) rangy.restoreSelection(_savedSelection);
scope.endAction = function(){
scope._actionRunning = false;
// rangy.restoreSelection(_savedSelection);
_savedSelection = false;
// only update if in text or WYSIWYG mode
if(!scope.showHtml) scope['updateTaBindtaTextElement' + _serial]();
// note that focusout > focusin is called everytime we click a button - except bad support: http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/events/blurfocus.html
// cascades to displayElements.text and displayElements.html automatically.
_focusin = function(){
scope.focussed = true;
scope.displayElements.html.on('focus', _focusin);
scope.displayElements.text.on('focus', _focusin);
_focusout = function(e){
// if we are NOT runnig an action and have NOT focussed again on the text etc then fire the blur events
if(!scope._actionRunning && $document[0].activeElement !== scope.displayElements.html[0] && $document[0].activeElement !== scope.displayElements.text[0]){
// to prevent multiple apply error defer to next seems to work.
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = false;
scope.focussed = false;
}, 0);
return false;
scope.displayElements.html.on('blur', _focusout);
scope.displayElements.text.on('blur', _focusout);
scope.displayElements.text.on('paste', function(event){
element.triggerHandler('paste', event);
// Setup the default toolbar tools, this way allows the user to add new tools like plugins.
// This is on the editor for future proofing if we find a better way to do this.
scope.queryFormatBlockState = function(command){
// $document[0].queryCommandValue('formatBlock') errors in Firefox if we call this when focussed on the textarea
return !scope.showHtml && command.toLowerCase() === $document[0].queryCommandValue('formatBlock').toLowerCase();
scope.queryCommandState = function(command){
// $document[0].queryCommandValue('formatBlock') errors in Firefox if we call this when focussed on the textarea
return (!scope.showHtml) ? $document[0].queryCommandState(command) : '';
scope.switchView = function(){
scope.showHtml = !scope.showHtml;
$animate.enabled(false, scope.displayElements.html);
$animate.enabled(false, scope.displayElements.text);
//Show the HTML view
//defer until the element is visible
$animate.enabled(true, scope.displayElements.html);
$animate.enabled(true, scope.displayElements.text);
// [0] dereferences the DOM object from the angular.element
return scope.displayElements.html[0].focus();
}, 100);
//Show the WYSIWYG view
//defer until the element is visible
$animate.enabled(true, scope.displayElements.html);
$animate.enabled(true, scope.displayElements.text);
// [0] dereferences the DOM object from the angular.element
return scope.displayElements.text[0].focus();
}, 100);
// changes to the model variable from outside the html/text inputs
// if no ngModel, then the only input is from inside text-angular
var _firstRun = true;
ngModel.$render = function(){
// we need this firstRun to set the originalContents otherwise it gets overrided by the setting of ngModel to undefined from NaN
_firstRun = false;
// if view value is null or undefined initially and there was original content, set to the original content
var _initialValue = scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.ngModel);
if((_initialValue === undefined || _initialValue === null) && (_originalContents && _originalContents !== '')){
// on passing through to taBind it will be sanitised
// if the editors aren't focused they need to be updated, otherwise they are doing the updating
scope.html = ngModel.$viewValue || '';
// trigger the validation calls
if(element.attr('required')) ngModel.$validators.required = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
var value = modelValue || viewValue;
return !(!value || value.trim() === '');
// if no ngModel then update from the contents of the origional html.
