2016-06-18 20:01:17 +02:00

3069 lines
126 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

@license textAngular
Author : Austin Anderson
License : 2013 MIT
Version 1.5.1
See README.md or https://github.com/fraywing/textAngular/wiki for requirements and use.
Commonjs package manager support (eg componentjs).
"use strict";
// IE version detection - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4169160/javascript-ie-detection-why-not-use-simple-conditional-comments
// We need this as IE sometimes plays funny tricks with the contenteditable.
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// If you're not in IE (or IE version is less than 5) then:
// ie === undefined
// If you're in IE (>=5) then you can determine which version:
// ie === 7; // IE7
// Thus, to detect IE:
// if (ie) {}
// And to detect the version:
// ie === 6 // IE6
// ie > 7 // IE8, IE9, IE10 ...
// ie < 9 // Anything less than IE9
// ----------------------------------------------------------
/* istanbul ignore next: untestable browser check */
var _browserDetect = {
ie: (function(){
var undef,
v = 3,
div = document.createElement('div'),
all = div.getElementsByTagName('i');
while (
div.innerHTML = '<!--[if gt IE ' + (++v) + ']><i></i><![endif]-->',
return v > 4 ? v : undef;
webkit: /AppleWebKit\/([\d.]+)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
// fix a webkit bug, see: https://gist.github.com/shimondoodkin/1081133
// this is set true when a blur occurs as the blur of the ta-bind triggers before the click
var globalContentEditableBlur = false;
/* istanbul ignore next: Browser Un-Focus fix for webkit */
if(_browserDetect.webkit) {
document.addEventListener("mousedown", function(_event){
var e = _event || window.event;
var curelement = e.target;
if(globalContentEditableBlur && curelement !== null){
var isEditable = false;
var tempEl = curelement;
while(tempEl !== null && tempEl.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'html' && !isEditable){
isEditable = tempEl.contentEditable === 'true';
tempEl = tempEl.parentNode;
document.getElementById('textAngular-editableFix-010203040506070809').setSelectionRange(0, 0); // set caret focus to an element that handles caret focus correctly.
curelement.focus(); // focus the wanted element.
if (curelement.select) {
curelement.select(); // use select to place cursor for input elements.
globalContentEditableBlur = false;
}, false); // add global click handler
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
angular.element(document.body).append(angular.element('<input id="textAngular-editableFix-010203040506070809" class="ta-hidden-input" aria-hidden="true" unselectable="on" tabIndex="-1">'));
// Gloabl to textAngular REGEXP vars for block and list elements.
var BLOCKELEMENTS = /^(address|article|aside|audio|blockquote|canvas|dd|div|dl|fieldset|figcaption|figure|footer|form|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|header|hgroup|hr|noscript|ol|output|p|pre|section|table|tfoot|ul|video)$/i;
var LISTELEMENTS = /^(ul|li|ol)$/i;
var VALIDELEMENTS = /^(address|article|aside|audio|blockquote|canvas|dd|div|dl|fieldset|figcaption|figure|footer|form|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|header|hgroup|hr|noscript|ol|output|p|pre|section|table|tfoot|ul|video|li)$/i;
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/Trim#Compatibility
/* istanbul ignore next: trim shim for older browsers */
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
Custom stylesheet for the placeholders rules.
Credit to: http://davidwalsh.name/add-rules-stylesheets
var sheet, addCSSRule, removeCSSRule, _addCSSRule, _removeCSSRule, _getRuleIndex;
/* istanbul ignore else: IE <8 test*/
if(_browserDetect.ie > 8 || _browserDetect.ie === undefined){
var _sheets = document.styleSheets;
/* istanbul ignore next: preference for stylesheet loaded externally */
for(var i = 0; i < _sheets.length; i++){
if(_sheets[i].media.length === 0 || _sheets[i].media.mediaText.match(/(all|screen)/ig)){
sheet = _sheets[i];
/* istanbul ignore next: preference for stylesheet loaded externally */
// this sheet is used for the placeholders later on.
sheet = (function() {
// Create the <style> tag
var style = document.createElement("style");
/* istanbul ignore else : WebKit hack :( */
if(_browserDetect.webkit) style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
// Add the <style> element to the page, add as first so the styles can be overridden by custom stylesheets
return style.sheet;
// use as: addCSSRule("header", "float: left");
addCSSRule = function(selector, rules) {
return _addCSSRule(sheet, selector, rules);
_addCSSRule = function(_sheet, selector, rules){
var insertIndex;
var insertedRule;
// This order is important as IE 11 has both cssRules and rules but they have different lengths - cssRules is correct, rules gives an error in IE 11
/* istanbul ignore next: browser catches */
if(_sheet.cssRules) insertIndex = Math.max(_sheet.cssRules.length - 1, 0);
else if(_sheet.rules) insertIndex = Math.max(_sheet.rules.length - 1, 0);
/* istanbul ignore else: untestable IE option */
if(_sheet.insertRule) {
_sheet.insertRule(selector + "{" + rules + "}", insertIndex);
else {
_sheet.addRule(selector, rules, insertIndex);
/* istanbul ignore next: browser catches */
if(sheet.rules) insertedRule = sheet.rules[insertIndex];
else if(sheet.cssRules) insertedRule = sheet.cssRules[insertIndex];
// return the inserted stylesheet rule
return insertedRule;
_getRuleIndex = function(rule, rules) {
var i, ruleIndex;
for (i=0; i < rules.length; i++) {
/* istanbul ignore else: check for correct rule */
if (rules[i].cssText === rule.cssText) {
ruleIndex = i;
return ruleIndex;
removeCSSRule = function(rule){
_removeCSSRule(sheet, rule);
/* istanbul ignore next: tests are browser specific */
_removeCSSRule = function(sheet, rule){
var rules = sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules;
if(!rules || rules.length === 0) return;
var ruleIndex = _getRuleIndex(rule, rules);
angular.module('textAngular.factories', [])
.factory('taBrowserTag', [function(){
return function(tag){
/* istanbul ignore next: ie specific test */
if(!tag) return (_browserDetect.ie <= 8)? 'P' : 'p';
else if(tag === '') return (_browserDetect.ie === undefined)? 'div' : (_browserDetect.ie <= 8)? 'P' : 'p';
else return (_browserDetect.ie <= 8)? tag.toUpperCase() : tag;
}]).factory('taApplyCustomRenderers', ['taCustomRenderers', 'taDOM', function(taCustomRenderers, taDOM){
return function(val){
var element = angular.element('<div></div>');
element[0].innerHTML = val;
angular.forEach(taCustomRenderers, function(renderer){
var elements = [];
// get elements based on what is defined. If both defined do secondary filter in the forEach after using selector string
if(renderer.selector && renderer.selector !== '')
elements = element.find(renderer.selector);
/* istanbul ignore else: shouldn't fire, if it does we're ignoring everything */
else if(renderer.customAttribute && renderer.customAttribute !== '')
elements = taDOM.getByAttribute(element, renderer.customAttribute);
// process elements if any found
angular.forEach(elements, function(_element){
_element = angular.element(_element);
if(renderer.selector && renderer.selector !== '' && renderer.customAttribute && renderer.customAttribute !== ''){
if(_element.attr(renderer.customAttribute) !== undefined) renderer.renderLogic(_element);
} else renderer.renderLogic(_element);
return element[0].innerHTML;
}]).factory('taFixChrome', function(){
// get whaterever rubbish is inserted in chrome
// should be passed an html string, returns an html string
var taFixChrome = function(html){
if(!html || !angular.isString(html) || html.length <= 0) return html;
// grab all elements with a style attibute
var spanMatch = /<([^>\/]+?)style=("([^"]+)"|'([^']+)')([^>]*)>/ig;
var match, styleVal, newTag, finalHtml = '', lastIndex = 0;
while(match = spanMatch.exec(html)){
// one of the quoted values ' or "
/* istanbul ignore next: quotations match */
styleVal = match[3] || match[4];
// test for chrome inserted junk
if(styleVal && styleVal.match(/line-height: 1.[0-9]{3,12};|color: inherit; line-height: 1.1;/i)){
// replace original tag with new tag
styleVal = styleVal.replace(/( |)font-family: inherit;|( |)line-height: 1.[0-9]{3,12};|( |)color: inherit;/ig, '');
newTag = '<' + match[1].trim();
if(styleVal.trim().length > 0) newTag += ' style=' + match[2].substring(0,1) + styleVal + match[2].substring(0,1);
newTag += match[5].trim() + ">";
finalHtml += html.substring(lastIndex, match.index) + newTag;
lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
finalHtml += html.substring(lastIndex);
// only replace when something has changed, else we get focus problems on inserting lists
if(lastIndex > 0){
// replace all empty strings
return finalHtml.replace(/<span\s?>(.*?)<\/span>(<br(\/|)>|)/ig, '$1');
} else return html;
return taFixChrome;
}).factory('taSanitize', ['$sanitize', function taSanitizeFactory($sanitize){
var convert_infos = [
property: 'font-weight',
values: [ 'bold' ],
tag: 'b'
property: 'font-style',
values: [ 'italic' ],
tag: 'i'
var styleMatch = [];
for(var i = 0; i < convert_infos.length; i++){
var _partialStyle = '(' + convert_infos[i].property + ':\\s*(';
for(var j = 0; j < convert_infos[i].values.length; j++){
/* istanbul ignore next: not needed to be tested yet */
if(j > 0) _partialStyle += '|';
_partialStyle += convert_infos[i].values[j];
_partialStyle += ');)';
var styleRegexString = '(' + styleMatch.join('|') + ')';
function wrapNested(html, wrapTag) {
var depth = 0;
var lastIndex = 0;
var match;
var tagRegex = /<[^>]*>/ig;
while(match = tagRegex.exec(html)){
lastIndex = match.index;
if(match[0].substr(1, 1) === '/'){
if(depth === 0) break;
else depth--;
}else depth++;
return wrapTag +
html.substring(0, lastIndex) +
// get the start tags reversed - this is safe as we construct the strings with no content except the tags
angular.element(wrapTag)[0].outerHTML.substring(wrapTag.length) +
function transformLegacyStyles(html){
if(!html || !angular.isString(html) || html.length <= 0) return html;
var i;
var styleElementMatch = /<([^>\/]+?)style=("([^"]+)"|'([^']+)')([^>]*)>/ig;
var match, subMatch, styleVal, newTag, lastNewTag = '', newHtml, finalHtml = '', lastIndex = 0;
while(match = styleElementMatch.exec(html)){
// one of the quoted values ' or "
/* istanbul ignore next: quotations match */
styleVal = match[3] || match[4];
var styleRegex = new RegExp(styleRegexString, 'i');
// test for style values to change
if(angular.isString(styleVal) && styleRegex.test(styleVal)){
// remove build tag list
newTag = '';
// init regex here for exec
var styleRegexExec = new RegExp(styleRegexString, 'ig');
// find relevand tags and build a string of them
while(subMatch = styleRegexExec.exec(styleVal)){
for(i = 0; i < convert_infos.length; i++){
if(!!subMatch[(i*2) + 2]){
newTag += '<' + convert_infos[i].tag + '>';
// recursively find more legacy styles in html before this tag and after the previous match (if any)
newHtml = transformLegacyStyles(html.substring(lastIndex, match.index));
// build up html
if(lastNewTag.length > 0){
finalHtml += wrapNested(newHtml, lastNewTag);
}else finalHtml += newHtml;
// grab the style val without the transformed values
styleVal = styleVal.replace(new RegExp(styleRegexString, 'ig'), '');
// build the html tag
finalHtml += '<' + match[1].trim();
if(styleVal.length > 0) finalHtml += ' style="' + styleVal + '"';
finalHtml += match[5] + '>';
// update the start index to after this tag
lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
lastNewTag = newTag;
if(lastNewTag.length > 0){
finalHtml += wrapNested(html.substring(lastIndex), lastNewTag);
else finalHtml += html.substring(lastIndex);
return finalHtml;
function transformLegacyAttributes(html){
if(!html || !angular.isString(html) || html.length <= 0) return html;
// replace all align='...' tags with text-align attributes
var attrElementMatch = /<([^>\/]+?)align=("([^"]+)"|'([^']+)')([^>]*)>/ig;
var match, finalHtml = '', lastIndex = 0;
// match all attr tags
while(match = attrElementMatch.exec(html)){
// add all html before this tag
finalHtml += html.substring(lastIndex, match.index);
// record last index after this tag
lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length;
// construct tag without the align attribute
var newTag = '<' + match[1] + match[5];
// add the style attribute
/* istanbul ignore next: quotations match */
newTag = newTag.replace(/style=("([^"]+)"|'([^']+)')/i, 'style="$2$3 text-align:' + (match[3] || match[4]) + ';"');
/* istanbul ignore next: quotations match */
newTag += ' style="text-align:' + (match[3] || match[4]) + ';"';
newTag += '>';
// add to html
finalHtml += newTag;
// return with remaining html
return finalHtml + html.substring(lastIndex);
return function taSanitize(unsafe, oldsafe, ignore){
// unsafe html should NEVER built into a DOM object via angular.element. This allows XSS to be inserted and run.
