#!/bin/bash # backup README cp README.md DOC.md # delete this git repo and sync the offical one rm -rf .git git clone https://github.com/umap-project/umap.git tmp rsync -r -L tmp/ . rm -rf tmp/ # checkout to latest tag TAG=$(git tag -l | tail -1) git checkout $TAG # create two default branch git switch -c current git switch -c upstream # build docker image chmod +x docker-entrypoint.sh docker build --tag umap:$TAG . # initialize directories and # fix db volume permission to enable backup without root needed mkdir static uploads db chown -R 70:$USER db chmod g=rwx,o-rwx -R db # setup umap container tagname sed -i 's/umap:latest/umap:'${TAG}'/g' docker-compose.yml; docker-compose up -d;