scope.html = _originalContents;
// changes from taBind back up to here
scope.$watch('html', function(newValue, oldValue){
if(newValue !== oldValue){
if(attrs.ngModel && ngModel.$viewValue !== newValue) ngModel.$setViewValue(newValue);
if(attrs.taTargetToolbars) _toolbars = textAngularManager.registerEditor(scope._name, scope, attrs.taTargetToolbars.split(','));
var _toolbar = angular.element('<div text-angular-toolbar name="textAngularToolbar' + _serial + '">');
// passthrough init of toolbar options
if(attrs.taToolbar) _toolbar.attr('ta-toolbar', attrs.taToolbar);
if(attrs.taToolbarClass) _toolbar.attr('ta-toolbar-class', attrs.taToolbarClass);
if(attrs.taToolbarGroupClass) _toolbar.attr('ta-toolbar-group-class', attrs.taToolbarGroupClass);
if(attrs.taToolbarButtonClass) _toolbar.attr('ta-toolbar-button-class', attrs.taToolbarButtonClass);
if(attrs.taToolbarActiveButtonClass) _toolbar.attr('ta-toolbar-active-button-class', attrs.taToolbarActiveButtonClass);
if(attrs.taFocussedClass) _toolbar.attr('ta-focussed-class', attrs.taFocussedClass);
_toolbars = textAngularManager.registerEditor(scope._name, scope, ['textAngularToolbar' + _serial]);
scope.$on('$destroy', function(){
// catch element select event and pass to toolbar tools
scope.$on('ta-element-select', function(event, element){
if(_toolbars.triggerElementSelect(event, element)){
scope['reApplyOnSelectorHandlerstaTextElement' + _serial]();
scope.$on('ta-drop-event', function(event, element, dropEvent, dataTransfer){
if(dataTransfer && dataTransfer.files && dataTransfer.files.length > 0){
angular.forEach(dataTransfer.files, function(file){
// taking advantage of boolean execution, if the fileDropHandler returns true, nothing else after it is executed
// If it is false then execute the defaultFileDropHandler if the fileDropHandler is NOT the default one
// Once one of these has been executed wrap the result as a promise, if undefined or variable update the taBind, else we should wait for the promise
$q.when(scope.fileDropHandler(file, scope.wrapSelection) ||
(scope.fileDropHandler !== scope.defaultFileDropHandler &&
$q.when(scope.defaultFileDropHandler(file, scope.wrapSelection)))).then(function(){
scope['updateTaBindtaTextElement' + _serial]();
/* istanbul ignore else, the updates if moved text */
scope['updateTaBindtaTextElement' + _serial]();
}, 0);
// the following is for applying the active states to the tools that support it
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = false;
/* istanbul ignore next: browser window/tab leave check */
angular.element(window).on('blur', function(){
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = false;
scope.focussed = false;
// loop through all the tools polling their activeState function if it exists
scope.updateSelectedStyles = function(){
var _selection;
/* istanbul ignore next: This check is to ensure multiple timeouts don't exist */
if(_updateSelectedStylesTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_updateSelectedStylesTimeout);
// test if the common element ISN'T the root ta-text node
if((_selection = taSelection.getSelectionElement()) !== undefined && _selection.parentNode !== scope.displayElements.text[0]){
}else _toolbars.updateSelectedStyles();
// used to update the active state when a key is held down, ie the left arrow
/* istanbul ignore else: browser only check */
if(scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles) _updateSelectedStylesTimeout = $timeout(scope.updateSelectedStyles, 200);
// start updating on keydown
_keydown = function(){
/* istanbul ignore next: ie catch */
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = false;
/* istanbul ignore else: don't run if already running */
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = true;
scope.displayElements.html.on('keydown', _keydown);
scope.displayElements.text.on('keydown', _keydown);
// stop updating on key up and update the display/model
_keyup = function(){
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = false;
scope.displayElements.html.on('keyup', _keyup);
scope.displayElements.text.on('keyup', _keyup);
// stop updating on key up and update the display/model
_keypress = function(event, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(event, eventData);
/* istanbul ignore else: don't run if already running */
return false;
scope.displayElements.html.on('keypress', _keypress);
scope.displayElements.text.on('keypress', _keypress);
// update the toolbar active states when we click somewhere in the text/html boxed
_mouseup = function(){
// ensure only one execution of updateSelectedStyles()
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = false;
scope.displayElements.html.on('mouseup', _mouseup);
scope.displayElements.text.on('mouseup', _mouseup);
textAngular.service('textAngularManager', ['taToolExecuteAction', 'taTools', 'taRegisterTool', function(taToolExecuteAction, taTools, taRegisterTool){
// this service is used to manage all textAngular editors and toolbars.
