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[IsoHuntBridge] Remove bridge

isoHunt has discontinued services due to legal reasons and is now
accessible via

While it is certainly possible to rewrite the bridge to fetch some
information from the new site, it wouldn't be able to provide as
much functionality as before. This is due to isoHunt having removed
all searching and filtering options, only providing static HTML pages
for general categories (anime, movies, etc...). Those pages, however,
are heavily broken.

Unless someone is interested in monitoring the general categories
the effort of upgrading the bridge to the new site is not worth taking
time for.

Users of isoHunt are asked to make use of their client application,
as they don't provide online services anymore (it's now in the darknet)

Here is the statement from isoHunt:

"Due to hard regulations and security issues for bittorrent users, we
have moved into a more secure and even faster district of the internet!


Torrent Downloads have a high risk of getting legal problems. That is
why we do not offer torrentfiles any more. [...]"

-- source:
logmanoriginal 6 years ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 465 deletions
  1. 0 465

+ 0 - 465

@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-class IsoHuntBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
-	const MAINTAINER = 'logmanoriginal';
-	const NAME = 'isoHunt Bridge';
-	const URI = '';
-	const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 300; //5min
-	const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns the latest results by category or search result';
-	const PARAMETERS = array(
-		/*
-		 * Get feeds for one of the "latest" categories
-		 * Notice: The categories "News" and "Top Searches" are received from the main page
-		 * Elements are sorted by name ascending!
-		 */
-		'By "Latest" category' => array(
-			'latest_category' => array(
-				'name' => 'Latest category',
-				'type' => 'list',
-				'required' => true,
-				'title' => 'Select your category',
-				'defaultValue' => 'news',
-				'values' => array(
-					'Hot Torrents' => 'hot_torrents',
-					'News' => 'news',
-					'Releases' => 'releases',
-					'Torrents' => 'torrents'
-				)
-			)
-		),
-		/*
-		 * Get feeds for one of the "torrent" categories
-		 * Make sure to add new categories also to get_torrent_category_index($)!
-		 * Elements are sorted by name ascending!
-		 */
-		'By "Torrent" category' => array(
-			'torrent_category' => array(
-				'name' => 'Torrent category',
-				'type' => 'list',
-				'required' => true,
-				'title' => 'Select your category',
-				'defaultValue' => 'anime',
-				'values' => array(
-					'Adult' => 'adult',
-					'Anime' => 'anime',
-					'Books' => 'books',
-					'Games' => 'games',
-					'Movies' => 'movies',
-					'Music' => 'music',
-					'Other' => 'other',
-					'Series & TV' => 'series_tv',
-					'Software' => 'software'
-				)
-			),
-			'torrent_popularity' => array(
-				'name' => 'Sort by popularity',
-				'type' => 'checkbox',
-				'title' => 'Activate to receive results by popularity'
-			)
-		),
-		/*
-		 * Get feeds for a specific search request
-		 */
-		'Search torrent by name' => array(
-			'search_name' => array(
-				'name' => 'Name',
-				'required' => true,
-				'title' => 'Insert your search query',
-				'exampleValue' => 'Bridge'
-			),
-			'search_category' => array(
-				'name' => 'Category',
-				'type' => 'list',
-				'title' => 'Select your category',
-				'defaultValue' => 'all',
-				'values' => array(
-					'Adult' => 'adult',
-					'All' => 'all',
-					'Anime' => 'anime',
-					'Books' => 'books',
-					'Games' => 'games',
-					'Movies' => 'movies',
-					'Music' => 'music',
-					'Other' => 'other',
-					'Series & TV' => 'series_tv',
-					'Software' => 'software'
-				)
-			)
-		)
-	);
-	public function getURI(){
-		$uri = self::URI;
-		switch($this->queriedContext) {
-		case 'By "Latest" category':
-			switch($this->getInput('latest_category')) {
-			case 'hot_torrents':
-				$uri .= 'statistic/hot/torrents';
-				break;
-			case 'news':
-				break;
-			case 'releases':
-				$uri .= 'releases.php';
-				break;
-			case 'torrents':
-				$uri .= 'latest.php';
-				break;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 'By "Torrent" category':
-			$uri .= $this->buildCategoryUri(
-				$this->getInput('torrent_category'),
-				$this->getInput('torrent_popularity')
-			);
-			break;
-		case 'Search torrent by name':
-			$category = $this->getInput('search_category');
-			$uri .= $this->buildCategoryUri($category);
-			if($category !== 'movies')
-				$uri .= '&ihq=' . urlencode($this->getInput('search_name'));
