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2013-03-18 07:26:24 +01:00
define("dijit/_base/wai", [
"dojo/dom-attr", // domAttr.attr
"dojo/_base/lang", // lang.mixin
"../main", // export symbols to dijit
"../hccss" // not using this module directly, but loading it sets CSS flag on <html>
], function(domAttr, lang, dijit){
// module:
// dijit/_base/wai
var exports = {
// summary:
// Deprecated methods for setting/getting wai roles and states.
// New code should call setAttribute()/getAttribute() directly.
// Also loads hccss to apply dj_a11y class to root node if machine is in high-contrast mode.
hasWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String?*/ role){
// summary:
// Determines if an element has a particular role.
// returns:
// True if elem has the specific role attribute and false if not.
// For backwards compatibility if role parameter not provided,
// returns true if has a role
var waiRole = this.getWaiRole(elem);
return role ? (waiRole.indexOf(role) > -1) : (waiRole.length > 0);
getWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem){
// summary:
// Gets the role for an element (which should be a wai role).
// returns:
// The role of elem or an empty string if elem
// does not have a role.
return lang.trim((domAttr.get(elem, "role") || "").replace("wairole:",""));
setWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ role){
// summary:
// Sets the role on an element.
// description:
// Replace existing role attribute with new role.
domAttr.set(elem, "role", role);
removeWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ role){
// summary:
// Removes the specified role from an element.
// Removes role attribute if no specific role provided (for backwards compat.)
var roleValue = domAttr.get(elem, "role");
if(!roleValue){ return; }
var t = lang.trim((" " + roleValue + " ").replace(" " + role + " ", " "));
domAttr.set(elem, "role", t);
hasWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state){
// summary:
// Determines if an element has a given state.
// description:
// Checks for an attribute called "aria-"+state.
// returns:
// true if elem has a value for the given state and
// false if it does not.
return elem.hasAttribute ? elem.hasAttribute("aria-"+state) : !!elem.getAttribute("aria-"+state);
getWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state){
// summary:
// Gets the value of a state on an element.
// description:
// Checks for an attribute called "aria-"+state.
// returns:
// The value of the requested state on elem
// or an empty string if elem has no value for state.
return elem.getAttribute("aria-"+state) || "";
setWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state, /*String*/ value){
// summary:
// Sets a state on an element.
// description:
// Sets an attribute called "aria-"+state.
elem.setAttribute("aria-"+state, value);
removeWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state){
// summary:
// Removes a state from an element.
// description:
// Sets an attribute called "aria-"+state.
lang.mixin(dijit, exports);
/*===== return exports; =====*/
return dijit; // for back compat :-(