# frozen_string_literal: true require 'tty-prompt' namespace :mastodon do desc 'Configure the instance for production use' task :setup do prompt = TTY::Prompt.new env = {} # When the application code gets loaded, it runs `lib/mastodon/redis_configuration.rb`. # This happens before application environment configuration and sets REDIS_URL etc. # These variables are then used even when REDIS_HOST etc. are changed, so clear them # out so they don't interfere with our new configuration. ENV.delete('REDIS_URL') ENV.delete('CACHE_REDIS_URL') ENV.delete('SIDEKIQ_REDIS_URL') begin prompt.say('Your instance is identified by its domain name. Changing it afterward will break things.') env['LOCAL_DOMAIN'] = prompt.ask('Domain name:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip q.validate(/\A[a-z0-9.-]+\z/i) q.messages[:valid?] = 'Invalid domain. If you intend to use unicode characters, enter punycode here' end prompt.say "\n" prompt.say('Single user mode disables registrations and redirects the landing page to your public profile.') env['SINGLE_USER_MODE'] = prompt.yes?('Do you want to enable single user mode?', default: false) %w(SECRET_KEY_BASE OTP_SECRET).each do |key| env[key] = SecureRandom.hex(64) end vapid_key = Webpush.generate_key env['VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY'] = vapid_key.private_key env['VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY'] = vapid_key.public_key prompt.say "\n" using_docker = prompt.yes?('Are you using Docker to run Mastodon?') db_connection_works = false prompt.say "\n" loop do env['DB_HOST'] = prompt.ask('PostgreSQL host:') do |q| q.required true q.default using_docker ? 'db' : '/var/run/postgresql' q.modify :strip end env['DB_PORT'] = prompt.ask('PostgreSQL port:') do |q| q.required true q.default 5432 q.convert :int end env['DB_NAME'] = prompt.ask('Name of PostgreSQL database:') do |q| q.required true q.default using_docker ? 'postgres' : 'mastodon_production' q.modify :strip end env['DB_USER'] = prompt.ask('Name of PostgreSQL user:') do |q| q.required true q.default using_docker ? 'postgres' : 'mastodon' q.modify :strip end env['DB_PASS'] = prompt.ask('Password of PostgreSQL user:') do |q| q.echo false end # The chosen database may not exist yet. Connect to default database # to avoid "database does not exist" error. db_options = { adapter: :postgresql, database: 'postgres', host: env['DB_HOST'], port: env['DB_PORT'], user: env['DB_USER'], password: env['DB_PASS'], } begin ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(db_options) ActiveRecord::Base.connection prompt.ok 'Database configuration works! πŸŽ†' db_connection_works = true break rescue => e prompt.error 'Database connection could not be established with this configuration, try again.' prompt.error e.message break unless prompt.yes?('Try again?') end end prompt.say "\n" loop do env['REDIS_HOST'] = prompt.ask('Redis host:') do |q| q.required true q.default using_docker ? 'redis' : 'localhost' q.modify :strip end env['REDIS_PORT'] = prompt.ask('Redis port:') do |q| q.required true q.default 6379 q.convert :int end env['REDIS_PASSWORD'] = prompt.ask('Redis password:') do |q| q.required false q.default nil q.modify :strip end redis_options = { host: env['REDIS_HOST'], port: env['REDIS_PORT'], password: env['REDIS_PASSWORD'], driver: :hiredis, } begin redis = Redis.new(redis_options) redis.ping prompt.ok 'Redis configuration works! πŸŽ†' break rescue => e prompt.error 'Redis connection could not be established with this configuration, try again.' prompt.error e.message break unless prompt.yes?('Try again?') end end prompt.say "\n" if prompt.yes?('Do you want to store uploaded files on the cloud?', default: false) case prompt.select('Provider', ['DigitalOcean Spaces', 'Amazon S3', 'Wasabi', 'Minio', 'Google Cloud Storage', 'Storj DCS']) when 'DigitalOcean Spaces' env['S3_ENABLED'] = 'true' env['S3_PROTOCOL'] = 'https' env['S3_BUCKET'] = prompt.ask('Space name:') do |q| q.required true q.default "files.