ORelio b592f8ebbf [Facebook] Convert textual emoticons to ASCII
Currently emoticons are retrived in textual form eg <i><u>smile
emoticon</u></i> which is not really visual... so let's convert them back
as ASCII emoticons eg ':)'. This works using a hardcoded table mapping
emoticon names to their visual representation, and the regular expression
match the two words because eg in french facebook will display
<i><u>émoticône smile</u></i> so we need to test both. Unknown emoticon
descriptions will be left as is.
2015-10-24 20:14:12 +02:00

163 lines
5.5 KiB

* @name Facebook
* @homepage
* @description Input a page title or a profile log. For a profile log, please insert the parameter as follow : myExamplePage/132621766841117
* @update 23/10/2015
* @maintainer teromene
* @use1(u="username")
class FacebookBridge extends BridgeAbstract{
private $name;
public function collectData(array $param){
//Extract a string using start and end delimiters
function ExtractFromDelimiters($string, $start, $end) {
if (strpos($string, $start) !== false) {
$section_retrieved = substr($string, strpos($string, $start) + strlen($start));
$section_retrieved = substr($section_retrieved, 0, strpos($section_retrieved, $end));
return $section_retrieved;
} return false;
//Utility function for cleaning a Facebook link
$unescape_fb_link = function ($matches) {
if (is_array($matches) && count($matches) > 1) {
$link = $matches[1];
if (strpos($link, '/') === 0)
$link = ''.$link.'"';
if (strpos($link, '') !== false)
$link = urldecode(ExtractFromDelimiters($link, '', '&'));
return ' href="'.$link.'"';
//Utility function for converting facebook emoticons
$unescape_fb_emote = function ($matches) {
static $facebook_emoticons = array(
'smile' => ':)',
'frown' => ':(',
'tongue' => ':P',
'grin' => ':D',
'gasp' => ':O',
'wink' => ';)',
'pacman' => ':<',
'grumpy' => '>_<',
'unsure' => ':/',
'cry' => ':\'(',
'kiki' => '^_^',
'glasses' => '8-)',
'sunglasses' => 'B-)',
'heart' => '<3',
'devil' => ']:D',
'angel' => '0:)',
'squint' => '-_-',
'confused' => 'o_O',
'upset' => 'xD',
'colonthree' => ':3',
'like' => '&#x1F44D;');
$len = count($matches);
if ($len > 1)
for ($i = 1; $i < $len; $i++)
foreach ($facebook_emoticons as $name => $emote)
if ($matches[$i] === $name)
return $emote;
return $matches[0];
$html = '';
if(isset($param['u'])) {
if(!strpos($param['u'], "/")) {
$html = file_get_html(''.urlencode($param['u']).'?_fb_noscript=1') or $this->returnError('No results for this query.', 404);
} else {
$html = file_get_html(''.$param['u'].'?_fb_noscript=1') or $this->returnError('No results for this query.', 404);
} else {
$this->returnError('You must specify a Facebook username.', 400);
$element = $html->find('[id^=PagePostsSectionPagelet-]')[0]->children(0)->children(0);
if(isset($element)) {
$author = str_replace(' | Facebook', '', $html->find('title#pageTitle', 0)->innertext);
$profilePic = ''.$param['u'].'/picture?width=200&amp;height=200';
$this->name = $author;
foreach($element->children() as $post) {
$item = new \Item();
if($post->hasAttribute("data-time")) {
//Retrieve post contents
$content = preg_replace('/(?i)><div class=\"clearfix([^>]+)>(.+?)div\ class=\"userContent\"/i', '', $post);
$content = preg_replace('/(?i)><div class=\"_59tj([^>]+)>(.+?)<\/div><\/div><a/i', '', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/(?i)><div class=\"_3dp([^>]+)>(.+?)div\ class=\"[^u]+userContent\"/i', '', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/(?i)><div class=\"_4l5([^>]+)>(.+?)<\/div>/i', '', $content);
//Remove html nodes, keep only img, links, basic formatting
$content = strip_tags($content,'<a><img><i><u>');
//Adapt link hrefs: convert relative links into absolute links and bypass external link redirection
$content = preg_replace_callback('/ href=\"([^"]+)\"/i', $unescape_fb_link, $content);
//Clean useless html tag properties and fix link closing tags
foreach (array('onmouseover', 'onclick', 'target', 'ajaxify', 'tabindex',
'class', 'style', 'data-[^=]*', 'aria-[^=]*', 'role', 'rel', 'id') as $property_name)
$content = preg_replace('/ '.$property_name.'=\"[^"]*\"/i', '', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/<\/a [^>]+>/i', '</a>', $content);
//Convert textual representation of emoticons eg "<i><u>smile emoticon</u></i>" back to ASCII emoticons eg ":)"
$content = preg_replace_callback('/<i><u>([^ <>]+) ([^<>]+)<\/u><\/i>/i', $unescape_fb_emote, $content);
//Retrieve date of the post
$date = $post->find("abbr")[0];
if(isset($date) && $date->hasAttribute('data-utime')) {
$date = $date->getAttribute('data-utime');
} else {
$date = 0;
//Build title from username and content
$title = $author;
if (strlen($title) > 24)
$title = substr($title, 0, strpos(wordwrap($title, 24), "\n")).'...';
$title = $title.' | '.strip_tags($content);
if (strlen($title) > 64)
$title = substr($title, 0, strpos(wordwrap($title, 64), "\n")).'...';
//Use first image as thumbnail if available, or profile pic fallback
$thumbnail = $post->find('img', 1)->src;
if (strlen($thumbnail) == 0)
$thumbnail = $profilePic;
//Build and add final item
$item->uri = ''.str_replace('&amp;', '&', $post->find('abbr')[0]->parent()->getAttribute('href'));
$item->thumbnailUri = $thumbnail;
$item->content = $content;
$item->title = $title;
$item->author = $author;
$item->timestamp = $date;
$this->items[] = $item;
public function getName() {
return (isset($this->name) ? $this->name.' - ' : '').'Facebook Bridge';
public function getURI() {
return '';
public function getCacheDuration() {
return 300; // 5 minutes