if ( !ignore ) {
try {
unsafe = transformLegacyStyles(unsafe);
} catch (e) {
// unsafe and oldsafe should be valid HTML strings
// any exceptions (lets say, color for example) should be made here but with great care
// setup unsafe element for modification
unsafe = transformLegacyAttributes(unsafe);
var safe;
try {
safe = $sanitize(unsafe);
// do this afterwards, then the $sanitizer should still throw for bad markup
if(ignore) safe = unsafe;
} catch (e){
safe = oldsafe || '';
// Do processing for <pre> tags, removing tabs and return carriages outside of them
var _preTags = safe.match(/(<pre[^>]*>.*?<\/pre[^>]*>)/ig);
var processedSafe = safe.replace(/(&#(9|10);)*/ig, '');
var re = /<pre[^>]*>.*?<\/pre[^>]*>/ig;
var index = 0;
var lastIndex = 0;
var origTag;
safe = '';
while((origTag = re.exec(processedSafe)) !== null && index < _preTags.length){
safe += processedSafe.substring(lastIndex, origTag.index) + _preTags[index];
lastIndex = origTag.index + origTag[0].length;
return safe + processedSafe.substring(lastIndex);
}]).factory('taToolExecuteAction', ['$q', '$log', function($q, $log){
// this must be called on a toolScope or instance
return function(editor){
if(editor !== undefined) this.$editor = function(){ return editor; };
var deferred = $q.defer(),
promise = deferred.promise,
_editor = this.$editor();
// pass into the action the deferred function and also the function to reload the current selection if rangy available
var result;
result = this.action(deferred, _editor.startAction());
// We set the .finally callback here to make sure it doesn't get executed before any other .then callback.
if(result || result === undefined){
// if true or undefined is returned then the action has finished. Otherwise the deferred action will be resolved manually.
angular.module('textAngular.DOM', ['textAngular.factories'])
.factory('taExecCommand', ['taSelection', 'taBrowserTag', '$document', function(taSelection, taBrowserTag, $document){
var listToDefault = function(listElement, defaultWrap){
var $target, i;
// if all selected then we should remove the list
// grab all li elements and convert to taDefaultWrap tags
var children = listElement.find('li');
for(i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
$target = angular.element('<' + defaultWrap + '>' + children[i].innerHTML + '</' + defaultWrap + '>');
var selectLi = function(liElement){
if(/(<br(|\/)>)$/i.test(liElement.innerHTML.trim())) taSelection.setSelectionBeforeElement(angular.element(liElement).find("br")[0]);
else taSelection.setSelectionToElementEnd(liElement);
var listToList = function(listElement, newListTag){
var $target = angular.element('<' + newListTag + '>' + listElement[0].innerHTML + '</' + newListTag + '>');
var childElementsToList = function(elements, listElement, newListTag){
var html = '';
for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++){
html += '<' + taBrowserTag('li') + '>' + elements[i].innerHTML + '</' + taBrowserTag('li') + '>';
var $target = angular.element('<' + newListTag + '>' + html + '</' + newListTag + '>');
return function(taDefaultWrap, topNode){
taDefaultWrap = taBrowserTag(taDefaultWrap);
return function(command, showUI, options, defaultTagAttributes){
var i, $target, html, _nodes, next, optionsTagName, selectedElement;
var defaultWrapper = angular.element('<' + taDefaultWrap + '>');
selectedElement = taSelection.getSelectionElement();
var $selected = angular.element(selectedElement);
if(selectedElement !== undefined){
var tagName = selectedElement.tagName.toLowerCase();
if(command.toLowerCase() === 'insertorderedlist' || command.toLowerCase() === 'insertunorderedlist'){
var selfTag = taBrowserTag((command.toLowerCase() === 'insertorderedlist')? 'ol' : 'ul');
if(tagName === selfTag){
// if all selected then we should remove the list
// grab all li elements and convert to taDefaultWrap tags
return listToDefault($selected, taDefaultWrap);
}else if(tagName === 'li' && $selected.parent()[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === selfTag && $selected.parent().children().length === 1){
// catch for the previous statement if only one li exists
return listToDefault($selected.parent(), taDefaultWrap);
}else if(tagName === 'li' && $selected.parent()[0].tagName.toLowerCase() !== selfTag && $selected.parent().children().length === 1){
// catch for the previous statement if only one li exists
return listToList($selected.parent(), selfTag);
}else if(tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS) && !$selected.hasClass('ta-bind')){
// if it's one of those block elements we have to change the contents
// if it's a ol/ul we are changing from one to the other
if(tagName === 'ol' || tagName === 'ul'){
return listToList($selected, selfTag);
var childBlockElements = false;
angular.forEach($selected.children(), function(elem){
if(elem.tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS)) {
childBlockElements = true;
return childElementsToList($selected.children(), $selected, selfTag);
return childElementsToList([angular.element('<div>' + selectedElement.innerHTML + '</div>')[0]], $selected, selfTag);
}else if(tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS)){
// if we get here then all the contents of the ta-bind are selected
_nodes = taSelection.getOnlySelectedElements();
if(_nodes.length === 0){
// here is if there is only text in ta-bind ie <div ta-bind>test content</div>
$target = angular.element('<' + selfTag + '><li>' + selectedElement.innerHTML + '</li></' + selfTag + '>');
}else if(_nodes.length === 1 && (_nodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ol' || _nodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ul')){
if(_nodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === selfTag){
// remove
return listToDefault(angular.element(_nodes[0]), taDefaultWrap);
return listToList(angular.element(_nodes[0]), selfTag);
html = '';
var $nodes = [];
for(i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++){
/* istanbul ignore else: catch for real-world can't make it occur in testing */
if(_nodes[i].nodeType !== 3){
var $n = angular.element(_nodes[i]);
/* istanbul ignore if: browser check only, phantomjs doesn't return children nodes but chrome at least does */
if(_nodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'li') continue;
else if(_nodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ol' || _nodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ul'){
html += $n[0].innerHTML; // if it's a list, add all it's children
}else if(_nodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'span' && (_nodes[i].childNodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ol' || _nodes[i].childNodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ul')){
html += $n[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML; // if it's a list, add all it's children
html += '<' + taBrowserTag('li') + '>' + $n[0].innerHTML + '</' + taBrowserTag('li') + '>';
$target = angular.element('<' + selfTag + '>' + html + '</' + selfTag + '>');
angular.forEach($nodes, function($node){ $node.remove(); });
}else if(command.toLowerCase() === 'formatblock'){
optionsTagName = options.toLowerCase().replace(/[<>]/ig, '');
if(optionsTagName.trim() === 'default') {
optionsTagName = taDefaultWrap;
options = '<' + taDefaultWrap + '>';
if(tagName === 'li') $target = $selected.parent();
else $target = $selected;
// find the first blockElement
while(!$target[0].tagName || !$target[0].tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS) && !$target.parent().attr('contenteditable')){
$target = $target.parent();
/* istanbul ignore next */
tagName = ($target[0].tagName || '').toLowerCase();
if(tagName === optionsTagName){
// $target is wrap element
_nodes = $target.children();
var hasBlock = false;
for(i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++){
hasBlock = hasBlock || _nodes[i].tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS);
next = $target.next();
$target = next;
$target = defaultWrapper;
}else if($target.parent()[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === optionsTagName && !$target.parent().hasClass('ta-bind')){
//unwrap logic for parent
var blockElement = $target.parent();
var contents = blockElement.contents();
for(i = 0; i < contents.length; i ++){
/* istanbul ignore next: can't test - some wierd thing with how phantomjs works */
if(blockElement.parent().hasClass('ta-bind') && contents[i].nodeType === 3){
defaultWrapper = angular.element('<' + taDefaultWrap + '>');
defaultWrapper[0].innerHTML = contents[i].outerHTML;
contents[i] = defaultWrapper[0];
blockElement.parent()[0].insertBefore(contents[i], blockElement[0]);
}else if(tagName.match(LISTELEMENTS)){
// wrapping a list element
// default wrap behaviour
_nodes = taSelection.getOnlySelectedElements();
if(_nodes.length === 0) _nodes = [$target[0]];
// find the parent block element if any of the nodes are inline or text
for(i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++){
if(_nodes[i].nodeType === 3 || !_nodes[i].tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS)){
while(_nodes[i].nodeType === 3 || !_nodes[i].tagName || !_nodes[i].tagName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS)){
_nodes[i] = _nodes[i].parentNode;
$target = angular.element(options);
$target[0].innerHTML = _nodes[0].innerHTML;
_nodes[0].innerHTML = $target[0].outerHTML;
}else if(optionsTagName === 'blockquote'){
// blockquotes wrap other block elements
html = '';
for(i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++){
html += _nodes[i].outerHTML;
$target = angular.element(options);
$target[0].innerHTML = html;
for(i = _nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
/* istanbul ignore else: */
if(_nodes[i].parentNode) _nodes[i].parentNode.removeChild(_nodes[i]);
else {
// regular block elements replace other block elements
for(i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++){
$target = angular.element(options);
$target[0].innerHTML = _nodes[i].innerHTML;
}else if(command.toLowerCase() === 'createlink'){
var tagBegin = '<a href="' + options + '" target="' +
(defaultTagAttributes.a.target ? defaultTagAttributes.a.target : '') +
tagEnd = '</a>',
_selection = taSelection.getSelection();
// insert text at selection, then select then just let normal exec-command run
taSelection.insertHtml(tagBegin + options + tagEnd, topNode);
}else if(rangy.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).canSurroundContents()){
var node = angular.element(tagBegin + tagEnd)[0];
}else if(command.toLowerCase() === 'inserthtml'){
taSelection.insertHtml(options, topNode);
$document[0].execCommand(command, showUI, options);
}]).service('taSelection', ['$document', 'taDOM',
/* istanbul ignore next: all browser specifics and PhantomJS dosen't seem to support half of it */
function($document, taDOM){
// need to dereference the document else the calls don't work correctly
var _document = $document[0];
var brException = function (element, offset) {
/* check if selection is a BR element at the beginning of a container. If so, get
* the parentNode instead.
* offset should be zero in this case. Otherwise, return the original
* element.
if (element.tagName && element.tagName.match(/^br$/i) && offset === 0 && !element.previousSibling) {
return {
element: element.parentNode,
offset: 0
} else {
return {
element: element,
offset: offset
var api = {
getSelection: function(){
var range = rangy.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
var container = range.commonAncestorContainer;
var selection = {
start: brException(range.startContainer, range.startOffset),
end: brException(range.endContainer, range.endOffset),
collapsed: range.collapsed
// Check if the container is a text node and return its parent if so
container = container.nodeType === 3 ? container.parentNode : container;
if (container.parentNode === selection.start.element ||
container.parentNode === selection.end.element) {
selection.container = container.parentNode;
} else {
selection.container = container;
return selection;
getOnlySelectedElements: function(){
var range = rangy.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
var container = range.commonAncestorContainer;
// Check if the container is a text node and return its parent if so
container = container.nodeType === 3 ? container.parentNode : container;
return range.getNodes([1], function(node){
return node.parentNode === container;
// Some basic selection functions
getSelectionElement: function () {
return api.getSelection().container;
setSelection: function(el, start, end){
var range = rangy.createRange();
range.setStart(el, start);
range.setEnd(el, end);
setSelectionBeforeElement: function (el){
var range = rangy.createRange();
setSelectionAfterElement: function (el){
var range = rangy.createRange();
setSelectionToElementStart: function (el){
var range = rangy.createRange();
setSelectionToElementEnd: function (el){
var range = rangy.createRange();
if(el.childNodes && el.childNodes[el.childNodes.length - 1] && el.childNodes[el.childNodes.length - 1].nodeName === 'br'){
range.startOffset = range.endOffset = range.startOffset - 1;
// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6690752/insert-html-at-caret-in-a-contenteditable-div
// topNode is the contenteditable normally, all manipulation MUST be inside this.
insertHtml: function(html, topNode){
var parent, secondParent, _childI, nodes, i, lastNode, _tempFrag;
var element = angular.element("<div>" + html + "</div>");
var range = rangy.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
var frag = _document.createDocumentFragment();
var children = element[0].childNodes;
var isInline = true;
if(children.length > 0){
// NOTE!! We need to do the following:
// check for blockelements - if they exist then we have to split the current element in half (and all others up to the closest block element) and insert all children in-between.
