!function(e){function r(e,r,o){return 4===arguments.length?t.apply(this,arguments):void n(e,{declarative:!0,deps:r,declare:o})}function t(e,r,t,o){n(e,{declarative:!1,deps:r,executingRequire:t,execute:o})}function n(e,r){r.name=e,e in p||(p[e]=r),r.normalizedDeps=r.deps}function o(e,r){if(r[e.groupIndex]=r[e.groupIndex]||[],-1==v.call(r[e.groupIndex],e)){r[e.groupIndex].push(e);for(var t=0,n=e.normalizedDeps.length;n>t;t++){var a=e.normalizedDeps[t],u=p[a];if(u&&!u.evaluated){var d=e.groupIndex+(u.declarative!=e.declarative);if(void 0===u.groupIndex||u.groupIndex=0;a--){for(var u=t[a],i=0;ia;a++){var d=t.importers[a];if(!d.locked)for(var i=0;ia;a++){var l,s=r.normalizedDeps[a],c=p[s],v=x[s];v?l=v.exports:c&&!c.declarative?l=c.esModule:c?(d(c),v=c.module,l=v.exports):l=f(s),v&&v.importers?(v.importers.push(t),t.dependencies.push(v)):t.dependencies.push(null),t.setters[a]&&t.setters[a](l)}}}function i(e){var r,t=p[e];if(t)t.declarative?c(e,[]):t.evaluated||l(t),r=t.module.exports;else if(r=f(e),!r)throw new Error("Unable to load dependency "+e+".");return(!t||t.declarative)&&r&&r.__useDefault?r["default"]:r}function l(r){if(!r.module){var t={},n=r.module={exports:t,id:r.name};if(!r.executingRequire)for(var o=0,a=r.normalizedDeps.length;a>o;o++){var u=r.normalizedDeps[o],d=p[u];d&&l(d)}r.evaluated=!0;var c=r.execute.call(e,function(e){for(var t=0,n=r.deps.length;n>t;t++)if(r.deps[t]==e)return i(r.normalizedDeps[t]);throw new TypeError("Module "+e+" not declared as a dependency.")},t,n);c&&(n.exports=c),t=n.exports,t&&t.__esModule?r.esModule=t:r.esModule=s(t)}}function s(r){if(r===e)return r;var t={};if("object"==typeof r||"function"==typeof r)if(g){var n;for(var o in r)(n=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r,o))&&h(t,o,n)}else{var a=r&&r.hasOwnProperty;for(var o in r)(!a||r.hasOwnProperty(o))&&(t[o]=r[o])}return t["default"]=r,h(t,"__useDefault",{value:!0}),t}function c(r,t){var n=p[r];if(n&&!n.evaluated&&n.declarative){t.push(r);for(var o=0,a=n.normalizedDeps.length;a>o;o++){var u=n.normalizedDeps[o];-1==v.call(t,u)&&(p[u]?c(u,t):f(u))}n.evaluated||(n.evaluated=!0,n.module.execute.call(e))}}function f(e){if(D[e])return D[e];if("@node/"==e.substr(0,6))return y(e.substr(6));var r=p[e];if(!r)throw"Module "+e+" not present.";return a(e),c(e,[]),p[e]=void 0,r.declarative&&h(r.module.exports,"__esModule",{value:!0}),D[e]=r.declarative?r.module.exports:r.esModule}var p={},v=Array.prototype.indexOf||function(e){for(var r=0,t=this.length;t>r;r++)if(this[r]===e)return r;return-1},g=!0;try{Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({a:0},"a")}catch(m){g=!1}var h;!function(){try{Object.defineProperty({},"a",{})&&(h=Object.defineProperty)}catch(e){h=function(e,r,t){try{e[r]=t.value||t.get.call(e)}catch(n){}}}}();var x={},y="undefined"!=typeof System&&System._nodeRequire||"undefined"!=typeof require&&require.resolve&&"undefined"!=typeof process&&require,D={"@empty":{}};return function(e,n,o){return function(a){a(function(a){for(var u={_nodeRequire:y,register:r,registerDynamic:t,get:f,set:function(e,r){D[e]=r},newModule:function(e){return e}},d=0;d1)for(var d=1;d= 1.4 easyFormSteWayConfigProvider.setModalAnimation(ACTIVE_MODAL_ANIMATION); } return { setters: [function (_) { easyFormConfig = _['default']; }], execute: function () { EASY_FORM_VERSION_NAME = 'easyFormGenVersion'; EASY_FORM_VERSION_VALUE = easyFormConfig.stepway.version; ACTIVE_MODAL_ANIMATION = false; easyFromConfig.$inject = ['easyFormSteWayConfigProvider']; _export('default', easyFromConfig); _export('EASY_FORM_VERSION_NAME', EASY_FORM_VERSION_NAME); _export('EASY_FORM_VERSION_VALUE', EASY_FORM_VERSION_VALUE); } }; }); $__System.register("5", [], function (_export) { "use strict"; var richTextTemplate, blankTemplate, subTitleTemplate, basicSelectTemplate, groupedSelectTemplate, datepickerTemplate, validationTemplate; return { setters: [], execute: function () { richTextTemplate = "\n\t\n\t"; blankTemplate = "
"; subTitleTemplate = "\n\t