// All publicly published functions that modify/need to access the toolbar or editor scopes should be in here
// these contain references to all the editors and toolbars that have been initialised in this app
var toolbars = {}, editors = {};
// when we focus into a toolbar, we need to set the TOOLBAR's $parent to be the toolbars it's linked to.
// We also need to set the tools to be updated to be the toolbars...
return {
// register an editor and the toolbars that it is affected by
registerEditor: function(name, scope, targetToolbars){
// targetToolbars are optional, we don't require a toolbar to function
if(!name || name === '') throw('textAngular Error: An editor requires a name');
if(!scope) throw('textAngular Error: An editor requires a scope');
if(editors[name]) throw('textAngular Error: An Editor with name "' + name + '" already exists');
// _toolbars is an ARRAY of toolbar scopes
var _toolbars = [];
angular.forEach(targetToolbars, function(_name){
if(toolbars[_name]) _toolbars.push(toolbars[_name]);
// if it doesn't exist it may not have been compiled yet and it will be added later
editors[name] = {
scope: scope,
toolbars: targetToolbars,
_registerToolbar: function(toolbarScope){
// add to the list late
if(this.toolbars.indexOf(toolbarScope.name) >= 0) _toolbars.push(toolbarScope);
// this is a suite of functions the editor should use to update all it's linked toolbars
editorFunctions: {
disable: function(){
// disable all linked toolbars
angular.forEach(_toolbars, function(toolbarScope){ toolbarScope.disabled = true; });
enable: function(){
// enable all linked toolbars
angular.forEach(_toolbars, function(toolbarScope){ toolbarScope.disabled = false; });
focus: function(){
// this should be called when the editor is focussed
angular.forEach(_toolbars, function(toolbarScope){
toolbarScope._parent = scope;
toolbarScope.disabled = false;
toolbarScope.focussed = true;
scope.focussed = true;
unfocus: function(){
// this should be called when the editor becomes unfocussed
angular.forEach(_toolbars, function(toolbarScope){
toolbarScope.disabled = true;
toolbarScope.focussed = false;
scope.focussed = false;
updateSelectedStyles: function(selectedElement){
// update the active state of all buttons on liked toolbars
angular.forEach(_toolbars, function(toolbarScope){
angular.forEach(toolbarScope.tools, function(toolScope){
toolbarScope._parent = scope;
toolScope.active = toolScope.activeState(selectedElement);
sendKeyCommand: function(event){
// we return true if we applied an action, false otherwise
var result = false;
if(event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.specialKey) angular.forEach(taTools, function(tool, name){
if(tool.commandKeyCode && (tool.commandKeyCode === event.which || tool.commandKeyCode === event.specialKey)){
for(var _t = 0; _t < _toolbars.length; _t++){
if(_toolbars[_t].tools[name] !== undefined){
taToolExecuteAction.call(_toolbars[_t].tools[name], scope);
result = true;
return result;
triggerElementSelect: function(event, element){
// search through the taTools to see if a match for the tag is made.
// if there is, see if the tool is on a registered toolbar and not disabled.
// NOTE: This can trigger on MULTIPLE tools simultaneously.