// If there are no block elements, or there is a mixture we need to create textNodes for the non wrapped text (we don't want them spans messing up the picture).
nodes = [];
for(_childI = 0; _childI < children.length; _childI++){
(children[_childI].nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'p' && children[_childI].innerHTML.trim() === '') || // empty p element
(children[_childI].nodeType === 3 && children[_childI].nodeValue.trim() === '') // empty text node
isInline = isInline && !BLOCKELEMENTS.test(children[_childI].nodeName);
for(var _n = 0; _n < nodes.length; _n++) lastNode = frag.appendChild(nodes[_n]);
if(!isInline && range.collapsed && /^(|<br(|\/)>)$/i.test(range.startContainer.innerHTML)) range.selectNode(range.startContainer);
isInline = true;
// paste text of some sort
lastNode = frag = _document.createTextNode(html);
// Other Edge case - selected data spans multiple blocks.
}else{ // not inline insert
if(range.collapsed && range.startContainer !== topNode){
if(range.startContainer.innerHTML && range.startContainer.innerHTML.match(/^<[^>]*>$/i)){
// this log is to catch when innerHTML is something like `<img ...>`
parent = range.startContainer;
if(range.startOffset === 1){
// before single tag
// after single tag
// split element into 2 and insert block element in middle
if(range.startContainer.nodeType === 3 && range.startContainer.parentNode !== topNode){ // if text node
parent = range.startContainer.parentNode;
secondParent = parent.cloneNode();
// split the nodes into two lists - before and after, splitting the node with the selection into 2 text nodes.
taDOM.splitNodes(parent.childNodes, parent, secondParent, range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
// Escape out of the inline tags like b
parent = parent.parentNode;
var _lastSecondParent = secondParent;
secondParent = parent.cloneNode();
// split the nodes into two lists - before and after, splitting the node with the selection into 2 text nodes.
taDOM.splitNodes(parent.childNodes, parent, secondParent, _lastSecondParent);
parent = range.startContainer;
secondParent = parent.cloneNode();
taDOM.splitNodes(parent.childNodes, parent, secondParent, undefined, undefined, range.startOffset);
// put cursor to end of inserted content
if(/^(|<br(|\/)>)$/i.test(secondParent.innerHTML.trim())) angular.element(secondParent).remove();
if(parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'li'){
_tempFrag = _document.createDocumentFragment();
for(i = 0; i < frag.childNodes.length; i++){
element = angular.element('<li>');
taDOM.transferChildNodes(frag.childNodes[i], element[0]);
taDOM.transferNodeAttributes(frag.childNodes[i], element[0]);
frag = _tempFrag;
lastNode = frag.childNodes[frag.childNodes.length - 1];
lastNode = lastNode.childNodes[lastNode.childNodes.length - 1];
return api;
}]).service('taDOM', function(){
var taDOM = {
// recursive function that returns an array of angular.elements that have the passed attribute set on them
getByAttribute: function(element, attribute){
var resultingElements = [];
var childNodes = element.children();
angular.forEach(childNodes, function(child){
resultingElements = resultingElements.concat(taDOM.getByAttribute(angular.element(child), attribute));
if(element.attr(attribute) !== undefined) resultingElements.push(element);
return resultingElements;
transferChildNodes: function(source, target){
// clear out target
target.innerHTML = '';
while(source.childNodes.length > 0) target.appendChild(source.childNodes[0]);
return target;
splitNodes: function(nodes, target1, target2, splitNode, subSplitIndex, splitIndex){
if(!splitNode && isNaN(splitIndex)) throw new Error('taDOM.splitNodes requires a splitNode or splitIndex');
var startNodes = document.createDocumentFragment();
var endNodes = document.createDocumentFragment();
var index = 0;
while(nodes.length > 0 && (isNaN(splitIndex) || splitIndex !== index) && nodes[0] !== splitNode){
startNodes.appendChild(nodes[0]); // this removes from the nodes array (if proper childNodes object.
if(!isNaN(subSplitIndex) && subSplitIndex >= 0 && nodes[0]){
startNodes.appendChild(document.createTextNode(nodes[0].nodeValue.substring(0, subSplitIndex)));
nodes[0].nodeValue = nodes[0].nodeValue.substring(subSplitIndex);
while(nodes.length > 0) endNodes.appendChild(nodes[0]);
taDOM.transferChildNodes(startNodes, target1);
taDOM.transferChildNodes(endNodes, target2);
transferNodeAttributes: function(source, target){
for(var i = 0; i < source.attributes.length; i++) target.setAttribute(source.attributes[i].name, source.attributes[i].value);
return target;
return taDOM;
angular.module('textAngular.validators', [])
.directive('taMaxText', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl){
var max = parseInt(scope.$eval(attrs.taMaxText));
if (isNaN(max)){
throw('Max text must be an integer');
attrs.$observe('taMaxText', function(value){
max = parseInt(value);
if (isNaN(max)){
throw('Max text must be an integer');
if (ctrl.$dirty){
ctrl.$validators.taMaxText = function(viewValue){
var source = angular.element('<div/>');
return source.text().length <= max;
}).directive('taMinText', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl){
var min = parseInt(scope.$eval(attrs.taMinText));
if (isNaN(min)){
throw('Min text must be an integer');
attrs.$observe('taMinText', function(value){
min = parseInt(value);
if (isNaN(min)){
throw('Min text must be an integer');
if (ctrl.$dirty){
ctrl.$validators.taMinText = function(viewValue){
var source = angular.element('<div/>');
return !source.text().length || source.text().length >= min;
angular.module('textAngular.taBind', ['textAngular.factories', 'textAngular.DOM'])
.service('_taBlankTest', [function(){
var INLINETAGS_NONBLANK = /<(a|abbr|acronym|bdi|bdo|big|cite|code|del|dfn|img|ins|kbd|label|map|mark|q|ruby|rp|rt|s|samp|time|tt|var)[^>]*(>|$)/i;
return function(_defaultTest){
return function(_blankVal){
if(!_blankVal) return true;
// find first non-tag match - ie start of string or after tag that is not whitespace
var _firstMatch = /(^[^<]|>)[^<]/i.exec(_blankVal);
var _firstTagIndex;
// find the end of the first tag removing all the
// Don't do a global replace as that would be waaayy too long, just replace the first 4 occurences should be enough
_blankVal = _blankVal.toString().replace(/="[^"]*"/i, '').replace(/="[^"]*"/i, '').replace(/="[^"]*"/i, '').replace(/="[^"]*"/i, '');
_firstTagIndex = _blankVal.indexOf('>');
_firstTagIndex = _firstMatch.index;
_blankVal = _blankVal.trim().substring(_firstTagIndex, _firstTagIndex + 100);
// check for no tags entry
if(/^[^<>]+$/i.test(_blankVal)) return false;
// this regex is to match any number of whitespace only between two tags
if (_blankVal.length === 0 || _blankVal === _defaultTest || /^>(\s|&nbsp;)*<\/[^>]+>$/ig.test(_blankVal)) return true;
// this regex tests if there is a tag followed by some optional whitespace and some text after that
else if (/>\s*[^\s<]/i.test(_blankVal) || INLINETAGS_NONBLANK.test(_blankVal)) return false;
else return true;
.directive('taButton', [function(){
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
element.attr('unselectable', 'on');
element.on('mousedown', function(e, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(e, eventData);
// this prevents focusout from firing on the editor when clicking toolbar buttons
return false;
.directive('taBind', [
'taSanitize', '$timeout', '$document', 'taFixChrome', 'taBrowserTag',
'taSelection', 'taSelectableElements', 'taApplyCustomRenderers', 'taOptions',
'_taBlankTest', '$parse', 'taDOM', 'textAngularManager',
taSanitize, $timeout, $document, taFixChrome, taBrowserTag,
taSelection, taSelectableElements, taApplyCustomRenderers, taOptions,
_taBlankTest, $parse, taDOM, textAngularManager){
// Uses for this are textarea or input with ng-model and ta-bind='text'
// OR any non-form element with contenteditable="contenteditable" ta-bind="html|text" ng-model
return {
priority: 2, // So we override validators correctly
require: ['ngModel','?ngModelOptions'],
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller){
var ngModel = controller[0];
var ngModelOptions = controller[1] || {};
// the option to use taBind on an input or textarea is required as it will sanitize all input into it correctly.
var _isContentEditable = element.attr('contenteditable') !== undefined && element.attr('contenteditable');
var _isInputFriendly = _isContentEditable || element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' || element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input';
var _isReadonly = false;
var _focussed = false;
var _skipRender = false;
var _disableSanitizer = attrs.taUnsafeSanitizer || taOptions.disableSanitizer;
var _lastKey;
// see http://www.javascripter.net/faq/keycodes.htm for good information
// NOTE Mute On|Off 173 (Opera MSIE Safari Chrome) 181 (Firefox)
// BLOCKED_KEYS are special keys...
// Tab, pause/break, CapsLock, Esc, Page Up, End, Home,
// Left arrow, Up arrow, Right arrow, Down arrow, Insert, Delete,
// f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12
// NumLock, ScrollLock
var BLOCKED_KEYS = /^(9|19|20|27|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|40|45|112|113|114|115|116|117|118|119|120|121|122|123|144|145)$/i;
// UNDO_TRIGGER_KEYS - spaces, enter, delete, backspace, all punctuation
// Backspace, Enter, Space, Delete, (; :) (Firefox), (= +) (Firefox),
// Numpad +, Numpad -, (; :), (= +),
// (, <), (- _), (. >), (/ ?), (` ~), ([ {), (\ |), (] }), (' ")
// NOTE - Firefox: 173 = (- _) -- adding this to UNDO_TRIGGER_KEYS
var UNDO_TRIGGER_KEYS = /^(8|13|32|46|59|61|107|109|173|186|187|188|189|190|191|192|219|220|221|222)$/i;
var _pasteHandler;
// defaults to the paragraph element, but we need the line-break or it doesn't allow you to type into the empty element
// non IE is '<p><br/></p>', ie is '<p></p>' as for once IE gets it correct...
var _defaultVal, _defaultTest;
var _CTRL_KEY = 0x0001;
var _META_KEY = 0x0002;
var _ALT_KEY = 0x0004;
var _SHIFT_KEY = 0x0008;
// map events to special keys...
// mappings is an array of maps from events to specialKeys as declared in textAngularSetup
var _keyMappings = [
// ctrl/command + z
specialKey: 'UndoKey',
forbiddenModifiers: _ALT_KEY + _SHIFT_KEY,
mustHaveModifiers: [_META_KEY + _CTRL_KEY],
keyCode: 90
// ctrl/command + shift + z
specialKey: 'RedoKey',
forbiddenModifiers: _ALT_KEY,
mustHaveModifiers: [_META_KEY + _CTRL_KEY, _SHIFT_KEY],
keyCode: 90
// ctrl/command + y
specialKey: 'RedoKey',
forbiddenModifiers: _ALT_KEY + _SHIFT_KEY,
mustHaveModifiers: [_META_KEY + _CTRL_KEY],
keyCode: 89
// TabKey
specialKey: 'TabKey',
forbiddenModifiers: _META_KEY + _SHIFT_KEY + _ALT_KEY + _CTRL_KEY,
mustHaveModifiers: [],
keyCode: 9
// shift + TabKey
specialKey: 'ShiftTabKey',
forbiddenModifiers: _META_KEY + _ALT_KEY + _CTRL_KEY,
mustHaveModifiers: [_SHIFT_KEY],
keyCode: 9
function _mapKeys(event) {
var specialKey;
_keyMappings.forEach(function (map){
if (map.keyCode === event.keyCode) {
var netModifiers = (event.metaKey ? _META_KEY: 0) +
(event.ctrlKey ? _CTRL_KEY: 0) +
(event.shiftKey ? _SHIFT_KEY: 0) +
(event.altKey ? _ALT_KEY: 0);
if (map.forbiddenModifiers & netModifiers) return;
if (map.mustHaveModifiers.every(function (modifier) { return netModifiers & modifier; })){
specialKey = map.specialKey;
return specialKey;
// set the default to be a paragraph value
if(attrs.taDefaultWrap === undefined) attrs.taDefaultWrap = 'p';
/* istanbul ignore next: ie specific test */
if(attrs.taDefaultWrap === ''){
_defaultVal = '';
_defaultTest = (_browserDetect.ie === undefined)? '<div><br></div>' : (_browserDetect.ie >= 11)? '<p><br></p>' : (_browserDetect.ie <= 8)? '<P>&nbsp;</P>' : '<p>&nbsp;</p>';
_defaultVal = (_browserDetect.ie === undefined || _browserDetect.ie >= 11)?
