891 lines
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891 lines
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'use strict';
/* Controllers; their method are available where specified with the ng-controller
* directive or for a given route/state (see app.js). They use some services to
* connect to the backend (see services.js). */
var eventManControllers = angular.module('eventManControllers', []);
/* A controller that can be used to navigate. */
eventManControllers.controller('NavigationCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$location', 'Setting', '$state',
function ($scope, $rootScope, $location, Setting, $state) {
$scope.logo = {};
$scope.getLocation = function() {
return $location.absUrl();
$scope.go = function(url) {
Setting.query({setting: 'logo'}, function(data) {
if (data && data.length) {
$scope.logo = data[0];
$scope.isActive = function(view) {
if (view === $location.path()) {
return true;
if (view[view.length-1] !== '/') {
view = view + '/';
return $location.path().indexOf(view) == 0;
/* Controller for a group of date and time pickers. */
eventManControllers.controller('DatetimePickerCtrl', ['$scope',
function ($scope) {
$scope.open = function() {
$scope.opened = true;
/* Controller for modals. */
eventManControllers.controller('ModalConfirmInstanceCtrl', ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', 'message',
function ($scope, $uibModalInstance, message) {
$scope.message = message;
$scope.ok = function () {
$scope.cancel = function () {
eventManControllers.controller('EventsListCtrl', ['$scope', 'Event', 'EventTicket', '$uibModal', '$log', '$translate', '$rootScope', '$state', '$filter', 'toaster',
function ($scope, Event, EventTicket, $uibModal, $log, $translate, $rootScope, $state, $filter, toaster) {
$scope.query = '';
$scope.tickets = [];
$scope.eventsOrderProp = "-begin_date";
$scope.ticketsOrderProp = ["name", "surname"];
$scope.groupByEmail = false;
$scope.shownItems = [];
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.itemsPerPage = 10;
$scope.filteredLength = 0;
$scope.maxPaginationSize = 10;
$scope.events = Event.all({_summary: true}, function(events) {
if (events && $state.is('tickets')) {
angular.forEach(events, function(evt, idx) {
var evt_tickets = (evt.tickets || []).slice(0);
angular.forEach(evt_tickets, function(obj, obj_idx) {
obj.event_title = evt.title;
obj.event_id = evt._id;
$scope.tickets.push.apply($scope.tickets, evt_tickets || []);
$scope.filterTickets = function() {
var tickets = angular.copy($scope.tickets || []);
if ($scope.groupByEmail) {
var newDict = {};
var newList = [];
angular.forEach(tickets, function(item, idx) {
if (!newDict[item.email]) {
newDict[item.email] = {};
newDict[item.email]['name'] = item.name;
newDict[item.email]['surname'] = item.surname;
newDict[item.email]['email'] = item.email;
newDict[item.email]['job title'] = item.job;
newDict[item.email]['company'] = item.company;
newDict[item.email]['tickets'] = [];
angular.forEach(newDict, function(value, key) {
tickets = newList;
tickets = $filter('splittedFilter')(tickets, $scope.query);
tickets = $filter('orderBy')(tickets, $scope.ticketsOrderProp);
$scope.filteredLength = tickets.length;
tickets = $filter('pagination')(tickets, $scope.currentPage, $scope.itemsPerPage);
$scope.shownItems = tickets;
$scope.$watch('query', function() {
if (!$scope.query) {
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.$watch('groupByEmail', function() {
$scope.$watch('currentPage + itemsPerPage', function() {
$scope.confirm_delete = 'Do you really want to delete this event?';
$scope.confirm_delete_all_tickets = 'Do you really want to delete all tickets from this event?';
$scope.deleted_all_tickets = 'successfully removed all tickets from event';
$rootScope.$on('$translateChangeSuccess', function () {
$translate('Do you really want to delete this event?').then(function (translation) {
$scope.confirm_delete = translation;
$translate('Do you really want to delete all tickets from this event?').then(function (translation) {
$scope.confirm_delete_all_tickets = translation;
$translate('successfully removed all tickets from event').then(function (translation) {
$scope.deleted_all_tickets = translation;
$scope.deleteEvent = function(_id) {
var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
scope: $scope,
templateUrl: 'modal-confirm-action.html',
