1.4 KB



  • event: a faire, convention, congress or any other kind of meeting
  • registered person: someone who said it will attend at the event
  • attendee: a person who actually show up at the event


  • create a new event (DONE)
  • create a new registered person manually (DONE)
  • associate to an event a list of registered persons, creating them if needed (manually and importing from external sources)
  • mark registered persons as present (including them in the list of attendees)
  • mark when an attendee enters/leaves the event
  • execute actions when an attendee shows up or enters/leaves the event
  • show information and statistics about registered persons, attendees and events


Next to be done

  • ability to delete a person or event
  • import persons from CSV
  • introduce the concept of registered persons and attendees in the GUI and in the database
  • add the minimum required fields to lists and detailed pages for persons and events
  • handle datetimes (on GUI with a calendar and on the backend deserializing ISO 8601 strings)
  • modal on event/person removal

Nice to have

  • a test suite
  • join the page used to add persons/events into the lists (shown when the filter field returns nothing and/or when a button is pressed)
  • notifications for form editing and other actions
  • authentication for administrators
  • i18n
  • logging and debugging code