2010-11-15 08:39:52 +01:00
2011-11-08 17:40:44 +01:00
Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
2010-11-15 08:39:52 +01:00
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
2011-11-08 17:40:44 +01:00
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit.layout._TabContainerBase"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit.layout._TabContainerBase"] = true;
2010-11-15 08:39:52 +01:00
2011-11-08 17:40:44 +01:00
[dijit.layout.StackContainer, dijit._Templated],
// summary:
// Abstract base class for TabContainer. Must define _makeController() to instantiate
// and return the widget that displays the tab labels
// description:
// A TabContainer is a container that has multiple panes, but shows only
// one pane at a time. There are a set of tabs corresponding to each pane,
// where each tab has the name (aka title) of the pane, and optionally a close button.
// tabPosition: String
// Defines where tabs go relative to tab content.
// "top", "bottom", "left-h", "right-h"
tabPosition: "top",
baseClass: "dijitTabContainer",
// tabStrip: [const] Boolean
// Defines whether the tablist gets an extra class for layouting, putting a border/shading
// around the set of tabs. Not supported by claro theme.
tabStrip: false,
// nested: [const] Boolean
// If true, use styling for a TabContainer nested inside another TabContainer.
// For tundra etc., makes tabs look like links, and hides the outer
// border since the outer TabContainer already has a border.
nested: false,
templateString: dojo.cache("dijit.layout", "templates/TabContainer.html", "<div class=\"dijitTabContainer\">\n\t<div class=\"dijitTabListWrapper\" dojoAttachPoint=\"tablistNode\"></div>\n\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"tablistSpacer\" class=\"dijitTabSpacer ${baseClass}-spacer\"></div>\n\t<div class=\"dijitTabPaneWrapper ${baseClass}-container\" dojoAttachPoint=\"containerNode\"></div>\n</div>\n"),
postMixInProperties: function(){
// set class name according to tab position, ex: dijitTabContainerTop
this.baseClass += this.tabPosition.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.tabPosition.substr(1).replace(/-.*/, "");
this.srcNodeRef && dojo.style(this.srcNodeRef, "visibility", "hidden");
buildRendering: function(){
// Create the tab list that will have a tab (a.k.a. tab button) for each tab panel
this.tablist = this._makeController(this.tablistNode);
if(!this.doLayout){ dojo.addClass(this.domNode, "dijitTabContainerNoLayout"); }
/* workaround IE's lack of support for "a > b" selectors by
* tagging each node in the template.
dojo.addClass(this.domNode, "dijitTabContainerNested");
dojo.addClass(this.tablist.containerNode, "dijitTabContainerTabListNested");
dojo.addClass(this.tablistSpacer, "dijitTabContainerSpacerNested");
dojo.addClass(this.containerNode, "dijitTabPaneWrapperNested");
dojo.addClass(this.domNode, "tabStrip-" + (this.tabStrip ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
_setupChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ tab){
// Overrides StackContainer._setupChild().
dojo.addClass(tab.domNode, "dijitTabPane");
startup: function(){
if(this._started){ return; }
// wire up the tablist and its tabs
layout: function(){
// Overrides StackContainer.layout().
// Configure the content pane to take up all the space except for where the tabs are
if(!this._contentBox || typeof(this._contentBox.l) == "undefined"){return;}
var sc = this.selectedChildWidget;
// position and size the titles and the container node
var titleAlign = this.tabPosition.replace(/-h/, "");
this.tablist.layoutAlign = titleAlign;
var children = [this.tablist, {
domNode: this.tablistSpacer,
layoutAlign: titleAlign
}, {
domNode: this.containerNode,
layoutAlign: "client"
dijit.layout.layoutChildren(this.domNode, this._contentBox, children);
// Compute size to make each of my children.
// children[2] is the margin-box size of this.containerNode, set by layoutChildren() call above
this._containerContentBox = dijit.layout.marginBox2contentBox(this.containerNode, children[2]);
if(sc && sc.resize){
// just layout the tab controller, so it can position left/right buttons etc.
//make the tabs zero width so that they don't interfere with width calc, then reset
var s = this.tablist.domNode.style;
var width = dojo.contentBox(this.domNode).w;
this.tablist.resize({w: width});
// and call resize() on the selected pane just to tell it that it's been made visible
if(sc && sc.resize){
destroy: function(){
2010-11-15 08:39:52 +01:00