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2013-03-18 07:26:24 +01:00
define("dijit/layout/StackContainer", [
"dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach array.indexOf array.some
"dojo/cookie", // cookie
"dojo/_base/declare", // declare
"dojo/dom-class", // domClass.add domClass.replace
"dojo/has", // has("dijit-legacy-requires")
"dojo/_base/lang", // lang.extend
"dojo/topic", // publish
"../registry", // registry.byId
], function(array, cookie, declare, domClass, has, lang, ready, topic,
registry, _WidgetBase, _LayoutWidget){
// module:
// dijit/layout/StackContainer
// Back compat w/1.6, remove for 2.0
ready(0, function(){
var requires = ["dijit/layout/StackController"];
require(requires); // use indirection so modules not rolled into a build
var StackContainer = declare("dijit.layout.StackContainer", _LayoutWidget, {
// summary:
// A container that has multiple children, but shows only
// one child at a time
// description:
// A container for widgets (ContentPanes, for example) That displays
// only one Widget at a time.
// Publishes topics [widgetId]-addChild, [widgetId]-removeChild, and [widgetId]-selectChild
// Can be base class for container, Wizard, Show, etc.
// See `StackContainer.ChildWidgetProperties` for details on the properties that can be set on
// children of a `StackContainer`.
// doLayout: Boolean
// If true, change the size of my currently displayed child to match my size
doLayout: true,
// persist: Boolean
// Remembers the selected child across sessions
persist: false,
baseClass: "dijitStackContainer",
// selectedChildWidget: [readonly] dijit._Widget
// References the currently selected child widget, if any.
// Adjust selected child with selectChild() method.
selectedChildWidget: null,
buildRendering: function(){
domClass.add(this.domNode, "dijitLayoutContainer");
this.containerNode.setAttribute("role", "tabpanel");
postCreate: function(){
this.connect(this.domNode, "onkeypress", this._onKeyPress);
startup: function(){
if(this._started){ return; }
var children = this.getChildren();
// Setup each page panel to be initially hidden
array.forEach(children, this._setupChild, this);
// Figure out which child to initially display, defaulting to first one
this.selectedChildWidget = registry.byId(cookie( + "_selectedChild"));
array.some(children, function(child){
this.selectedChildWidget = child;
return child.selected;
}, this);
var selected = this.selectedChildWidget;
if(!selected && children[0]){
selected = this.selectedChildWidget = children[0];
selected.selected = true;
// Publish information about myself so any StackControllers can initialize.
// This needs to happen before this.inherited(arguments) so that for
// TabContainer, this._contentBox doesn't include the space for the tab labels.
topic.publish("-startup", {children: children, selected: selected});
// Startup each child widget, and do initial layout like setting this._contentBox,
// then calls this.resize() which does the initial sizing on the selected child.
resize: function(){
// Overrides _LayoutWidget.resize()
// Resize is called when we are first made visible (it's called from startup()
// if we are initially visible). If this is the first time we've been made
// visible then show our first child.
this._hasBeenShown = true;
var selected = this.selectedChildWidget;
_setupChild: function(/*dijit/_WidgetBase*/ child){
// Overrides _LayoutWidget._setupChild()
domClass.replace(child.domNode, "dijitHidden", "dijitVisible");
// remove the title attribute so it doesn't show up when i hover
// over a node
child.domNode.title = "";
addChild: function(/*dijit/_WidgetBase*/ child, /*Integer?*/ insertIndex){
// Overrides _Container.addChild() to do layout and publish events
topic.publish("-addChild", child, insertIndex); // publish
// in case the tab titles have overflowed from one line to two lines
// (or, if this if first child, from zero lines to one line)
// TODO: w/ScrollingTabController this is no longer necessary, although
// ScrollTabController.resize() does need to get called to show/hide
// the navigation buttons as appropriate, but that's handled in ScrollingTabController.onAddChild().
// If this is updated to not layout [except for initial child added / last child removed], update
// "childless startup" test in StackContainer.html to check for no resize event after second addChild()
// if this is the first child, then select it
removeChild: function(/*dijit/_WidgetBase*/ page){
// Overrides _Container.removeChild() to do layout and publish events
// this will notify any tablists to remove a button; do this first because it may affect sizing
topic.publish( + "-removeChild", page); // publish
// If all our children are being destroyed than don't run the code below (to select another page),
// because we are deleting every page one by one
if(this._descendantsBeingDestroyed){ return; }
// Select new page to display, also updating TabController to show the respective tab.