'<' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '><br></' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '>' :
(_browserDetect.ie <= 8)?
'<' + attrs.taDefaultWrap.toUpperCase() + '></' + attrs.taDefaultWrap.toUpperCase() + '>' :
'<' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '></' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '>';
_defaultTest = (_browserDetect.ie === undefined || _browserDetect.ie >= 11)?
'<' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '><br></' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '>' :
(_browserDetect.ie <= 8)?
'<' + attrs.taDefaultWrap.toUpperCase() + '>&nbsp;</' + attrs.taDefaultWrap.toUpperCase() + '>' :
'<' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '>&nbsp;</' + attrs.taDefaultWrap + '>';
/* istanbul ignore else */
if(!ngModelOptions.$options) ngModelOptions.$options = {}; // ng-model-options support
var _blankTest = _taBlankTest(_defaultTest);
var _ensureContentWrapped = function(value) {
if (_blankTest(value)) return value;
var domTest = angular.element("<div>" + value + "</div>");
//console.log('domTest.children().length():', domTest.children().length);
if (domTest.children().length === 0) {
value = "<" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">" + value + "</" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">";
} else {
var _children = domTest[0].childNodes;
var i;
var _foundBlockElement = false;
for (i = 0; i < _children.length; i++) {
if (_foundBlockElement = _children[i].nodeName.toLowerCase().match(BLOCKELEMENTS)) break;
if (!_foundBlockElement) {
value = "<" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">" + value + "</" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">";
value = "";
for(i = 0; i < _children.length; i++){
var node = _children[i];
var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if(nodeName === '#comment') {
value += '<!--' + node.nodeValue + '-->';
} else if(nodeName === '#text') {
// determine if this is all whitespace, if so, we will leave it as it is.
// otherwise, we will wrap it as it is
var text = node.textContent;
if (!text.trim()) {
// just whitespace
value += text;
} else {
// not pure white space so wrap in <p>...</p> or whatever attrs.taDefaultWrap is set to.
value += "<" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">" + text + "</" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">";
} else if(!nodeName.match(BLOCKELEMENTS)){
/* istanbul ignore next: Doesn't seem to trigger on tests */
var _subVal = (node.outerHTML || node.nodeValue);
/* istanbul ignore else: Doesn't seem to trigger on tests, is tested though */
if(_subVal.trim() !== '')
value += "<" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">" + _subVal + "</" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">";
else value += _subVal;
} else {
value += node.outerHTML;
return value;
if(attrs.taPaste) _pasteHandler = $parse(attrs.taPaste);
var _undoKeyupTimeout;
scope['$undoManager' + (attrs.id || '')] = ngModel.$undoManager = {
_stack: [],
_index: 0,
_max: 1000,
push: function(value){
if((typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) ||
((typeof this.current() !== "undefined" && this.current() !== null) && value === this.current())) return value;
if(this._index < this._stack.length - 1){
this._stack = this._stack.slice(0,this._index+1);
if(_undoKeyupTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_undoKeyupTimeout);
if(this._stack.length > this._max) this._stack.shift();
this._index = this._stack.length - 1;
return value;
undo: function(){
return this.setToIndex(this._index-1);
redo: function(){
return this.setToIndex(this._index+1);
setToIndex: function(index){
if(index < 0 || index > this._stack.length - 1){
return undefined;
this._index = index;
return this.current();
current: function(){
return this._stack[this._index];
var _redoUndoTimeout;
var _undo = scope['$undoTaBind' + (attrs.id || '')] = function(){
/* istanbul ignore else: can't really test it due to all changes being ignored as well in readonly */
if(!_isReadonly && _isContentEditable){
var content = ngModel.$undoManager.undo();
if(typeof content !== "undefined" && content !== null){
_setViewValue(content, false);
if(_redoUndoTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_redoUndoTimeout);
_redoUndoTimeout = $timeout(function(){
}, 1);
var _redo = scope['$redoTaBind' + (attrs.id || '')] = function(){
/* istanbul ignore else: can't really test it due to all changes being ignored as well in readonly */
if(!_isReadonly && _isContentEditable){
var content = ngModel.$undoManager.redo();
if(typeof content !== "undefined" && content !== null){
_setViewValue(content, false);
/* istanbul ignore next */
if(_redoUndoTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_redoUndoTimeout);
_redoUndoTimeout = $timeout(function(){
}, 1);
// in here we are undoing the converts used elsewhere to prevent the < > and & being displayed when they shouldn't in the code.
var _compileHtml = function(){
if(_isContentEditable) return element[0].innerHTML;
if(_isInputFriendly) return element.val();
throw ('textAngular Error: attempting to update non-editable taBind');
var _setViewValue = function(_val, triggerUndo, skipRender){
_skipRender = skipRender || false;
if(typeof triggerUndo === "undefined" || triggerUndo === null) triggerUndo = true && _isContentEditable; // if not contentEditable then the native undo/redo is fine
if(typeof _val === "undefined" || _val === null) _val = _compileHtml();
// this avoids us from tripping the ng-pristine flag if we click in and out with out typing
if(ngModel.$viewValue !== '') ngModel.$setViewValue('');
if(triggerUndo && ngModel.$undoManager.current() !== '') ngModel.$undoManager.push('');
if(ngModel.$viewValue !== _val){
if(triggerUndo) ngModel.$undoManager.push(_val);
//used for updating when inserting wrapped elements
scope['updateTaBind' + (attrs.id || '')] = function(){
if(!_isReadonly) _setViewValue(undefined, undefined, true);
// catch DOM XSS via taSanitize
// Sanitizing both ways is identical
var _sanitize = function(unsafe){
return (ngModel.$oldViewValue = taSanitize(taFixChrome(unsafe), ngModel.$oldViewValue, _disableSanitizer));
// trigger the validation calls
if(element.attr('required')) ngModel.$validators.required = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
return !_blankTest(modelValue || viewValue);
// parsers trigger from the above keyup function or any other time that the viewValue is updated and parses it for storage in the ngModel
// because textAngular is bi-directional (which is awesome) we need to also sanitize values going in from the server
return ngModel.$undoManager.push(value || '');
//this code is used to update the models when data is entered/deleted
scope.events = {};
// if a textarea or input just add in change and blur handlers, everything else is done by angulars input directive
element.on('change blur', scope.events.change = scope.events.blur = function(){
if(!_isReadonly) ngModel.$setViewValue(_compileHtml());
element.on('keydown', scope.events.keydown = function(event, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(event, eventData);
// Reference to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6140632/how-to-handle-tab-in-textarea
/* istanbul ignore else: otherwise normal functionality */
if(event.keyCode === 9){ // tab was pressed
// get caret position/selection
var start = this.selectionStart;
var end = this.selectionEnd;
var value = element.val();
// find \t
var _linebreak = value.lastIndexOf('\n', start), _tab = value.lastIndexOf('\t', start);
if(_tab !== -1 && _tab >= _linebreak){
// set textarea value to: text before caret + tab + text after caret
element.val(value.substring(0, _tab) + value.substring(_tab + 1));
// put caret at right position again (add one for the tab)
this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start - 1;
// set textarea value to: text before caret + tab + text after caret
element.val(value.substring(0, start) + "\t" + value.substring(end));
// put caret at right position again (add one for the tab)
this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + 1;
// prevent the focus lose
var _repeat = function(string, n){
var result = '';
for(var _n = 0; _n < n; _n++) result += string;
return result;
// add a forEach function that will work on a NodeList, etc..
var forEach = function (array, callback, scope) {
for (var i= 0; i<array.length; i++) {
callback.call(scope, i, array[i]);
// handle <ul> or <ol> nodes
var recursiveListFormat = function(listNode, tablevel){
var _html = '';
var _subnodes = listNode.childNodes;
// tab out and add the <ul> or <ol> html piece
_html += _repeat('\t', tablevel-1) + listNode.outerHTML.substring(0, 4);
forEach(_subnodes, function (index, node) {
/* istanbul ignore next: browser catch */
var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (nodeName === '#comment') {
_html += '<!--' + node.nodeValue + '-->';
if (nodeName === '#text') {
_html += node.textContent;
/* istanbul ignore next: not tested, and this was original code -- so not wanting to possibly cause an issue, leaving it... */
if(!node.outerHTML) {
// no html to add
if(nodeName === 'ul' || nodeName === 'ol') {
_html += '\n' + recursiveListFormat(node, tablevel);
else {
// no reformatting within this subnode, so just do the tabing...
_html += '\n' + _repeat('\t', tablevel) + node.outerHTML;
// now add on the </ol> or </ul> piece
_html += '\n' + _repeat('\t', tablevel-1) + listNode.outerHTML.substring(listNode.outerHTML.lastIndexOf('<'));
return _html;
// handle formating of something like:
// <ol><!--First comment-->
// <li>Test Line 1<!--comment test list 1--></li>
// <ul><!--comment ul-->
// <li>Nested Line 1</li>
// <!--comment between nested lines--><li>Nested Line 2</li>
// </ul>
// <li>Test Line 3</li>
// </ol>
// tabulate the HTML so it looks nicer
// first get a list of the nodes...
// we do this by using the element parser...
// doing this -- which is simpiler -- breaks our tests...
//var _nodes=angular.element(htmlValue);
var _nodes = angular.element('<div>' + htmlValue + '</div>')[0].childNodes;
if(_nodes.length > 0){
// do the reformatting of the layout...
htmlValue = '';
forEach(_nodes, function (index, node) {
var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (nodeName === '#comment') {
htmlValue += '<!--' + node.nodeValue + '-->';
if (nodeName === '#text') {
htmlValue += node.textContent;
/* istanbul ignore next: not tested, and this was original code -- so not wanting to possibly cause an issue, leaving it... */
// nothing to format!
if(htmlValue.length > 0) {
// we aready have some content, so drop to a new line
htmlValue += '\n';
if(nodeName === 'ul' || nodeName === 'ol') {
// okay a set of list stuff we want to reformat in a nested way
htmlValue += '' + recursiveListFormat(node, 0);
else {
// just use the original without any additional formating
htmlValue += '' + node.outerHTML;
return htmlValue;
// all the code specific to contenteditable divs
var _processingPaste = false;
/* istanbul ignore next: phantom js cannot test this for some reason */
var processpaste = function(text) {
var _isOneNote = text.match(/content=["']*OneNote.File/i);
/* istanbul ignore else: don't care if nothing pasted */
if(text && text.trim().length){
// test paste from word/microsoft product
if(text.match(/class=["']*Mso(Normal|List)/i) || text.match(/content=["']*Word.Document/i) || text.match(/content=["']*OneNote.File/i)){
var textFragment = text.match(/<!--StartFragment-->([\s\S]*?)<!--EndFragment-->/i);
if(!textFragment) textFragment = text;
else textFragment = textFragment[1];
textFragment = textFragment.replace(/<o:p>[\s\S]*?<\/o:p>/ig, '').replace(/class=(["']|)MsoNormal(["']|)/ig, '');
var dom = angular.element("<div>" + textFragment + "</div>");
var targetDom = angular.element("<div></div>");
var _list = {
element: null,
lastIndent: [],
lastLi: null,
isUl: false
_list.lastIndent.peek = function(){
var n = this.length;
if (n>0) return this[n-1];
var _resetList = function(isUl){
_list.isUl = isUl;
_list.element = angular.element(isUl ? "<ul>" : "<ol>");
_list.lastIndent = [];
_list.lastIndent.peek = function(){
var n = this.length;
if (n>0) return this[n-1];
_list.lastLevelMatch = null;
for(var i = 0; i <= dom[0].childNodes.length; i++){
if(!dom[0].childNodes[i] || dom[0].childNodes[i].nodeName === "#text"){
} else {
var tagName = dom[0].childNodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase();
if(tagName !== "p" && tagName !== "h1" && tagName !== "h2" && tagName !== "h3" && tagName !== "h4" && tagName !== "h5" && tagName !== "h6"){
var el = angular.element(dom[0].childNodes[i]);
var _listMatch = (el.attr('class') || '').match(/MsoList(Bullet|Number|Paragraph)(CxSp(First|Middle|Last)|)/i);
if(el[0].childNodes.length < 2 || el[0].childNodes[1].childNodes.length < 1){
var isUl = _listMatch[1].toLowerCase() === "bullet" || (_listMatch[1].toLowerCase() !== "number" && !(/^[^0-9a-z<]*[0-9a-z]+[^0-9a-z<>]</i.test(el[0].childNodes[1].innerHTML) || /^[^0-9a-z<]*[0-9a-z]+[^0-9a-z<>]</i.test(el[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].innerHTML)));
var _indentMatch = (el.attr('style') || '').match(/margin-left:([\-\.0-9]*)/i);
var indent = parseFloat((_indentMatch)?_indentMatch[1]:0);
var _levelMatch = (el.attr('style') || '').match(/mso-list:l([0-9]+) level([0-9]+) lfo[0-9+]($|;)/i);
// prefers the mso-list syntax
if(_levelMatch && _levelMatch[2]) indent = parseInt(_levelMatch[2]);
if ((_levelMatch && (!_list.lastLevelMatch || _levelMatch[1] !== _list.lastLevelMatch[1])) || !_listMatch[3] || _listMatch[3].toLowerCase() === "first" || (_list.lastIndent.peek() === null) || (_list.isUl !== isUl && _list.lastIndent.peek() === indent)) {
} else if (_list.lastIndent.peek() != null && _list.lastIndent.peek() < indent){
_list.element = angular.element(isUl ? "<ul>" : "<ol>");
} else if (_list.lastIndent.peek() != null && _list.lastIndent.peek() > indent){
while(_list.lastIndent.peek() != null && _list.lastIndent.peek() > indent){
if(_list.element.parent()[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'li'){
_list.element = _list.element.parent();
}else if(/[uo]l/i.test(_list.element.parent()[0].tagName.toLowerCase())){
_list.element = _list.element.parent();
}else{ // else it's it should be a sibling
_list.isUl = _list.element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === "ul";
if (isUl !== _list.isUl) {
_list.lastLevelMatch = _levelMatch;
if(indent !== _list.lastIndent.peek()) _list.lastIndent.push(indent);
_list.lastLi = angular.element("<li>");
_list.lastLi.html(el.html().replace(/<!(--|)\[if !supportLists\](--|)>[\s\S]*?<!(--|)\[endif\](--|)>/ig, ''));
var _unwrapElement = function(node){
node = angular.element(node);
for(var _n = node[0].childNodes.length - 1; _n >= 0; _n--) node.after(node[0].childNodes[_n]);
angular.forEach(targetDom.find('span'), function(node){
if(node.attributes.length <= 0) _unwrapElement(node);
angular.forEach(targetDom.find('font'), _unwrapElement);
text = targetDom.html();
text = targetDom.html() || dom.html();
// remove unnecessary chrome insert
text = text.replace(/<(|\/)meta[^>]*?>/ig, '');
// entire text-angular or ta-bind has been pasted, REMOVE AT ONCE!!