var elementHasAttrs = function(_element, attrs){
var result = true;
for(var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) result = result && _element.attr(attrs[i]);
return result;
var workerTools = [];
var unfilteredTools = {};
var result = false;
element = angular.element(element);
// get all valid tools by element name, keep track if one matches the
var onlyWithAttrsFilter = false;
angular.forEach(taTools, function(tool, name){
tool.onElementSelect &&
tool.onElementSelect.element &&
tool.onElementSelect.element.toLowerCase() === element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() &&
(!tool.onElementSelect.filter || tool.onElementSelect.filter(element))
// this should only end up true if the element matches the only attributes
onlyWithAttrsFilter = onlyWithAttrsFilter ||
(angular.isArray(tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs) && elementHasAttrs(element, tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs));
if(!tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs || elementHasAttrs(element, tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs)) unfilteredTools[name] = tool;
// if we matched attributes to filter on, then filter, else continue
angular.forEach(unfilteredTools, function(tool, name){
if(tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs && elementHasAttrs(element, tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs)) workerTools.push({'name': name, 'tool': tool});
// sort most specific (most attrs to find) first
return b.tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs.length - a.tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs.length;
angular.forEach(unfilteredTools, function(tool, name){
workerTools.push({'name': name, 'tool': tool});
// Run the actions on the first visible filtered tool only
if(workerTools.length > 0){
for(var _i = 0; _i < workerTools.length; _i++){
var tool = workerTools[_i].tool;
var name = workerTools[_i].name;
for(var _t = 0; _t < _toolbars.length; _t++){
if(_toolbars[_t].tools[name] !== undefined){
tool.onElementSelect.action.call(_toolbars[_t].tools[name], event, element, scope);
result = true;
if(result) break;
return result;
return editors[name].editorFunctions;
// retrieve editor by name, largely used by testing suites only
retrieveEditor: function(name){
return editors[name];
unregisterEditor: function(name){
delete editors[name];
// registers a toolbar such that it can be linked to editors
registerToolbar: function(scope){
if(!scope) throw('textAngular Error: A toolbar requires a scope');
if(!scope.name || scope.name === '') throw('textAngular Error: A toolbar requires a name');
if(toolbars[scope.name]) throw('textAngular Error: A toolbar with name "' + scope.name + '" already exists');
toolbars[scope.name] = scope;
angular.forEach(editors, function(_editor){
// retrieve toolbar by name, largely used by testing suites only
retrieveToolbar: function(name){
return toolbars[name];
// retrieve toolbars by editor name, largely used by testing suites only
retrieveToolbarsViaEditor: function(name){
var result = [], _this = this;
angular.forEach(this.retrieveEditor(name).toolbars, function(name){
return result;
unregisterToolbar: function(name){
delete toolbars[name];
// functions for updating the toolbar buttons display
updateToolsDisplay: function(newTaTools){
// pass a partial struct of the taTools, this allows us to update the tools on the fly, will not change the defaults.
var _this = this;
angular.forEach(newTaTools, function(_newTool, key){
_this.updateToolDisplay(key, _newTool);
// this function resets all toolbars to their default tool definitions
resetToolsDisplay: function(){
var _this = this;
angular.forEach(taTools, function(_newTool, key){
// update a tool on all toolbars
updateToolDisplay: function(toolKey, _newTool){
var _this = this;
angular.forEach(toolbars, function(toolbarScope, toolbarKey){
_this.updateToolbarToolDisplay(toolbarKey, toolKey, _newTool);
// resets a tool to the default/starting state on all toolbars
resetToolDisplay: function(toolKey){
var _this = this;
angular.forEach(toolbars, function(toolbarScope, toolbarKey){
_this.resetToolbarToolDisplay(toolbarKey, toolKey);
// update a tool on a specific toolbar
updateToolbarToolDisplay: function(toolbarKey, toolKey, _newTool){
if(toolbars[toolbarKey]) toolbars[toolbarKey].updateToolDisplay(toolKey, _newTool);
else throw('textAngular Error: No Toolbar with name "' + toolbarKey + '" exists');
// reset a tool on a specific toolbar to it's default starting value
resetToolbarToolDisplay: function(toolbarKey, toolKey){
if(toolbars[toolbarKey]) toolbars[toolbarKey].updateToolDisplay(toolKey, taTools[toolKey], true);
else throw('textAngular Error: No Toolbar with name "' + toolbarKey + '" exists');
// removes a tool from all toolbars and it's definition
removeTool: function(toolKey){
delete taTools[toolKey];
angular.forEach(toolbars, function(toolbarScope){
delete toolbarScope.tools[toolKey];
for(var i = 0; i < toolbarScope.toolbar.length; i++){
var toolbarIndex;
for(var j = 0; j < toolbarScope.toolbar[i].length; j++){
if(toolbarScope.toolbar[i][j] === toolKey){
toolbarIndex = {
group: i,
index: j
if(toolbarIndex !== undefined) break;
if(toolbarIndex !== undefined){
toolbarScope.toolbar[toolbarIndex.group].slice(toolbarIndex.index, 1);
// toolkey, toolDefinition are required. If group is not specified will pick the last group, if index isnt defined will append to group
addTool: function(toolKey, toolDefinition, group, index){
taRegisterTool(toolKey, toolDefinition);
angular.forEach(toolbars, function(toolbarScope){
toolbarScope.addTool(toolKey, toolDefinition, group, index);
// adds a Tool but only to one toolbar not all
addToolToToolbar: function(toolKey, toolDefinition, toolbarKey, group, index){
taRegisterTool(toolKey, toolDefinition);
toolbars[toolbarKey].addTool(toolKey, toolDefinition, group, index);
// this is used when externally the html of an editor has been changed and textAngular needs to be notified to update the model.
