eventman_server.py 19 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. """Event Man(ager)
  3. Your friendly manager of attendees at an event.
  4. Copyright 2015 Davide Alberani <da@erlug.linux.it>
  5. RaspiBO <info@raspibo.org>
  6. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  7. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  8. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  9. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  10. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  11. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  12. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  13. limitations under the License.
  14. """
  15. import os
  16. import re
  17. import glob
  18. import json
  19. import logging
  20. import datetime
  21. import tornado.httpserver
  22. import tornado.ioloop
  23. import tornado.options
  24. from tornado.options import define, options
  25. import tornado.web
  26. from tornado import gen, escape, process
  27. import utils
  28. import backend
  29. ENCODING = 'utf-8'
  31. re_env_key = re.compile('[^A-Z_]+')
  32. class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
  33. """Base class for request handlers."""
  34. # A property to access the first value of each argument.
  35. arguments = property(lambda self: dict([(k, v[0])
  36. for k, v in self.request.arguments.iteritems()]))
  37. _bool_convert = {
  38. '0': False,
  39. 'n': False,
  40. 'f': False,
  41. 'no': False,
  42. 'off': False,
  43. 'false': False,
  44. '1': True,
  45. 'y': True,
  46. 't': True,
  47. 'on': True,
  48. 'yes': True,
  49. 'true': True
  50. }
  51. def tobool(self, obj):
  52. if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
  53. obj = obj[0]
  54. if isinstance(obj, (str, unicode)):
  55. obj = obj.lower()
  56. return self._bool_convert.get(obj, obj)
  57. def _arguments_tobool(self):
  58. return dict([(k, self.tobool(v)) for k, v in self.arguments.iteritems()])
  59. def initialize(self, **kwargs):
  60. """Add every passed (key, value) as attributes of the instance."""
  61. for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
  62. setattr(self, key, value)
  63. class RootHandler(BaseHandler):
  64. """Handler for the / path."""
  65. angular_app_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "angular_app")
  66. @gen.coroutine
  67. def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
  68. # serve the ./angular_app/index.html file
  69. with open(self.angular_app_path + "/index.html", 'r') as fd:
  70. self.write(fd.read())
  71. class CollectionHandler(BaseHandler):
  72. """Base class for handlers that need to interact with the database backend.
  73. Introduce basic CRUD operations."""
  74. # set of documents we're managing (a collection in MongoDB or a table in a SQL database)
  75. collection = None
  76. def _filter_results(self, results, params):
  77. """Filter a list using keys and values from a dictionary.
  78. :param results: the list to be filtered
  79. :type results: list
  80. :param params: a dictionary of items that must all be present in an original list item to be included in the return
  81. :return: list of items that have all the keys with the same values as params
  82. :rtype: list"""
  83. if not params:
  84. return results
  85. filtered = []
  86. for result in results:
  87. add = True
  88. for key, value in params.iteritems():
  89. if key not in result or result[key] != value:
  90. add = False
  91. break
  92. if add:
  93. filtered.append(result)
  94. return filtered
  95. def _dict2env(self, data):
  96. """Convert a dictionary into a form suitable to be passed as environment variables."""
  97. ret = {}
  98. for key, value in data.iteritems():
  99. if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)):
  100. continue
  101. try:
  102. key = key.upper().encode('ascii', 'ignore')
  103. key = re_env_key.sub('', key)
  104. if not key:
  105. continue
  106. ret[key] = unicode(value).encode(ENCODING)
  107. except:
  108. continue
  109. return ret
  110. @gen.coroutine
  111. def get(self, id_=None, resource=None, resource_id=None, **kwargs):
  112. if resource:
  113. # Handle access to sub-resources.
  114. method = getattr(self, 'handle_get_%s' % resource, None)
  115. if method and callable(method):
  116. self.write(method(id_, resource_id, **kwargs))
  117. return
  118. if id_ is not None:
  119. # read a single document
  120. self.write(self.db.get(self.collection, id_))
  121. else:
  122. # return an object containing the list of all objects in the collection;
  123. # e.g.: {'events': [{'_id': 'obj1-id, ...}, {'_id': 'obj2-id, ...}, ...]}
  124. # Please, never return JSON lists that are not encapsulated into an object,
  125. # to avoid XSS vulnerabilities.
  126. self.write({self.collection: self.db.query(self.collection)})
  127. @gen.coroutine
  128. def post(self, id_=None, resource=None, resource_id=None, **kwargs):
  129. data = escape.json_decode(self.request.body or '{}')
  130. if resource:
  131. # Handle access to sub-resources.