"; basicSelectTemplate = " \n
  1. \n\t\t{{option.name}} \n\t
  2. \n
"; groupedSelectTemplate = "\n\t
  1. \n\t\t\t{{$group}} \n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t{{option.name}}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t
  2. \n\t
"; datepickerTemplate = "\t"; validationTemplate = "\n\t
\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{{message(options.formControl.$viewValue, options.formControl.$modelValue, this)}}\n\t\t\t\t\t
"; _export("richTextTemplate", richTextTemplate); _export("blankTemplate", blankTemplate); _export("subTitleTemplate", subTitleTemplate); _export("basicSelectTemplate", basicSelectTemplate); _export("groupedSelectTemplate", groupedSelectTemplate); _export("datepickerTemplate", datepickerTemplate); _export("validationTemplate", validationTemplate); } }; }); $__System.register('6', ['5'], function (_export) { /* global angular */ 'use strict'; var richTextTemplate, blankTemplate, subTitleTemplate, basicSelectTemplate, groupedSelectTemplate, datepickerTemplate, validationTemplate; function formlyConfig(formlyConfigProvider) { formlyConfigProvider.setType({ name: 'richEditor', template: richTextTemplate, wrapper: ['bootstrapLabel', 'bootstrapHasError'] }); formlyConfigProvider.setType({ name: 'blank', template: blankTemplate }); formlyConfigProvider.setType({ name: 'subTitle', template: subTitleTemplate }); formlyConfigProvider.setType({ name: 'basicSelect', template: basicSelectTemplate, wrapper: ['bootstrapLabel', 'bootstrapHasError'] }); formlyConfigProvider.setType({ name: 'groupedSelect', template: groupedSelectTemplate, wrapper: ['bootstrapLabel', 'bootstrapHasError'] }); //////////////////////////// // angular UI date picker //////////////////////////// // thx Kent C. Dodds var attributes = ['date-disabled', 'custom-class', 'show-weeks', 'starting-day', 'init-date', 'min-mode', 'max-mode', 'format-day', 'format-month', 'format-year', 'format-day-header', 'format-day-title', 'format-month-title', 'year-range', 'shortcut-propagation', 'datepicker-popup', 'show-button-bar', 'current-text', 'clear-text', 'close-text', 'close-on-date-selection', 'datepicker-append-to-body']; var bindings = ['datepicker-mode', 'min-date', 'max-date']; var ngModelAttrs = {}; angular.forEach(attributes, function (attr) { ngModelAttrs[camelize(attr)] = { attribute: attr }; }); angular.forEach(bindings, function (binding) { ngModelAttrs[camelize(binding)] = { bound: binding }; }); formlyConfigProvider.setType({ name: 'datepicker', template: datepickerTemplate, wrapper: ['bootstrapLabel', 'bootstrapHasError'], controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.open = function ($event) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); $scope.opened = true; }; }], defaultOptions: { ngModelAttrs: ngModelAttrs, templateOptions: { addonLeft: { 'class': 'glyphicon glyphicon-calendar', onClick: function onClick(options) { return options.templateOptions.isOpen = !options.templateOptions.isOpen; } }, onFocus: function onFocus($viewValue, $modelValue, scope) { return scope.to.isOpen = !scope.to.isOpen; }, datepickerOptions: {} } } }); /** * wrappers to show validation errors * without having to rewrite formly types */ formlyConfigProvider.setWrapper([{ template: validationTemplate }]); function camelize(string) { string = string.replace(/[\-_\s]+(.)?/g, function (match, chr) { return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : ''; }); // Ensure 1st char is always lowercase return string.replace(/^([A-Z])/, function (match, chr) { return chr ? chr.toLowerCase() : ''; }); } } return { setters: [function (_) { richTextTemplate = _.richTextTemplate; blankTemplate = _.blankTemplate; subTitleTemplate = _.subTitleTemplate; basicSelectTemplate = _.basicSelectTemplate; groupedSelectTemplate = _.groupedSelectTemplate; datepickerTemplate = _.datepickerTemplate; validationTemplate = _.validationTemplate; }], execute: function () { formlyConfig.$inject = ['formlyConfigProvider']; _export('default', formlyConfig); } }; }); $__System.registerDynamic("7", [], true, function($__require, exports, module) { ; var global = this, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; module.exports = { "SAY_HI": "Hello", "EDIT_TAB": "Edit / Create", "PREVIEW_TAB": "Preview", "WIZARD_LINES": "lines", "WIZARD_LAYOUT": "layout", "WIZARD_CONTROLS": "controls", "WIZARD_SAVE": "save", "PAGER_PREVIOUS": "Previous", "PAGER_NEXT": "Next", "COMMAND_PANEL": "Command", "VISUAL_PANEL": "Visual", "ADD_NEW_LINE": "Add a new line", "SELECTED_LINE": "Selected line", "NUMBER_OF_COLUMN": "number of columns", "APPLY_CTRL2COL": "Apply controls to columns", "CLIC_TAP_2_OPEN": "Click / Tap on column to open control selection", "SELECT_2_APPLY_COL": "Select desired control and valid to apply it to column", "CUSTOM_SUBMIT_BTN": "Customize Submit button Text", "CUSTOM_CANCEL_BTN": "Customize Cancel button Text", "NAME_THIS_FORM": "Name this form", "SAVE_THIS_FORM": "save this form", "FINAL_STEP": "Final Step : form preview", "DATA_MODEL": "DATA MODEL", "FIELDS_MODEL": "FIELDS MODEL (ready to save to database one)", "SELECT_A_CTRL": "Select a control", "SELECT_CTRL_IN_LIST": "Select a control in the list below", "COL_WILL_BE_BLANK": "Column will be blank", "EDIT_PROPERTIES": "Edit properties", "HEADER_TEXT": "Header text", "ADD_EDIT_HEADER_HERE": "Add / edit header text here", "SUBTITLE_TEXT": "Subtitle text", "ADD_EDIT_SUBTIL_HERE": "Add / edit subtitle text here", "LABEL_TEXT": "Label text", "ADD_EDIT_LABEL_HERE": "Add / edit control label here", "PLACEHOLDER": "placeholder", "ADD_EDIT_PLACEHOLD": "Add / edit placeholder text here", "REQUIRED": "Required", "DESCRIPTION": "Description", "ADDEDIT_DESCRIPTION": "Add / edit description here", "DATE_FORMAT": "Date format", "ADD_NEW_RADIO": "Add new radio", "ADD_RADIO_PLACEHOLD": "add new radio", "EDIT_REMOVE_RADIO": "Edit/Remove radio", "NO_RADIO_ADD_NEW": "no radio : add new radio values", "SEARCH_4_OPTION": "search for option", "ADD": "add", "ORDER": "order", "OPTION": "option", "GROUP": "group", "ADD_NEW_OPTIONS": "Add new options", "ADD_A_NEW_OPTION": "add new option", "EDIT_REMOVE_OPTIONS": "Edit/Remove options", "NO_OPTION_ADD_NEW": "no option : add new options", "ADD_NEW_GROUPS": "Add new groups", "ADD_A_NEW_GROUP": "Add new group", "EDIT_GROUPS_OPTIONS": "Edit/Remove options/groups", "NO_GROUP_ADD_NEW": "add new groups", "OK": "OK", "CANCEL": "Cancel" }; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); $__System.registerDynamic("8", [], true, function($__require, exports, module) { ; var global = this, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; module.exports = { "SAY_HI": "Bonjour", "EDIT_TAB": "Edition / Creation", "PREVIEW_TAB": "Aperçu", "WIZARD_LINES": "lignes", "WIZARD_LAYOUT": "disposition", "WIZARD_CONTROLS": "contrôles", "WIZARD_SAVE": "sauvegarder", "PAGER_PREVIOUS": "Précédent", "PAGER_NEXT": "Suivant", "COMMAND_PANEL": "Commandes", "VISUAL_PANEL": "Visuel", "ADD_NEW_LINE": "Ajouter une nouvelle ligne", "SELECTED_LINE": "Ligne sélectionnée", "NUMBER_OF_COLUMN": "nombre de colonnes", "APPLY_CTRL2COL": "Appliquer les contrôles aux colonnes", "CLIC_TAP_2_OPEN": "Cliquer sur une colonne pour ouvrir le menu d'édition", "SELECT_2_APPLY_COL": "Sélectionner un contrôle puis valider pour l'appliquer à la colonne", "CUSTOM_SUBMIT_BTN": "Personnaliser le texte du bouton envoie", "CUSTOM_CANCEL_BTN": "Personnaliser le texte du bouton annuler", "NAME_THIS_FORM": "Nommer le formulaire", "SAVE_THIS_FORM": "sauvegarder le formulaire", "FINAL_STEP": "Dernière étape : aperçu du formulaire", "DATA_MODEL": "MODELE DE DONNEES", "FIELDS_MODEL": "MODELE DES CHAMPS (modèle compatible base de données)", "SELECT_A_CTRL": "Sélectionner un contrôle", "SELECT_CTRL_IN_LIST": "Sélectionner un contrôle dans la liste ci-dessous", "COL_WILL_BE_BLANK": "La colonne sera vide", "EDIT_PROPERTIES": "Editer les propriétés", "HEADER_TEXT": "Texte du titre principal", "ADD_EDIT_HEADER_HERE": "Editer le textes du titre principal", "SUBTITLE_TEXT": "Texte du sous-titre", "ADD_EDIT_SUBTIL_HERE": "Editer le textes du sous-titre", "LABEL_TEXT": "Texte de l'étiquette", "ADD_EDIT_LABEL_HERE": "Editer le texte de l'étiquette", "PLACEHOLDER": "placeholder", "ADD_EDIT_PLACEHOLD": "Editer le placeholder", "REQUIRED": "Requis", "DESCRIPTION": "Description", "ADDEDIT_DESCRIPTION": "Ajouter / editer la description", "DATE_FORMAT": "Format de la date", "ADD_NEW_RADIO": "Ajouter un nouveau choix à cocher", "ADD_RADIO_PLACEHOLD": "Ajouter un nouveau choix à cocher", "EDIT_REMOVE_RADIO": "Editer / supprimer un choix à cocher", "NO_RADIO_ADD_NEW": "aucun choix à cocher : en ajouter un", "SEARCH_4_OPTION": "rechercher une option", "ADD": "ajouter", "ORDER": "ordre", "OPTION": "option", "GROUP": "groupe", "ADD_NEW_OPTIONS": "Ajouter de nouvelles options", "ADD_A_NEW_OPTION": "ajoutre une option", "EDIT_REMOVE_OPTIONS": "Editer / supprimer des options", "NO_OPTION_ADD_NEW": "aucune option : en ajouter", "ADD_NEW_GROUPS": "Ajouter de nouveaux groupes", "ADD_A_NEW_GROUP": "Ajouter un nouveau groupe", "EDIT_GROUPS_OPTIONS": "Editer / supprimer les groupes et options", "NO_GROUP_ADD_NEW": "ajouter de nouveaux groupes", "OK": "Valider", "CANCEL": "Annuler" }; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); $__System.registerDynamic("9", [], true, function($__require, exports, module) { ; var global = this, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; module.exports = { "SAY_HI": "Hola", "EDIT_TAB": "Editar / Crear", "PREVIEW_TAB": "Previsualizar", "WIZARD_LINES": "lineas", "WIZARD_LAYOUT": "diseño", "WIZARD_CONTROLS": "controles", "WIZARD_SAVE": "guardar", "PAGER_PREVIOUS": "Anterior", "PAGER_NEXT": "Siguiente", "COMMAND_PANEL": "Comando", "VISUAL_PANEL": "Visual", "ADD_NEW_LINE": "Agregar nueva linea", "SELECTED_LINE": "Linea seleccionada", "NUMBER_OF_COLUMN": "numero de columnas", "APPLY_CTRL2COL": "Aplicar controles a columnas", "CLIC_TAP_2_OPEN": "Click / Toque en la columna para seleccionar controles", "SELECT_2_APPLY_COL": "Selecciona el control deseado para aplicarlo a la columna", "CUSTOM_SUBMIT_BTN": "Personalizar texto de boton Enviar", "CUSTOM_CANCEL_BTN": "Personalizar texto de boton Cancelar", "NAME_THIS_FORM": "Nombrar formulario", "SAVE_THIS_FORM": "guardar formulario", "FINAL_STEP": "Ultimo paso : previsualizar formulario", "DATA_MODEL": "MODELO DE DATOS", "FIELDS_MODEL": "MODELO DE CAMPOS (listo para guardar en base de datos uno)", "SELECT_A_CTRL": "Selecciona un