var _el = angular.element("<div>" + text + "</div>");
var binds = taDOM.getByAttribute(_el, 'ta-bind');
for(var _b = 0; _b < binds.length; _b++){
var _target = binds[_b][0].parentNode.parentNode;
for(var _c = 0; _c < binds[_b][0].childNodes.length; _c++){
_target.parentNode.insertBefore(binds[_b][0].childNodes[_c], _target);
text = _el.html().replace('<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">', '');
}else if(text.match(/^<span/)){
// in case of pasting only a span - chrome paste, remove them. THis is just some wierd formatting
// if we remove the '<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>' here we destroy the spacing
// on paste from even ourselves!
if (!text.match(/<span class=(\"Apple-converted-space\"|\'Apple-converted-space\')>.<\/span>/ig)) {
text = text.replace(/<(|\/)span[^>]*?>/ig, '');
// Webkit on Apple tags
text = text.replace(/<br class="Apple-interchange-newline"[^>]*?>/ig, '').replace(/<span class="Apple-converted-space">( |&nbsp;)<\/span>/ig, '&nbsp;');
if (/<li(\s.*)?>/i.test(text) && /(<ul(\s.*)?>|<ol(\s.*)?>).*<li(\s.*)?>/i.test(text) === false) {
// insert missing parent of li element
text = text.replace(/<li(\s.*)?>.*<\/li(\s.*)?>/i, '<ul>$&</ul>');
// parse whitespace from plaintext input, starting with preceding spaces that get stripped on paste
text = text.replace(/^[ |\u00A0]+/gm, function (match) {
var result = '';
for (var i = 0; i < match.length; i++) {
result += '&nbsp;';
return result;
}).replace(/\n|\r\n|\r/g, '<br />').replace(/\t/g, '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;');
if(_pasteHandler) text = _pasteHandler(scope, {$html: text}) || text;
text = taSanitize(text, '', _disableSanitizer);
taSelection.insertHtml(text, element[0]);
_processingPaste = false;
}, 0);
_processingPaste = false;
element.on('paste', scope.events.paste = function(e, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(e, eventData);
if(_isReadonly || _processingPaste){
return false;
// Code adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2176861/javascript-get-clipboard-data-on-paste-event-cross-browser/6804718#6804718
_processingPaste = true;
var pastedContent;
var clipboardData = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData;
if (clipboardData && clipboardData.getData && clipboardData.types.length > 0) {// Webkit - get data from clipboard, put into editdiv, cleanup, then cancel event
var _types = "";
for(var _t = 0; _t < clipboardData.types.length; _t++){
_types += " " + clipboardData.types[_t];
/* istanbul ignore next: browser tests */
if (/text\/html/i.test(_types)) {
pastedContent = clipboardData.getData('text/html');
} else if (/text\/plain/i.test(_types)) {
pastedContent = clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
return false;
} else {// Everything else - empty editdiv and allow browser to paste content into it, then cleanup
var _savedSelection = rangy.saveSelection(),
_tempDiv = angular.element('<div class="ta-hidden-input" contenteditable="true"></div>');
// restore selection
}, 0);
element.on('cut', scope.events.cut = function(e){
// timeout to next is needed as otherwise the paste/cut event has not finished actually changing the display
if(!_isReadonly) $timeout(function(){
}, 0);
else e.preventDefault();
element.on('keydown', scope.events.keydown = function(event, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(event, eventData);
event.specialKey = _mapKeys(event);
var userSpecialKey;
/* istanbul ignore next: difficult to test */
taOptions.keyMappings.forEach(function (mapping) {
if (event.specialKey === mapping.commandKeyCode) {
// taOptions has remapped this binding... so
// we disable our own
event.specialKey = undefined;
if (mapping.testForKey(event)) {
userSpecialKey = mapping.commandKeyCode;
if ((mapping.commandKeyCode === 'UndoKey') || (mapping.commandKeyCode === 'RedoKey')) {
// this is necessary to fully stop the propagation.
if (!mapping.enablePropagation) {
/* istanbul ignore next: difficult to test */
if (typeof userSpecialKey !== 'undefined') {
event.specialKey = userSpecialKey;
/* istanbul ignore next: difficult to test as can't seem to select */
if ((typeof event.specialKey !== 'undefined') && (
event.specialKey !== 'UndoKey' || event.specialKey !== 'RedoKey'
)) {
textAngularManager.sendKeyCommand(scope, event);
/* istanbul ignore else: readonly check */
if (event.specialKey==='UndoKey') {
if (event.specialKey==='RedoKey') {
/* istanbul ignore next: difficult to test as can't seem to select */
if(event.keyCode === 13 && !event.shiftKey){
var contains = function(a, obj) {
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] === obj) {
return true;
return false;
var $selection;
var selection = taSelection.getSelectionElement();
if(!selection.tagName.match(VALIDELEMENTS)) return;
var _new = angular.element(_defaultVal);
// if we are in the last element of a blockquote, or ul or ol and the element is blank
// we need to pull the element outside of the said type
var moveOutsideElements = ['blockquote', 'ul', 'ol'];
if (contains(moveOutsideElements, selection.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase())) {
if (/^<br(|\/)>$/i.test(selection.innerHTML.trim()) && !selection.nextSibling) {
// if last element is blank, pull element outside.
$selection = angular.element(selection);
var _parent = $selection.parent();
if (_parent.children().length === 0) _parent.remove();
if (/^<[^>]+><br(|\/)><\/[^>]+>$/i.test(selection.innerHTML.trim())) {
$selection = angular.element(selection);
var _keyupTimeout;
element.on('keyup', scope.events.keyup = function(event, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(event, eventData);
/* istanbul ignore next: FF specific bug fix */
if (event.keyCode === 9) {
var _selection = taSelection.getSelection();
if(_selection.start.element === element[0] && element.children().length) taSelection.setSelectionToElementStart(element.children()[0]);
if(_undoKeyupTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_undoKeyupTimeout);
if(!_isReadonly && !BLOCKED_KEYS.test(event.keyCode)){
// if enter - insert new taDefaultWrap, if shift+enter insert <br/>
if(_defaultVal !== '' && event.keyCode === 13){
// new paragraph, br should be caught correctly
var selection = taSelection.getSelectionElement();
while(!selection.tagName.match(VALIDELEMENTS) && selection !== element[0]){
selection = selection.parentNode;
if(selection.tagName.toLowerCase() !== attrs.taDefaultWrap && selection.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'li' && (selection.innerHTML.trim() === '' || selection.innerHTML.trim() === '<br>')){
var _new = angular.element(_defaultVal);
var val = _compileHtml();
if(_defaultVal !== '' && val.trim() === ''){
}else if(val.substring(0, 1) !== '<' && attrs.taDefaultWrap !== ''){
/* we no longer do this, since there can be comments here and white space
var _savedSelection = rangy.saveSelection();
val = _compileHtml();
val = "<" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">" + val + "</" + attrs.taDefaultWrap + ">";
var triggerUndo = _lastKey !== event.keyCode && UNDO_TRIGGER_KEYS.test(event.keyCode);
if(_keyupTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_keyupTimeout);
_keyupTimeout = $timeout(function() {
_setViewValue(val, triggerUndo, true);
}, ngModelOptions.$options.debounce || 400);
if(!triggerUndo) _undoKeyupTimeout = $timeout(function(){ ngModel.$undoManager.push(val); }, 250);
_lastKey = event.keyCode;
element.on('blur', scope.events.blur = function(){
_focussed = false;
/* istanbul ignore else: if readonly don't update model */
_setViewValue(undefined, undefined, true);
_skipRender = true; // don't redo the whole thing, just check the placeholder logic
// Placeholders not supported on ie 8 and below
if(attrs.placeholder && (_browserDetect.ie > 8 || _browserDetect.ie === undefined)){
var rule;
if(attrs.id) rule = addCSSRule('#' + attrs.id + '.placeholder-text:before', 'content: "' + attrs.placeholder + '"');
else throw('textAngular Error: An unique ID is required for placeholders to work');
scope.$on('$destroy', function(){
element.on('focus', scope.events.focus = function(){
_focussed = true;
element.on('mouseup', scope.events.mouseup = function(){
var _selection = taSelection.getSelection();
if(_selection.start.element === element[0] && element.children().length) taSelection.setSelectionToElementStart(element.children()[0]);
// prevent propagation on mousedown in editor, see #206
element.on('mousedown', scope.events.mousedown = function(event, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(event, eventData);
var selectorClickHandler = function(event){
// emit the element-select event, pass the element
scope.$emit('ta-element-select', this);
return false;
var fileDropHandler = function(event, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(event, eventData);
// emit the drop event, pass the element, preventing should be done elsewhere
if(!dropFired && !_isReadonly){
dropFired = true;
var dataTransfer;
if(event.originalEvent) dataTransfer = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer;
else dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer;
scope.$emit('ta-drop-event', this, event, dataTransfer);
dropFired = false;
_setViewValue(undefined, undefined, true);
}, 100);
//used for updating when inserting wrapped elements
var _reApplyOnSelectorHandlers = scope['reApplyOnSelectorHandlers' + (attrs.id || '')] = function(){
/* istanbul ignore else */
if(!_isReadonly) angular.forEach(taSelectableElements, function(selector){
// check we don't apply the handler twice
.off('click', selectorClickHandler)
.on('click', selectorClickHandler);
var _setInnerHTML = function(newval){
element[0].innerHTML = newval;
var _renderTimeout;
var _renderInProgress = false;
// changes to the model variable from outside the html/text inputs
ngModel.$render = function(){
/* istanbul ignore if: Catches rogue renders, hard to replicate in tests */
if(_renderInProgress) return;
else _renderInProgress = true;
// catch model being null or undefined
var val = ngModel.$viewValue || '';
// if the editor isn't focused it needs to be updated, otherwise it's receiving user input
/* istanbul ignore else: in other cases we don't care */
if(_isContentEditable && _focussed){
// update while focussed
if(_renderTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_renderTimeout);
_renderTimeout = $timeout(function(){
/* istanbul ignore if: Can't be bothered testing this... */
taSelection.setSelectionToElementEnd(element.children()[element.children().length - 1]);
_renderTimeout = undefined;
}, 1);
if(val === ''){
// blank
// not-blank
_setInnerHTML((val === '') ? _defaultVal : val);
// if in WYSIWYG and readOnly we kill the use of links by clicking
element.on('drop', fileDropHandler);
element.off('drop', fileDropHandler);
}else if(element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'textarea' && element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'input'){
// make sure the end user can SEE the html code as a display. This is a read-only display element
// only for input and textarea inputs
if(_isContentEditable && attrs.placeholder){
if(val === ''){
if(_focussed) element.removeClass('placeholder-text');
else element.addClass('placeholder-text');
_renderInProgress = _skipRender = false;
//set initial value
_isReadonly = scope.$eval(attrs.taReadonly);
// we changed to readOnly mode (taReadonly='true')
if(element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' || element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input'){
element.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
if(element.attr('contenteditable') !== undefined && element.attr('contenteditable')){
// we changed to NOT readOnly mode (taReadonly='false')
if(element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' || element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input'){
}else if(_isContentEditable){
element.attr('contenteditable', 'true');
// taReadonly only has an effect if the taBind element is an input or textarea or has contenteditable='true' on it.