#{env['LOCAL_DOMAIN']}" q.modify :strip end env['S3_REGION'] = prompt.ask('Space region:') do |q| q.required true q.default 'nyc3' q.modify :strip end env['S3_HOSTNAME'] = prompt.ask('Space endpoint:') do |q| q.required true q.default 'nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com' q.modify :strip end env['S3_ENDPOINT'] = "https://#{env['S3_HOSTNAME']}" env['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = prompt.ask('Space access key:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end env['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = prompt.ask('Space secret key:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end when 'Amazon S3' env['S3_ENABLED'] = 'true' env['S3_PROTOCOL'] = 'https' env['S3_BUCKET'] = prompt.ask('S3 bucket name:') do |q| q.required true q.default "files.#{env['LOCAL_DOMAIN']}" q.modify :strip end env['S3_REGION'] = prompt.ask('S3 region:') do |q| q.required true q.default 'us-east-1' q.modify :strip end env['S3_HOSTNAME'] = prompt.ask('S3 hostname:') do |q| q.required true q.default 's3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com' q.modify :strip end env['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = prompt.ask('S3 access key:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end env['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = prompt.ask('S3 secret key:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end when 'Wasabi' env['S3_ENABLED'] = 'true' env['S3_PROTOCOL'] = 'https' env['S3_REGION'] = 'us-east-1' env['S3_HOSTNAME'] = 's3.wasabisys.com' env['S3_ENDPOINT'] = 'https://s3.wasabisys.com/' env['S3_BUCKET'] = prompt.ask('Wasabi bucket name:') do |q| q.required true q.default "files.#{env['LOCAL_DOMAIN']}" q.modify :strip end env['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = prompt.ask('Wasabi access key:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end env['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = prompt.ask('Wasabi secret key:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end when 'Minio' env['S3_ENABLED'] = 'true' env['S3_PROTOCOL'] = 'https' env['S3_REGION'] = 'us-east-1' env['S3_ENDPOINT'] = prompt.ask('Minio endpoint URL:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end env['S3_PROTOCOL'] = env['S3_ENDPOINT'].start_with?('https') ? 'https' : 'http' env['S3_HOSTNAME'] = env['S3_ENDPOINT'].gsub(%r{\Ahttps?://}, '') env['S3_BUCKET'] = prompt.ask('Minio bucket name:') do |q| q.required true q.default "files.#{env['LOCAL_DOMAIN']}" q.modify :strip end env['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = prompt.ask('Minio access key:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end env['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = prompt.ask('Minio secret key:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end when 'Storj DCS' env['S3_ENABLED'] = 'true' env['S3_PROTOCOL'] = 'https' env['S3_REGION'] = 'global' env['S3_ENDPOINT'] = prompt.ask('Storj DCS endpoint URL:') do |q| q.required true q.default 'https://gateway.storjshare.io' q.modify :strip end env['S3_PROTOCOL'] = env['S3_ENDPOINT'].start_with?('https') ? 'https' : 'http' env['S3_HOSTNAME'] = env['S3_ENDPOINT'].gsub(%r{\Ahttps?://}, '') env['S3_BUCKET'] = prompt.ask('Storj DCS bucket name:') do |q| q.required true q.default "files.#{env['LOCAL_DOMAIN']}" q.modify :strip end env['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = prompt.ask('Storj Gateway access key (uplink share --register --readonly=false --not-after=none sj://bucket):') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end env['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = prompt.ask('Storj Gateway secret key:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end linksharing_access_key = prompt.ask('Storj Linksharing access key (uplink share --register --public --readonly=true --disallow-lists --not-after=none sj://bucket):') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end env['S3_ALIAS_HOST'] = "link.storjshare.io/raw/#{linksharing_access_key}/#{env['S3_BUCKET']}" when 'Google Cloud Storage' env['S3_ENABLED'] = 'true' env['S3_PROTOCOL'] = 'https' env['S3_HOSTNAME'] = 'storage.googleapis.com' env['S3_ENDPOINT'] = 'https://storage.googleapis.com' env['S3_MULTIPART_THRESHOLD'] = 50.megabytes env['S3_BUCKET'] = prompt.ask('GCS bucket name:') do |q| q.required true q.default "files.#{env['LOCAL_DOMAIN']}" q.modify :strip end env['S3_REGION'] = prompt.ask('GCS region:') do |q| q.required true q.default 'us-west1' q.modify :strip end env['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = prompt.ask('GCS access key:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end env['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = prompt.ask('GCS secret key:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end end if prompt.yes?