control", "SELECT_CTRL_IN_LIST": "Selecciona un control de la lista", "COL_WILL_BE_BLANK": "Columna sera vacia", "EDIT_PROPERTIES": "Editar propiedades", "HEADER_TEXT": "Texto de encabezado", "ADD_EDIT_HEADER_HERE": "Agregar / editar texto de encabezado aqui", "SUBTITLE_TEXT": "Texto de subtitulo", "ADD_EDIT_SUBTIL_HERE": "Agregar / editar texto de subtitulo aqui", "LABEL_TEXT": "Texto de etiqueta", "ADD_EDIT_LABEL_HERE": "Agregar / editar texto de etiqueta aqui", "PLACEHOLDER": "Marcador", "ADD_EDIT_PLACEHOLD": "Agregar / editar texto de marcador aqui", "REQUIRED": "Requerido", "DESCRIPTION": "Descripcion", "ADDEDIT_DESCRIPTION": "Agregar / editar descripcion aqui", "DATE_FORMAT": "Formato de fecha", "ADD_NEW_RADIO": "Agregar nuevo radio", "ADD_RADIO_PLACEHOLD": "agregar nuevo radio", "EDIT_REMOVE_RADIO": "Editar/Eliminar radio", "NO_RADIO_ADD_NEW": "sin radio : agregar nuevos valores de radio", "SEARCH_4_OPTION": "buscar opcion", "ADD": "agregar", "ORDER": "orden", "OPTION": "opcion", "GROUP": "grupo", "ADD_NEW_OPTIONS": "agregar nuevas opciones", "ADD_A_NEW_OPTION": "agregar nueva opcione", "EDIT_REMOVE_OPTIONS": "Editar/Eliminar opciones", "NO_OPTION_ADD_NEW": "sin opcion : agregar nuevas opciones", "ADD_NEW_GROUPS": "Agregar nuevos grupos", "ADD_A_NEW_GROUP": "Agregar nuevo grupo", "EDIT_GROUPS_OPTIONS": "Editar/Eliminar opciones/grupos", "NO_GROUP_ADD_NEW": "agregar nuevos grupos", "OK": "OK", "CANCEL": "Cancelar" }; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); $__System.registerDynamic("a", [], true, function($__require, exports, module) { ; var global = this, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; module.exports = { "SAY_HI": "Hallo", "EDIT_TAB": "Bearbeiten / Schaffen", "PREVIEW_TAB": "Vorschau", "WIZARD_LINES": "Linien", "WIZARD_LAYOUT": "Layout", "WIZARD_CONTROLS": "Steuerung", "WIZARD_SAVE": "sparen", "PAGER_PREVIOUS": "vorher.", "PAGER_NEXT": "nächste", "COMMAND_PANEL": "Anweisung", "VISUAL_PANEL": "visuell", "ADD_NEW_LINE": "Hinzufügen neuer Leitung", "SELECTED_LINE": "ausgewählte Linie", "NUMBER_OF_COLUMN": "Anzahl von Spalten", "APPLY_CTRL2COL": "gelten diese Steuer Spalte", "CLIC_TAP_2_OPEN": "klicken Sie auf Spalte zur Steuerungsauswahl öffnen", "SELECT_2_APPLY_COL": "Wählen Sie die gewünschte Steuerung und gültig , um es in Spalte anwenden", "CUSTOM_SUBMIT_BTN": "Passen Submit-Button Text", "CUSTOM_CANCEL_BTN": "Passen Cancel-Button Text", "NAME_THIS_FORM": "Nennen dieses Formular", "SAVE_THIS_FORM": "Speichern dieses Formular", "FINAL_STEP": "Endschritt : Formular Vorschau", "DATA_MODEL": "DATEN MODELL", "FIELDS_MODEL": "FELDER MODELL (Datenbank-kompatibel)", "SELECT_A_CTRL": "Wählen Sie ein Steuer", "SELECT_CTRL_IN_LIST": "Wählen Sie ein Steuer aus der Liste unten", "COL_WILL_BE_BLANK": "die Spalte werde leer sein", "EDIT_PROPERTIES": "Anzeigen", "HEADER_TEXT": "Kopftext", "ADD_EDIT_HEADER_HERE": "Kopftext ändern", "SUBTITLE_TEXT": "Untertitel", "ADD_EDIT_SUBTIL_HERE": "Untertitel ändern", "LABEL_TEXT": "Etikett", "ADD_EDIT_LABEL_HERE": "Etikett ändern", "PLACEHOLDER": "placeholder", "ADD_EDIT_PLACEHOLD": "placeholder ändern", "REQUIRED": "erforderlich", "DESCRIPTION": "Beschreibung", "ADDEDIT_DESCRIPTION": "Beschreibung ändern", "DATE_FORMAT": "Datumsformat", "ADD_NEW_RADIO": "Radiobutton hinzufügen", "ADD_RADIO_PLACEHOLD": "Radiobutton hinzufügen", "EDIT_REMOVE_RADIO": "Radiobutton ändern", "NO_RADIO_ADD_NEW": "kein Radiobutton : Radiobutton hinzufügen", "SEARCH_4_OPTION": "option suchen", "ADD": "hinzufügen", "ORDER": "bestellen", "OPTION": "Option", "GROUP": "Gruppe", "ADD_NEW_OPTIONS": "Optionen hinzufügen", "ADD_A_NEW_OPTION": "Option hinzufügen", "EDIT_REMOVE_OPTIONS": "Optionen ändern", "NO_OPTION_ADD_NEW": "kein option : Option hinzufügen", "ADD_NEW_GROUPS": "Gruppen hinzufügen", "ADD_A_NEW_GROUP": "Gruppe hinzufügen", "EDIT_GROUPS_OPTIONS": "Gruppen ändern", "NO_GROUP_ADD_NEW": "keine Gruppe : Gruppe hinzufügen", "OK": "bestätigen", "CANCEL": "stornieren" }; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); $__System.registerDynamic("b", [], true, function($__require, exports, module) { ; var global = this, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; module.exports = { "SAY_HI": "Merhaba", "EDIT_TAB": "Düzenle / Oluştur", "PREVIEW_TAB": "Önizleme", "WIZARD_LINES": "satırlar", "WIZARD_LAYOUT": "düzen", "WIZARD_CONTROLS": "kontroller", "WIZARD_SAVE": "kaydet", "PAGER_PREVIOUS": "Geri", "PAGER_NEXT": "İleri", "COMMAND_PANEL": "Komut", "VISUAL_PANEL": "Görsel", "ADD_NEW_LINE": "Yeni satır ekle", "SELECTED_LINE": "Seçili satır", "NUMBER_OF_COLUMN": "sütun sayısı", "APPLY_CTRL2COL": "Sütunlara form ögesi ekle", "CLIC_TAP_2_OPEN": "Form ögesi eklemek için sütunlara tıkla", "SELECT_2_APPLY_COL": "İstediğin ögeyi seçtikten sonra gerekli yerleri doldur ve kaydet", "CUSTOM_SUBMIT_BTN": "Gönder butonu yazısını düzenle", "CUSTOM_CANCEL_BTN": "İptal butonu yazısını düzenle", "NAME_THIS_FORM": "Forma isim ver", "SAVE_THIS_FORM": "formu kaydet", "FINAL_STEP": "Son aşama : form önizlemesi", "DATA_MODEL": "VERİ MODELİ", "FIELDS_MODEL": "ALAN MODELİ (veritabanına kaydetmeye hazır)", "SELECT_A_CTRL": "Form ögesi seç", "SELECT_CTRL_IN_LIST": "Verilen listeden bir form ögesi seç", "COL_WILL_BE_BLANK": "Sütun boş kalacak", "EDIT_PROPERTIES": "Özellikleri düzenle", "HEADER_TEXT": "Başlık yazısı", "ADD_EDIT_HEADER_HERE": "Başlık yazısını ekle / düzenle", "SUBTITLE_TEXT": "Altyazı", "ADD_EDIT_SUBTIL_HERE": "Altyazı ekle / düzenle", "LABEL_TEXT": "Form ögesinin adı", "ADD_EDIT_LABEL_HERE": "Ad ekle / düzenle", "PLACEHOLDER": "Form ögesinin içine geçici yazı ekle", "ADD_EDIT_PLACEHOLD": "Geçici yazı ekle / düzenle", "REQUIRED": "Gerekli", "DESCRIPTION": "Açıklama", "ADDEDIT_DESCRIPTION": "Açıklama ekle / düzenle", "DATE_FORMAT": "Tarih formatı", "ADD_NEW_RADIO": "Radio butonu ekle", "ADD_RADIO_PLACEHOLD": "radio butonu ekle", "EDIT_REMOVE_RADIO": "Radio butonunu ekle / düzenle", "NO_RADIO_ADD_NEW": "radio butonu yok : yeni buton ekle", "SEARCH_4_OPTION": "seçenek ara", "ADD": "ekle", "ORDER": "sıra", "OPTION": "seçenek", "GROUP": "grup", "ADD_NEW_OPTIONS": "Yeni seçenek ekle", "ADD_A_NEW_OPTION": "yeni seçenek ekle", "EDIT_REMOVE_OPTIONS": "Seçenekleri düzenle/sil", "NO_OPTION_ADD_NEW": "seçenek yok : yeni seçenek ekle", "ADD_NEW_GROUPS": "Yeni grup ekle", "ADD_A_NEW_GROUP": "Yeni grup ekle", "EDIT_GROUPS_OPTIONS": "Seçenek/Grup Ekle/sil", "NO_GROUP_ADD_NEW": "yeni grup ekle", "OK": "TAMAM", "CANCEL": "İptal" }; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); $__System.registerDynamic("c", [], true, function($__require, exports, module) { ; var global = this, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; module.exports = { "SAY_HI": "こんにちわ", "EDIT_TAB": "編集 / 作成", "PREVIEW_TAB": "プレビュー", "WIZARD_LINES": "ライン", "WIZARD_LAYOUT": "レイアウト", "WIZARD_CONTROLS": "コントロール", "WIZARD_SAVE": "サーブ", "PAGER_PREVIOUS": "前", "PAGER_NEXT": "次", "COMMAND_PANEL": "コマンド", "VISUAL_PANEL": "ビジュアル", "ADD_NEW_LINE": "新しいライン追加", "SELECTED_LINE": "選択されたライン", "NUMBER_OF_COLUMN": "カラムの数", "APPLY_CTRL2COL": "カラムにコントロール適用", "CLIC_TAP_2_OPEN": "コントロール選択を広げるには列をクリック", "SELECT_2_APPLY_COL": "好きなコントロールを選び適用", "CUSTOM_SUBMIT_BTN": "適用ボタンの文字変更する場合", "CUSTOM_CANCEL_BTN": "キャンセルボタンの文字変更する場合", "NAME_THIS_FORM": "形式に名前を付ける", "SAVE_THIS_FORM": "形式をサーブ", "FINAL_STEP": "ファイナルステップ : プレビュー形式", "DATA_MODEL": "データーモデル", "FIELDS_MODEL": "モデルフィールド", "SELECT_A_CTRL": "コントロールを選び選択", "SELECT_CTRL_IN_LIST": "以下のリストからコントロールを選び選択", "COL_WILL_BE_BLANK": "空になる列", "EDIT_PROPERTIES": "プロパティの変更", "HEADER_TEXT": "ヘッダーテキスト", "ADD_EDIT_HEADER_HERE": "ヘッダーテキスト文字変更", "SUBTITLE_TEXT": "サブタイトル テキスト", "ADD_EDIT_SUBTIL_HERE": "サブタイトルテキスト文字変更", "LABEL_TEXT": "ラベルテキスト", "ADD_EDIT_LABEL_HERE": "ラベルテキスト文字変更", "PLACEHOLDER": "プレースホルダー", "ADD_EDIT_PLACEHOLD": "プレースホルダー文字変更", "REQUIRED": "必須", "DESCRIPTION": "説明", "ADDEDIT_DESCRIPTION": "説明の変更", "DATE_FORMAT": "日付の形式", "ADD_NEW_RADIO": "新ラジオボタンを追加", "ADD_RADIO_PLACEHOLD": "新ラジオボタンを追加", "EDIT_REMOVE_RADIO": "ラジオボタン変更", "NO_RADIO_ADD_NEW": "ラジオ無し : 新ラジオボタン追加", "SEARCH_4_OPTION": "オプション検索", "ADD": "追加", "ORDER": "順番", "OPTION": "オプション", "GROUP": "グループ", "ADD_NEW_OPTIONS": "新しいオプション追加", "ADD_A_NEW_OPTION": "新しいオプション追加", "EDIT_REMOVE_OPTIONS": "オプションの変更", "NO_OPTION_ADD_NEW": "オプション無し : 新しいオプション追加", "ADD_NEW_GROUPS": "新しいグループ追加", "ADD_A_NEW_GROUP": "新しいグループ追加", "EDIT_GROUPS_OPTIONS": "グループを変更", "NO_GROUP_ADD_NEW": "グループを追加", "OK": "オッケー", "CANCEL": "キャンセル" }; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); $__System.register('d', ['7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c'], function (_export) { 'use strict'; var localEn, localFr, localEs, localDe, localTr, localJp, TRANSLATE_CONFIG; function translateConfig($translateProvider) { $translateProvider.translations('en', localEn); $translateProvider.translations('fr', localFr); $translateProvider.translations('es', localEs); $translateProvider.translations('de', localDe); $translateProvider.translations('tr', localTr); $translateProvider.translations('jp', localJp); } return { setters: [function (_) { localEn = _['default']; }, function (_2) { localFr = _2['default']; }, function (_3) { localEs = _3['default']; }, function (_a) { localDe = _a['default']; }, function (_b) { localTr = _b['default']; }, function (_c) { localJp = _c['default']; }], execute: function () { TRANSLATE_CONFIG = 'easyFormTranslateConfig'; translateConfig.$inject = ['$translateProvider']; _export('default', translateConfig); _export('TRANSLATE_CONFIG', TRANSLATE_CONFIG); } }; }); $__System.register('e', ['d'], function (_export) { /* global angular */ 'use strict'; var translateConfig, TRANSLATE_CONFIG, TRANSLATE_MODULE; return { setters: [function (_d) { translateConfig = _d['default']; TRANSLATE_CONFIG = _d.TRANSLATE_CONFIG; }], execute: function () { TRANSLATE_MODULE = 'eda.easyFormGenerator.translate'; _export('default', angular.module(TRANSLATE_MODULE, []).config(translateConfig)); } }; }); $__System.register('f', [], function (_export) { /* global angular */ 'use strict'; var CORE_MODULES; return { setters: [], execute: function () { CORE_MODULES = ['textAngular', 'textAngularSetup', 'ngAnimate', 'toaster', 'formly', 'formlyBootstrap', 'ui.bootstrap', 'nya.bootstrap.select', 'pascalprecht.translate']; _export('default', angular.module('edaStepWayEasyFormGen.core', CORE_MODULES)); } }; }); $__System.registerDynamic("10", [], true, function($__require, exports, module) { ; var global = this, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; module.exports = "

