from mastodon import Mastodon from dotenv import load_dotenv from pathlib import Path import os import time load_dotenv() INSTANCE_BASE = os.getenv('INSTANCE_BASE') CLIENT_ID = os.getenv('CLIENT_ID') CLIENT_SECRET = os.getenv('CLIENT_SECRET') ACCESS_TOKEN = os.getenv('ACCESS_TOKEN') WELCOME_MESSAGE = os.getenv('WELCOME_MESSAGE', 'Welcome to the instance, @{username}!').replace("\\n","\n") MESSAGE_VISIBILITY = os.getenv('MESSAGE_VISIBILITY', 'unlisted') WAIT_TIME = int(os.getenv('WAIT_TIME', 300)) IS_DOCKER = os.getenv('IS_DOCKER', False) def contains_local_account(accounts): for account in accounts: if account.username == account.acct: return True return False def is_local_account(account): return account.username == account.acct def send_welcome_message(mastodon, account): formatted_message = WELCOME_MESSAGE.format(username=account.username, useracct=account.acct) mastodon.status_post(formatted_message) last_id_file = Path('.') / 'last_id.txt' last_id = 0 if IS_DOCKER: last_id_file = Path('/data') / 'last_id' if last_id_file.is_file(): with open(str(last_id_file)) as f: last_id = int( print('Botvenon is starting...') print('Welcoming any users after id %d' % last_id) mastodon = Mastodon( client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN, api_base_url=INSTANCE_BASE) user = mastodon.account_verify_credentials() # Get the current user followers = mastodon.account_followers(user) # Get the latest followers # print( # f'''Followed by: {account.username} # (Acct value: {account.acct}, id: {})''') while True: for account in mastodon.account_followers(user): if is_local_account(account) and > last_id and not last_id = with open(str(last_id_file), 'w+') as f: f.write(str(last_id)) print('Welcoming %s...' % account.username) send_welcome_message(mastodon, account) time.sleep(WAIT_TIME)