(function() { 'use strict'; var noop = angular.noop; var objectFreeze = (Object.freeze) ? Object.freeze : noop; var objectDefineProperty = Object.defineProperty; var isString = angular.isString; var isFunction = angular.isFunction; var isDefined = angular.isDefined; var isObject = angular.isObject; var isArray = angular.isArray; var forEach = angular.forEach; var arraySlice = Array.prototype.slice; // ie8 wat if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /*, from*/) { var len = this.length >>> 0; var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0; from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from); if (from < 0) { from += len; } for (; from < len; from++) { if (from in this && this[from] === elt) { return from; } } return -1; }; } // $WebSocketProvider.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$q', '$timeout', '$websocketBackend']; function $WebSocketProvider($rootScope, $q, $timeout, $websocketBackend) { function $WebSocket(url, protocols, options) { if (!options && isObject(protocols) && !isArray(protocols)) { options = protocols; protocols = undefined; } this.protocols = protocols; this.url = url || 'Missing URL'; this.ssl = /(wss)/i.test(this.url); // this.binaryType = ''; // this.extensions = ''; // this.bufferedAmount = 0; // this.trasnmitting = false; // this.buffer = []; // TODO: refactor options to use isDefined this.scope = options && options.scope || $rootScope; this.rootScopeFailover = options && options.rootScopeFailover && true; this.useApplyAsync = options && options.useApplyAsync || false; this.initialTimeout = options && options.initialTimeout || 500; // 500ms this.maxTimeout = options && options.maxTimeout || 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes this.reconnectIfNotNormalClose = options && options.reconnectIfNotNormalClose || false; this.binaryType = options && options.binaryType || 'blob'; this._reconnectAttempts = 0; this.sendQueue = []; this.onOpenCallbacks = []; this.onMessageCallbacks = []; this.onErrorCallbacks = []; this.onCloseCallbacks = []; objectFreeze(this._readyStateConstants); if (url) { this._connect(); } else { this._setInternalState(0); } } $WebSocket.prototype._readyStateConstants = { 'CONNECTING': 0, 'OPEN': 1, 'CLOSING': 2, 'CLOSED': 3, 'RECONNECT_ABORTED': 4 }; $WebSocket.prototype._normalCloseCode = 1000; $WebSocket.prototype._reconnectableStatusCodes = [ 4000 ]; $WebSocket.prototype.safeDigest = function safeDigest(autoApply) { if (autoApply && !this.scope.$$phase) { this.scope.$digest(); } }; $WebSocket.prototype.bindToScope = function bindToScope(scope) { var self = this; if (scope) { this.scope = scope; if (this.rootScopeFailover) { this.scope.$on('$destroy', function() { self.scope = $rootScope; }); } } return self; }; $WebSocket.prototype._connect = function _connect(force) { if (force || !this.socket || this.socket.readyState !== this._readyStateConstants.OPEN) { this.socket = $websocketBackend.create(this.url, this.protocols); this.socket.onmessage = angular.bind(this, this._onMessageHandler); this.socket.onopen = angular.bind(this, this._onOpenHandler); this.socket.onerror = angular.bind(this, this._onErrorHandler); this.socket.onclose = angular.bind(this, this._onCloseHandler); this.socket.binaryType = this.binaryType; } }; $WebSocket.prototype.fireQueue = function fireQueue() { while (this.sendQueue.length && this.socket.readyState === this._readyStateConstants.OPEN) { var data = this.sendQueue.shift(); this.socket.send( isString(data.message) || this.binaryType != "blob" ? data.message : JSON.stringify(data.message) ); data.deferred.resolve(); } }; $WebSocket.prototype.notifyOpenCallbacks = function notifyOpenCallbacks(event) { for (var i = 0; i < this.onOpenCallbacks.length; i++) { this.onOpenCallbacks[i].call(this, event); } }; $WebSocket.prototype.notifyCloseCallbacks = function notifyCloseCallbacks(event) { for (var i = 0; i < this.onCloseCallbacks.length; i++) { this.onCloseCallbacks[i].call(this, event); } }; $WebSocket.prototype.notifyErrorCallbacks = function notifyErrorCallbacks(event) { for (var i = 0; i < this.onErrorCallbacks.length; i++) { this.onErrorCallbacks[i].call(this, event); } }; $WebSocket.prototype.onOpen = function onOpen(cb) { this.onOpenCallbacks.push(cb); return this; }; $WebSocket.prototype.onClose = function onClose(cb) { this.onCloseCallbacks.push(cb); return this; }; $WebSocket.prototype.onError = function onError(cb) { this.onErrorCallbacks.push(cb); return this; }; $WebSocket.prototype.onMessage = function onMessage(callback, options) { if (!isFunction(callback)) { throw new Error('Callback must be a function'); } if (options && isDefined(options.filter) && !isString(options.filter) && !(options.filter instanceof RegExp)) { throw new Error('Pattern must be a string or regular expression'); } this.onMessageCallbacks.push({ fn: callback, pattern: options ? options.filter : undefined, autoApply: options ? options.autoApply : true }); return this; }; $WebSocket.prototype._onOpenHandler = function _onOpenHandler(event) { this._reconnectAttempts = 0; this.notifyOpenCallbacks(event); this.fireQueue(); }; $WebSocket.prototype._onCloseHandler = function _onCloseHandler(event) { var self = this; if (self.useApplyAsync) { self.scope.