// Otherwise it is readonly by default
scope.$watch(attrs.taReadonly, function(newVal, oldVal){
if(oldVal === newVal) return;
// we changed to readOnly mode (taReadonly='true')
if(element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' || element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input'){
element.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
if(element.attr('contenteditable') !== undefined && element.attr('contenteditable')){
// turn ON selector click handlers
angular.forEach(taSelectableElements, function(selector){
element.find(selector).on('click', selectorClickHandler);
element.off('drop', fileDropHandler);
// we changed to NOT readOnly mode (taReadonly='false')
if(element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' || element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input'){
}else if(_isContentEditable){
element.attr('contenteditable', 'true');
// remove the selector click handlers
angular.forEach(taSelectableElements, function(selector){
element.find(selector).off('click', selectorClickHandler);
element.on('drop', fileDropHandler);
_isReadonly = newVal;
// Initialise the selectableElements
// if in WYSIWYG and readOnly we kill the use of links by clicking
if(_isContentEditable && !_isReadonly){
angular.forEach(taSelectableElements, function(selector){
element.find(selector).on('click', selectorClickHandler);
element.on('drop', fileDropHandler);
element.on('blur', function(){
/* istanbul ignore next: webkit fix */
if(_browserDetect.webkit) { // detect webkit
globalContentEditableBlur = true;
// this global var is used to prevent multiple fires of the drop event. Needs to be global to the textAngular file.
var dropFired = false;
var textAngular = angular.module("textAngular", ['ngSanitize', 'textAngularSetup', 'textAngular.factories', 'textAngular.DOM', 'textAngular.validators', 'textAngular.taBind']); //This makes ngSanitize required
// clear taTools variable. Just catches testing and any other time that this config may run multiple times...
angular.forEach(taTools, function(value, key){ delete taTools[key]; });
textAngular.directive("textAngular", [
'$compile', '$timeout', 'taOptions', 'taSelection', 'taExecCommand',
'textAngularManager', '$document', '$animate', '$log', '$q', '$parse',
function($compile, $timeout, taOptions, taSelection, taExecCommand,
textAngularManager, $document, $animate, $log, $q, $parse){
return {
require: '?ngModel',
scope: {},
restrict: "EA",
priority: 2, // So we override validators correctly
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel){
// all these vars should not be accessable outside this directive
var _keydown, _keyup, _keypress, _mouseup, _focusin, _focusout,
_originalContents, _toolbars,
_serial = (attrs.serial) ? attrs.serial : Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000000000000),
_taExecCommand, _resizeMouseDown, _updateSelectedStylesTimeout;
scope._name = (attrs.name) ? attrs.name : 'textAngularEditor' + _serial;
var oneEvent = function(_element, event, action){
// shim the .one till fixed
var _func = function(){
_element.off(event, _func);
action.apply(this, arguments);
_element.on(event, _func);
}, 100);
_taExecCommand = taExecCommand(attrs.taDefaultWrap);
// get the settings from the defaults and add our specific functions that need to be on the scope
angular.extend(scope, angular.copy(taOptions), {
// wraps the selection in the provided tag / execCommand function. Should only be called in WYSIWYG mode.
wrapSelection: function(command, opt, isSelectableElementTool){
if(command.toLowerCase() === "undo"){
scope['$undoTaBindtaTextElement' + _serial]();
}else if(command.toLowerCase() === "redo"){
scope['$redoTaBindtaTextElement' + _serial]();
// catch errors like FF erroring when you try to force an undo with nothing done
_taExecCommand(command, false, opt, scope.defaultTagAttributes);
// re-apply the selectable tool events
scope['reApplyOnSelectorHandlerstaTextElement' + _serial]();
// refocus on the shown display element, this fixes a display bug when using :focus styles to outline the box.
// You still have focus on the text/html input it just doesn't show up
showHtml: scope.$eval(attrs.taShowHtml) || false
// setup the options from the optional attributes
if(attrs.taFocussedClass) scope.classes.focussed = attrs.taFocussedClass;
if(attrs.taTextEditorClass) scope.classes.textEditor = attrs.taTextEditorClass;
if(attrs.taHtmlEditorClass) scope.classes.htmlEditor = attrs.taHtmlEditorClass;
try {
// TODO: This should use angular.merge to enhance functionality once angular 1.4 is required
angular.extend(scope.defaultTagAttributes, angular.fromJson(attrs.taDefaultTagAttributes));
} catch (error) {
// optional setup functions
if(attrs.taTextEditorSetup) scope.setup.textEditorSetup = scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.taTextEditorSetup);
if(attrs.taHtmlEditorSetup) scope.setup.htmlEditorSetup = scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.taHtmlEditorSetup);
// optional fileDropHandler function
if(attrs.taFileDrop) scope.fileDropHandler = scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.taFileDrop);
else scope.fileDropHandler = scope.defaultFileDropHandler;
_originalContents = element[0].innerHTML;
// clear the original content
element[0].innerHTML = '';
// Setup the HTML elements as variable references for use later
scope.displayElements = {
// we still need the hidden input even with a textarea as the textarea may have invalid/old input in it,
// wheras the input will ALLWAYS have the correct value.
forminput: angular.element("<input type='hidden' tabindex='-1' style='display: none;'>"),
html: angular.element("<textarea></textarea>"),
text: angular.element("<div></div>"),
// other toolbased elements
scrollWindow: angular.element("<div class='ta-scroll-window'></div>"),
popover: angular.element('<div class="popover fade bottom" style="max-width: none; width: 305px;"></div>'),
popoverArrow: angular.element('<div class="arrow"></div>'),
popoverContainer: angular.element('<div class="popover-content"></div>'),
resize: {
overlay: angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-overlay"></div>'),
background: angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-background"></div>'),
anchors: [
angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-corner ta-resizer-handle-corner-tl"></div>'),
angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-corner ta-resizer-handle-corner-tr"></div>'),
angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-corner ta-resizer-handle-corner-bl"></div>'),
angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-corner ta-resizer-handle-corner-br"></div>')
info: angular.element('<div class="ta-resizer-handle-info"></div>')
// Setup the popover
scope.displayElements.popover.on('mousedown', function(e, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(e, eventData);
// this prevents focusout from firing on the editor when clicking anything in the popover
return false;
// define the popover show and hide functions
scope.showPopover = function(_el){
scope.displayElements.popover.css('display', 'block');
$animate.addClass(scope.displayElements.popover, 'in');
oneEvent($document.find('body'), 'click keyup', function(){scope.hidePopover();});
scope.reflowPopover = function(_el){
/* istanbul ignore if: catches only if near bottom of editor */
if(scope.displayElements.text[0].offsetHeight - 51 > _el[0].offsetTop){
scope.displayElements.popover.css('top', _el[0].offsetTop + _el[0].offsetHeight + scope.displayElements.scrollWindow[0].scrollTop + 'px');
scope.displayElements.popover.css('top', _el[0].offsetTop - 54 + scope.displayElements.scrollWindow[0].scrollTop + 'px');
var _maxLeft = scope.displayElements.text[0].offsetWidth - scope.displayElements.popover[0].offsetWidth;
var _targetLeft = _el[0].offsetLeft + (_el[0].offsetWidth / 2.0) - (scope.displayElements.popover[0].offsetWidth / 2.0);
scope.displayElements.popover.css('left', Math.max(0, Math.min(_maxLeft, _targetLeft)) + 'px');
scope.displayElements.popoverArrow.css('margin-left', (Math.min(_targetLeft, (Math.max(0, _targetLeft - _maxLeft))) - 11) + 'px');
scope.hidePopover = function(){
scope.displayElements.popover.css('display', '');
scope.displayElements.popoverContainer.attr('style', '');
scope.displayElements.popoverContainer.attr('class', 'popover-content');
// setup the resize overlay
angular.forEach(scope.displayElements.resize.anchors, function(anchor){ scope.displayElements.resize.overlay.append(anchor);});
// define the show and hide events
scope.reflowResizeOverlay = function(_el){
_el = angular.element(_el)[0];
'display': 'block',
'left': _el.offsetLeft - 5 + 'px',
'top': _el.offsetTop - 5 + 'px',
'width': _el.offsetWidth + 10 + 'px',
'height': _el.offsetHeight + 10 + 'px'
scope.displayElements.resize.info.text(_el.offsetWidth + ' x ' + _el.offsetHeight);
/* istanbul ignore next: pretty sure phantomjs won't test this */
scope.showResizeOverlay = function(_el){
var _body = $document.find('body');
_resizeMouseDown = function(event){
var startPosition = {
width: parseInt(_el.attr('width')),
height: parseInt(_el.attr('height')),
x: event.clientX,
y: event.clientY
if(startPosition.width === undefined || isNaN(startPosition.width)) startPosition.width = _el[0].offsetWidth;
if(startPosition.height === undefined || isNaN(startPosition.height)) startPosition.height = _el[0].offsetHeight;
var ratio = startPosition.height / startPosition.width;
var mousemove = function(event){
// calculate new size
var pos = {
x: Math.max(0, startPosition.width + (event.clientX - startPosition.x)),
y: Math.max(0, startPosition.height + (event.clientY - startPosition.y))
// DEFAULT: the aspect ratio is not locked unless the Shift key is pressed.
// attribute: ta-resize-force-aspect-ratio -- locks resize into maintaing the aspect ratio
var bForceAspectRatio = (attrs.taResizeForceAspectRatio !== undefined);
// attribute: ta-resize-maintain-aspect-ratio=true causes the space ratio to remain locked
// unless the Shift key is pressed
var bFlipKeyBinding = attrs.taResizeMaintainAspectRatio;
var bKeepRatio = bForceAspectRatio || (bFlipKeyBinding && !event.shiftKey);
if(bKeepRatio) {
var newRatio = pos.y / pos.x;
pos.x = ratio > newRatio ? pos.x : pos.y / ratio;
pos.y = ratio > newRatio ? pos.x * ratio : pos.y;
var el = angular.element(_el);
function roundedMaxVal(val) {
return Math.round(Math.max(0, val));
el.css('height', roundedMaxVal(pos.y) + 'px');
el.css('width', roundedMaxVal(pos.x) + 'px');
// reflow the popover tooltip
_body.on('mousemove', mousemove);
oneEvent(_body, 'mouseup', function(event){
_body.off('mousemove', mousemove);
// at this point, we need to force the model to update! since the css has changed!
// this fixes bug: #862 - we now hide the popover -- as this seems more consitent.
