#!/usr/bin/env bash SESSION="circolog" TAIL="ctl" DAEMON="d" DWINDOW="${SESSION}:${DAEMON}" TAILWINDOW="${SESSION}:${TAIL}" d_send_command() { tmux send-keys -t "${DWINDOW}.${1}" "${2}" Enter } tail_send_command() { tmux send-keys -t "${TAILWINDOW}.${1}" "${2}" Enter } digit_command() { local input=$2 for (( i=0; i<${#input}; i++ )) do sleep 0.1 tmux send-keys -t "${TAILWINDOW}.${1}" "${input:$i:1}" done sleep 2 tmux send-keys -t "${TAILWINDOW}.${1}" Enter } digit_comment() { local input=$2 for (( i=0; i<${#input}; i++ )) do sleep 0.1 tmux send-keys -t "${TAILWINDOW}.${1}" "${input:$i:1}" done sleep 2 for (( i=0; i<${#input}; i++ )) do tmux send-keys -t "${TAILWINDOW}.${1}" "C-h" done } config() { tmux new -s $SESSION -n $TAIL -d tmux new-window -t $SESSION -n $DAEMON tmux split-window -v -t $DWINDOW tmux set-option -t $SESSION status off d_send_command 0 "circologd" tail_send_command 0 "bash" tail_send_command 0 "PS1='my-server ~ '" tail_send_command 0 "clear" } logger_send() { d_send_command 1 "logger -n -P 9514 --rfc5424=nohost -t oper -d -p user.${2:-5} ${1}" } start_ctl() { sleep 3; digit_comment 0 "Let's take a look at circolog-tail, the circologd client to read and *filter* logs." digit_command 0 "circolog-tail" sleep 2 logger_send "This is a log message from some program." sleep 2 logger_send "This is an error. Look at these nice colors we have." "3" sleep 2 logger_send "This is a debug message." "7" sleep 4 tail_send_command 0 "C-c" sleep 1 digit_comment 0 "Let's see how to filter. The syntax is SQL-alike." sleep 1 digit_command 0 "circolog-tail -where 'msg LIKE \"%error%\"'" } attach_session() { tmux attach -t $TAILWINDOW } cleanup() { send_command 0 "C-c" tmux kill-session -t $SESSION } trap cleanup 2 15 config start_ctl & attach_session