Michael Hall
Add a functional homepage using team and event lookups based on geoip or specifid city. Use Searchable to include federated events. Move login to it's own page
2018-02-14 23:01:43 -02:00 |
Michael Hall
Add Description field to Teams, allow Markdown for team and event descriptions, use Bootstrap layouts for team and event pages
2018-01-25 16:50:19 -05:00 |
Michael Hall
Add ability to enable Google analytics for production sites
2018-01-22 12:01:07 -05:00 |
Michael Hall
Add environ_settings.py for situations where you want to configure GetTogether using runtime variables (such as docker, vagrant or other container style deployments). Fixes #12
2018-01-12 22:46:59 -05:00 |
Michael Hall
Add social authentication with python-social-auth and social-auth-app-django. You will need to setup app id & secret in a ./local_settings.py file to use them
2017-12-27 15:00:49 -05:00 |
Michael Hall
Remoted pkg-resources dependency added by Ubuntu's pip package.
Fixes #1
2017-12-27 10:56:21 -05:00 |
Michael Hall
Initial commit, basic models only and just enough views to show it's working
2017-12-26 11:46:27 -05:00 |