  132. method = getattr(self, 'handle_%s_%s' % (self.request.method.lower(), resource), None)
  133. if method and callable(method):
  134. self.write(method(id_, resource_id, data, **kwargs))
  135. return
  136. if id_ is None:
  137. newData = self.db.add(self.collection, data)
  138. else:
  139. merged, newData = self.db.update(self.collection, id_, data)
  140. self.write(newData)
  141. # PUT (update an existing document) is handled by the POST (create a new document) method
  142. put = post
  143. @gen.coroutine
  144. def delete(self, id_=None, resource=None, resource_id=None, **kwargs):
  145. if resource:
  146. # Handle access to sub-resources.
  147. method = getattr(self, 'handle_delete_%s' % resource, None)
  148. if method and callable(method):
  149. self.write(method(id_, resource_id, **kwargs))
  150. return
  151. if id_:
  152. self.db.delete(self.collection, id_)
  153. self.write({'success': True})
  154. def on_timeout(self, cmd, pipe):
  155. """Kill a process that is taking too long to complete."""
  156. logging.debug('cmd %s is taking too long: killing it' % ' '.join(cmd))
  157. try:
  158. pipe.proc.kill()
  159. except:
  160. pass
  161. def on_exit(self, returncode, cmd, pipe):
  162. """Callback executed when a subprocess execution is over."""
  163. self.ioloop.remove_timeout(self.timeout)
  164. logging.debug('cmd: %s returncode: %d' % (' '.join(cmd), returncode))
  165. @gen.coroutine
  166. def run_subprocess(self, cmd, stdin_data=None, env=None):
  167. """Execute the given action.
  168. :param cmd: the command to be run with its command line arguments
  169. :type cmd: list
  170. :param stdin_data: data to be sent over stdin
  171. :type stdin_data: str
  172. :param env: environment of the process
  173. :type env: dict
  174. """
  175. self.ioloop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
  176. p = process.Subprocess(cmd, close_fds=True, stdin=process.Subprocess.STREAM,
  177. stdout=process.Subprocess.STREAM, stderr=process.Subprocess.STREAM, env=env)
  178. p.set_exit_callback(lambda returncode: self.on_exit(returncode, cmd, p))
  179. self.timeout = self.ioloop.add_timeout(datetime.timedelta(seconds=PROCESS_TIMEOUT),
  180. lambda: self.on_timeout(cmd, p))
  181. yield gen.Task(p.stdin.write, stdin_data or '')
  182. p.stdin.close()
  183. out, err = yield [gen.Task(p.stdout.read_until_close),
  184. gen.Task(p.stderr.read_until_close)]
  185. logging.debug('cmd: %s' % ' '.join(cmd))
  186. logging.debug('cmd stdout: %s' % out)
  187. logging.debug('cmd strerr: %s' % err)
  188. raise gen.Return((out, err))
  189. @gen.coroutine
  190. def run_triggers(self, action, stdin_data=None, env=None):
  191. """Asynchronously execute triggers for the given action.
  192. :param action: action name; scripts in directory ./data/triggers/{action}.d will be run
  193. :type action: str
  194. :param stdin_data: a python dictionary that will be serialized in JSON and sent to the process over stdin
  195. :type stdin_data: dict
  196. :param env: environment of the process
  197. :type stdin_data: dict
  198. """
  199. logging.debug('running triggers for action "%s"' % action)
  200. stdin_data = stdin_data or {}
  201. try:
  202. stdin_data = json.dumps(stdin_data)
  203. except:
  204. stdin_data = '{}'
  205. for script in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'triggers', '%s.d' % action, '*')):
  206. if not (os.path.isfile(script) and os.access(script, os.X_OK)):
  207. continue
  208. out, err = yield gen.Task(self.run_subprocess, [script], stdin_data, env)
  209. class PersonsHandler(CollectionHandler):
  210. """Handle requests for Persons."""
  211. collection = 'persons'
  212. object_id = 'person_id'
  213. def handle_get_events(self, id_, resource_id=None, **kwargs):
  214. # Get a list of events attended by this person.
  215. # Inside the data of each event, a 'person_data' dictionary is
  216. # created, duplicating the entry for the current person (so that
  217. # there's no need to parse the 'persons' list on the client).
  218. #
  219. # If resource_id is given, only the specified event is considered.
  220. #
  221. # If the 'all' parameter is given, every event (also unattended ones) is returned.
