'use strict'; /* Controllers; their method are available where specified with the ng-controller * directive or for a given route/state (see app.js). They use some services to * connect to the backend (see services.js). */ var eventManControllers = angular.module('eventManControllers', []); /* A controller that can be used to navigate. */ eventManControllers.controller('NavigationCtrl', ['$location', function ($location) { this.go = function(url) { $location.url(url); }; this.isActive = function (view) { if (view === $location.path()) { return true; } if (view[view.length-1] !== '/') { view = view + '/'; } return $location.path().indexOf(view) == 0; }; }] ); /* Controller for a group of date and time pickers. */ eventManControllers.controller('DatetimePickerCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.open = function($event) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); $scope.opened = true; }; }] ); eventManControllers.controller('EventsListCtrl', ['$scope', 'Event', function ($scope, Event) { $scope.events = Event.all(); $scope.personsOrderProp = 'name'; $scope.eventsOrderProp = "'-begin-date'"; $scope.remove = function(_id) { Event.remove({'id': _id}, function() { $scope.events = Event.all(); }); }; }] ); eventManControllers.controller('EventDetailsCtrl', ['$scope', 'Event', 'Person', '$stateParams', 'Setting', '$log', function ($scope, Event, Person, $stateParams, Setting, $log) { $scope.personsOrderProp = 'name'; $scope.eventsOrderProp = '-begin-date'; $scope.countAttendees = 0; $scope.message = {}; $scope.customFields = Setting.query({setting: 'person_custom_field', in_event_details: true}); if ($stateParams.id) { $scope.event = Event.get($stateParams, function() { $scope.$watchCollection(function() { return $scope.event.persons; }, function(prev, old) { $scope.calcAttendees(); }); }); $scope.allPersons = Person.all(); } // store a new Event or update an existing one $scope.save = function() { // avoid override of event.persons list. var this_event = angular.copy($scope.event); if (this_event.persons) { delete this_event.persons; } if (this_event.id === undefined) { $scope.event = Event.save(this_event); } else { $scope.event = Event.update(this_event); } $scope.eventForm.$dirty = false; }; $scope.calcAttendees = function() { if (!($scope.event && $scope.event.persons)) { return; } var attendees = 0; angular.forEach($scope.event.persons, function(value, key) { if (value.attended) { attendees += 1; } }); $scope.countAttendees = attendees; }; $scope._addPerson = function(person_data) { var original_data = angular.copy(person_data); person_data.person_id = person_data._id; person_data._id = $stateParams.id; Event.addPerson(person_data, function() { // This could be improved adding it only locally. //$scope.event.persons.push(person_data); $scope.setPersonAttribute(person_data, 'attended', true, function() { Event.get($stateParams, function(data) { $scope.event.persons = angular.fromJson(data).persons; }); var idx = $scope.allPersons.indexOf(original_data); if (idx != -1) { $scope.allPersons.splice(idx, 1); } else { $scope.allPersons = Person.all(); } $scope.newPerson = {}; // XXX: must be converted in a i18n-able form. var msg = '' + person_data.name + ' ' + person_data.surname + ' successfully added to event ' + $scope.event.title; $scope.showMessage({message: msg}); }); }); $scope.query = ''; }; $scope.fastAddPerson = function(person, isNew) { $log.debug('EventDetailsCtrl.fastAddPerson.person:'); $log.debug(person); if (isNew) { var personObj = new Person(person); personObj.$save(function(p) { $scope._addPerson(angular.copy(p)); }); } else { $scope._addPerson(angular.copy(person)); } }; $scope.setPersonAttribute = function(person, key, value, callback) { $log.debug('EventDetailsCtrl.setPersonAttribute.event_id: ' + $stateParams.id); $log.debug('EventDetailsCtrl.setPersonAttribute.person_id: ' + person.person_id); $log.debug('EventDetailsCtrl.setPersonAttribute.key: ' + key + ' value: ' + value); var data = {_id: $stateParams.id, person_id: person.person_id}; data[key] = value; Event.updatePerson(data, function(data) { $log.debug('EventDetailsCtrl.setPersonAttribute.data'); $log.debug(data); $scope.event.persons = data; if (callback) { callback(data); } if (key === 'attended') { var msg = {}; if (value) { msg.message = '' + person.name + ' ' + person.surname + ' successfully added to event ' + $scope.event.title; } else { msg.message = '' + person.name + ' ' + person.surname + ' successfully removed from event ' + $scope.event.title; msg.isError = true; } $scope.showMessage(msg); } }); }; $scope.setPersonAttributeAndRefocus = function(person, key, value) { $scope.setPersonAttribute(person, key, value); $scope.query = ''; }; $scope.removeAttendee = function(person) { Event.deletePerson({ _id: $stateParams.id, person_id: person.person_id }, function(data) { $scope.event.persons = data; $scope.allPersons = Person.all(); }); }; $scope.showMessage = function(cfg) { $scope.message.show(cfg); }; }] ); eventManControllers.controller('PersonsListCtrl', ['$scope', 'Person', 'Setting', function ($scope, Person, Setting) { $scope.persons = Person.all(); $scope.personsOrderProp = 'name'; $scope.eventsOrderProp = '-begin-date'; $scope.customFields = Setting.query({setting: 'person_custom_field', in_persons_list: true}); $scope.setAttribute = function(person, key, value) { var data = {_id: person._id}; data[key] = value; Person.update(data, function() { $scope.persons = Person.all(); }); }; $scope.remove = function(_id) { Person.remove({'id': _id}, function() { $scope.persons = Person.all(); }); }; }] ); eventManControllers.controller('PersonDetailsCtrl', ['$scope', '$stateParams', 'Person', 'Event', 'Setting', '$log', function ($scope, $stateParams, Person, Event, Setting, $log) { $scope.personsOrderProp = 'name'; $scope.eventsOrderProp = '-begin-date'; $scope.addToEvent = ''; $scope.customFields = Setting.query({setting: 'person_custom_field', in_persons_list: true}); if ($stateParams.id) { $scope.person = Person.get($stateParams); $scope.events = Person.getEvents({_id: $stateParams.id, all: true}); } else { $scope.events = Event.all(); } // store a new Person or update an existing one $scope.save = function() { if ($scope.person.id === undefined) { $scope.person = new Person($scope.person); $scope.person.$save(function(person) { if ($scope.addToEvent) { var data = angular.copy(person); data.person_id = data._id; data._id = $scope.addToEvent; data.attended = false; Event.addPerson(data); } }); } else { $scope.person = Person.update($scope.person, function(data) { if ($scope.addToEvent) { var data = angular.copy($scope.person); data._id = $scope.addToEvent; data.person_id = $scope.person._id; data.attended = false; Event.addPerson(data); } }); } $scope.personForm.$dirty = false; }; $scope.setPersonAttributeAtEvent = function(evnt, key, value) { var attrs = {_id: evnt._id, person_id: $stateParams.id}; attrs[key] = value; Event.updatePerson(attrs, function(data) { $scope.events = Person.getEvents({_id: $stateParams.id, all: true}); } ); }; $scope.switchRegistered = function(evnt, person, add) { $log.debug('PersonDetailsCtrl.switchRegistered.event_id: ' + evnt._id); $log.debug('PersonDetailsCtrl.switchRegistered.person_id: ' + person._id); $log.debug('PersonDetailsCtrl.switchRegistered.add: ' + add); if (add) { var data = angular.copy(person); data._id = evnt._id; data.person_id = person._id; data.attended = false; Event.addPerson(data, function(data) { $scope.events = Person.getEvents({_id: $stateParams.id, all: true}); } ); } else { Event.deletePerson({_id: evnt._id, person_id: person._id}, function(data) { $scope.events = Person.getEvents({_id: $stateParams.id, all: true}); } ); } }; }] ); eventManControllers.controller('FileUploadCtrl', ['$scope', '$log', '$upload', 'Event', function ($scope, $log, $upload, Event) { $scope.file = null; $scope.reply = {}; $scope.events = Event.all(); $scope.upload = function(file, url) { $log.debug("FileUploadCtrl.upload"); $upload.upload({ url: url, file: file, fields: {targetEvent: $scope.targetEvent} }).progress(function(evt) { var progressPercentage = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded / evt.total); $log.debug('progress: ' + progressPercentage + '%'); }).success(function(data, status, headers, config) { $scope.file = null; $scope.reply = angular.fromJson(data); }); }; }] );