var DEFAULT_DELAY = 7; var Countdown = { _timeout: null, _stepCb: null, _timeoutCb: null, running: false, seconds: DEFAULT_DELAY, _initial_seconds: DEFAULT_DELAY, start: function(seconds, timeoutCb, stepCb) { Countdown.stop(); Countdown.seconds = Countdown._initial_seconds = seconds || DEFAULT_DELAY; Countdown._timeoutCb = timeoutCb || Countdown._timeoutCb; Countdown._stepCb = stepCb || Countdown._stepCb; Countdown.running = true; Countdown._step(); }, stop: function() { if (Countdown._timeout) { window.clearTimeout(Countdown._timeout); } Countdown.running = false; }, restart: function() { Countdown.start(Countdown._initial_seconds); }, _step: function() { if (Countdown._stepCb) { Countdown._stepCb(); } if (Countdown.seconds === 0) { if (Countdown._timeoutCb) { Countdown._timeoutCb(); } Countdown.stop(); } else { Countdown._decrement(); } }, _decrement: function() { Countdown.seconds = Countdown.seconds - 1; Countdown._timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { Countdown._step(); }, 1000); } }; function uuidv4() { return ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16) ); } var UUID = uuidv4(); function getWSPath() { var loc = window.location, new_uri; if (loc.protocol === "https:") { new_uri = "wss:"; } else { new_uri = "ws:"; } new_uri += "//" + + "/ws?uuid=" + UUID; return new_uri; } var WS = new WebSocket(getWSPath()); WS.onerror = function(error) { console.log('WebSocket Error ' + error); }; WS.onmessage = function(e) { console.log("received message on websocket: " +; var jdata = JSON.parse(; if (!(jdata && jdata.source == "button" && jdata.action == "clicked")) { return; } if (!Countdown.running) { takePhoto("press again to publish!"); } else { sendPhoto(); } }; function runCamera(stream) { console.log("initialize the camera"); var video = document.querySelector("#sb-video"); var container = document.querySelector("#canvas-container"); container.width = video.videoWidth; video.onloadedmetadata = function() {; }; video.srcObject = stream; resizeCanvas(video, 'sb-canvas'); } function sendData(data) { var formData = new FormData(); var msg = ""; formData.append("selfie", new Blob([data]), "selfie.jpeg"); fetch("/publish/", { method: "POST", body: formData }).then(function(response) { if (response.status !== 200) { msg = response.status; console.log(msg); iziToast.error({ "title": "😭 something wrong sending the data 😭", "message": msg, "titleSize": "3em", "messageSize": "2em", "close": false, "drag": false, "pauseOnHover": false, "position": "topCenter" }); } cancelPhoto(); return response.json(); }).then(function(json) { json = json || {}; console.log(json); if (json && json.success) { msg = "❤ ❤ ❤ photo sent successfully! ❤ ❤ ❤"; console.log(msg); iziToast.destroy(); iziToast.success({ "title": msg, "titleSize": "3em", "messageSize": "2em", "close": false, "drag": false, "pauseOnHover": false, "position": "topCenter" }); } else { msg = json.message; console.log(msg); iziToast.error({ "title": "😭 backend error 😭", "message": msg, "titleSize": "3em", "messageSize": "2em", "close": false, "drag": false, "pauseOnHover": false, "position": "topCenter" }); } }).catch(function(err) { console.log(msg); iziToast.error({ "title": "😭 error connecting to the server 😭", "message": err, "titleSize": "3em", "messageSize": "2em", "close": false, "drag": false, "pauseOnHover": false, "position": "topCenter" }); cancelPhoto(); }); } function cancelPhoto() { console.log("cancel photo"); document.querySelector("#send-photo-btn").classList.add("disabled"); document.querySelector("#cancel-photo-btn").classList.add("disabled"); var canvas = document.querySelector("#sb-canvas"); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); Countdown.stop(); } function isBlank(canvas) { var blank = document.createElement("canvas"); blank.width = canvas.width; blank.height = canvas.height; return canvas.toDataURL() == blank.toDataURL(); } function sendPhoto() { console.log("send photo"); Countdown.stop(); var canvas = document.querySelector("#sb-canvas"); if (!canvas || isBlank(canvas)) { var msg = "I cowardly refuse to send a blank image."; console.log(msg); iziToast.warning({ "title": msg, "titleSize": "3em", "messageSize": "2em", "close": false, "drag": false, "pauseOnHover": false, "position": "topCenter" }); return; } return sendData(canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg")); } function _takePhoto(message) { console.log("take photo"); var video = document.querySelector("#sb-video"); if (!(video.offsetWidth && video.offsetHeight)) { var msg = "missing video"; console.log(msg); iziToast.warning({ "title": msg, "message": "please grant camera permissions", "titleSize": "3em", "messageSize": "2em", "close": false, "drag": false, "pauseOnHover": false, "position": "topCenter" }); return; } var canvas = document.querySelector("#sb-canvas"); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.width = video.offsetWidth; canvas.height = video.offsetHeight; /* var tmpCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); tmpCanvas.width = video.offsetWidth; tmpCanvas.height = video.offsetHeight; var tmpContext = tmpCanvas.getContext("2d"); var tmpRatio = (tmpCanvas.height / tmpCanvas.width); tmpContext.drawImage(video, 0, 0, video.offsetWidth, video.offsetHeight); canvas.width = canvas.offsetWidth; canvas.height = canvas.offsetHeight; = parseInt(canvas.offsetWidth * tmpRatio); var scale = canvas.width / tmpCanvas.width; context.scale(scale, scale); context.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0); */ context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, video.offsetWidth, video.offsetHeight); document.querySelector("#send-photo-btn").classList.remove("disabled"); document.querySelector("#cancel-photo-btn").classList.remove("disabled"); iziToast.question({ "title": "do you like what you see?", "message": message || "press \"share photo\" to publish!", "titleSize": "3em", "messageSize": "2em", "close": false, "drag": false, "pauseOnHover": false, "position": "topCenter" }); Countdown.start(5, cancelPhoto); } function takePhoto(msg) { window.setTimeout(function() { _takePhoto(msg); }, 1000); } function initCamera() { console.log("request camera permission"); document.querySelector("#canvas-container").style.display = "block"; var videoObj = { "video": { width: 800, height: 600 }, "audio": false }; navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(videoObj).then(function(stream) { runCamera(stream); document.querySelector("#init-btn").style.display = "none"; document.querySelector("#take-photo-btn").classList.remove("disabled"); }).catch(function(err) { console.log("unable to open camera"); console.log(err); iziToast.error({ "title": "unable to open camera", "message": "please reload this page: " + err, "titleSize": "3em", "messageSize": "2em", "close": false, "drag": false, "pauseOnHover": false, "position": "topCenter" }); }); } function resizeCanvas(el, canvasID) { var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasID); canvas.width = el.offsetWidth; canvas.height = el.offsetHeighth; }