logmanoriginal 6f24858124 bridges: Fix coding styles
This commit is a squash of all commits that fix coding styles
for the new coding style policy.

[ABCTabsBridge] Fix coding style
[AcrimedBridge] Fix coding style
[AllocineFRBridge] Fix coding style
[AnimeUltimeBridge] Fix coding style
[Arte7Bridge] Fix coding style
[AskfmBridge] Fix coding style
[BandcampBridge] Fix coding style
[BastaBridge] Fix coding style
[BlaguesDeMerdeBridge] Fix coding style
[BooruprojectBridge] Fix coding style
[CADBridge] Fix coding style
[CNETBridge] Fix coding style
[CastorusBridge] Fix coding style
[CollegeDeFranceBridge] Fix coding style
[CommonDreamsBridge] Fix coding style
[CopieDoubleBridge] Fix coding style
[CourrierInternationalBridge] Fix coding style
[CpasbienBridge] Fix coding style
[CryptomeBridge] Fix coding style
[DailymotionBridge] Fix coding style
[DanbooruBridge] Fix coding style
[DansTonChatBridge] Fix coding style
[DauphineLibereBridge] Fix coding style
[DeveloppezDotComBridge] Fix coding style
[DemoBridge] Fix coding style
[DilbertBridge] Fix coding style
[DuckDuckGoBridge] Fix coding style
[DollbooruBridge] Fix coding style
[EliteDangerousGalnetBridge] Fix coding style
[ElsevierBridge] Fix coding style
[EstCeQuonMetEnProdBridge] Fix coding style
[EZTVBridge] Fix coding style
[FacebookBridge] Fix coding style
[FeedExpanderExampleBridge] Fix coding style
[FB2Bridge] Fix coding style
[FierPandaBridge] Fix coding style
[FlickrBridge] Fix coding style
[FootitoBridge] Fix coding style
[FourchanBridge] Fix coding style
[FuturaSciencesBridge] Fix coding style
[GBAtempBridge] Fix coding style
[GelbooruBridge] Fix coding style
[GiphyBridge] Fix coding style
[GithubIssueBridge] Fix coding style
[GizmodoBridge] Fix coding style
[GoComicsBridge] Fix coding style
[GooglePlusPostBridge] Fix coding style
[GoogleSearchBridge] Fix coding style
[HDWallpapersBridge] Fix coding style
[HentaiHavenBridge] Fix coding style
[IdenticaBridge] Fix coding style
[InstagramBridge] Fix coding style
[IsoHuntBridge] Fix coding style
[JapanExpoBridge] Fix coding style
[KonachanBridge] Fix coding style
[KoreusBridge] Fix coding style
[KununuBridge] Fix coding style
[LeBonCoinBridge] Fix coding style
[LegifranceJOBBridge] Fix coding style
[LeMondeInformatiqueBridge] Fix coding style
[LesJoiesDuCodeBridge] Fix coding style
[LichessBridge] Fix coding style
[LinkedInCompanyBridge] Fix coding style
[LolibooruBridge] Fix coding style
[LWNprevBridge] Fix coding style
[MangareaderBridge] Fix coding style
[MilbooruBridge] Fix coding style
[MixCloudBridge] Fix coding style
[MoebooruBridge] Fix coding style
[MondeDiploBridge] Fix coding style
[MsnMondeBridge] Fix coding style
[MspabooruBridge] Fix coding style
[NasaApodBridge] Fix coding style
[NeuviemeArtBridge] Fix coding style
[NextgovBridge] Fix coding style
[NextInpactBridge] Fix coding style
[NiceMatinBridge] Fix coding style
[NovelUpdatesBridge] Fix coding style
[OpenClassroomsBridge] Fix coding style
[ParuVenduImmoBridge] Fix coding style
[PickyWallpapersBridge] Fix coding style
[PinterestBridge] Fix coding style
[PlanetLibreBridge] Fix coding style
[ReadComicsBridge] Fix coding style
[Releases3DSBridge] Fix coding style
[ReporterreBridge] Fix coding style
[RTBFBridge] Fix coding style
[Rue89Bridge] Fix coding style
[Rule34Bridge] Fix coding style
[Rule34pahealBridge] Fix coding style
[SafebooruBridge] Fix coding style
[SakugabooruBridge] Fix coding style
[ScmbBridge] Fix coding style
[ScoopItBridge] Fix coding style
[SensCritiqueBridge] Fix coding style
[SexactuBridge] Fix coding style
[ShanaprojectBridge] Fix coding style
[Shimmie2Bridge] Fix coding style
[SoundcloudBridge] Fix coding style
[StripeAPIChangeLogBridge] Fix coding style
[SuperbWallpapersBridge] Fix coding style
[T411Bridge] Fix coding style
[TagBoardBridge] Fix coding style
[TbibBridge] Fix coding style
[TheCodingLoveBridge] Fix coding style
[TheHackerNewsBridge] Fix coding style
[ThePirateBayBridge] Fix coding style
[TheTVDBBridge] Fix coding style
[Torrent9Bridge] Fix coding style
[TwitterBridge] Fix coding style
[UnsplashBridge] Fix coding style
[ViadeoCompanyBridge] Fix coding style
[VineBridge] Fix coding style
[VkBridge] Fix coding style
[WallpaperStopBridge] Fix coding style
[WebfailBridge] Fix coding style
[WeLiveSecurityBridge] Fix coding style
[WhydBridge] Fix coding style
[WikipediaBridge] Fix coding style
[WordPressBridge] Fix coding style
[WorldOfTanksBridge] Fix coding style
[XbooruBridge] Fix coding style
[YandereBridge] Fix coding style
[YoutubeBridge] Fix coding style
[ZDNetBridge] Fix coding style
2017-02-12 15:34:08 +01:00