{{'WIZARD_LINES' | translate}}


{{'WIZARD_LAYOUT' | translate}}


{{'WIZARD_CONTROLS' | translate}}


{{'WIZARD_SAVE' | translate}}

  • \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

 {{'COMMAND_PANEL' | translate}}

\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{{'ADD_NEW_LINE' | translate}} : \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
\t \t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

 {{'VISUAL_PANEL' | translate}}

  • \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

 {{'COMMAND_PANEL' | translate}}


- {{'SELECTED_LINE' | translate}} -


{{'NUMBER_OF_COLUMN' | translate}} :

\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{{vm.configuration.lines[vm.configuration.activeLine -1].columns.length}}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
\t \t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

 {{'VISUAL_PANEL' | translate}}

  • \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

 {{'COMMAND_PANEL' | translate}}


- {{'APPLY_CTRL2COL' | translate}} -


  {{'CLIC_TAP_2_OPEN' | translate}}.


  {{'SELECT_2_APPLY_COL' | translate}}.

\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
\t \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
\t \t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

 {{'VISUAL_PANEL' | translate}}

  • \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
    \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
  • \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

 {{'COMMAND_PANEL' | translate}}

\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
\t \t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

 {{'FINAL_STEP' | translate}}


{{'DATA_MODEL' | translate}}

\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{{vm.dataModel | json}}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t

{{'FIELDS_MODEL' | translate}}

\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{{vm.wfFormFieldsOnlyNeededProperties | json}}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
"; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); $__System.register('11', [], function (_export) { /* global angular */ 'use strict'; var DEBUG_MODEL, initDebugModel, DEFAULT_TAB_MODEL, initTabModel, COLUMN_TEMPLATE, initColumnTemplate, LINE_TEMPLATE, initLineTemplate; return { setters: [], execute: function () { DEBUG_MODEL = { showDebug: false, configurationModelNumberofLines: 1 }; initDebugModel = function initDebugModel() { return angular.copy(DEBUG_MODEL); }; DEFAULT_TAB_MODEL = { editTab: { active: true }, previewTab: { active: false, tabVisible: true, modelsVisible: true } }; initTabModel = function initTabModel(isPreviewPanelVisible, arePreviewModelsVisible) { var _tabModel = angular.copy(DEFAULT_TAB_MODEL); angular.extend(_tabModel.previewTab, { tabVisible: isPreviewPanelVisible, modelsVisible: arePreviewModelsVisible }); return _tabModel; }; COLUMN_TEMPLATE = { numColumn: -1, exist: true, control: { type: 'none', key: 'none', subtype: 'none' } }; // templateOptions: { // label: 'none', // placeholder: 'none', // required: false, // description: 'Descriptive text' // } initColumnTemplate = function initColumnTemplate() { return angular.copy(COLUMN_TEMPLATE); }; LINE_TEMPLATE = { line: -1, activeColumn: 1, columns: [{ numColumn: 1, exist: true, control: { type: 'none', key: 'none' } }] }; // templateOptions: { // label: 'none', // placeholder: 'none', // required: false, // description: 'Descriptive text' // } initLineTemplate = function initLineTemplate() { return angular.copy(LINE_TEMPLATE); }; _export('initDebugModel', initDebugModel); _export('initTabModel', initTabModel); _export('initColumnTemplate', initColumnTemplate); _export('initLineTemplate', initLineTemplate); } }; }); $__System.registerDynamic("12", [], true, function($__require, exports, module) { ; var global = this, __define = global.define; global.define = undefined; module.exports = "

\n {{'SELECT_A_CTRL' | translate}}\n

\n \n   \n {{'SELECT_CTRL_IN_LIST' | translate}} :\n
  1. \n {{$group}} \n \n \n {{ option.name }}\n \n \n \n
  2. \n
\n \n
\n \n   {{'SELECT_A_CTRL' | translate}}\n
\n \n
\n \n   \n {{'PREVIEW_TAB' | translate}} :\n
\n {{'COL_WILL_BE_BLANK' | translate}}\n
\n \n
\n   \n {{'PREVIEW_TAB' | translate}} :\n

\n {{editControlModCtrl.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyDesciption}}\n

\n \n   \n {{'EDIT_PROPERTIES' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n   \n {{'PREVIEW_TAB' | translate}} :\n

\n {{editControlModCtrl.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyPlaceholder}}\n

\n \n   \n {{'EDIT_PROPERTIES' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n   \n {{'PREVIEW_TAB' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n

\n {{editControlModCtrl.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyDesciption}}\n

\n \n   \n {{'EDIT_PROPERTIES' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n   \n {{'PREVIEW_TAB' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n

\n {{editControlModCtrl.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyDesciption}}\n

\n \n   \n {{'EDIT_PROPERTIES' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n  \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n   \n {{'PREVIEW_TAB' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n

\n {{editControlModCtrl.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyDesciption}}\n

\n \n   \n {{'EDIT_PROPERTIES' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n  \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n   \n {{'PREVIEW_TAB' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n

\n {{editControlModCtrl.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyDesciption}}\n

\n \n   \n {{'EDIT_PROPERTIES' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
  1. \n \n {{dateformat}}\n \n
  2. \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n  \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n   \n {{'PREVIEW_TAB' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n

\n {{editControlModCtrl.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyDesciption}}\n

\n \n   \n {{'EDIT_PROPERTIES' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n  \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n   \n {{'PREVIEW_TAB' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n \n

\n {{editControlModCtrl.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyDesciption}}\n

\n \n   \n {{'EDIT_PROPERTIES' | translate}} :\n
\n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n   \n {{'PREVIEW_TAB' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n