('Do you want to access the uploaded files from your own domain?') env['S3_ALIAS_HOST'] = prompt.ask('Domain for uploaded files:') do |q| q.required true q.default "files.#{env['LOCAL_DOMAIN']}" q.modify :strip end end end prompt.say "\n" loop do if prompt.yes?('Do you want to send e-mails from localhost?', default: false) env['SMTP_SERVER'] = 'localhost' env['SMTP_PORT'] = 25 env['SMTP_AUTH_METHOD'] = 'none' env['SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE'] = 'none' env['SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS'] = 'auto' else env['SMTP_SERVER'] = prompt.ask('SMTP server:') do |q| q.required true q.default 'smtp.mailgun.org' q.modify :strip end env['SMTP_PORT'] = prompt.ask('SMTP port:') do |q| q.required true q.default 587 q.convert :int end env['SMTP_LOGIN'] = prompt.ask('SMTP username:') do |q| q.modify :strip end env['SMTP_PASSWORD'] = prompt.ask('SMTP password:') do |q| q.echo false end env['SMTP_AUTH_METHOD'] = prompt.ask('SMTP authentication:') do |q| q.required q.default 'plain' q.modify :strip end env['SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE'] = prompt.select('SMTP OpenSSL verify mode:', %w(none peer client_once fail_if_no_peer_cert)) env['SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS'] = prompt.select('Enable STARTTLS:', %w(auto always never)) end env['SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS'] = prompt.ask('E-mail address to send e-mails "from":') do |q| q.required true q.default "Mastodon " q.modify :strip end break unless prompt.yes?('Send a test e-mail with this configuration right now?') send_to = prompt.ask('Send test e-mail to:', required: true) begin enable_starttls = nil enable_starttls_auto = nil case env['SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS'] when 'always' enable_starttls = true when 'never' enable_starttls = false when 'auto' enable_starttls_auto = true else enable_starttls_auto = env['SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO'] != 'false' end ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { port: env['SMTP_PORT'], address: env['SMTP_SERVER'], user_name: env['SMTP_LOGIN'].presence, password: env['SMTP_PASSWORD'].presence, domain: env['LOCAL_DOMAIN'], authentication: env['SMTP_AUTH_METHOD'] == 'none' ? nil : env['SMTP_AUTH_METHOD'] || :plain, openssl_verify_mode: env['SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE'], enable_starttls: enable_starttls, enable_starttls_auto: enable_starttls_auto, } ActionMailer::Base.default_options = { from: env['SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS'], } mail = ActionMailer::Base.new.mail to: send_to, subject: 'Test', body: 'Mastodon SMTP configuration works!' mail.deliver break rescue => e prompt.error 'E-mail could not be sent with this configuration, try again.' prompt.error e.message break unless prompt.yes?('Try again?') end end prompt.say "\n" env['UPDATE_CHECK_URL'] = '' unless prompt.yes?('Do you want Mastodon to periodically check for important updates and notify you? (Recommended)', default: true) prompt.say "\n" prompt.say 'This configuration will be written to .env.production' if prompt.yes?('Save configuration?') incompatible_syntax = false env_contents = env.each_pair.map do |key, value| value = value.to_s escaped = dotenv_escape(value) incompatible_syntax = true if value != escaped "#{key}=#{escaped}" end.join("\n") generated_header = generate_header(incompatible_syntax) Rails.root.join('.env.production').write("#{generated_header}#{env_contents}\n") if using_docker prompt.ok 'Below is your configuration, save it to an .env.production file outside Docker:' prompt.say "\n" prompt.say "#{generated_header}#{env.each_pair.map { |key, value| "#{key}=#{value}" }.join("\n")}" prompt.say "\n" prompt.ok 'It is also saved within this container so you can proceed with this wizard.' end prompt.say "\n" prompt.say 'Now that configuration is saved, the database schema must be loaded.' prompt.warn 'If the database already exists, this will erase its contents.' if prompt.yes?