package main import ( "flag" "os" "" "" "" ) var Session struct { Info cli.ProgramInfo Config *config.AccountData } var Log *log.Logger func init() { get := GetCmd{} set := SetCmd{} add := AddCmd{} // del := DelCmd{} Session.Info.Commands = cli.CommandMap{ "get": get, "set": set, "add": add, // "del": del, } Session.Info.Name = "papero" flag.Usage = func() { cli.Usage(os.Stdout, Session.Info) } Log = log.New(os.Stdout) } func main() { var configPath string flag.StringVar(&Session.Info.Opts.ConfigPath, "config", "", "path to the configuration") flag.BoolVar(&Session.Info.Opts.Debug, "debug", false, "execute in debug mode") flag.StringVar(&Session.Info.Opts.ConfigStanza, "account", "", "specify which account to use") flag.Parse() args := flag.Args() if len(args) == 0 { cli.Usage(os.Stderr, Session.Info) os.Exit(1) } if Session.Info.Opts.Debug { Log.WithDebug() Log.Debugf( "opts -> config: %s\tdebug: %v\taccount: %s\n", Session.Info.Opts.ConfigPath, Session.Info.Opts.Debug, Session.Info.Opts.ConfigStanza, ) } if Session.Info.Opts.ConfigPath == "" { var err error configPath, err = config.Find() if err != nil { Log.Fatal(err) } } else { configPath = Session.Info.Opts.ConfigPath } fullConfig, err := config.Parse(configPath) if err != nil { Log.Error(err) os.Exit(2) } var ok bool var account string if Session.Info.Opts.ConfigStanza != "" { account = Session.Info.Opts.ConfigStanza Session.Config, ok = fullConfig.Accounts[account] } else { account = fullConfig.Default Session.Config, ok = fullConfig.Accounts[account] } if !ok { Log.Error("Account not found in config:", account) os.Exit(2) } err = Session.Info.Commands[args[0]].Func(args) if err != nil { Log.Error(err) os.Exit(-1) } }