\n {{editControlModCtrl.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyDesciption}}\n

\n \n   \n {{'EDIT_PROPERTIES' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n - {{'NO_RADIO_ADD_NEW' | translate}} -\n \n
\n 0\" \n class=\"table table-striped\">\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n {{'ORDER' | translate}}\n \n {{'OPTION' | translate}}\n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n {{$index}}\n \n {{radioRow.option}}\n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n  \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n   \n {{'PREVIEW_TAB' | translate}} :\n
\n \n

\n {{editControlModCtrl.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyDesciption}}\n

\n \n   \n {{'EDIT_PROPERTIES' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n   \n {{'PREVIEW_TAB' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
  1. \n \n {{basicSelectRow.option}}\n \n
  2. \n

\n {{editControlModCtrl.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyDesciption}}\n

\n \n   \n {{'EDIT_PROPERTIES' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n - {{'NO_OPTION_ADD_NEW' | translate}} -\n \n
\n 0\" \n class=\"table table-striped\">\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n {{'ORDER' | translate}}\n \n {{'OPTION' | translate}}\n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n {{$index}}\n \n {{basicSelectRow.option}}\n \n
\n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n  \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n   \n {{'PREVIEW_TAB' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
  1. \n \n {{groupedSelectRow.group}}\n \n \n \n {{groupedSelectRow.option}}\n \n \n \n \n
  2. \n

\n {{editControlModCtrl.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyDesciption}}\n

\n \n   \n {{'EDIT_PROPERTIES' | translate}} :\n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n - {{'NO_OPTION_ADD_NEW' | translate}} -\n \n
\n 0\" \n class=\"table table-striped\">\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n {{'ORDER' | translate}}\n \n {{'GROUP' | translate}}\n \n {{'OPTION' | translate}}\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n
\n {{$index}}\n \n