// this will call a $digest if not already happening
refreshEditor: function(name){
/* istanbul ignore else: phase catch */
if(!editors[name].scope.$$phase) editors[name].scope.$digest();
}else throw('textAngular Error: No Editor with name "' + name + '" exists');
// this is used by taBind to send a key command in response to a special key event
sendKeyCommand: function(scope, event){
var _editor = editors[scope._name];
/* istanbul ignore else: if nothing to do, do nothing */
if (_editor && _editor.editorFunctions.sendKeyCommand(event)) {
/* istanbul ignore else: don't run if already running */
return false;
textAngular.directive('textAngularToolbar', [
'$compile', 'textAngularManager', 'taOptions', 'taTools', 'taToolExecuteAction', '$window',
function($compile, textAngularManager, taOptions, taTools, taToolExecuteAction, $window){
return {
scope: {
name: '@' // a name IS required
restrict: "EA",
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
if(!scope.name || scope.name === '') throw('textAngular Error: A toolbar requires a name');
angular.extend(scope, angular.copy(taOptions));
if(attrs.taToolbar) scope.toolbar = scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.taToolbar);
if(attrs.taToolbarClass) scope.classes.toolbar = attrs.taToolbarClass;
if(attrs.taToolbarGroupClass) scope.classes.toolbarGroup = attrs.taToolbarGroupClass;
if(attrs.taToolbarButtonClass) scope.classes.toolbarButton = attrs.taToolbarButtonClass;
if(attrs.taToolbarActiveButtonClass) scope.classes.toolbarButtonActive = attrs.taToolbarActiveButtonClass;
if(attrs.taFocussedClass) scope.classes.focussed = attrs.taFocussedClass;
scope.disabled = true;
scope.focussed = false;
scope._$element = element;
element[0].innerHTML = '';
element.addClass("ta-toolbar " + scope.classes.toolbar);
scope.$watch('focussed', function(){
if(scope.focussed) element.addClass(scope.classes.focussed);
else element.removeClass(scope.classes.focussed);
var setupToolElement = function(toolDefinition, toolScope){
var toolElement;
if(toolDefinition && toolDefinition.display){
toolElement = angular.element(toolDefinition.display);
else toolElement = angular.element("<button type='button'>");
if(toolDefinition && toolDefinition["class"]) toolElement.addClass(toolDefinition["class"]);
else toolElement.addClass(scope.classes.toolbarButton);
toolElement.attr('name', toolScope.name);
// important to not take focus from the main text/html entry
toolElement.attr('ta-button', 'ta-button');
toolElement.attr('ng-disabled', 'isDisabled()');
toolElement.attr('tabindex', '-1');
toolElement.attr('ng-click', 'executeAction()');
toolElement.attr('ng-class', 'displayActiveToolClass(active)');
if (toolDefinition && toolDefinition.tooltiptext) {
toolElement.attr('title', toolDefinition.tooltiptext);
if(toolDefinition && !toolDefinition.display && !toolScope._display){
// first clear out the current contents if any
toolElement[0].innerHTML = '';
// add the buttonText
if(toolDefinition.buttontext) toolElement[0].innerHTML = toolDefinition.buttontext;
// add the icon to the front of the button if there is content
var icon = angular.element('<i>'), content = toolElement[0].innerHTML;
toolElement[0].innerHTML = '';
if(content && content !== '') toolElement.append(' ' + content);
toolScope._lastToolDefinition = angular.copy(toolDefinition);
return $compile(toolElement)(toolScope);
// Keep a reference for updating the active states later
scope.tools = {};
// create the tools in the toolbar
// default functions and values to prevent errors in testing and on init