// there are still issues under firefox, the window does not repaint. -- not sure
// how best to resolve this, but clicking anywhere works.
scope.$apply(function (){
}, 100);
scope.displayElements.resize.anchors[3].on('mousedown', _resizeMouseDown);
oneEvent(_body, 'click', function(){scope.hideResizeOverlay();});
/* istanbul ignore next: pretty sure phantomjs won't test this */
scope.hideResizeOverlay = function(){
scope.displayElements.resize.anchors[3].off('mousedown', _resizeMouseDown);
scope.displayElements.resize.overlay.css('display', '');
// allow for insertion of custom directives on the textarea and div
'id': 'taHtmlElement' + _serial,
'ng-show': 'showHtml',
'ta-bind': 'ta-bind',
'ng-model': 'html',
'ng-model-options': element.attr('ng-model-options')
'id': 'taTextElement' + _serial,
'contentEditable': 'true',
'ta-bind': 'ta-bind',
'ng-model': 'html',
'ng-model-options': element.attr('ng-model-options')
scope.displayElements.scrollWindow.attr({'ng-hide': 'showHtml'});
if(attrs.taDefaultWrap) scope.displayElements.text.attr('ta-default-wrap', attrs.taDefaultWrap);
scope.displayElements.text.attr('ta-unsafe-sanitizer', attrs.taUnsafeSanitizer);
scope.displayElements.html.attr('ta-unsafe-sanitizer', attrs.taUnsafeSanitizer);
// add the main elements to the origional element
scope.displayElements.forminput.attr('name', scope._name);
scope.displayElements.text.attr('tabindex', attrs.tabindex);
scope.displayElements.html.attr('tabindex', attrs.tabindex);
if (attrs.placeholder) {
scope.displayElements.text.attr('placeholder', attrs.placeholder);
scope.displayElements.html.attr('placeholder', attrs.placeholder);
scope.displayElements.text.attr('ta-readonly', 'disabled');
scope.displayElements.html.attr('ta-readonly', 'disabled');
scope.disabled = scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.taDisabled);
scope.$parent.$watch(attrs.taDisabled, function(newVal){
scope.disabled = newVal;
scope._pasteHandler = function(_html){
return $parse(attrs.taPaste)(scope.$parent, {$html: _html});
scope.displayElements.text.attr('ta-paste', '_pasteHandler($html)');
// compile the scope with the text and html elements only - if we do this with the main element it causes a compile loop
scope.updateTaBindtaTextElement = scope['updateTaBindtaTextElement' + _serial];
scope.updateTaBindtaHtmlElement = scope['updateTaBindtaHtmlElement' + _serial];
// add the classes manually last
scope.displayElements.scrollWindow.addClass("ta-text ta-editor " + scope.classes.textEditor);
scope.displayElements.html.addClass("ta-html ta-editor " + scope.classes.htmlEditor);
// used in the toolbar actions
scope._actionRunning = false;
var _savedSelection = false;
scope.startAction = function(){
scope._actionRunning = true;
// if rangy library is loaded return a function to reload the current selection
_savedSelection = rangy.saveSelection();
return function(){
if(_savedSelection) rangy.restoreSelection(_savedSelection);
scope.endAction = function(){
scope._actionRunning = false;
// rangy.restoreSelection(_savedSelection);
_savedSelection = false;
// only update if in text or WYSIWYG mode
if(!scope.showHtml) scope['updateTaBindtaTextElement' + _serial]();
// note that focusout > focusin is called everytime we click a button - except bad support: http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/events/blurfocus.html
// cascades to displayElements.text and displayElements.html automatically.
_focusin = function(){
scope.focussed = true;
scope.displayElements.html.on('focus', _focusin);
scope.displayElements.text.on('focus', _focusin);
_focusout = function(e){
// if we are NOT runnig an action and have NOT focussed again on the text etc then fire the blur events
if(!scope._actionRunning && $document[0].activeElement !== scope.displayElements.html[0] && $document[0].activeElement !== scope.displayElements.text[0]){
// to prevent multiple apply error defer to next seems to work.
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = false;
scope.focussed = false;
}, 0);
return false;
scope.displayElements.html.on('blur', _focusout);
scope.displayElements.text.on('blur', _focusout);
scope.displayElements.text.on('paste', function(event){
element.triggerHandler('paste', event);
// Setup the default toolbar tools, this way allows the user to add new tools like plugins.
// This is on the editor for future proofing if we find a better way to do this.
scope.queryFormatBlockState = function(command){
// $document[0].queryCommandValue('formatBlock') errors in Firefox if we call this when focussed on the textarea
return !scope.showHtml && command.toLowerCase() === $document[0].queryCommandValue('formatBlock').toLowerCase();
scope.queryCommandState = function(command){
// $document[0].queryCommandValue('formatBlock') errors in Firefox if we call this when focussed on the textarea
return (!scope.showHtml) ? $document[0].queryCommandState(command) : '';
scope.switchView = function(){
scope.showHtml = !scope.showHtml;
$animate.enabled(false, scope.displayElements.html);
$animate.enabled(false, scope.displayElements.text);
//Show the HTML view
//defer until the element is visible
$animate.enabled(true, scope.displayElements.html);
$animate.enabled(true, scope.displayElements.text);
// [0] dereferences the DOM object from the angular.element
return scope.displayElements.html[0].focus();
}, 100);
//Show the WYSIWYG view
//defer until the element is visible
$animate.enabled(true, scope.displayElements.html);
$animate.enabled(true, scope.displayElements.text);
// [0] dereferences the DOM object from the angular.element
return scope.displayElements.text[0].focus();
}, 100);
// changes to the model variable from outside the html/text inputs
// if no ngModel, then the only input is from inside text-angular
var _firstRun = true;
ngModel.$render = function(){
// we need this firstRun to set the originalContents otherwise it gets overrided by the setting of ngModel to undefined from NaN
_firstRun = false;
// if view value is null or undefined initially and there was original content, set to the original content
var _initialValue = scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.ngModel);
if((_initialValue === undefined || _initialValue === null) && (_originalContents && _originalContents !== '')){
// on passing through to taBind it will be sanitised
// if the editors aren't focused they need to be updated, otherwise they are doing the updating
scope.html = ngModel.$viewValue || '';
// trigger the validation calls
if(element.attr('required')) ngModel.$validators.required = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
var value = modelValue || viewValue;
return !(!value || value.trim() === '');
// if no ngModel then update from the contents of the origional html.
scope.html = _originalContents;
// changes from taBind back up to here
scope.$watch('html', function(newValue, oldValue){
if(newValue !== oldValue){
if(attrs.ngModel && ngModel.$viewValue !== newValue) ngModel.$setViewValue(newValue);
if(attrs.taTargetToolbars) _toolbars = textAngularManager.registerEditor(scope._name, scope, attrs.taTargetToolbars.split(','));
var _toolbar = angular.element('<div text-angular-toolbar name="textAngularToolbar' + _serial + '">');
// passthrough init of toolbar options
if(attrs.taToolbar) _toolbar.attr('ta-toolbar', attrs.taToolbar);
if(attrs.taToolbarClass) _toolbar.attr('ta-toolbar-class', attrs.taToolbarClass);
if(attrs.taToolbarGroupClass) _toolbar.attr('ta-toolbar-group-class', attrs.taToolbarGroupClass);
if(attrs.taToolbarButtonClass) _toolbar.attr('ta-toolbar-button-class', attrs.taToolbarButtonClass);
if(attrs.taToolbarActiveButtonClass) _toolbar.attr('ta-toolbar-active-button-class', attrs.taToolbarActiveButtonClass);
if(attrs.taFocussedClass) _toolbar.attr('ta-focussed-class', attrs.taFocussedClass);
_toolbars = textAngularManager.registerEditor(scope._name, scope, ['textAngularToolbar' + _serial]);
scope.$on('$destroy', function(){
// catch element select event and pass to toolbar tools
scope.$on('ta-element-select', function(event, element){
if(_toolbars.triggerElementSelect(event, element)){
scope['reApplyOnSelectorHandlerstaTextElement' + _serial]();
scope.$on('ta-drop-event', function(event, element, dropEvent, dataTransfer){
if(dataTransfer && dataTransfer.files && dataTransfer.files.length > 0){
angular.forEach(dataTransfer.files, function(file){
// taking advantage of boolean execution, if the fileDropHandler returns true, nothing else after it is executed
// If it is false then execute the defaultFileDropHandler if the fileDropHandler is NOT the default one
// Once one of these has been executed wrap the result as a promise, if undefined or variable update the taBind, else we should wait for the promise
$q.when(scope.fileDropHandler(file, scope.wrapSelection) ||
(scope.fileDropHandler !== scope.defaultFileDropHandler &&
$q.when(scope.defaultFileDropHandler(file, scope.wrapSelection)))).then(function(){
scope['updateTaBindtaTextElement' + _serial]();
/* istanbul ignore else, the updates if moved text */
scope['updateTaBindtaTextElement' + _serial]();
}, 0);
// the following is for applying the active states to the tools that support it
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = false;
/* istanbul ignore next: browser window/tab leave check */
angular.element(window).on('blur', function(){
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = false;
scope.focussed = false;
// loop through all the tools polling their activeState function if it exists
scope.updateSelectedStyles = function(){
var _selection;
/* istanbul ignore next: This check is to ensure multiple timeouts don't exist */
if(_updateSelectedStylesTimeout) $timeout.cancel(_updateSelectedStylesTimeout);
// test if the common element ISN'T the root ta-text node
if((_selection = taSelection.getSelectionElement()) !== undefined && _selection.parentNode !== scope.displayElements.text[0]){
}else _toolbars.updateSelectedStyles();
// used to update the active state when a key is held down, ie the left arrow
/* istanbul ignore else: browser only check */
if(scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles) _updateSelectedStylesTimeout = $timeout(scope.updateSelectedStyles, 200);
// start updating on keydown
_keydown = function(){
/* istanbul ignore next: ie catch */
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = false;
/* istanbul ignore else: don't run if already running */
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = true;
scope.displayElements.html.on('keydown', _keydown);
scope.displayElements.text.on('keydown', _keydown);
// stop updating on key up and update the display/model
_keyup = function(){
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = false;
scope.displayElements.html.on('keyup', _keyup);
scope.displayElements.text.on('keyup', _keyup);
// stop updating on key up and update the display/model
_keypress = function(event, eventData){
/* istanbul ignore else: this is for catching the jqLite testing*/
if(eventData) angular.extend(event, eventData);
/* istanbul ignore else: don't run if already running */
return false;
scope.displayElements.html.on('keypress', _keypress);
scope.displayElements.text.on('keypress', _keypress);
// update the toolbar active states when we click somewhere in the text/html boxed
_mouseup = function(){
// ensure only one execution of updateSelectedStyles()
scope._bUpdateSelectedStyles = false;
scope.displayElements.html.on('mouseup', _mouseup);
scope.displayElements.text.on('mouseup', _mouseup);
textAngular.service('textAngularManager', ['taToolExecuteAction', 'taTools', 'taRegisterTool', function(taToolExecuteAction, taTools, taRegisterTool){
// this service is used to manage all textAngular editors and toolbars.
// All publicly published functions that modify/need to access the toolbar or editor scopes should be in here
// these contain references to all the editors and toolbars that have been initialised in this app
var toolbars = {}, editors = {};
// when we focus into a toolbar, we need to set the TOOLBAR's $parent to be the toolbars it's linked to.
// We also need to set the tools to be updated to be the toolbars...
return {
// register an editor and the toolbars that it is affected by
registerEditor: function(name, scope, targetToolbars){
// targetToolbars are optional, we don't require a toolbar to function
if(!name || name === '') throw('textAngular Error: An editor requires a name');
if(!scope) throw('textAngular Error: An editor requires a scope');
if(editors[name]) throw('textAngular Error: An Editor with name "' + name + '" already exists');
// _toolbars is an ARRAY of toolbar scopes
var _toolbars = [];
angular.forEach(targetToolbars, function(_name){
if(toolbars[_name]) _toolbars.push(toolbars[_name]);
// if it doesn't exist it may not have been compiled yet and it will be added later
editors[name] = {
scope: scope,
toolbars: targetToolbars,
_registerToolbar: function(toolbarScope){
// add to the list late
if(this.toolbars.indexOf(toolbarScope.name) >= 0) _toolbars.push(toolbarScope);
// this is a suite of functions the editor should use to update all it's linked toolbars
editorFunctions: {
disable: function(){
// disable all linked toolbars
angular.forEach(_toolbars, function(toolbarScope){ toolbarScope.disabled = true; });
enable: function(){
// enable all linked toolbars
angular.forEach(_toolbars, function(toolbarScope){ toolbarScope.disabled = false; });
focus: function(){
// this should be called when the editor is focussed
angular.forEach(_toolbars, function(toolbarScope){
toolbarScope._parent = scope;
toolbarScope.disabled = false;
toolbarScope.focussed = true;
scope.focussed = true;
unfocus: function(){
// this should be called when the editor becomes unfocussed
angular.forEach(_toolbars, function(toolbarScope){
toolbarScope.disabled = true;
toolbarScope.focussed = false;
scope.focussed = false;
updateSelectedStyles: function(selectedElement){
// update the active state of all buttons on liked toolbars
angular.forEach(_toolbars, function(toolbarScope){
angular.forEach(toolbarScope.tools, function(toolScope){
toolbarScope._parent = scope;
toolScope.active = toolScope.activeState(selectedElement);
sendKeyCommand: function(event){
// we return true if we applied an action, false otherwise
var result = false;
if(event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.specialKey) angular.forEach(taTools, function(tool, name){
if(tool.commandKeyCode && (tool.commandKeyCode === event.which || tool.commandKeyCode === event.specialKey)){
for(var _t = 0; _t < _toolbars.length; _t++){
if(_toolbars[_t].tools[name] !== undefined){
taToolExecuteAction.call(_toolbars[_t].tools[name], scope);
result = true;
return result;
triggerElementSelect: function(event, element){
// search through the taTools to see if a match for the tag is made.
