Pierre Mazière bba216073c [bridges] remove useless 'update' property from all bridges
That's the source code manager job to keep this information

Signed-off-by: Pierre Mazière <>
2016-08-21 00:21:41 +02:00

42 lines
1.2 KiB

class EliteDangerousGalnetBridge extends BridgeAbstract
public function loadMetadatas()
$this->maintainer = "corenting";
$this->name = "Elite: Dangerous Galnet";
$this->uri = "";
$this->description = "Returns the latest page of news from Galnet";
public function collectData(array $param)
$html = $this->getSimpleHTMLDOM('') or $this->returnServerError('Error while downloading the website content');
foreach($html->find('div.article') as $element) {
$item = new Item();
$uri = $element->find('h3 a', 0)->href;
$uri = '' . $uri;
$item->uri = $uri;
$title = $element->find('h3 a', 0)->plaintext;
$item->title = substr($title, 1); //remove the space between icon and title
$content = $element->find('p', -1)->innertext;
$item->content = $content;
$date = $element->find('p.small', 0)->innertext;
$article_year = substr($date, -4) - 1286; //Convert E:D date to actual date
$date = substr($date, 0, -4) . $article_year;
$item->timestamp = strtotime($date);
$this->items[] = $item;
public function getCacheDuration()
return 3600 * 2; // 2 hours