controller: 'ModalConfirmInstanceCtrl',
resolve: {
message: function() { return $scope.confirm_delete; }
modalInstance.result.then(function() {
Event.delete({'id': _id}, function() {
$scope.events = Event.all();
$scope.deleteAllTickets = function(_id) {
var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
scope: $scope,
templateUrl: 'modal-confirm-action.html',
controller: 'ModalConfirmInstanceCtrl',
resolve: {
message: function() { return $scope.confirm_delete_all_tickets; }
modalInstance.result.then(function() {
event_id: _id
}, function() {
toaster.pop({type: 'error', title: $scope.deleted_all_tickets});
$scope.events = Event.all();
$scope.updateOrded = function(key) {
var new_order = [key];
var inv_key;
if (key && key[0] === '-') {
inv_key = key.substring(1);
} else {
inv_key = '-' + key;
function(value, idx) {
if (value !== key && value !== inv_key) {
$scope.ticketsOrderProp = new_order;
eventManControllers.controller('EventDetailsCtrl', ['$scope', '$state', 'Event', '$log', '$translate', '$rootScope',
function ($scope, $state, Event, $log, $translate, $rootScope) {
$scope.event = {};
$scope.event.tickets = [];
$scope.event.formSchema = {};
$scope.eventFormDisabled = false;
if ($state.params.id) {
var params = angular.copy($state.params);
params['_summary'] = true;
$scope.event = Event.get(params);
if ($state.is('event.view') || !$rootScope.hasPermission('event|update')) {
$scope.eventFormDisabled = true;
// store a new Event or update an existing one
$scope.save = function() {
// avoid override of event.tickets list.
var this_event = angular.copy($scope.event);
if (this_event.tickets) {
delete this_event.tickets;
if (this_event._id === undefined) {
$scope.event = Event.save(this_event);
} else {
$scope.event = Event.update(this_event);
$scope.saveForm = function(easyFormGeneratorModel) {
$scope.event.formSchema = easyFormGeneratorModel;
eventManControllers.controller('EventTicketsCtrl', ['$scope', '$state', 'Event', 'EventTicket', 'Setting', '$log', '$translate', '$rootScope', 'EventUpdates', '$uibModal', '$filter', 'toaster',
function ($scope, $state, Event, EventTicket, Setting, $log, $translate, $rootScope, EventUpdates, $uibModal, $filter, toaster) {
$scope.ticketsOrder = ["name", "surname"];
$scope.countAttendees = 0;
$scope.query = '';
$scope.event = {};
$scope.event.tickets = [];
$scope.shownItems = [];
$scope.ticket = {}; // current ticket, for the event.ticket.* states
$scope.tickets = []; // list of all tickets, for the 'tickets' state
$scope.filteredTickets = [];
$scope.formSchema = {};
$scope.formData = {};
$scope.guiOptions = {dangerousActionsEnabled: false};
$scope.customFields = Setting.query({setting: 'ticket_custom_field', in_event_details: true});
$scope.registeredFilterOptions = {all: false};
$scope.formFieldsMap = {};
$scope.formFieldsMapRev = {};
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.itemsPerPage = 10;
$scope.filteredLength = 0;
$scope.maxPaginationSize = 10;
$scope.maxAllPersons = 10;
$scope.filterTickets = function() {
var tickets = $scope.event.tickets || [];
tickets = $filter('splittedFilter')(tickets, $scope.query);
tickets = $filter('registeredFilter')(tickets, $scope.registeredFilterOptions);
tickets = $filter('orderBy')(tickets, $scope.ticketsOrder);
$scope.filteredTickets = angular.copy(tickets);
$scope.filteredLength = $scope.filteredTickets.length;
tickets = $filter('pagination')(tickets, $scope.currentPage, $scope.itemsPerPage);
$scope.shownItems = tickets;
$scope.$watch('query', function() {
if (!$scope.query) {
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.$watchCollection('registeredFilterOptions', function() {
$scope.$watch('currentPage + itemsPerPage', function() {
if ($state.params.id) {
$scope.event = Event.get({id: $state.params.id}, function(data) {
$scope.$watchCollection(function() {
return $scope.event.tickets;
}, function(new_collection, old_collection) {
if (!(data && data.formSchema)) {
$scope.formSchema = data.formSchema.edaFieldsModel;
// Editing an existing ticket
if ($state.params.ticket_id) {
EventTicket.get({id: $state.params.id, ticket_id: $state.params.ticket_id}, function(data) {
$scope.ticket = data;
angular.forEach(data, function(value, key) {
if (!$scope.formFieldsMapRev[key]) {
$scope.formData[$scope.formFieldsMapRev[key]] = value;
// Managing the list of tickets.