174 lines
4.7 KiB

class ThePirateBayBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
const MAINTAINER = 'mitsukarenai';
const NAME = 'The Pirate Bay';
const URI = '';
const DESCRIPTION = 'Returns results for the keywords. You can put several
list of keywords by separating them with a semicolon (e.g. "one show;another
show"). Category based search needs the category number as input. User based
search takes the Uploader name. Search can be done in a specified category';
const PARAMETERS = array( array(
'q' => array(
'name' => 'keywords, separated by semicolons',
'exampleValue' => 'first list;second list;…',
'required' => true
'crit' => array(
'type' => 'list',
'name' => 'Search type',
'values' => array(
'search' => 'search',
'category' => 'cat',
'user' => 'usr'
'cat_check' => array(
'type' => 'checkbox',
'name' => 'Specify category for normal search ?',
'cat' => array(
'name' => 'Category number',
'exampleValue' => '100, 200… See TPB for category number'
'trusted' => array(
'type' => 'checkbox',
'name' => 'Only get results from Trusted or VIP users ?',
public function collectData(){
function parseDateTimestamp($element){
$guessedDate = $element->find('font',0)->plaintext;
$guessedDate = explode('Uploaded ', $guessedDate)[1];
$guessedDate = explode(',', $guessedDate)[0];
if(count(explode(':', $guessedDate)) == 1){
$guessedDate = strptime($guessedDate, '%m-%d&nbsp;%Y');
$timestamp = mktime(
$guessedDate['tm_mon'] + 1,
1900 + $guessedDate['tm_year']
} elseif(explode('&nbsp;', $guessedDate)[0] == 'Today'){
$guessedDate = strptime(
explode('&nbsp;', $guessedDate)[1], '%H:%M'
$timestamp = mktime(
} elseif(explode('&nbsp;', $guessedDate)[0] == 'Y-day'){
$guessedDate = strptime(
explode('&nbsp;',$guessedDate)[1], '%H:%M'
$timestamp = mktime(
date('m', time() - 24 * 60 * 60),
date('d', time() - 24 * 60 * 60),
date('Y', time() - 24 * 60 * 60)
} else {
$guessedDate = strptime($guessedDate, '%m-%d&nbsp;%H:%M');
$timestamp = mktime(
$guessedDate['tm_mon'] + 1,
return $timestamp;
$catBool = $this->getInput('cat_check');
$catNum = $this->getInput('cat');
$critList = $this->getInput('crit');
$trustedBool = $this->getInput('trusted');
$keywordsList = explode(';', $this->getInput('q'));
foreach($keywordsList as $keywords){
case 'search':
if($catBool == false){
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(
self::URI .
'search/' .
rawurlencode($keywords) .
) or returnServerError('Could not request TPB.');
} else {
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(
self::URI .
'search/' .
rawurlencode($keywords) .
'/0/3/' .
) or returnServerError('Could not request TPB.');
case 'cat':
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(
self::URI .
'browse/' .
rawurlencode($keywords) .
) or returnServerError('Could not request TPB.');
case 'usr':
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM(
self::URI .
'user/' .
rawurlencode($keywords) .
) or returnServerError('Could not request TPB.');
if ($html->find('table#searchResult', 0) == false)
returnServerError('No result for query ' . $keywords);
foreach($html->find('tr') as $element){
|| !is_null($element->find('img[alt=VIP]', 0))
|| !is_null($element->find('img[alt=Trusted]', 0))){
$item = array();
$item['uri'] = $element->find('a', 3)->href;
$item['id'] = self::URI . $element->find('a.detLink', 0)->href;
$item['timestamp'] = parseDateTimestamp($element);
$item['author'] = $element->find('a.detDesc', 0)->plaintext;
$item['title'] = $element->find('a.detLink', 0)->plaintext;
$item['seeders'] = (int)$element->find('td', 2)->plaintext;
$item['leechers'] = (int)$element->find('td', 3)->plaintext;
$item['content'] = $element->find('font', 0)->plaintext
. '<br>seeders: '
. $item['seeders']
. ' | leechers: '
. $item['leechers']
. '<br><a href="'
. $item['id']
. '">info page</a>';
$this->items[] = $item;