// Do this before layout call because it can affect the height of the TabController.
if(this.selectedChildWidget === page){
this.selectedChildWidget = undefined;
var children = this.getChildren();
// In case the tab titles now take up one line instead of two lines
// (note though that ScrollingTabController never overflows to multiple lines),
// or the height has changed slightly because of addition/removal of tab which close icon
selectChild: function(/*dijit/_WidgetBase|String*/ page, /*Boolean*/ animate){
// summary:
// Show the given widget (which must be one of my children)
// page:
// Reference to child widget or id of child widget
page = registry.byId(page);
if(this.selectedChildWidget != page){
// Deselect old page and select new one
var d = this._transition(page, this.selectedChildWidget, animate);
this._set("selectedChildWidget", page);
topic.publish("-selectChild", page); // publish
cookie( + "_selectedChild",;
return d; // If child has an href, promise that fires when the child's href finishes loading
_transition: function(newWidget, oldWidget /*===== , animate =====*/){
// summary:
// Hide the old widget and display the new widget.
// Subclasses should override this.
// newWidget: dijit/_WidgetBase
// The newly selected widget.
// oldWidget: dijit/_WidgetBase
// The previously selected widget.
// animate: Boolean
// Used by AccordionContainer to turn on/off slide effect.
// tags:
// protected extension
var d = this._showChild(newWidget);
// Size the new widget, in case this is the first time it's being shown,
// or I have been resized since the last time it was shown.
// Note that page must be visible for resizing to work.
newWidget.resize(this._containerContentBox || this._contentBox);
// the child should pick it's own size but we still need to call resize()
// (with no arguments) to let the widget lay itself out
return d; // If child has an href, promise that fires when the child's href finishes loading
_adjacent: function(/*Boolean*/ forward){
// summary:
// Gets the next/previous child widget in this container from the current selection.
// TODO: remove for 2.0 if this isn't being used. Otherwise, fix to skip disabled tabs.
var children = this.getChildren();
var index = array.indexOf(children, this.selectedChildWidget);
index += forward ? 1 : children.length - 1;
return children[ index % children.length ]; // dijit/_WidgetBase
forward: function(){
// summary:
// Advance to next page.
return this.selectChild(this._adjacent(true), true);
back: function(){
// summary:
// Go back to previous page.
return this.selectChild(this._adjacent(false), true);
_onKeyPress: function(e){
topic.publish("-containerKeyPress", { e: e, page: this}); // publish
layout: function(){
// Implement _LayoutWidget.layout() virtual method.
var child = this.selectedChildWidget;
if(child && child.resize){
child.resize(this._containerContentBox || this._contentBox);
_showChild: function(/*dijit/_WidgetBase*/ page){
// summary:
// Show the specified child by changing it's CSS, and call _onShow()/onShow() so
// it can do any updates it needs regarding loading href's etc.
// returns:
// Promise that fires when page has finished showing, or true if there's no href
var children = this.getChildren();
page.isFirstChild = (page == children[0]);
page.isLastChild = (page == children[children.length-1]);
page._set("selected", true);
domClass.replace(page.domNode, "dijitVisible", "dijitHidden");
return (page._onShow && page._onShow()) || true;
_hideChild: function(/*dijit/_WidgetBase*/ page){
// summary:
// Hide the specified child by changing it's CSS, and call _onHide() so
// it's notified.
page._set("selected", false);
domClass.replace(page.domNode, "dijitHidden", "dijitVisible");
page.onHide && page.onHide();
closeChild: function(/*dijit/_WidgetBase*/ page){
// summary:
// Callback when user clicks the [X] to remove a page.
// If onClose() returns true then remove and destroy the child.
// tags:
// private
var remove = page.onClose(this, page);
// makes sure we can clean up executeScripts in ContentPane onUnLoad
destroyDescendants: function(/*Boolean*/ preserveDom){
this._descendantsBeingDestroyed = true;
this.selectedChildWidget = undefined;
array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
}, this);
this._descendantsBeingDestroyed = false;
StackContainer.ChildWidgetProperties = {
// summary:
// These properties can be specified for the children of a StackContainer.
// selected: Boolean
// Specifies that this widget should be the initially displayed pane.
// Note: to change the selected child use `dijit/layout/StackContainer.selectChild`
selected: false,
// disabled: Boolean
// Specifies that the button to select this pane should be disabled.
// Doesn't affect programmatic selection of the pane, nor does it deselect the pane if it is currently selected.
disabled: false,
// closable: Boolean
// True if user can close (destroy) this child, such as (for example) clicking the X on the tab.
closable: false,
// iconClass: String
// CSS Class specifying icon to use in label associated with this pane.
iconClass: "dijitNoIcon",
// showTitle: Boolean
// When true, display title of this widget as tab label etc., rather than just using
// icon specified in iconClass
showTitle: true
// Since any widget can be specified as a StackContainer child, mix them
// into the base widget class. (This is a hack, but it's effective.)
// This is for the benefit of the parser. Remove for 2.0. Also, hide from doc viewer.
lang.extend(_WidgetBase, /*===== {} || =====*/ StackContainer.ChildWidgetProperties);
return StackContainer;