hash with salt

This commit is contained in:
Davide Alberani 2015-05-02 19:26:23 +02:00
parent 2ac7f02182
commit 46bc6fb9f7
2 changed files with 38 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -540,20 +540,37 @@ class WebSocketEventUpdatesHandler(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
class LoginHandler(RootHandler):
"""Handle user authentication requests."""
re_split_salt = re.compile(r'\$(?P<salt>.+)\$(?P<hash>.+)')
def get(self, **kwds):
with open(self.angular_app_path + "/login.html", 'r') as fd:
def _authorize(self, username, password):
res = self.db.query('users', {'username': username})
if not res:
return False
user = res[0]
db_password = user.get('password') or ''
if not db_password:
return False
match = self.re_split_salt.match(db_password)
if not match:
return False
salt = match.group('salt')
if utils.hash_password(password, salt=salt) == db_password:
return True
return False
def post(self):
username = self.get_body_argument('username')
password = self.get_body_argument('password')
if username != 'admin' and password != 'eventman':
if self._authorize(username, password):
self.set_secure_cookie("user", username)
class LogoutHandler(RootHandler):
@ -592,6 +609,11 @@ def run():
db_connector = backend.EventManDB(url=options.mongodbURL, dbName=options.dbName)
init_params = dict(db=db_connector, data_dir=options.data, listen_port=options.port)
# If not present, we store a user 'admin' with password 'eventman' into the database.
if not db_connector.query('users', {'username': 'admin'}):
{'username': 'admin', 'password': utils.hash_password('eventman')})
_ws_handler = (r"/ws/+event/+(?P<event_id>\w+)/+updates/?", WebSocketEventUpdatesHandler)
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/persons/?(?P<id_>\w+)?/?(?P<resource>\w+)?/?(?P<resource_id>\w+)?", PersonsHandler, init_params),
@ -600,7 +622,7 @@ def run():
(r"/ebcsvpersons", EbCSVImportPersonsHandler, init_params),
(r"/settings", SettingsHandler, init_params),
(r'/login', LoginHandler),
(r'/login', LoginHandler, init_params),
(r'/logout', LogoutHandler),
(r'/(.*)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": "angular_app"})

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@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ limitations under the License.
import csv
import json
import string
import random
import hashlib
import datetime
import StringIO
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
@ -73,6 +76,14 @@ def csvParse(csvStr, remap=None, merge=None):
return reply, results
def hash_password(password, salt=None):
if salt is None:
salt_pool = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
salt = ''.join(random.choice(salt_pool) for x in xrange(32))
hash_ = hashlib.sha512('%s%s' % (salt, password))
return '$%s$%s' % (salt, hash_.hexdigest())
class ImprovedEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
"""Enhance the default JSON encoder to serialize datetime and ObjectId instances."""
def default(self, o):