  222. args = self.request.arguments
  223. query = {}
  224. if id_ and not self.tobool(args.get('all')):
  225. query = {'persons.person_id': id_}
  226. if resource_id:
  227. query['_id'] = resource_id
  228. events = self.db.query('events', query)
  229. for event in events:
  230. person_data = {}
  231. for persons in event.get('persons') or []:
  232. if str(persons.get('person_id')) == id_:
  233. person_data = persons
  234. break
  235. event['person_data'] = person_data
  236. if resource_id and events:
  237. return events[0]
  238. return {'events': events}
  239. class EventsHandler(CollectionHandler):
  240. """Handle requests for Events."""
  241. collection = 'events'
  242. object_id = 'event_id'
  243. def _get_person_data(self, person_id_or_query, persons):
  244. """Filter a list of persons returning the first item with a given person_id
  245. or which set of keys specified in a dictionary match their respective values."""
  246. for person in persons:
  247. if isinstance(person_id_or_query, dict):
  248. if all(person.get(k) == v for k, v in person_id_or_query.iteritems()):
  249. return person
  250. else:
  251. if str(person.get('person_id')) == person_id_or_query:
  252. return person
  253. return {}
  254. def handle_get_persons(self, id_, resource_id=None):
  255. # Return every person registered at this event, or the information
  256. # about a specific person.
  257. query = {'_id': id_}
  258. event = self.db.query('events', query)[0]
  259. if resource_id:
  260. return {'person': self._get_person_data(resource_id, event.get('persons') or [])}
  261. persons = self._filter_results(event.get('persons') or [], self.arguments)
  262. return {'persons': persons}
  263. def handle_post_persons(self, id_, person_id, data):
  264. # Add a person to the list of persons registered at this event.
  265. doc = self.db.query('events',
  266. {'_id': id_, 'persons.person_id': person_id})
  267. if '_id' in data:
  268. del data['_id']
  269. if not doc:
  270. merged, doc = self.db.update('events',
  271. {'_id': id_},
  272. {'persons': data},
  273. operation='append',
  274. create=False)
  275. return {'event': doc}
  276. def handle_put_persons(self, id_, person_id, data):
  277. # Update an existing entry for a person registered at this event.
  278. query = dict([('persons.%s' % k, v) for k, v in self.arguments.iteritems()])
  279. query['_id'] = id_
  280. if person_id is not None:
  281. query['persons.person_id'] = person_id
  282. old_person_data = {}
  283. current_event = self.db.query(self.collection, query)
  284. if current_event:
  285. current_event = current_event[0]
  286. else:
  287. current_event = {}
  288. old_person_data = self._get_person_data(person_id or self.arguments,
  289. current_event.get('persons') or [])
  290. merged, doc = self.db.update('events', query,
  291. data, updateList='persons', create=False)
  292. new_person_data = self._get_person_data(person_id or self.arguments,
  293. doc.get('persons') or [])
  294. env = self._dict2env(new_person_data)
  295. env.update({'PERSON_ID': person_id, 'EVENT_ID': id_, 'EVENT_TITLE': doc.get('title', '')})
  296. stdin_data = {'old': old_person_data,
  297. 'new': new_person_data,
  298. 'event': doc,
  299. 'merged': merged
  300. }
  301. self.run_triggers('update_person_in_event', stdin_data=stdin_data, env=env)
  302. if old_person_data and old_person_data.get('attended') != new_person_data.get('attended') \
  303. and new_person_data.get('attended'):
  304. self.run_triggers('attends', stdin_data=stdin_data, env=env)
  305. return {'event': doc}
  306. def handle_delete_persons(self, id_, person_id):
  307. # Remove a specific person from the list of persons registered at this event.
  308. merged, doc = self.db.update('events',
  309. {'_id': id_},
  310. {'persons': {'person_id': person_id}},
  311. operation='delete',
  312. create=False)
  313. return {'event': doc}
  314. class EbCSVImportPersonsHandler(BaseHandler):
  315. """Importer for CSV files exported from eventbrite."""