scope._parent = {
disabled: true,
showHtml: false,
queryFormatBlockState: function(){ return false; },
queryCommandState: function(){ return false; }
var defaultChildScope = {
$window: $window,
$editor: function(){
// dynamically gets the editor as it is set
return scope._parent;
isDisabled: function(){
// to set your own disabled logic set a function or boolean on the tool called 'disabled'
return ( // this bracket is important as without it it just returns the first bracket and ignores the rest
// when the button's disabled function/value evaluates to true
(typeof this.$eval('disabled') !== 'function' && this.$eval('disabled')) || this.$eval('disabled()') ||
// all buttons except the HTML Switch button should be disabled in the showHtml (RAW html) mode
(this.name !== 'html' && this.$editor().showHtml) ||
// if the toolbar is disabled
this.$parent.disabled ||
// if the current editor is disabled
displayActiveToolClass: function(active){
return (active)? scope.classes.toolbarButtonActive : '';
executeAction: taToolExecuteAction
angular.forEach(scope.toolbar, function(group){
// setup the toolbar group
var groupElement = angular.element("<div>");
angular.forEach(group, function(tool){
// init and add the tools to the group
// a tool name (key name from taTools struct)
//creates a child scope of the main angularText scope and then extends the childScope with the functions of this particular tool
// reference to the scope and element kept
scope.tools[tool] = angular.extend(scope.$new(true), taTools[tool], defaultChildScope, {name: tool});
scope.tools[tool].$element = setupToolElement(taTools[tool], scope.tools[tool]);
// append the tool compiled with the childScope to the group element
// append the group to the toolbar
// update a tool
// if a value is set to null, remove from the display
// when forceNew is set to true it will ignore all previous settings, used to reset to taTools definition
// to reset to defaults pass in taTools[key] as _newTool and forceNew as true, ie `updateToolDisplay(key, taTools[key], true);`
scope.updateToolDisplay = function(key, _newTool, forceNew){
var toolInstance = scope.tools[key];
// get the last toolDefinition, then override with the new definition
if(toolInstance._lastToolDefinition && !forceNew) _newTool = angular.extend({}, toolInstance._lastToolDefinition, _newTool);
if(_newTool.buttontext === null && _newTool.iconclass === null && _newTool.display === null)
throw('textAngular Error: Tool Definition for updating "' + key + '" does not have a valid display/iconclass/buttontext value');
// if tool is defined on this toolbar, update/redo the tool
if(_newTool.buttontext === null){
delete _newTool.buttontext;
if(_newTool.iconclass === null){
delete _newTool.iconclass;
if(_newTool.display === null){
delete _newTool.display;
var toolElement = setupToolElement(_newTool, toolInstance);
toolInstance.$element = toolElement;
// we assume here that all values passed are valid and correct
scope.addTool = function(key, _newTool, groupIndex, index){
scope.tools[key] = angular.extend(scope.$new(true), taTools[key], defaultChildScope, {name: key});
scope.tools[key].$element = setupToolElement(taTools[key], scope.tools[key]);
var group;
if(groupIndex === undefined) groupIndex = scope.toolbar.length - 1;
group = angular.element(element.children()[groupIndex]);
if(index === undefined){
scope.toolbar[groupIndex][scope.toolbar[groupIndex].length - 1] = key;
scope.toolbar[groupIndex][index] = key;
scope.$on('$destroy', function(){