- {{'NO_GROUP_ADD_NEW' | translate}} -

  1. \n {{GroupedSelectGroup}}\n
  2. \n
\n {{groupedSelectRow.group}}\n
\n {{groupedSelectRow.option}}\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n
\n\n"; global.define = __define; return module.exports; }); $__System.register('13', ['11', '12', '14', '15', '16'], function (_export) { var initDebugModel, initTabModel, initColumnTemplate, initLineTemplate, editControlModalTemplate, EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLER_NAME, EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLERAS_NAME, _createClass, _classCallCheck, STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLER_NAME, STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLERAS_NAME, edaStepWayEasyFormGenController, toInject; return { setters: [function (_3) { initDebugModel = _3.initDebugModel; initTabModel = _3.initTabModel; initColumnTemplate = _3.initColumnTemplate; initLineTemplate = _3.initLineTemplate; }, function (_4) { editControlModalTemplate = _4['default']; }, function (_5) { EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLER_NAME = _5.EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLER_NAME; EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLERAS_NAME = _5.EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLERAS_NAME; }, function (_) { _createClass = _['default']; }, function (_2) { _classCallCheck = _2['default']; }], execute: function () { /* global angular */ 'use strict'; STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLER_NAME = 'edaStepWayEasyFormGenController'; STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLERAS_NAME = 'vm'; edaStepWayEasyFormGenController = (function () { function edaStepWayEasyFormGenController(easyFormGenVersion, $filter, toaster, $timeout, $modal, $log, $formlyProxy, $modalProxy, easyFormSteWayConfig) { _classCallCheck(this, edaStepWayEasyFormGenController); this.easyFormGenVersion = easyFormGenVersion; this.$filter = $filter; this.toaster = toaster; this.$timeout = $timeout; this.$modal = $modal; this.$log = $log; this.$formlyProxy = $formlyProxy; this.$modalProxy = $modalProxy; this.easyFormSteWayConfig = easyFormSteWayConfig; this.init(); } _createClass(edaStepWayEasyFormGenController, [{ key: 'init', value: function init() { this.dataModel = {}; this.wfFormFields = []; this.wfFormFieldsOnlyNeededProperties = []; this.easyFormGeneratorVERSION = this.easyFormGenVersion; this.debug = initDebugModel(); this.tab = initTabModel(this.easyFormSteWayConfig.isPreviewPanelVisible(), this.easyFormSteWayConfig.arePreviewModelsVisible()); this.configuration = {}; //configuration model (contains array of lines which contains array of columns) this.numberOfColumns = 1; this.MaxNumberOfColumns = 3; this.MinNumberOfColumns = 1; this.columnTemplate = initColumnTemplate(); //TODO : check is really needed this.lineTemplate = initLineTemplate(); //TODO : check if really needed this.nyaSelect = {}; this.animationsEnabled = this.easyFormSteWayConfig.getModalAnimationValue(); //-> disabling animation untill correction in angular bootstrap this.editControlModalSize = 'lg'; this.formlyList = {}; this.previewLoadedForm = { fieldsModel: [] }; this.configurationLoaded = {}; this.returnSaveEvent = false; //this.resetToZeroModel = resetToZeroModel; //function no more used this.$formlyProxy.initConfigurationEditFromScratch(this.configuration); this.$modalProxy.initNyaSelect(this.nyaSelect); //console.info(`main controller : init nyaSelect model`); //console.dir(angular.copy(this.nyaSelect)); } }, { key: 'onSubmit', value: function onSubmit() { var JSONedModel = this.$filter('json')(this.dataModel, 4); this.toaster.pop({ type: 'info', timeout: 2000, title: 'it should save data model if it were not in editor', body: 'data : ' + JSONedModel, showCloseButton: true }); } }, { key: 'countConfigurationModelLines', value: function countConfigurationModelLines() { this.debug.configurationModelNumberofLines = this.configuration.lines.length; return this.configuration.lines.length; } }, { key: 'setActiveLineNumber', value: function setActiveLineNumber(lineNumber) { if (lineNumber <= this.countConfigurationModelLines()) this.configuration.activeLine = lineNumber; } }, { key: 'upThisLine', value: function upThisLine(indexLine) { if (indexLine > -1) { if (this.configuration.lines[indexLine - 1]) { var currentLineObj = this.configuration.lines[indexLine]; this.configuration.lines.splice(indexLine, 1); this.configuration.lines.splice(indexLine - 1, 0, currentLineObj); //manage selected aciveLine this.configuration.activeLine = 1; } } //re-render formfield this.$formlyProxy.applyConfigurationToformlyModel(this.configuration, this.wfFormFields, this.dataModel); this.wfFormFieldsOnlyNeededProperties = angular.copy(this.wfFormFields); } }, { key: 'downThisLine', value: function downThisLine(indexLine) { if (indexLine > -1) { if (this.configuration.lines[indexLine + 1]) { var currentLineObj = this.configuration.lines[indexLine]; this.configuration.lines.splice(indexLine, 1); this.configuration.lines.splice(indexLine + 1, 0, currentLineObj); //manage selected aciveLine this.configuration.activeLine = 1; } } //re-render formfield this.$formlyProxy.applyConfigurationToformlyModel(this.configuration, this.wfFormFields, this.dataModel); this.wfFormFieldsOnlyNeededProperties = angular.copy(this.wfFormFields); } }, { key: 'addNewline', value: function addNewline() { this.configuration.lines.push(initLineTemplate()); //re-render formfield this.$formlyProxy.applyConfigurationToformlyModel(this.configuration, this.wfFormFields, this.dataModel); this.wfFormFieldsOnlyNeededProperties = angular.copy(this.wfFormFields); } }, { key: 'removeThisLine', value: function removeThisLine(index) { if (index > -1) { if (this.configuration.lines.length > 1) { //manage selected aciveLine if (this.configuration.activeLine === index + 1) this.configuration.activeLine = 1; this.configuration.lines.splice(index, 1); } else { this.$timeout(function () { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', title: 'Last line', body: 'Can\'t delete the last line', showCloseButton: true }); }, 100); } //re-render formfield this.$formlyProxy.applyConfigurationToformlyModel(this.configuration, this.wfFormFields, this.dataModel); this.wfFormFieldsOnlyNeededProperties = angular.copy(this.wfFormFields); } } }, { key: 'increaseNumberOfColumns', value: function increaseNumberOfColumns() { var lineIndex = this.configuration.activeLine - 1; if (this.configuration.lines[lineIndex].columns.length < this.MaxNumberOfColumns) { var newNumberOfColumns = this.configuration.lines[lineIndex].columns.push(angular.copy(initColumnTemplate())); this.configuration.lines[lineIndex].columns[newNumberOfColumns - 1].numColumn = newNumberOfColumns; } //re-render formfield this.$formlyProxy.applyConfigurationToformlyModel(this.configuration, this.wfFormFields, this.dataModel); this.wfFormFieldsOnlyNeededProperties = angular.copy(this.wfFormFields); } }, { key: 'decreaseNumberOfColumns', value: function decreaseNumberOfColumns() { if (this.configuration.lines[this.configuration.activeLine - 1].columns.length > 1) { this.configuration.lines[this.configuration.activeLine - 1].columns.splice(this.configuration.lines[this.configuration.activeLine - 1].columns.length - 1, 1); } this.$formlyProxy.applyConfigurationToformlyModel(this.configuration, this.wfFormFields, this.dataModel); this.wfFormFieldsOnlyNeededProperties = angular.copy(this.wfFormFields); } }, { key: 'resetStepCounter', value: function resetStepCounter() { this.configuration.configStepCounter = 0; } }, { key: 'nextConfigStep', value: function nextConfigStep() { var configStepCounterMAX = this.configuration.listConfigStep.length - 1; if (this.configuration.configStepCounter !== configStepCounterMAX) { this.configuration.configStepCounter++; } this.setTrueThisStepIndicator(this.configuration.configStepCounter); } }, { key: 'resetAllIndicators', value: function resetAllIndicators() { for (var i = this.configuration.stepIndicators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.configuration.stepIndicators[i] = false; } } }, { key: 'setTrueThisStepIndicator', value: function setTrueThisStepIndicator(indexIndicator) { this.resetAllIndicators(); this.configuration.stepIndicators[indexIndicator] = true; } }, { key: 'previousConfigStep', value: function previousConfigStep() { if (this.configuration.configStepCounter !== 0) { this.configuration.configStepCounter--; } this.setTrueThisStepIndicator(this.configuration.configStepCounter); } }, { key: 'stepReachable', value: function stepReachable(indexStep) { if (indexStep < this.configuration.configStepCounter) { return 'disabled'; } else { return 'enabled'; } } }, { key: 'showModalAddCtrlToColumn', value: function showModalAddCtrlToColumn(size, indexLine, numcolumn) { var _this = this; var editControlModal = {}; angular.extend(editControlModal, { animation: this.animationsEnabled, template: editControlModalTemplate, controller: EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLER_NAME, controllerAs: EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLERAS_NAME, size: this.editControlModalSize, resolve: { nyaSelect: function nyaSelect() { return _this.$modalProxy.getNyASelectFromSelectedLineColumn(_this.nyaSelect, _this.configuration, indexLine, numcolumn); } } }); var modalInstance = this.$modal.open(editControlModal); modalInstance.result.then(function (modalAddCtrlModel) { _this.$modalProxy.bindConfigurationModelFromModalReturn(indexLine, numcolumn, modalAddCtrlModel, _this.configuration); _this.$formlyProxy.applyConfigurationToformlyModel(_this.configuration, _this.wfFormFields, _this.dataModel); _this.wfFormFieldsOnlyNeededProperties = angular.copy(_this.wfFormFields); }, function () { //$log.info('Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); } }, { key: 'previewExistingform', value: function previewExistingform(formlyform) { var configlines = JSON.parse(formlyform.formlyField); //here to replace with $scope.configuration : initialise configuration with lines this.configurationLoaded = {}; this.$formlyProxy.bindConfigurationLines(this.configurationLoaded, configlines); this.$formlyProxy.applyConfigurationToformlyModel(this.configurationLoaded, this.previewLoadedForm.fieldsModel, this.dataModel); this.wfFormFieldsOnlyNeededProperties = angular.copy(this.wfFormFields); this.previewLoadedForm.cancelButtonText = formlyform.cancelButtonText; this.previewLoadedForm.submitButtonText = formlyform.submitButtonText; } }, { key: 'saveThisForm', value: function saveThisForm() { if (typeof this.configuration.formName === 'undefined') { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: 'Form name is undefined', body: 'Form has not been saved.', showCloseButton: true }); return false; } if (this.configuration.formName === '') { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: 'Form name is required', body: 'Form has not been saved.', showCloseButton: true }); return false; } this.toaster.pop({ type: 'wait', timeout: 10000, title: 'Form is being saved', body: 'Wait.', showCloseButton: true }); this.toaster.clear(); this.returnSaveEvent = true; return true; } }]); return edaStepWayEasyFormGenController; })(); toInject = ['easyFormGenVersion', '$filter', 'toaster', '$timeout', '$modal', '$log', '$formlyProxy', '$modalProxy', 'easyFormSteWayConfig']; edaStepWayEasyFormGenController.$inject = toInject; _export('default', edaStepWayEasyFormGenController); _export('STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLER_NAME', STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLER_NAME); _export('STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLERAS_NAME', STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLERAS_NAME); } }; }); $__System.register('17', ['10', '13'], function (_export) { 'use strict'; var easyformTemplate, edaStepWayEasyFormGenController, STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLER_NAME, STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLERAS_NAME, STEP_WAY_DIRECTIVE_NAME; function edaStepWayEasyFormGenDirective($templateCache, $timeout, $formlyProxy, $modalProxy) { var directive = { restrict: 'E', scope: { edaEasyFormGeneratorModel: '=', edaSaveFormEvent: '&edaSaveFormEvent' }, controller: STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLER_NAME, controllerAs: STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLERAS_NAME, replace: false, template: easyformTemplate, link: linkFct }; return directive; function linkFct(scope) { //watch "scope.easyFormGeneratorModel" scope.$watch(function () { return scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel; }, function (newValue, oldValue) { loadExistingConfigurationModel(); }, true); //watch "scope.vm.returnSaveEvent"" = catch saving form event scope.