
[DemonoidBridge] Add new bridge

metaMMA 7 年之前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 146 次插入0 次删除
  1. 146 0

+ 146 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+class DemonoidBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
+	const MAINTAINER = 'metaMMA';
+	const NAME = 'Demonoid';
+	const URI = 'https://www.demonoid.pw/';
+	const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns results for the keywords (in all categories or
+	a specific category). You can put several keywords separated by a semicolon
+ (e.g. "one show;another show"). Searches can by done in a specific category;
+ category number must be specified. (All=0, Movies=1, Music=2, TV=3, Games=4,
+ Applications=5, Pictures=8, Anime=9, Comics=10, Books=11 Music Videos=8,
+ Audio Books=17). User feed takes the Uploader ID number (not  uploader name)
+ as keyword. Uploader ID is found by clicking on uploader,  clicking on
+ "View this user\'s torrents", and copying the number after  "uid=". An entire
+ category feed is accomplished by leaving "keywords" box blank and using the
+ corresponding category number.';
+	const PARAMETERS = array( array(
+		'q' => array(
+			'name' => 'keywords/user ID/category, separated by semicolons',
+			'exampleValue' => 'first list;second list;…',
+			'required' => true
+		),
+		'crit' => array(
+			'type' => 'list',
+			'name' => 'Feed type',
+			'values' => array(
+				'search' => 'search',
+				'category' => 'cat',
+				'user' => 'usr'
+			)
+		),
+		'catCheck' => array(
+			'type' => 'checkbox',
+			'name' => 'Specify category for keyword search ?',
+		),
+		'cat' => array(
+			'name' => 'Category number',
+		),
+	));
+	public function collectData() {
+		$catBool = $this->getInput('catCheck');
+		if($catBool) {
+			$catNum = $this->getInput('cat');
+		}
+		$critList = $this->getInput('crit');
+		$keywordsList = explode(';', $this->getInput('q'));
+		foreach($keywordsList as $keywords) {
+			switch($critList) {
+				case 'search':
+				if($catBool == false) {
+					$html = file_get_contents(
+						self::URI .
+						'files/?category=0&subcategory=All&quality=All&seeded=2&external=2&query=' .
+						urlencode($keywords) . #not rawurlencode so space -> '+'
+						'&uid=0&sort='
+						) or returnServerError('Could not request Demonoid.');
+					} else {
+						$html = file_get_contents(
+							self::URI .
+							'files/?category=' .
+							rawurlencode($catNum) .
+							'&subcategory=All&quality=All&seeded=2&external=2&query=' .
+							urlencode($keywords) . #not rawurlencode so space -> '+'
+							'&uid=0&sort='
+							) or returnServerError('Could not request Demonoid.');
+					}
+					break;
+				case 'usr':
+				$html = file_get_contents(
+					self::URI .
+					'files/?uid=' .
+					rawurlencode($keywords) .
+					'&seeded=2'
+					) or returnServerError('Could not request Demonoid.');
+					break;
+				case 'cat':
+				$html = file_get_contents(
+					self::URI .
+					'files/?uid=0&category=' .
+					rawurlencode($keywords) .
+					'&subcategory=0&language=0&seeded=2&quality=0&query=&sort='
+					) or returnServerError('Could not request Demonoid.');
+					break;
+			}
+			if(preg_match('~No torrents found~', $html)) {
+				returnServerError('No result for query ' . $keywords);
+			}
+			$bigTable = explode('<!-- start torrent list -->', $html)[1];
+			$last50 = explode('<!-- end torrent list -->', $bigTable)[0];
+			$dateChunk = explode('added_today', $last50);
+			$item = array ();
+			for($block = 1;$block < count($dateChunk);$block++) {
+				preg_match('~(?<=>Add).*?(?=<)~', $dateChunk[$block], $dateStr);
+				if(preg_match('~today~', $dateStr[0])) {
+					date_default_timezone_set('UTC');
+					$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, gmdate('n'), gmdate('j'), gmdate('Y'));
+				}	else {
+					preg_match('~(?<=ed on ).*\d+~', $dateStr[0], $fullDateStr);
+					date_default_timezone_set('UTC');
+					$dateObj = strptime($fullDateStr[0], '%A, %b %d, %Y');
+					$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $dateObj['tm_mon'] + 1, $dateObj['tm_mday'], 1900 + $dateObj['tm_year']);
+				}
+				$itemsChunk = explode('<!-- tstart -->', $dateChunk[$block]);
+				for($items = 1;$items < count($itemsChunk);$items++) {
+					$item = array();
+					$cols = explode('<td', $itemsChunk[$items]);
+					preg_match('~(?<=href=\"/).*?(?=\")~', $cols[1], $matches);
+					$item['id'] = self::URI . $matches[0];
+					preg_match('~(?<=href=\").*?(?=\")~', $cols[4], $matches);
+					$item['uri'] = $matches[0];
+					$item['timestamp'] = $timestamp;
+					preg_match('~(?<=href=\"/users/).*?(?=\")~', $cols[3], $matches);
+					$item['author'] = $matches[0];
+					preg_match('~(?<=/\">).*?(?=</a>)~', $cols[1], $matches);
+					$item['title'] = $matches[0];
+					preg_match('~(?<=green\">)\d+(?=</font>)~', $cols[8], $matches);
+					$item['seeders'] = $matches[0];
+					preg_match('~(?<=red\">)\d+(?=</font>)~', $cols[9], $matches);
+					$item['leechers'] = $matches[0];
+					preg_match('~(?<=>).*?(?=</td>)~', $cols[5], $matches);
+					$item['size'] = $matches[0];
+					$item['content'] = 'Uploaded by ' . $item['author']
+					. ' , Size ' . $item['size']
+					. '<br>seeders: '
+					. $item['seeders']
+					. ' | leechers: '
+					. $item['leechers']
+					. '<br><a href="'
+					. $item['id']
+					. '">info page</a>';
+					if(isset($item['title']))
+						$this->items[] = $item;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}