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[ ] create a build_all playbook

  • create target specific vars for build_all [ ] group firmware in human readable way [ ] replace with an ansible script if possible [ ] move packages from roles/stable/build/files to a repo
  • finish refactor of vs-ninux-wg (should it keep this name after refactor?) [ ] setup a repo with an updated .gitignore for publishing purposes [ ] update README with build system information [ ] add tags or prefix in tasks of roles/stable/build/tasks/main.yml [ ] reduce size of lime-mac files (include only ones of the same target?)

[ ] issue: building for a new target ramips_mt76x8 doesn't select the device tl-wr6400-v4 at first time. props: changing target and then make defconfig, then cat EOF the target device and redo a make defconfig

[ ] add workaround to initialize device br-lan on openwrt 21.02.3 config device

    option name 'br-lan'
    option type 'bridge'
    list ports 'eth0'
    list ports 'bat0'

[ ] try to add support for lbe-m5 on openwrt 21.02.3