
add reference to Docker documentation

Davide Alberani 6 年 前
1 ファイル変更2 行追加0 行削除
  1. 2 0

+ 2 - 0

@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ Main features:
 - ability to run triggers to respond to an event (e.g. when a person is marked as attending to an event)
 - can run on HTTPS
 - multiple workstations are kept in sync (i.e.: marking a person as an attendee is shown in every workstation currently viewing the list of tickets of an event)
+- can run in Docker: see the docs/DOCKER.md file
 See the *screenshots* directory for some images.
 # Demo
 Whenever the gods of cloud-at-cost love us - very seldom, indeed - a demo system can be found at http://amy.ismito.it:5242/ (username: admin, password: eventman).