  316. csvRemap = {
  317. 'Nome evento': 'event_title',
  318. 'ID evento': 'event_id',
  319. 'N. codice a barre': 'ebqrcode',
  320. 'Cognome acquirente': 'surname',
  321. 'Nome acquirente': 'name',
  322. 'E-mail acquirente': 'email',
  323. 'Cognome': 'surname',
  324. 'Nome': 'name',
  325. 'E-mail': 'email',
  326. 'Indirizzo e-mail': 'email',
  327. 'Tipologia biglietto': 'ticket_kind',
  328. 'Data partecipazione': 'attending_datetime',
  329. 'Data check-in': 'checkin_datetime',
  330. 'Ordine n.': 'order_nr',
  331. 'ID ordine': 'order_nr',
  332. 'Titolo professionale': 'job_title',
  333. 'Azienda': 'company',
  334. 'Prefisso': 'name_title',
  335. 'Prefisso (Sig., Sig.ra, ecc.)': 'name_title',
  336. 'Order #': 'order_nr',
  337. 'Prefix': 'name_title',
  338. 'First Name': 'name',
  339. 'Last Name': 'surname',
  340. 'Suffix': 'name_suffix',
  341. 'Email': 'email',
  342. 'Attendee #': 'attendee_nr',
  343. 'Barcode #': 'ebqrcode',
  344. 'Company': 'company',
  345. }
  346. # Only these information are stored in the person collection.
  347. keepPersonData = ('name', 'surname', 'email', 'name_title', 'name_suffix',
  348. 'company', 'job_title')
  349. @gen.coroutine
  350. def post(self, **kwargs):
  351. targetEvent = None
  352. try:
  353. targetEvent = self.get_body_argument('targetEvent')
  354. except:
  355. pass
  356. reply = dict(total=0, valid=0, merged=0, new_in_event=0)
  357. for fieldname, contents in self.request.files.iteritems():
  358. for content in contents:
  359. filename = content['filename']
  360. parseStats, persons = utils.csvParse(content['body'], remap=self.csvRemap)
  361. reply['total'] += parseStats['total']
  362. reply['valid'] += parseStats['valid']
  363. for person in persons:
  364. person_data = dict([(k, person[k]) for k in self.keepPersonData
  365. if k in person])
  366. merged, stored_person = self.db.update('persons',
  367. [('email', 'name', 'surname')],
  368. person_data)
  369. if merged:
  370. reply['merged'] += 1
  371. if targetEvent and stored_person:
  372. event_id = targetEvent
  373. person_id = stored_person['_id']
  374. registered_data = {
  375. 'person_id': person_id,
  376. 'attended': False,
  377. 'from_file': filename}
  378. person.update(registered_data)
  379. if not self.db.query('events',
  380. {'_id': event_id, 'persons.person_id': person_id}):
  381. self.db.update('events', {'_id': event_id},
  382. {'persons': person},
  383. operation='appendUnique')
  384. reply['new_in_event'] += 1
  385. self.write(reply)
  386. class SettingsHandler(BaseHandler):
  387. """Handle requests for Settings."""
  388. @gen.coroutine
  389. def get(self, **kwds):
  390. query = self._arguments_tobool()
  391. settings = self.db.query('settings', query)
  392. self.write({'settings': settings})
  393. def run():
  394. """Run the Tornado web application."""
  395. # command line arguments; can also be written in a configuration file,
  396. # specified with the --config argument.
  397. define("port", default=5242, help="run on the given port", type=int)
  398. define("data", default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data"),
  399. help="specify the directory used to store the data")
  400. define("mongodbURL", default=None,
  401. help="URL to MongoDB server", type=str)
  402. define("dbName", default='eventman',
  403. help="Name of the MongoDB database to use", type=str)
  404. define("debug", default=False, help="run in debug mode")
  405. define("config", help="read configuration file",
  406. callback=lambda path: tornado.options.parse_config_file(path, final=False))
  407. tornado.options.parse_command_line()
  408. if options.debug:
  409. logger = logging.getLogger()
  410. logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
  411. # database backend connector
  412. db_connector = backend.EventManDB(url=options.mongodbURL, dbName=options.dbName)
  413. init_params = dict(db=db_connector, data_dir=options.data)
  414. application = tornado.web.Application([
  415. (r"/persons/?(?P<id_>\w+)?/?(?P<resource>\w+)?/?(?P<resource_id>\w+)?", PersonsHandler, init_params),
  416. (r"/events/?(?P<id_>\w+)?/?(?P<resource>\w+)?/?(?P<resource_id>\w+)?", EventsHandler, init_params),
  417. (r"/(?:index.html)?", RootHandler, init_params),
  418. (r"/ebcsvpersons", EbCSVImportPersonsHandler, init_params),
  419. (r"/settings", SettingsHandler, init_params),
  420. (r'/(.*)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": "angular_app"})
  421. ],
  422. template_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates"),
  423. static_path=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"),
  424. debug=options.debug)
  425. http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application)
  426. http_server.listen(options.port)
  427. tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
  428. if __name__ == '__main__':
  429. run()