$applyAsync(function() { self.notifyCloseCallbacks(event); }); } else { self.notifyCloseCallbacks(event); self.safeDigest(autoApply); } if ((this.reconnectIfNotNormalClose && event.code !== this._normalCloseCode) || this._reconnectableStatusCodes.indexOf(event.code) > -1) { this.reconnect(); } }; $WebSocket.prototype._onErrorHandler = function _onErrorHandler(event) { var self = this; if (self.useApplyAsync) { self.scope.$applyAsync(function() { self.notifyErrorCallbacks(event); }); } else { self.notifyErrorCallbacks(event); self.safeDigest(autoApply); } }; $WebSocket.prototype._onMessageHandler = function _onMessageHandler(message) { var pattern; var self = this; var currentCallback; for (var i = 0; i < self.onMessageCallbacks.length; i++) { currentCallback = self.onMessageCallbacks[i]; pattern = currentCallback.pattern; if (pattern) { if (isString(pattern) && message.data === pattern) { applyAsyncOrDigest(currentCallback.fn, currentCallback.autoApply, message); } else if (pattern instanceof RegExp && pattern.exec(message.data)) { applyAsyncOrDigest(currentCallback.fn, currentCallback.autoApply, message); } } else { applyAsyncOrDigest(currentCallback.fn, currentCallback.autoApply, message); } } function applyAsyncOrDigest(callback, autoApply, args) { args = arraySlice.call(arguments, 2); if (self.useApplyAsync) { self.scope.$applyAsync(function() { callback.apply(self, args); }); } else { callback.apply(self, args); self.safeDigest(autoApply); } } }; $WebSocket.prototype.close = function close(force) { if (force || !this.socket.bufferedAmount) { this.socket.close(); } return this; }; $WebSocket.prototype.send = function send(data) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var self = this; var promise = cancelableify(deferred.promise); if (self.readyState === self._readyStateConstants.RECONNECT_ABORTED) { deferred.reject('Socket connection has been closed'); } else { self.sendQueue.push({ message: data, deferred: deferred }); self.fireQueue(); } // Credit goes to @btford function cancelableify(promise) { promise.cancel = cancel; var then = promise.then; promise.then = function() { var newPromise = then.apply(this, arguments); return cancelableify(newPromise); }; return promise; } function cancel(reason) { self.sendQueue.splice(self.sendQueue.indexOf(data), 1); deferred.reject(reason); return self; } if ($websocketBackend.isMocked && $websocketBackend.isMocked() && $websocketBackend.isConnected(this.url)) { this._onMessageHandler($websocketBackend.mockSend()); } return promise; }; $WebSocket.prototype.reconnect = function reconnect() { this.close(); var backoffDelay = this._getBackoffDelay(++this._reconnectAttempts); var backoffDelaySeconds = backoffDelay / 1000; console.log('Reconnecting in ' + backoffDelaySeconds + ' seconds'); $timeout(angular.bind(this, this._connect), backoffDelay); return this; }; // Exponential Backoff Formula by Prof. Douglas Thain // http://dthain.blogspot.co.uk/2009/02/exponential-backoff-in-distributed.html $WebSocket.prototype._getBackoffDelay = function _getBackoffDelay(attempt) { var R = Math.random() + 1; var T = this.initialTimeout; var F = 2; var N = attempt; var M = this.maxTimeout; return Math.floor(Math.min(R * T * Math.pow(F, N), M)); }; $WebSocket.prototype._setInternalState = function _setInternalState(state) { if (Math.floor(state) !== state || state < 0 || state > 4) { throw new Error('state must be an integer between 0 and 4, got: ' + state); } // ie8 wat if (!objectDefineProperty) { this.readyState = state || this.socket.readyState; } this._internalConnectionState = state; forEach(this.sendQueue, function(pending) { pending.deferred.reject('Message cancelled due to closed socket connection'); }); }; // Read only .readyState if (objectDefineProperty) { objectDefineProperty($WebSocket.prototype, 'readyState', { get: function() { return this._internalConnectionState || this.socket.readyState; }, set: function() { throw new Error('The readyState property is read-only'); } }); } return function(url, protocols, options) { return new $WebSocket(url, protocols, options); }; } // $WebSocketBackendProvider.$inject = ['$window', '$log']; function $WebSocketBackendProvider($window, $log) { this.create = function create(url, protocols) { var match = /wss?:\/\//.exec(url); var Socket, ws; if (!match) { throw new Error('Invalid url provided'); } // CommonJS if (typeof exports === 'object' && require) { try { ws = require('ws'); Socket = (ws.Client || ws.client || ws); } catch(e) {} } // Browser Socket = Socket || $window.WebSocket || $window.MozWebSocket; if (protocols) { return new Socket(url, protocols); } return new Socket(url); }; this.createWebSocketBackend = function createWebSocketBackend(url, protocols) { $log.warn('Deprecated: Please use .create(url, protocols)'); return this.create(url, protocols); }; } angular.module('ngWebSocket', []) .factory('$websocket', ['$rootScope', '$q', '$timeout', '$websocketBackend', $WebSocketProvider]) .factory('WebSocket', ['$rootScope', '$q', '$timeout', 'WebsocketBackend', $WebSocketProvider]) .service('$websocketBackend', ['$window', '$log', $WebSocketBackendProvider]) .service('WebSocketBackend', ['$window', '$log', $WebSocketBackendProvider]); angular.module('angular-websocket', ['ngWebSocket']); if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { module.exports = angular.module('ngWebSocket'); } }());