if ($state.is('event.tickets')) {
$scope.allPersons = Event.group_persons({id: $state.params.id});
// Handle WebSocket connection used to update the list of tickets.
$scope.EventUpdates = EventUpdates;
$scope.$watchCollection(function() {
return $scope.EventUpdates.data;
}, function(new_collection, old_collection) {
if (!($scope.EventUpdates.data && $scope.EventUpdates.data.update)) {
$log.debug('no data received from the WebSocket');
var data = $scope.EventUpdates.data.update;
$log.debug('received ' + data.action + ' action from websocket source ' + data.uuid + ' . Full data:');
if ($rootScope.app_uuid == data.uuid) {
$log.debug('do not process our own message');
return false;
if (data.error && data.message && $scope.info.user.username == data.username) {
if (data.searchFor) {
$scope.query = angular.copy(data.searchFor);
toaster.pop({type: 'error', title: 'Error', body: data.message, timeout: 0, showCloseButton: true});
if (!$scope.event.tickets) {
$scope.event.tickets = [];
var ticket_id = data._id || (data.ticket && data.ticket._id);
var ticket_idx = $scope.event.tickets.findIndex(function(el, idx, array) {
return ticket_id && (ticket_id == el._id);
if (ticket_idx != -1) {
$log.debug('_id ' + data._id + ' found');
} else {
$log.debug('_id ' + data._id + ' not found');
if (data.action == 'update' && ticket_idx != -1 && $scope.event.tickets[ticket_idx] != data.ticket) {
// if we're updating the 'attended' key and the action came from us (same user, possibly on
// a different station), also show a message.
if (data.ticket.attended != $scope.event.tickets[ticket_idx].attended &&
$scope.info.user.username == data.username) {
$scope.showAttendedMessage(data.ticket, data.ticket.attended);
$scope.event.tickets.splice(ticket_idx, 1, data.ticket);
} else if (data.action == 'add' && ticket_idx == -1) {
} else if (data.action == 'delete' && ticket_idx != -1) {
$scope._localRemoveTicket({_id: data._id});
/* event listners; needed because otherwise, adding a ticket with the Quick add form,
* we'd be changing the $scope outside of the AngularJS's $digest. */
$scope.$on('event:ticket:new', function(evt, ticket, callback) {
if (callback) {
$scope.$on('event:ticket:update', function(evt, ticket) {
if (!$scope.event.tickets) {
$scope.event.tickets = [];
var ticket_idx = $scope.event.tickets.findIndex(function(el, idx, array) {
return ticket._id == el._id;
if (ticket_idx == -1) {
$log.debug('ticket not present: not updated');
return false;
$scope.event.tickets.splice(ticket_idx, 1, ticket);
$scope.$on('event:ticket:set-attr', function(evt, ticket, key, value, callback, hideMessage) {
$scope.setTicketAttribute(ticket, key, value, callback, hideMessage);
} else if ($state.is('tickets')) {
$scope.tickets = EventTicket.all();
$scope.calcAttendees = function() {
if (!($scope.event && $scope.event.tickets)) {
$scope.countAttendees = 0;
var attendees = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.event.tickets, function(value, key) {
if (value.attended && !value.cancelled) {
attendees += 1;
$scope.countAttendees = attendees;
/* Stuff to do when a ticket is added, modified or removed locally. */
$scope._localAddTicket = function(ticket, original_ticket) {
if (!$state.is('event.tickets')) {
return true;
var ret = true;
if (!$scope.event.tickets) {
$scope.event.tickets = [];
var ticket_idx = $scope.event.tickets.findIndex(function(el, idx, array) {
return ticket._id == el._id;
if (ticket_idx != -1) {
$log.warn('ticket already present: not added');
ret = false;
} else {
// Try to remove this person from the allPersons list using ID of the original entry or email.