-			break;
-		default: parent::getURI();
-		}
-		return $uri;
-	}
-	public function getName(){
-		switch($this->queriedContext) {
-		case 'By "Latest" category':
-			$categoryName = array_search(
-					$this->getInput('latest_category'),
-					self::PARAMETERS['By "Latest" category']['latest_category']['values']
-				);
-			$name = 'Latest ' . $categoryName . ' - ' . self::NAME;
-			break;
-		case 'By "Torrent" category':
-			$categoryName = array_search(
-					$this->getInput('torrent_category'),
-					self::PARAMETERS['By "Torrent" category']['torrent_category']['values']
-				);
-			$name = 'Category: ' . $categoryName . ' - ' . self::NAME;
-			break;
-		case 'Search torrent by name':
-			$categoryName = array_search(
-					$this->getInput('search_category'),
-					self::PARAMETERS['Search torrent by name']['search_category']['values']
-				);
-			$name = 'Search: "'
-			. $this->getInput('search_name')
-			. '" in category: '
-			. $categoryName . ' - '
-			. self::NAME;
-			break;
-		default: return parent::getName();
-		}
-		return $name;
-	}
-	public function collectData(){
-		$html = $this->loadHtml($this->getURI());
-		switch($this->queriedContext) {
-		case 'By "Latest" category':
-			switch($this->getInput('latest_category')) {
-			case 'hot_torrents':
-				$this->getLatestHotTorrents($html);
-				break;
-			case 'news':
-				$this->getLatestNews($html);
-				break;
-			case 'releases':
-			case 'torrents':
-				$this->getLatestTorrents($html);
-				break;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 'By "Torrent" category':
-			if($this->getInput('torrent_category') === 'movies') {
-				// This one is special (content wise)
-				$this->getMovieTorrents($html);
-			} else {
-				$this->getLatestTorrents($html);
-			}
-			break;
-		case 'Search torrent by name':
-			if($this->getInput('search_category') === 'movies') {
-				// This one is special (content wise)
-				$this->getMovieTorrents($html);
-			} else {
-				$this->getLatestTorrents($html);
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	#region Helper functions for "Movie Torrents"
-	private function getMovieTorrents($html){
-		$container = $html->find('div#w0', 0);
-		if(!$container)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find torrent container!');
-		$torrents = $container->find('article');
-		if(!$torrents)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find torrents!');
-		foreach($torrents as $torrent) {
-			$anchor = $torrent->find('a', 0);
-			if(!$anchor)
-				returnServerError('Unable to find anchor!');
-			$date = $torrent->find('small', 0);
-			if(!$date)
-				returnServerError('Unable to find date!');
-			$item = array();
-			$item['uri'] = $this->fixRelativeUri($anchor->href);
-			$item['title'] = $anchor->title;
-			// $item['author'] =
-			$item['timestamp'] = strtotime($date->plaintext);
-			$item['content'] = $this->fixRelativeUri($torrent->innertext);
-			$this->items[] = $item;
-		}
-	}
-	#endregion
-	#region Helper functions for "Latest Hot Torrents"
-	private function getLatestHotTorrents($html){
-		$container = $html->find('div#serps', 0);
-		if(!$container)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find torrent container!');
-		$torrents = $container->find('tr');
-		if(!$torrents)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find torrents!');
-		// Remove first element (header row)
-		$torrents = array_slice($torrents, 1);
-		foreach($torrents as $torrent) {
-			$cell = $torrent->find('td', 0);
-			if(!$cell)
-				returnServerError('Unable to find cell!');
-			$element = $cell->find('a', 0);
-			if(!$element)
-				returnServerError('Unable to find element!');
-			$item = array();
-			$item['uri'] = $element->href;
-			$item['title'] = $element->plaintext;
-			// $item['author'] =
-			// $item['timestamp'] =
-			// $item['content'] =
-			$this->items[] = $item;
-		}
-	}
-	#endregion
-	#region Helper functions for "Latest News"
-	private function getLatestNews($html){
-		$container = $html->find('div#postcontainer', 0);
-		if(!$container)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find post container!');
-		$posts = $container->find('div.index-post');
-		if(!$posts)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find posts!');
-		foreach($posts as $post) {
-			$item = array();
-			$item['uri'] = $this->latestNewsExtractUri($post);
-			$item['title'] = $this->latestNewsExtractTitle($post);
-			$item['author'] = $this->latestNewsExtractAuthor($post);
-			$item['timestamp'] = $this->latestNewsExtractTimestamp($post);
-			$item['content'] = $this->latestNewsExtractContent($post);
-			$this->items[] = $item;
-		}
-	}
-	private function latestNewsExtractAuthor($post){
