Let's face it: we are all busy and lazy people. That, and our horrible attention span, conspire against us making us look like monsters in mourning times.
But now we have Thoughts & Prayers! Thoughts & Prayers will save the world!
Thoughts & Prayers is a [polygen](https://polygen.org/) grammar for busy people, helping them populating their Twitter (or even better, Mastodon!) timeline in time of need (i.e. "always").
A demo bot can be found here: https://t.me/ThoughtsAndPrayersBot
You can use the *Dockerfile.telegram* file to create your own Telegram bot; don't forget to run it specifying the **TAPBOT_TOKEN** environment variable.
You can use the *Dockerfile.mastodon* file to create your own Mastodon bot; don't forget to run it specifying the **TAPBOT_TOKEN** environment variable.