('Prepare the database now?') prompt.say 'Running `RAILS_ENV=production rails db:setup` ...' prompt.say "\n\n" if system(env.transform_values(&:to_s).merge({ 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production', 'SAFETY_ASSURED' => '1' }), 'rails db:setup') prompt.ok 'Done!' else prompt.error 'That failed! Perhaps your configuration is not right' end end unless using_docker prompt.say "\n" prompt.say 'The final step is compiling CSS/JS assets.' prompt.say 'This may take a while and consume a lot of RAM.' if prompt.yes?('Compile the assets now?') prompt.say 'Running `RAILS_ENV=production rails assets:precompile` ...' prompt.say "\n\n" if system(env.transform_values(&:to_s).merge({ 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production' }), 'rails assets:precompile') prompt.say 'Done!' else prompt.error 'That failed! Maybe you need swap space?' end end end prompt.say "\n" prompt.ok 'All done! You can now power on the Mastodon server 🐘' prompt.say "\n" if db_connection_works && prompt.yes?('Do you want to create an admin user straight away?') env.each_pair do |key, value| ENV[key] = value.to_s end require_relative '../../config/environment' disable_log_stdout! username = prompt.ask('Username:') do |q| q.required true q.default 'admin' q.validate(/\A[a-z0-9_]+\z/i) q.modify :strip end email = prompt.ask('E-mail:') do |q| q.required true q.modify :strip end password = SecureRandom.hex(16) owner_role = UserRole.find_by(name: 'Owner') user = User.new(email: email, password: password, confirmed_at: Time.now.utc, account_attributes: { username: username }, bypass_invite_request_check: true, role: owner_role) user.save(validate: false) user.approve! Setting.site_contact_username = username prompt.ok "You can login with the password: #{password}" prompt.warn 'You can change your password once you login.' end else prompt.warn 'Nothing saved. Bye!' end rescue TTY::Reader::InputInterrupt prompt.ok 'Aborting. Bye!' end end namespace :webpush do desc 'Generate VAPID key' task :generate_vapid_key do vapid_key = Webpush.generate_key puts "VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY=#{vapid_key.private_key}" puts "VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY=#{vapid_key.public_key}" end end private def generate_header(include_warning) default_message = "# Generated with mastodon:setup on #{Time.now.utc}\n\n" default_message.tap do |string| if include_warning string << "# Some variables in this file will be interpreted differently whether you are\n" string << "# using docker-compose or not.\n\n" end end end end def disable_log_stdout! dev_null = Logger.new('/dev/null') Rails.logger = dev_null ActiveRecord::Base.logger = dev_null HttpLog.configuration.logger = dev_null Paperclip.options[:log] = false end def dotenv_escape(value) # Dotenv has its own parser, which unfortunately deviates somewhat from # what shells actually do. # # In particular, we can't use Shellwords::escape because it outputs a # non-quotable string, while Dotenv requires `#` to always be in quoted # strings. # # Therefore, we need to write our own escape code… # Dotenv's parser has a *lot* of edge cases, and I think not every # ASCII string can even be represented into something Dotenv can parse, # so this is a best effort thing. # # In particular, strings with all the following probably cannot be # escaped: # - `#`, or ends with spaces, which requires some form of quoting (simply escaping won't work) # - `'` (single quote), preventing us from single-quoting # - `\` followed by either `r` or `n` # No character that would cause Dotenv trouble return value unless /[\s\#\\"'$]/.match?(value) # As long as the value doesn't include single quotes, we can safely # rely on single quotes return "'#{value}'" unless value.include?("'") # If the value contains the string '\n' or '\r' we simply can't use # a double-quoted string, because Dotenv will expand \n or \r no # matter how much escaping we add. double_quoting_disallowed = /\\[rn]/.match?(value) value = value.gsub(double_quoting_disallowed ? /[\\"'\s]/ : /[\\"']/) { |x| "\\#{x}" } # Dotenv is especially tricky with `$` as unbalanced # parenthesis will make it not unescape `\$` as `$`… # Variables value = value.gsub(/\$(?!\()/) { |x| "\\#{x}" } # Commands value = value.gsub(/\$(?\((?:[^()]|\g)+\))/) { |x| "\\#{x}" } value = "\"#{value}\"" unless double_quoting_disallowed value end