-		$author = $post->find('small', 0);
-		if(!$author)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find author!');
-		// The author is hidden within a string like: 'Posted by {author} on {date}'
-		preg_match('/Posted\sby\s(.*)\son/i', $author->innertext, $matches);
-		return $matches[1];
-	}
-	private function latestNewsExtractTimestamp($post){
-		$date = $post->find('small', 0);
-		if(!$date)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find date!');
-		// The date is hidden within a string like: 'Posted by {author} on {date}'
-		preg_match('/Posted\sby\s.*\son\s(.*)/i', $date->innertext, $matches);
-		$timestamp = strtotime($matches[1]);
-		// Make sure date is not in the future (dates are given like 'Nov. 20' without year)
-		if($timestamp > time()) {
-			$timestamp = strtotime('-1 year', $timestamp);
-		}
-		return $timestamp;
-	}
-	private function latestNewsExtractTitle($post){
-		$title = $post->find('a', 0);
-		if(!$title)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find title!');
-		return $title->plaintext;
-	}
-	private function latestNewsExtractUri($post){
-		$uri = $post->find('a', 0);
-		if(!$uri)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find uri!');
-		return $uri->href;
-	}
-	private function latestNewsExtractContent($post){
-		$content = $post->find('div', 0);
-		if(!$content)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find content!');
-		// Remove <h2>...</h2> (title)
-		foreach($content->find('h2') as $element) {
-			$element->outertext = '';
-		}
-		// Remove <small>...</small> (author)
-		foreach($content->find('small') as $element) {
-			$element->outertext = '';
-		}
-		return $content->innertext;
-	}
-	#endregion
-	#region Helper functions for "Latest Torrents", "Latest Releases" and "Torrent Category"
-	private function getLatestTorrents($html){
-		$container = $html->find('div#serps', 0);
-		if(!$container)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find torrent container!');
-		$torrents = $container->find('tr[data-key]');
-		if(!$torrents)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find torrents!');
-		foreach($torrents as $torrent) {
-			$item = array();
-			$item['uri'] = $this->latestTorrentsExtractUri($torrent);
-			$item['title'] = $this->latestTorrentsExtractTitle($torrent);
-			$item['author'] = $this->latestTorrentsExtractAuthor($torrent);
-			$item['timestamp'] = $this->latestTorrentsExtractTimestamp($torrent);
-			$item['content'] = ''; // There is no valuable content
-			$this->items[] = $item;
-		}
-	}
-	private function latestTorrentsExtractTitle($torrent){
-		$cell = $torrent->find('td.title-row', 0);
-		if(!$cell)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find title cell!');
-		$title = $cell->find('span', 0);
-		if(!$title)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find title!');
-		return $title->plaintext;
-	}
-	private function latestTorrentsExtractUri($torrent){
-		$cell = $torrent->find('td.title-row', 0);
-		if(!$cell)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find title cell!');
-		$uri = $cell->find('a', 0);
-		if(!$uri)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find uri!');
-		return $this->fixRelativeUri($uri->href);
-	}
-	private function latestTorrentsExtractAuthor($torrent){
-		$cell = $torrent->find('td.user-row', 0);
-		if(!$cell)
-			return; // No author
-		$user = $cell->find('a', 0);
-		if(!$user)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find user!');
-		return $user->plaintext;
-	}
-	private function latestTorrentsExtractTimestamp($torrent){
-		$cell = $torrent->find('', 0);
-		if(!$cell)
-			returnServerError('Unable to find date cell!');
-		return strtotime('-' . $cell->plaintext, time());
-	}
-	#endregion
-	#region Generic helper functions
-	private function loadHtml($uri){
-		$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($uri);
-		if(!$html)
-			returnServerError('Unable to load ' . $uri . '!');
-		return $html;
-	}
-	private function fixRelativeUri($uri){
-		return preg_replace('/\//i', self::URI, $uri, 1);
-	}
-	private function buildCategoryUri($category, $order_popularity = false){
-		switch($category) {
-		case 'anime': $index = 1; break;
-		case 'software' : $index = 2; break;
-		case 'games' : $index = 3; break;
-		case 'adult' : $index = 4; break;
-		case 'movies' : $index = 5; break;
-		case 'music' : $index = 6; break;
-		case 'other' : $index = 7; break;
-		case 'series_tv' : $index = 8; break;
-		case 'books': $index = 9; break;
-		case 'all':
-		default: $index = 0; break;
-		}
-		return 'torrents/?iht=' . $index . '&ihs=' . ($order_popularity ? 1 : 0) . '&age=0';
-	}
-	#endregion