var field = null;
var field_value = null;
if (original_ticket && original_ticket._id) {
field = '_id';
field_value = original_ticket._id;
} else if (ticket.email) {
field = 'email';
field_value = ticket.email;
if (field) {
var all_person_idx = $scope.allPersons.findIndex(function(el, idx, array) {
return field_value == el[field];
if (all_person_idx != -1) {
$scope.allPersons.splice(all_person_idx, 1);
return ret;
$scope._localUpdateTicket = function(ticket) {
if (!$state.is('event.tickets')) {
if (!$scope.event.tickets) {
$scope.event.tickets = [];
var ticket_idx = $scope.event.tickets.findIndex(function(el, idx, array) {
return ticket._id == el._id;
if (ticket_idx == -1) {
$log.warn('ticket not present: not updated');
return false;
$scope.event.tickets.splice(ticket_idx, 1, ticket);
$scope._localRemoveTicket = function(ticket) {
if (!(ticket && ticket._id && $scope.event.tickets)) {
var ticket_idx = $scope.event.tickets.findIndex(function(el, idx, array) {
return ticket._id == el._id;
if (ticket_idx == -1) {
$log.warn('unable to find and delete ticket _id ' + ticket._id);
var removed_person = $scope.event.tickets.splice(ticket_idx, 1);
// to be used to populate allPersons, if needed.
var person = null;
if (removed_person.length) {
person = removed_person[0];
} else {
if (!$scope.allPersons) {
$scope.allPersons = [];
var all_person_idx = $scope.allPersons.findIndex(function(el, idx, array) {
return person._id == el._id;
if (all_person_idx == -1 && person._id) {
$scope.buildTicketLabel = function(ticket) {
var name = ticket.name || '';
if (ticket.surname) {
if (name) {
name = name + ' ';
name = name + ticket.surname;
if (!name && ticket.email) {
name = ticket.email;
if (!name) {
name = 'ticket';
return name;
$scope.setTicketAttribute = function(ticket, key, value, callback, hideMessage) {
$log.debug('setTicketAttribute for _id ' + ticket._id + ' key: ' + key + ' value: ' + value);
var newData = {event_id: $state.params.id, _id: ticket._id};
newData[key] = value;
EventTicket.update(newData, function(data) {
if (!(data && data._id && data.ticket)) {
if (callback) {
if (!$state.is('event.tickets')) {
var ticket_idx = $scope.event.tickets.findIndex(function(el, idx, array) {
return data._id == el._id;
if (ticket_idx == -1) {
$log.warn('unable to find ticket _id ' + data._id);
if ($scope.event.tickets[ticket_idx] != data.ticket) {
$scope.event.tickets.splice(ticket_idx, 1, data.ticket);
if (key === 'attended' && !hideMessage) {
$scope.showAttendedMessage(data.ticket, value);
$scope.showAttendedMessage = function(ticket, attends) {
var msg = {};
var msg_type = 'success';
var name = $scope.buildTicketLabel(ticket);
if (attends) {
msg.message = name + ' successfully added to event ' + $scope.event.title;
} else {
msg.message = name + ' successfully removed from event ' + $scope.event.title;
msg_type = 'warning';
toaster.pop({type: msg_type, title: msg.message});
$scope.setTicketAttributeAndRefocus = function(ticket, key, value) {
$scope.setTicketAttribute(ticket, key, value);
$scope.query = '';
$scope._setAttended = function(ticket) {
$scope.setTicketAttribute(ticket, 'attended', true, null, true);
$scope.deleteTicket = function(ticket) {
event_id: $state.params.id,
ticket_id: ticket._id
}, function() {
