'use strict'; /* Services that are used to interact with the backend. */ var eventManServices = angular.module('eventManServices', ['ngResource']); /* Modify, in place, an object to convert datetime. */ function convert_dates(obj) { if (obj['begin-date']) { obj['begin-date'] = obj['begin_date'] = obj['begin-date'].getTime(); } if (obj['end-date']) { obj['end-date'] = obj['end_date'] = obj['end-date'].getTime(); } return obj; } eventManServices.factory('Event', ['$resource', '$rootScope', function($resource, $rootScope) { return $resource('events/:id', {id: '@_id', person_id: '@person_id'}, { all: { method: 'GET', isArray: true, transformResponse: function(data, headers) { data = angular.fromJson(data); angular.forEach(data.events || [], function(event_, event_idx) { convert_dates(event_); }); return data.events; } }, get: {method: 'GET', transformResponse: function(data, headers) { data = angular.fromJson(data); convert_dates(data); // strip empty keys. angular.forEach(data.persons || [], function(person, person_idx) { angular.forEach(person, function(value, key) { if (value === "") { delete person[key]; } }); }); return data; } }, update: {method: 'PUT'}, updatePerson: { method: 'PUT', isArray: false, url: 'events/:id/persons/:person_id', params: {uuid: $rootScope.app_uuid}, transformResponse: function(data, headers) { return angular.fromJson(data); } }, addPerson: { method: 'POST', isArray: false, url: 'events/:id/persons/:person_id', params: {uuid: $rootScope.app_uuid}, transformResponse: function(data, headers) { return angular.fromJson(data); } }, deletePerson: { method: 'DELETE', isArray: false, url: 'events/:_id/persons/:person_id', params: {uuid: $rootScope.app_uuid}, transformResponse: function(data, headers) { return angular.fromJson(data); } } }); }] ); eventManServices.factory('Person', ['$resource', function($resource) { return $resource('persons/:id', {id: '@_id'}, { all: { method: 'GET', isArray: true, transformResponse: function(data, headers) { return angular.fromJson(data).persons; } }, update: {method: 'PUT'}, getEvents: { method: 'GET', url: 'persons/:_id/events', isArray: true, transformResponse: function(data, headers) { data = angular.fromJson(data); angular.forEach(data.events || [], function(event_, event_idx) { convert_dates(event_); }); return data.events; } } }); }] ); eventManServices.factory('Setting', ['$resource', function($resource) { return $resource('settings/', {}, { query: { method: 'GET', isArray: true, transformResponse: function(data, headers) { return angular.fromJson(data).settings; } }, update: {method: 'PUT'} }); }] ); eventManServices.factory('Info', ['$resource', function($resource) { return $resource('info/', {}, { get: {method: 'GET', isArray: false, transformResponse: function(data, headers) { return angular.fromJson(data).info || {}; } } }); }] ); /* WebSocket collection used to update the list of persons of an Event. */ eventManApp.factory('EventUpdates', ['$websocket', '$location', '$log', function($websocket, $location, $log) { var dataStream = null; var data = {}; var methods = { data: data, close: function() { $log.debug('close WebSocket connection'); dataStream.close(); }, open: function() { $log.debug('open WebSocket connection'); dataStream && dataStream.close(); var proto = $location.protocol() == 'https' ? 'wss' : 'ws'; dataStream = $websocket(proto + '://' + $location.host() + ':' + $location.port() + '/ws/' + $location.path() + '/updates'); dataStream.onMessage(function(message) { $log.debug('EventUpdates message received'); data.update = angular.fromJson(message.data); }); } }; return methods; }] );