$watch(function () { return scope.vm.returnSaveEvent; }, function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue === true) { var _easyFormGeneratorModel = { formName: scope.vm.configuration.formName, btnSubmitText: scope.vm.configuration.submitButtonText, btnCancelText: scope.vm.configuration.cancelButtonText, edaFieldsModel: scope.vm.configuration.lines, edaFieldsModelStringified: angular.toJson(scope.vm.configuration.lines), formlyFieldsModel: scope.vm.wfFormFieldsOnlyNeededProperties, dataModel: scope.vm.dataModel }; scope.edaSaveFormEvent({ edaEasyFormGeneratorModel: _easyFormGeneratorModel }); //back to false, waiting next save event scope.returnSaveEvent = false; } }); function loadExistingConfigurationModel() { if (angular.isDefined(scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel)) { var configlines = returnAttributeConfigurationLinesIfNotEmpty(); scope.configurationLoaded = {}; $formlyProxy.bindConfigurationLines(scope.configurationLoaded, configlines); /** * rebind special control properties : * * formly expression properties * Validators * Validation */ $modalProxy.refreshControlFormlyExpressionProperties(scope.configurationLoaded); $modalProxy.refreshControlFormlyValidators(scope.configurationLoaded); $modalProxy.refreshControlFormlyValidation(scope.configurationLoaded); //apply configuration model scope.vm.configuration = angular.copy(scope.configurationLoaded); //apply formly model $formlyProxy.applyConfigurationToformlyModel(scope.configurationLoaded, scope.vm.wfFormFields, scope.vm.model); scope.vm.wfFormFieldsOnlyNeededProperties = angular.copy(scope.vm.wfFormFields); scope.vm.dataModel = returnAttributeDataModelIfNotEmpty(); scope.vm.configuration.formName = angular.isString(scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel.formName) ? scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel.formName : ''; scope.vm.configuration.submitButtonText = angular.isString(scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel.btnSubmitText) ? scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel.btnSubmitText : 'Submit'; scope.vm.configuration.cancelButtonText = angular.isString(scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel.btnCancelText) ? scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel.btnCancelText : 'Cancel'; } } function returnAttributeConfigurationLinesIfNotEmpty() { var edaEasyFormGeneratorModelToReturn = angular.isArray(scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel.edaFieldsModel) ? scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel.edaFieldsModel.length > 0 ? scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel.edaFieldsModel : emptyEdaFieldsModel() : emptyEdaFieldsModel(); return edaEasyFormGeneratorModelToReturn; } function returnAttributeDataModelIfNotEmpty() { var dataModelToReturn = angular.isArray(scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel.dataModel) ? scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel.dataModel.length > 0 ? scope.edaEasyFormGeneratorModel.dataModel : {} : {}; return dataModelToReturn; } /** * empty fields model : to display at least an empty line * otherwise would look like ugly empty line like it were a bug */ function emptyEdaFieldsModel() { var emptyModel = [{ "line": 1, "activeColumn": 1, "columns": [{ "numColumn": 1, "exist": true, "control": { "type": "none", "key": "none" } }] }]; return emptyModel; } } } return { setters: [function (_) { easyformTemplate = _['default']; }, function (_2) { edaStepWayEasyFormGenController = _2['default']; STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLER_NAME = _2.STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLER_NAME; STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLERAS_NAME = _2.STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLERAS_NAME; }], execute: function () { STEP_WAY_DIRECTIVE_NAME = 'edaStepWayEasyFormGen'; edaStepWayEasyFormGenDirective.$inject = ['$templateCache', '$timeout', '$formlyProxy', '$modalProxy']; _export('default', edaStepWayEasyFormGenDirective); _export('STEP_WAY_DIRECTIVE_NAME', STEP_WAY_DIRECTIVE_NAME); } }; }); $__System.register('18', [], function (_export) { /* global angular */ 'use strict'; var EASY_FORM_STEP_WAY_CONFIG_NAME; function easyFormSteWayConfig($translateProvider) { var _configuration = defaultConfig(); var _controlsList = controlsList(); var _defaultLanguage = getDefaultLanguage(); var _currentLanguage = initDefaultLanguage(); var _showPreviewPanel = getDefaultshowPreviewPanel(); var _showPreviewModels = getDefaultShowPreviewModel(); /* jshint validthis:true */ this.$get = easyFormStepWayConfigGET; this.setModalAnimation = setModalAnimation; this.getModalAnimation = getModalAnimation; this.configuration = _configuration; this.getEnabledControls = getEnabledControls; this.disableControl = disableControl; this.enableControl = enableControl; this.setLanguage = setLanguage; this.getCurrentLanguage = getCurrentLanguage; this.showPreviewPanel = showPreviewPanel; this.showPreviewModels = showPreviewModels; //set default config function defaultConfig() { var _defaultConfiguration = { modalAnimated: false }; return _defaultConfiguration; } //show preview panel by default function getDefaultshowPreviewPanel() { return true; } //show preview data, fields models in preview panel function getDefaultShowPreviewModel() { return true; } function getCurrentLanguage() { return _currentLanguage; } //list of controls function controlsList() { var controls = [{ name: 'empty', enabled: true }, { name: 'Header', enabled: true }, { name: 'Subtitle', enabled: true }, { name: 'TextInput', enabled: true }, { name: 'Password', enabled: true }, { name: 'Email', enabled: true }, { name: 'Date', enabled: true }, { name: 'Texarea', enabled: true }, { name: 'RichTextEditor', enabled: true }, { name: 'Radio', enabled: true }, { name: 'Checkbox', enabled: true }, { name: 'BasicSelect', enabled: true }, { name: 'GroupedSelect', enabled: true }]; return controls; } function showPreviewPanel(wantToShow) { if (angular.isDefined(wantToShow)) { if (wantToShow === true) _showPreviewPanel = true; if (wantToShow === false) _showPreviewPanel = false; } } function showPreviewModels(wantToShow) { if (angular.isDefined(wantToShow)) { if (wantToShow === true) _showPreviewModels = true; if (wantToShow === false) _showPreviewModels = false; } } //language : set default to english function getDefaultLanguage() { var lang = 'en'; return lang; } function setDefaultLanguage() { _currentLanguage = _defaultLanguage; $translateProvider.preferredLanguage(_currentLanguage); return _currentLanguage; } function setLanguage(language) { if (angular.isString(language)) { _currentLanguage = language; $translateProvider.preferredLanguage(language); } else { setDefaultLanguage(); } } function initDefaultLanguage() { $translateProvider.useSanitizeValueStrategy('escape'); //security : Enable escaping of HTML $translateProvider.fallbackLanguage(_defaultLanguage); //fallback language to default language $translateProvider.preferredLanguage(_defaultLanguage); return _defaultLanguage; } function getEnabledControls() { return _controlsList; } function disableControl(controlName) { if (angular.isString(controlName)) { angular.forEach(_controlsList, function (aControl) { if (aControl.name === controlName) aControl.enabled = false; }); } } function enableControl(controlName) { if (angular.isString(controlName)) { angular.forEach(_controlsList, function (aControl) { if (aControl.name === controlName) aControl.enabled = true; }); } } function setModalAnimation(flagConfig) { var valueToApply = flagConfig === true ? flagConfig : flagConfig === false ? flagConfig : _configuration.modalAnimated; _configuration.modalAnimated = valueToApply; } function getModalAnimation() { return _configuration.modalAnimated; } //$get implementation : easyFormStepWayConfigGET.$inject = ['$translate']; function easyFormStepWayConfigGET($translate) { var service = { setModalAnimation: setModalAnimationFct, getModalAnimationValue: getModalAnimationValue, getListEnabledControl: getListEnabledControl, setLanguage: switchLanguage, getCurrentLanguage: getCurrentLanguage, isPreviewPanelVisible: isPreviewPanelVisible, arePreviewModelsVisible: arePreviewModelsVisible }; return service; function getModalAnimationValue() { return _configuration.modalAnimated; } function setModalAnimationFct(value) { setModalAnimation(value); } function getListEnabledControl() { return angular.copy(_controlsList); } function switchLanguage(language) { if (angular.isString(language)) { _currentLanguage = language; $translate.use(language); } else { setDefaultLanguage(); } } function isPreviewPanelVisible() { return _showPreviewPanel; } function arePreviewModelsVisible() { return _showPreviewModels; } } } return { setters: [], execute: function () { EASY_FORM_STEP_WAY_CONFIG_NAME = 'easyFormSteWayConfig'; easyFormSteWayConfig.$inject = ['$translateProvider']; _export('default', easyFormSteWayConfig); _export('EASY_FORM_STEP_WAY_CONFIG_NAME', EASY_FORM_STEP_WAY_CONFIG_NAME); } }; }); $__System.register('19', ['13', '17', '18'], function (_export) { /* global angular */ 'use strict'; var edaStepWayEasyFormGenController, STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLER_NAME, edaStepWayEasyFormGenDirective, STEP_WAY_DIRECTIVE_NAME, easyFormSteWayConfig, EASY_FORM_STEP_WAY_CONFIG_NAME, STEP_WAY_MAIN_MODULE; return { setters: [function (_) { edaStepWayEasyFormGenController = _['default']; STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLER_NAME = _.STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLER_NAME; }, function (_2) { edaStepWayEasyFormGenDirective = _2['default']; STEP_WAY_DIRECTIVE_NAME = _2.STEP_WAY_DIRECTIVE_NAME; }, function (_3) { easyFormSteWayConfig = _3['default']; EASY_FORM_STEP_WAY_CONFIG_NAME = _3.EASY_FORM_STEP_WAY_CONFIG_NAME; }], execute: function () { STEP_WAY_MAIN_MODULE = 'easyFormStepwayMainModule'; _export('default', angular.module(STEP_WAY_MAIN_MODULE, []).controller(STEP_WAY_MAIN_CONTROLLER_NAME, edaStepWayEasyFormGenController).directive(STEP_WAY_DIRECTIVE_NAME, edaStepWayEasyFormGenDirective).provider(EASY_FORM_STEP_WAY_CONFIG_NAME, easyFormSteWayConfig)); } }; }); $__System.register('14', ['15', '16'], function (_export) { var _createClass, _classCallCheck, EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLER_NAME, EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLERAS_NAME, editControlModalController, toInject; return { setters: [function (_2) { _createClass = _2['default']; }, function (_3) { _classCallCheck = _3['default']; }], execute: function () { 'use strict'; EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLER_NAME = 'editControlModalController'; EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLERAS_NAME = 'editControlModCtrl'; editControlModalController = (function () { function editControlModalController($modalInstance, nyaSelect, toaster, selectOptionManage, $modalProxy) { _classCallCheck(this, editControlModalController); this.$modalInstance = $modalInstance; this.nyaSelect = nyaSelect; this.toaster = toaster; this.selectOptionManage = selectOptionManage; this.$modalProxy = $modalProxy; this.init(); } _createClass(editControlModalController, [{ key: 'init', value: function init() { var initOptionModel = { rows: [] }; this.radioRowCollection = initOptionModel; this.newOptionRadio = { saisie: '' }; this.basicSelectRowCollection = initOptionModel; this.newOptionBasicSelect = { saisie: '' }; this.groupedSelectRowCollection = initOptionModel; this.newOptionGroupedSelect = { saisie: '' }; this.GroupedSelectGroups = { list: [] }; this.newGroupGroupedSelect = { saisie: '' }; this.groupSelectGroupClick = { showList: false }; this.demodt = {}; this.dateOptions = this.dateOptionsInit(); this.demodt.formats = ['dd-MMMM-yyyy', 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'dd.MM.yyyy', 'shortDate']; this.nyaSelect.selectedControl = this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.selectedControl; this.nyaSelectFiltered = {}; this.modelNyaSelect = {}; //init today date this.today(); //init nyaSelect model depending selected control this.initNyaSelectConformingSelectedControl(); } }, { key: 'initNyaSelectConformingSelectedControl', value: function initNyaSelectConformingSelectedControl() { //place nya-select to selection if not none : if (this.nyaSelect.selectedControl !== 'none') { for (var i = this.nyaSelect.controls.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.nyaSelect.controls[i].id === this.nyaSelect.selectedControl) this.modelNyaSelect = this.nyaSelect.controls[i]; } if (this.nyaSelect.selectedControl === 'BasicSelect') this.bindBasicSelectFromNYA(); if (this.nyaSelect.selectedControl === 'GroupedSelect') this.bindGroupedSelectFromNYA(); if (this.nyaSelect.selectedControl === 'Radio') this.bindRadioFromNYA(); } this.initNyaSelectFiltered(); console.info('modal controller : nyaSelect'); console.dir(this.nyaSelect); } }, { key: 'initNyaSelectFiltered', value: function initNyaSelectFiltered() { var listCtrl = [].concat(this.