var msg = $scope.buildTicketLabel(ticket);
msg += ' successfully removed from event ' + $scope.event.title;
toaster.pop({type: 'error', title: msg});
$scope.addTicket = function(ticket, cb) {
ticket.event_id = $state.params.id;
if ($scope.modalInstance && $scope.modalInstance.opened) {
EventTicket.add(ticket, function(ret_ticket) {
$scope.$emit('event:ticket:new', ret_ticket, function() {
$scope.$emit('event:ticket:set-attr', ret_ticket, 'attended', true, null, true);
if (cb) {
if (!$state.is('event.tickets')) {
$state.go('event.ticket.edit', {id: $scope.event._id, ticket_id: ret_ticket._id});
} else {
$scope.query = '';
if ($scope.modalInstance) {
// Close the Quick ticket modal.
$scope.modalInstance.dismiss('no reason');
var msg = $scope.buildTicketLabel(ret_ticket);
msg += ' successfully added to event ' + $scope.event.title;
toaster.pop({type: 'success', title: msg});
$scope.updateTicket = function(ticket, cb) {
ticket.event_id = $state.params.id;
EventTicket.update(ticket, function(t) {
$scope.$emit('event:ticket:update', t.ticket);
if (cb) {
$scope.toggleCancelledTicket = function() {
if (!$scope.ticket._id) {
$scope.ticket.cancelled = !$scope.ticket.cancelled;
$scope.setTicketAttribute($scope.ticket, 'cancelled', $scope.ticket.cancelled, function() {
$scope.guiOptions.dangerousActionsEnabled = false;
$scope.openQuickAddTicket = function(_id) {
$scope.modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
templateUrl: 'modal-quick-add-ticket.html',
scope: $scope
$scope.submitForm = function(dataModelSubmitted) {
$scope.ticket = {_id: $scope.ticket._id};
angular.forEach(dataModelSubmitted, function(value, key) {
key = $scope.formFieldsMap[key] || key;
$scope.ticket[key] = value;
if ($state.is('event.ticket.edit')) {
$scope.updateTicket($scope.ticket, function() {
toaster.pop({type: 'info', title: 'ticket successfully updated'});
} else {
$scope.cancelForm = function() {
if (!$state.is('event.tickets')) {
} else if ($scope.modalInstance) {
$scope.modalInstance.dismiss('no reason');
$scope.extractFormFields = function(formlyFieldsModel) {
if (!formlyFieldsModel) {
angular.forEach(formlyFieldsModel, function(row, idx) {
if (!row.className == 'row') {
angular.forEach(row.fieldGroup || [], function(item, idx) {
if (!(item.key && item.templateOptions && item.templateOptions.label)) {
var value = item.templateOptions.label.toLowerCase();
$scope.formFieldsMap[item.key] = value;
$scope.formFieldsMapRev[value] = item.key;
$scope.updateOrded = function(key) {
var new_order = [key];
var inv_key;
if (key && key[0] === '-') {
inv_key = key.substring(1);
} else {
inv_key = '-' + key;
function(value, idx) {
if (value !== key && value !== inv_key) {
$scope.ticketsOrder = new_order;
$scope.updateCSV = function() {
if (!$scope.filteredTickets.length) {
try {
var csv = json2csv({data: $scope.filteredTickets});
var blob = new Blob([csv], {type: 'text/csv'});
$scope.downloadURL = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(blob);
} catch(err) {}
$scope.resetInput = function() {
$scope.query = "";
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
$scope.EventUpdates && $scope.EventUpdates.close();
eventManControllers.controller('UsersCtrl', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$state', '$log', 'User', '$uibModal',
