'use strict'; /* Controllers; their method are available where specified with the ng-controller * directive or for a given route (see app.js). They use some services to * connect to the backend (see services.js). */ var eventManControllers = angular.module('eventManControllers', []); /* A controller that can be used to navigate. */ eventManControllers.controller('NavigationCtrl', ['$location', function ($location) { this.go = function(url) { $location.url(url); }; }] ); /* Controller for a group of date and time pickers. */ eventManControllers.controller('DatetimePickerCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.open = function($event) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); $scope.opened = true; }; }] ); eventManControllers.controller('EventsListCtrl', ['$scope', 'Event', function ($scope, Event) { $scope.events = Event.all(); $scope.orderProp = 'begin-datetime'; $scope.remove = function(_id) { Event.remove({'id': _id}, function() { $scope.events = Event.all(); }); }; }] ); eventManControllers.controller('EventDetailsCtrl', ['$scope', 'Event', '$routeParams', function ($scope, Event, $routeParams) { if ($routeParams.id) { $scope.event = Event.get($routeParams); } // store a new Event or update an existing one $scope.save = function() { if ($scope.event.id === undefined) { $scope.event = Event.save($scope.event); } else { $scope.event = Event.update($scope.event); } $scope.eventForm.$dirty = false; }; }] ); eventManControllers.controller('PersonsListCtrl', ['$scope', 'Person', function ($scope, Person) { $scope.persons = Person.all(); $scope.orderProp = 'name'; $scope.remove = function(_id) { Person.remove({'id': _id}, function() { $scope.persons = Person.all(); }); }; }] ); eventManControllers.controller('PersonDetailsCtrl', ['$scope', '$routeParams', 'Person', 'Action', function ($scope, $routeParams, Person, Action) { if ($routeParams.id) { $scope.person = Person.get($routeParams); Action.get({person_id: $routeParams.id}, function(data) { $scope.actions = angular.fromJson(data).actions; }); } // store a new Person or update an existing one $scope.save = function() { if ($scope.person.id === undefined) { $scope.person = Person.save($scope.person); } else { $scope.person = Person.update($scope.person); } }; }] ); eventManControllers.controller('ImportPersonsCtrl', ['$scope', '$log', function ($scope, $log) { $scope.ebCSVimport = function() { $log.info("ImportPersonsCtrl"); $log.info($scope); }; }] ); eventManControllers.controller('FileUploadCtrl', ['$scope', '$log', '$upload', 'Event', function ($scope, $log, $upload, Event) { $scope.file = null; $scope.reply = {}; $scope.events = Event.all(); $scope.upload = function(file, url) { $log.info("FileUploadCtrl.upload"); $upload.upload({ url: url, file: file, fields: {targetEvent: $scope.targetEvent} }).progress(function(evt) { var progressPercentage = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded / evt.total); $log.debug('progress: ' + progressPercentage + '%'); }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) { $scope.file = null; $scope.reply = angular.fromJson(data); }); }; }] );