$modalProxy.getFilteredNyaSelectObject()); angular.extend(this.nyaSelectFiltered, { 'controls': listCtrl, 'selectedControl': this.nyaSelect.selectedControl, 'temporyConfig': this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig }); } }, { key: 'bindBasicSelectFromNYA', value: function bindBasicSelectFromNYA() { if (this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i <= this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions.length - 1; i++) { var newOption = { 'option': this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions[i].name, 'order': i, 'group': '' }; this.basicSelectRowCollection.rows.push(newOption); } } } }, { key: 'bindRadioFromNYA', value: function bindRadioFromNYA() { if (this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i <= this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions.length - 1; i++) { var newOption = { 'option': this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions[i].name, 'order': i, 'group': '' }; this.radioRowCollection.rows.push(newOption); } } } }, { key: 'bindGroupedSelectFromNYA', value: function bindGroupedSelectFromNYA() { if (this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i <= this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions.length - 1; i++) { var newOption = { 'option': this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions[i].name, 'order': i, 'group': this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions[i].group }; this.groupedSelectRowCollection.rows.push(newOption); } var filteredgroup = _.uniq(_.pluck(this.groupedSelectRowCollection.rows, 'group')); angular.copy(filteredgroup, this.GroupedSelectGroups.list); } } }, { key: 'addNewOptionRadio', value: function addNewOptionRadio() { var result = this.selectOptionManage.addNewOptionRadio(this.radioRowCollection, this.newOptionRadio.saisie); if (result.resultFlag === false) { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: result.details, body: '\'' + this.newOptionRadio.saisie + '\' cannot be added.', showCloseButton: true }); } this.newOptionRadio = { saisie: '' }; //reset input } }, { key: 'removeRadioRow', value: function removeRadioRow(index) { var result = this.selectOptionManage.removeOption(this.radioRowCollection, index); if (result.resultFlag === false) { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: result.details, body: 'Delete was cancelled.', showCloseButton: true }); } } }, { key: 'upThisRadioRow', value: function upThisRadioRow(index) { var result = this.selectOptionManage.upthisOption(this.radioRowCollection, index); if (result.resultFlag === false) { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: result.details, body: 'Operation cancelled.', showCloseButton: true }); } } }, { key: 'downThisRadioRow', value: function downThisRadioRow(index) { var result = this.selectOptionManage.downthisOption(this.radioRowCollection, index); if (result.resultFlag === false) { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: result.details, body: 'Operation cancelled.', showCloseButton: true }); } } }, { key: 'addNewOptionBasicSelect', value: function addNewOptionBasicSelect() { var result = this.selectOptionManage.addNewOptionBasicSelect(this.basicSelectRowCollection, this.newOptionBasicSelect.saisie); if (result.resultFlag === false) { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: result.details, body: '\'' + this.newOptionBasicSelect.saisie + '\' cannot be added.', showCloseButton: true }); } this.newOptionBasicSelect = { saisie: '' }; //reset input } }, { key: 'removeRow', value: function removeRow(index) { var result = this.selectOptionManage.removeOption(this.basicSelectRowCollection, index); if (result.resultFlag === false) { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: result.details, body: 'Delete was cancelled.', showCloseButton: true }); } } }, { key: 'upThisRow', value: function upThisRow(index) { var result = this.selectOptionManage.upthisOption(this.basicSelectRowCollection, index); if (result.resultFlag === false) { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: result.details, body: 'Operation cancelled.', showCloseButton: true }); } } }, { key: 'downThisRow', value: function downThisRow(index) { var result = this.selectOptionManage.downthisOption(this.basicSelectRowCollection, index); if (result.resultFlag === false) { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: result.details, body: 'Operation cancelled.', showCloseButton: true }); } } }, { key: 'showGroupListToChoose', value: function showGroupListToChoose() { this.groupSelectGroupClick.showList = !this.groupSelectGroupClick.showList; } }, { key: 'addNewGroupToGroupedSelect', value: function addNewGroupToGroupedSelect() { if (this.newGroupGroupedSelect.saisie !== '') { for (var i = this.GroupedSelectGroups.list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.GroupedSelectGroups.list[i] === this.newGroupGroupedSelect.saisie) { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: 'Group already exists', body: 'No group added.', showCloseButton: true }); } } this.GroupedSelectGroups.list.push(this.newGroupGroupedSelect.saisie); } else { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: 'Not a valid group to add', body: 'No group added.', showCloseButton: true }); } this.newGroupGroupedSelect.saisie = ''; } }, { key: 'addNewOptionGroupedSelect', value: function addNewOptionGroupedSelect() { var result = this.selectOptionManage.addNewOptionGroupedSelect(this.groupedSelectRowCollection, this.newOptionGroupedSelect.saisie, ''); if (result.resultFlag === false) { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: result.details, body: '\'' + this.newOptionGroupedSelect.saisie + '\' cannot be added.', showCloseButton: true }); } //bind nya : dont bind here $apply is not done fast enough //bindGroupedSelectToNya(); //reset input this.newOptionGroupedSelect = { saisie: '' }; } }, { key: 'removeGroupedSelectRow', value: function removeGroupedSelectRow(index) { var result = this.selectOptionManage.removeOption(this.groupedSelectRowCollection, index); if (result.resultFlag === false) { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: result.details, body: 'Delete was cancelled.', showCloseButton: true }); } } }, { key: 'upThisGroupedSelectRow', value: function upThisGroupedSelectRow(index) { var result = this.selectOptionManage.upthisOption(this.groupedSelectRowCollection, index); if (result.resultFlag === false) { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: result.details, body: 'Operation cancelled.', showCloseButton: true }); } } }, { key: 'downThisGroupedSelectRow', value: function downThisGroupedSelectRow(index) { var result = this.selectOptionManage.downthisOption(this.groupedSelectRowCollection, index); if (result.resultFlag === false) { this.toaster.pop({ type: 'warning', timeout: 2000, title: result.details, body: 'Operation cancelled.', showCloseButton: true }); } } }, { key: 'today', value: function today() { this.demodt.dt = new Date(); } }, { key: 'clear', value: function clear() { this.demodt.dt = null; } }, { key: 'open', value: function open($event) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); this.demodt.opened = true; } }, { key: 'dateOptionsInit', value: function dateOptionsInit() { return { formatYear: 'yy', startingDay: 1, showWeeks: true, initDate: null }; } }, { key: 'selectThisControl', value: function selectThisControl(controlName) { this.nyaSelect.selectedControl = 'none'; this.resetTemporyConfig(); for (var i = this.nyaSelect.controls.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.nyaSelect.controls[i].id === controlName) this.nyaSelect.selectedControl = this.nyaSelect.controls[i].id; } if (this.nyaSelect.selectedControl === 'Date') this.initDatePicker(); } }, { key: 'ok', value: function ok() { if (this.nyaSelect.selectedControl === 'BasicSelect') this.bindBasicSelectToNya(); if (this.nyaSelect.selectedControl === 'GroupedSelect') this.bindGroupedSelectToNya(); if (this.nyaSelect.selectedControl === 'Radio') this.bindRadioToNya(); //save config to control this.$modalProxy.applyConfigToSelectedControl(this.nyaSelect); //return current model to parent controller : this.$modalInstance.close(this.nyaSelect); } }, { key: 'cancel', value: function cancel() { this.$modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } }, { key: 'bindBasicSelectToNya', value: function bindBasicSelectToNya() { var resetNyASelectOptions = []; this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions = resetNyASelectOptions; if (this.basicSelectRowCollection.rows.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i <= this.basicSelectRowCollection.rows.length - 1; i++) { var newOption = { 'name': this.basicSelectRowCollection.rows[i].option, 'value': i, 'group': '' }; this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions.push(newOption); } } } }, { key: 'bindGroupedSelectToNya', value: function bindGroupedSelectToNya() { this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions = []; for (var i = 0; i <= this.groupedSelectRowCollection.rows.length - 1; i++) { var newOption = { 'name': this.groupedSelectRowCollection.rows[i].option, 'value': i, 'group': this.groupedSelectRowCollection.rows[i].group }; this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions.push(newOption); } } }, { key: 'bindRadioToNya', value: function bindRadioToNya() { var resetNyASelectOptions = []; this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions = resetNyASelectOptions; if (this.radioRowCollection.rows.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i <= this.radioRowCollection.rows.length - 1; i++) { var newOption = { 'name': this.radioRowCollection.rows[i].option, 'value': i, 'group': '' }; this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.formlyOptions.push(newOption); } } } }, { key: 'initDatePicker', value: function initDatePicker() { this.nyaSelect.temporyConfig.datepickerPopup = this.demodt.formats[0]; } }, { key: 'resetTemporyConfig', value: function resetTemporyConfig() { this.nyaSelectFiltered.temporyConfig = { formlyLabel: '', formlyRequired: false, formlyPlaceholder: '', formlyDesciption: '', formlyOptions: [] }; } }]); return editControlModalController; })(); toInject = ['$modalInstance', 'nyaSelect', 'toaster', 'selectOptionManage', '$modalProxy']; editControlModalController.$inject = toInject; _export('default', editControlModalController); _export('EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLER_NAME', EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLER_NAME); _export('EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLERAS_NAME', EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLERAS_NAME); } }; }); $__System.register('1a', ['14'], function (_export) { /* global angular */ 'use strict'; var editModalController, EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLER_NAME, EDIT_CONTROLE_MODAL_NAME; return { setters: [function (_) { editModalController = _['default']; EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLER_NAME = _.EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLER_NAME; }], execute: function () { EDIT_CONTROLE_MODAL_NAME = 'editControlModalModule'; _export('default', angular.module(EDIT_CONTROLE_MODAL_NAME, []).controller(EDIT_MODAL_CONTROLLER_NAME, editModalController)); } }; }); $__System.register('1b', [], function (_export) { /* global angular */ 'use strict'; var resetNyaSelect, getResetConfig, returnControlFromAddCtrlModalModel, validKeyUniqueness; return { setters: [], execute: function () { resetNyaSelect = function resetNyaSelect(nyaSelectObj) { var newNyaSelectObj = { controls: [{ id: 'empty', name: 'no control', subtitle: 'no control', group: 'Blank', formlyType: 'blank', formlySubtype: '', formlyLabel: '', formlyRequired: false, formlyDesciption: '', formlyOptions: [], formlyExpressionProperties: {}, formlyValidators: {}, formlyValidation: {} }, { id: 'Header', name: 'Header', subtitle: 'no control', group: 'Decoration', formlyType: 'header', formlySubtype: '', formlyLabel: '', formlyRequired: false, formlyDesciption: '', formlyOptions: [], formlyExpressionProperties: {}, formlyValidators: {}, formlyValidation: {} }, { id: 'Subtitle', name: 'Subtitle', subtitle: 'no control', group: 'Decoration', formlyType: 'subTitle', formlySubtype: '', formlyLabel: '', formlyRequired: false, formlyDesciption: '', formlyOptions: [], formlyExpressionProperties: {}, formlyValidators: {}, formlyValidation: {} }, { id: 'TextInput', name: 'Text input', subtitle: 'Text input', group: 'input', formlyType: 'input', formlySubtype: '', formlyLabel: '', formlyRequired: false, formlyDesciption: '', formlyOptions: [], formlyExpressionProperties: {}, formlyValidators: {}, formlyValidation: { messages: { required: function required(viewValue, modelValue, scope) { //return a required validation message : //-> '