function ($scope, $rootScope, $state, $log, User, $uibModal) {
$scope.loginData = {};
$scope.user = {};
$scope.updateUserInfo = {};
$scope.users = [];
$scope.usersOrderProp = 'username';
$scope.ticketsOrderProp = 'title';
$scope.confirm_delete = 'Do you really want to delete this user?';
$rootScope.$on('$translateChangeSuccess', function () {
$translate('Do you really want to delete this user?').then(function (translation) {
$scope.confirm_delete = translation;
$scope.updateUsersList = function() {
if ($state.is('users')) {
$scope.users = User.all();
if ($state.is('user.edit') && $state.params.id) {
$scope.user = User.get({id: $state.params.id}, function() {
$scope.updateUserInfo = $scope.user;
$scope.updateUserInfo.isAdmin = $rootScope.hasPermission('admin|all', $scope.updateUserInfo);
$scope.updateUser = function() {
$scope.deleteUser = function(user_id) {
var modalInstance = $uibModal.open({
scope: $scope,
templateUrl: 'modal-confirm-action.html',
controller: 'ModalConfirmInstanceCtrl',
resolve: {
message: function() { return $scope.confirm_delete; }
modalInstance.result.then(function() {
User.delete({id: user_id}, $scope.updateUsersList);
$scope.register = function() {
User.add($scope.newUser, function(data) {
$scope.login = function(loginData) {
if (!loginData) {
loginData = $scope.loginData;
User.login(loginData, function(data) {
if (!data.error) {
$rootScope.readInfo(function(info) {
$log.debug('logged in user: ' + $scope.info.user.username);
$scope.logout = function() {
User.logout({}, function(data) {
if (!data.error) {
$rootScope.readInfo(function() {
$log.debug('logged out user');
eventManControllers.controller('FileUploadCtrl', ['$scope', '$log', '$upload', 'EbAPI', 'Event', 'toaster',
function ($scope, $log, $upload, EbAPI, Event, toaster) {
$scope.file = null;
$scope.progress = 0;
$scope.progressbarType = 'warning';
$scope.deduplicate = false;
$scope.targetEvent = null;
$scope.createNewEvent = true;
$scope.ebAPIkey = '';
$scope.ebEventID = '';
$scope.reply = {};
$scope.events = Event.all();
$scope.importRunning = false;
$scope.apiImport = function() {
if (!($scope.ebAPIkey && $scope.ebEventID)) {
$log.warn('missing Eventbrite API key or Event ID');
$scope.importRunning = true;
var watingToaster = toaster.pop({type: 'wait', title: 'importing tickets',
body: 'this may take a while...',
timeout: 0, showCloseButton: false,
tapToDismiss: false});
create: $scope.createNewEvent,
eventID: $scope.ebEventID,
targetEvent: $scope.targetEvent,
oauthToken: $scope.ebAPIkey
}, function(data) {
toaster.pop({type: 'info', title: 'tickets imported!',
body: 'total: ' + data.total + ' errors: ' + (data.total - data.valid)})
$scope.importRunning = false;
}, function(data) {
$scope.importRunning = false;
$scope.upload = function(file, url) {
$scope.progress = 0;
$scope.progressbarType = 'warning';
url: url,
file: file,
fields: {targetEvent: $scope.targetEvent, deduplicate: $scope.deduplicate}
}).progress(function(evt) {
$scope.progress = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded / evt.total);
$log.debug('progress: ' + $scope.progress + '%');
}).success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.file = null;
$scope.progress = 100;
$scope.progressbarType = 'success';
$scope.reply = angular.fromJson(data);