// if there is, see if the tool is on a registered toolbar and not disabled.
// NOTE: This can trigger on MULTIPLE tools simultaneously.
var elementHasAttrs = function(_element, attrs){
var result = true;
for(var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) result = result && _element.attr(attrs[i]);
return result;
var workerTools = [];
var unfilteredTools = {};
var result = false;
element = angular.element(element);
// get all valid tools by element name, keep track if one matches the
var onlyWithAttrsFilter = false;
angular.forEach(taTools, function(tool, name){
tool.onElementSelect &&
tool.onElementSelect.element &&
tool.onElementSelect.element.toLowerCase() === element[0].tagName.toLowerCase() &&
(!tool.onElementSelect.filter || tool.onElementSelect.filter(element))
// this should only end up true if the element matches the only attributes
onlyWithAttrsFilter = onlyWithAttrsFilter ||
(angular.isArray(tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs) && elementHasAttrs(element, tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs));
if(!tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs || elementHasAttrs(element, tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs)) unfilteredTools[name] = tool;
// if we matched attributes to filter on, then filter, else continue
angular.forEach(unfilteredTools, function(tool, name){
if(tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs && elementHasAttrs(element, tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs)) workerTools.push({'name': name, 'tool': tool});
// sort most specific (most attrs to find) first
return b.tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs.length - a.tool.onElementSelect.onlyWithAttrs.length;
angular.forEach(unfilteredTools, function(tool, name){
workerTools.push({'name': name, 'tool': tool});
// Run the actions on the first visible filtered tool only
if(workerTools.length > 0){
for(var _i = 0; _i < workerTools.length; _i++){
var tool = workerTools[_i].tool;
var name = workerTools[_i].name;
for(var _t = 0; _t < _toolbars.length; _t++){
if(_toolbars[_t].tools[name] !== undefined){
tool.onElementSelect.action.call(_toolbars[_t].tools[name], event, element, scope);
result = true;
if(result) break;
return result;
return editors[name].editorFunctions;
// retrieve editor by name, largely used by testing suites only
retrieveEditor: function(name){
return editors[name];
unregisterEditor: function(name){
delete editors[name];
// registers a toolbar such that it can be linked to editors
registerToolbar: function(scope){
if(!scope) throw('textAngular Error: A toolbar requires a scope');
if(!scope.name || scope.name === '') throw('textAngular Error: A toolbar requires a name');
if(toolbars[scope.name]) throw('textAngular Error: A toolbar with name "' + scope.name + '" already exists');
toolbars[scope.name] = scope;
angular.forEach(editors, function(_editor){
// retrieve toolbar by name, largely used by testing suites only
retrieveToolbar: function(name){
return toolbars[name];
// retrieve toolbars by editor name, largely used by testing suites only
retrieveToolbarsViaEditor: function(name){
var result = [], _this = this;
angular.forEach(this.retrieveEditor(name).toolbars, function(name){
return result;
unregisterToolbar: function(name){
delete toolbars[name];
// functions for updating the toolbar buttons display
updateToolsDisplay: function(newTaTools){
// pass a partial struct of the taTools, this allows us to update the tools on the fly, will not change the defaults.
var _this = this;
angular.forEach(newTaTools, function(_newTool, key){
_this.updateToolDisplay(key, _newTool);
// this function resets all toolbars to their default tool definitions
resetToolsDisplay: function(){
var _this = this;
angular.forEach(taTools, function(_newTool, key){
// update a tool on all toolbars
updateToolDisplay: function(toolKey, _newTool){
var _this = this;
angular.forEach(toolbars, function(toolbarScope, toolbarKey){
_this.updateToolbarToolDisplay(toolbarKey, toolKey, _newTool);
// resets a tool to the default/starting state on all toolbars
resetToolDisplay: function(toolKey){
var _this = this;
angular.forEach(toolbars, function(toolbarScope, toolbarKey){
_this.resetToolbarToolDisplay(toolbarKey, toolKey);
// update a tool on a specific toolbar
updateToolbarToolDisplay: function(toolbarKey, toolKey, _newTool){
if(toolbars[toolbarKey]) toolbars[toolbarKey].updateToolDisplay(toolKey, _newTool);
else throw('textAngular Error: No Toolbar with name "' + toolbarKey + '" exists');
// reset a tool on a specific toolbar to it's default starting value
resetToolbarToolDisplay: function(toolbarKey, toolKey){
if(toolbars[toolbarKey]) toolbars[toolbarKey].updateToolDisplay(toolKey, taTools[toolKey], true);
else throw('textAngular Error: No Toolbar with name "' + toolbarKey + '" exists');
// removes a tool from all toolbars and it's definition
removeTool: function(toolKey){
delete taTools[toolKey];
angular.forEach(toolbars, function(toolbarScope){
delete toolbarScope.tools[toolKey];
for(var i = 0; i < toolbarScope.toolbar.length; i++){
var toolbarIndex;
for(var j = 0; j < toolbarScope.toolbar[i].length; j++){
if(toolbarScope.toolbar[i][j] === toolKey){
toolbarIndex = {
group: i,
index: j
if(toolbarIndex !== undefined) break;
if(toolbarIndex !== undefined){
toolbarScope.toolbar[toolbarIndex.group].slice(toolbarIndex.index, 1);
// toolkey, toolDefinition are required. If group is not specified will pick the last group, if index isnt defined will append to group
addTool: function(toolKey, toolDefinition, group, index){
taRegisterTool(toolKey, toolDefinition);
angular.forEach(toolbars, function(toolbarScope){
toolbarScope.addTool(toolKey, toolDefinition, group, index);
// adds a Tool but only to one toolbar not all
addToolToToolbar: function(toolKey, toolDefinition, toolbarKey, group, index){
taRegisterTool(toolKey, toolDefinition);
toolbars[toolbarKey].addTool(toolKey, toolDefinition, group, index);
// this is used when externally the html of an editor has been changed and textAngular needs to be notified to update the model.
// this will call a $digest if not already happening
refreshEditor: function(name){
/* istanbul ignore else: phase catch */
if(!editors[name].scope.$$phase) editors[name].scope.$digest();
}else throw('textAngular Error: No Editor with name "' + name + '" exists');
// this is used by taBind to send a key command in response to a special key event
sendKeyCommand: function(scope, event){
var _editor = editors[scope._name];
/* istanbul ignore else: if nothing to do, do nothing */
if (_editor && _editor.editorFunctions.sendKeyCommand(event)) {
/* istanbul ignore else: don't run if already running */
return false;
textAngular.directive('textAngularToolbar', [
'$compile', 'textAngularManager', 'taOptions', 'taTools', 'taToolExecuteAction', '$window',
function($compile, textAngularManager, taOptions, taTools, taToolExecuteAction, $window){
return {
scope: {
name: '@' // a name IS required
restrict: "EA",
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
if(!scope.name || scope.name === '') throw('textAngular Error: A toolbar requires a name');
angular.extend(scope, angular.copy(taOptions));
if(attrs.taToolbar) scope.toolbar = scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.taToolbar);
if(attrs.taToolbarClass) scope.classes.toolbar = attrs.taToolbarClass;
if(attrs.taToolbarGroupClass) scope.classes.toolbarGroup = attrs.taToolbarGroupClass;
if(attrs.taToolbarButtonClass) scope.classes.toolbarButton = attrs.taToolbarButtonClass;
if(attrs.taToolbarActiveButtonClass) scope.classes.toolbarButtonActive = attrs.taToolbarActiveButtonClass;
if(attrs.taFocussedClass) scope.classes.focussed = attrs.taFocussedClass;
scope.disabled = true;
scope.focussed = false;
scope._$element = element;
element[0].innerHTML = '';
element.addClass("ta-toolbar " + scope.classes.toolbar);
scope.$watch('focussed', function(){
if(scope.focussed) element.addClass(scope.classes.focussed);
else element.removeClass(scope.classes.focussed);
var setupToolElement = function(toolDefinition, toolScope){
var toolElement;
if(toolDefinition && toolDefinition.display){
toolElement = angular.element(toolDefinition.display);
else toolElement = angular.element("<button type='button'>");
if(toolDefinition && toolDefinition["class"]) toolElement.addClass(toolDefinition["class"]);
else toolElement.addClass(scope.classes.toolbarButton);
toolElement.attr('name', toolScope.name);
// important to not take focus from the main text/html entry
toolElement.attr('ta-button', 'ta-button');
toolElement.attr('ng-disabled', 'isDisabled()');
toolElement.attr('tabindex', '-1');
toolElement.attr('ng-click', 'executeAction()');
toolElement.attr('ng-class', 'displayActiveToolClass(active)');
if (toolDefinition && toolDefinition.tooltiptext) {
toolElement.attr('title', toolDefinition.tooltiptext);
if(toolDefinition && !toolDefinition.display && !toolScope._display){
// first clear out the current contents if any
toolElement[0].innerHTML = '';
// add the buttonText
if(toolDefinition.buttontext) toolElement[0].innerHTML = toolDefinition.buttontext;
// add the icon to the front of the button if there is content
var icon = angular.element('<i>'), content = toolElement[0].innerHTML;
toolElement[0].innerHTML = '';
if(content && content !== '') toolElement.append('&nbsp;' + content);
toolScope._lastToolDefinition = angular.copy(toolDefinition);
return $compile(toolElement)(toolScope);
// Keep a reference for updating the active states later
scope.tools = {};
// create the tools in the toolbar
// default functions and values to prevent errors in testing and on init
scope._parent = {
disabled: true,
showHtml: false,
queryFormatBlockState: function(){ return false; },
queryCommandState: function(){ return false; }
var defaultChildScope = {
$window: $window,
$editor: function(){
// dynamically gets the editor as it is set
return scope._parent;
isDisabled: function(){
// to set your own disabled logic set a function or boolean on the tool called 'disabled'
return ( // this bracket is important as without it it just returns the first bracket and ignores the rest
// when the button's disabled function/value evaluates to true
(typeof this.$eval('disabled') !== 'function' && this.$eval('disabled')) || this.$eval('disabled()') ||
// all buttons except the HTML Switch button should be disabled in the showHtml (RAW html) mode
(this.name !== 'html' && this.$editor().showHtml) ||
// if the toolbar is disabled
this.$parent.disabled ||
// if the current editor is disabled
displayActiveToolClass: function(active){
return (active)? scope.classes.toolbarButtonActive : '';
executeAction: taToolExecuteAction
angular.forEach(scope.toolbar, function(group){
// setup the toolbar group
var groupElement = angular.element("<div>");
angular.forEach(group, function(tool){
// init and add the tools to the group
// a tool name (key name from taTools struct)
//creates a child scope of the main angularText scope and then extends the childScope with the functions of this particular tool
// reference to the scope and element kept
scope.tools[tool] = angular.extend(scope.$new(true), taTools[tool], defaultChildScope, {name: tool});
scope.tools[tool].$element = setupToolElement(taTools[tool], scope.tools[tool]);
// append the tool compiled with the childScope to the group element
// append the group to the toolbar
// update a tool
// if a value is set to null, remove from the display
// when forceNew is set to true it will ignore all previous settings, used to reset to taTools definition
// to reset to defaults pass in taTools[key] as _newTool and forceNew as true, ie `updateToolDisplay(key, taTools[key], true);`
scope.updateToolDisplay = function(key, _newTool, forceNew){
var toolInstance = scope.tools[key];
// get the last toolDefinition, then override with the new definition
if(toolInstance._lastToolDefinition && !forceNew) _newTool = angular.extend({}, toolInstance._lastToolDefinition, _newTool);
if(_newTool.buttontext === null && _newTool.iconclass === null && _newTool.display === null)
throw('textAngular Error: Tool Definition for updating "' + key + '" does not have a valid display/iconclass/buttontext value');
// if tool is defined on this toolbar, update/redo the tool
if(_newTool.buttontext === null){
delete _newTool.buttontext;
if(_newTool.iconclass === null){
delete _newTool.iconclass;
if(_newTool.display === null){
delete _newTool.display;
var toolElement = setupToolElement(_newTool, toolInstance);
toolInstance.$element = toolElement;
// we assume here that all values passed are valid and correct
scope.addTool = function(key, _newTool, groupIndex, index){
scope.tools[key] = angular.extend(scope.$new(true), taTools[key], defaultChildScope, {name: key});
scope.tools[key].$element = setupToolElement(taTools[key], scope.tools[key]);
var group;
if(groupIndex === undefined) groupIndex = scope.toolbar.length - 1;
group = angular.element(element.children()[groupIndex]);
if(index === undefined){
scope.toolbar[groupIndex][scope.toolbar[groupIndex].length - 1] = key;
scope.toolbar[groupIndex][index] = key;
scope.$on('$destroy', function(){