
398 lines
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2013-03-18 07:26:24 +01:00
define("dojo/back", ["./_base/config", "./_base/lang", "./sniff", "./dom", "./dom-construct", "./_base/window", "require"],
function(config, lang, has, dom, domConstruct, baseWindow, require){
// module:
// dojo/back
var back = {
// summary:
// Browser history management resources
1 && lang.setObject("dojo.back", back);
// everyone deals with encoding the hash slightly differently
var getHash = back.getHash = function(){
var h = window.location.hash;
if(h.charAt(0) == "#"){ h = h.substring(1); }
return has("mozilla") ? h : decodeURIComponent(h);
setHash = back.setHash = function(h){
if(!h){ h = ""; }
window.location.hash = encodeURIComponent(h);
historyCounter = history.length;
var initialHref = (typeof(window) !== "undefined") ? window.location.href : "";
var initialHash = (typeof(window) !== "undefined") ? getHash() : "";
var initialState = null;
var locationTimer = null;
var bookmarkAnchor = null;
var historyIframe = null;
var forwardStack = [];
var historyStack = [];
var moveForward = false;
var changingUrl = false;
var historyCounter;
function handleBackButton(){
// summary:
// private method. Do not call this directly.
//The "current" page is always at the top of the history stack.
var current = historyStack.pop();
if(!current){ return; }
var last = historyStack[historyStack.length-1];
if(!last && historyStack.length == 0){
last = initialState;
}else if(last.kwArgs["backButton"]){
}else if(last.kwArgs["handle"]){
back.goBack = handleBackButton;
function handleForwardButton(){
// summary:
// private method. Do not call this directly.
var last = forwardStack.pop();
if(!last){ return; }
}else if(last.kwArgs["forwardButton"]){
}else if(last.kwArgs["handle"]){
back.goForward = handleForwardButton;
function createState(url, args, hash){
// summary:
// private method. Do not call this directly.
return {"url": url, "kwArgs": args, "urlHash": hash}; //Object
function getUrlQuery(url){
// summary:
// private method. Do not call this directly.
var segments = url.split("?");
if(segments.length < 2){
return null; //null
return segments[1]; //String
function loadIframeHistory(){
// summary:
// private method. Do not call this directly.
var url = (config["dojoIframeHistoryUrl"] || require.toUrl("./resources/iframe_history.html")) + "?" + (new Date()).getTime();
moveForward = true;
has("webkit") ? historyIframe.location = url : window.frames[].location = url;
//console.warn("dojo/back: Not initialised. You need to call back.init() from a <script> block that lives inside the <body> tag.");
return url; //String
function checkLocation(){
var hsl = historyStack.length;
var hash = getHash();
if((hash === initialHash||window.location.href == initialHref)&&(hsl == 1)){
// FIXME: could this ever be a forward button?
// we can't clear it because we still need to check for forwards. Ugg.
// clearInterval(this.locationTimer);
// first check to see if we could have gone forward. We always halt on
// a no-hash item.
if(forwardStack.length > 0){
if(forwardStack[forwardStack.length-1].urlHash === hash){
// ok, that didn't work, try someplace back in the history stack
if((hsl >= 2)&&(historyStack[hsl-2])){
if(historyStack[hsl-2].urlHash === hash){
back.init = function(){
// summary:
// Initializes the undo stack. This must be called from a <script>
// block that lives inside the `<body>` tag to prevent bugs on IE.
// Only call this method before the page's DOM is finished loading. Otherwise
// it will not work. Be careful with xdomain loading or djConfig.debugAtAllCosts scenarios,
// in order for this method to work, dojo/back will need to be part of a build layer.
// prevent reinit
if(dom.byId("dj_history")){ return; }
var src = config["dojoIframeHistoryUrl"] || require.toUrl("./resources/iframe_history.html");
if (config.afterOnLoad){
console.error("dojo/back::init() must be called before the DOM has loaded. "
+ "Include dojo/back in a build layer.");
document.write('<iframe style="border:0;width:1px;height:1px;position:absolute;visibility:hidden;bottom:0;right:0;" name="dj_history" id="dj_history" src="' + src + '"></iframe>');
back.setInitialState = function(/*Object*/args){
// summary:
// Sets the state object and back callback for the very first page
// that is loaded.
// It is recommended that you call this method as part of an event
// listener that is registered via dojo/ready.
// args: Object
// See the addToHistory() function for the list of valid args properties.
initialState = createState(initialHref, args, initialHash);
//FIXME: Make these doc comments not be awful. At least they're not wrong.
//FIXME: Would like to support arbitrary back/forward jumps. Have to rework iframeLoaded among other things.
//FIXME: is there a slight race condition in moz using change URL with the timer check and when
// the hash gets set? I think I have seen a back/forward call in quick succession, but not consistent.
var __backArgs = {
// back: Function?
// A function to be called when this state is reached via the user
// clicking the back button.
// forward: Function?
// Upon return to this state from the "back, forward" combination
// of navigation steps, this function will be called. Somewhat
// analogous to the semantic of an "onRedo" event handler.
// changeUrl: Boolean|String?
// Boolean indicating whether or not to create a unique hash for
// this state. If a string is passed instead, it is used as the
// hash.
back.addToHistory = function(args){
// summary:
// adds a state object (args) to the history list.
// args: __backArgs
// The state object that will be added to the history list.
// description:
// To support getting back button notifications, the object
// argument should implement a function called either "back",
// "backButton", or "handle". The string "back" will be passed as
// the first and only argument to this callback.
// To support getting forward button notifications, the object
// argument should implement a function called either "forward",
// "forwardButton", or "handle". The string "forward" will be
// passed as the first and only argument to this callback.
// If you want the browser location string to change, define "changeUrl" on the object. If the
// value of "changeUrl" is true, then a unique number will be appended to the URL as a fragment
// identifier ( If it is any other value that does
// not evaluate to false, that value will be used as the fragment identifier. For example,
// if changeUrl: 'page1', then the URL will look like:
// There are problems with using dojo/back with semantically-named fragment identifiers
// ("hash values" on an URL). In most browsers it will be hard for dojo/back to know
// distinguish a back from a forward event in those cases. For back/forward support to
// work best, the fragment ID should always be a unique value (something using new Date().getTime()
// for example). If you want to detect hash changes using semantic fragment IDs, then
// consider using dojo/hash instead (in Dojo 1.4+).
// example:
// | back.addToHistory({
// | back: function(){ console.log('back pressed'); },
// | forward: function(){ console.log('forward pressed'); },
// | changeUrl: true
// | });
// Safari 1.2:
// back button "works" fine, however it's not possible to actually
// DETECT that you've moved backwards by inspecting window.location.
// Unless there is some other means of locating.
// FIXME: perhaps we can poll on history.length?
// Safari 2.0.3+ (and probably 1.3.2+):
// works fine, except when changeUrl is used. When changeUrl is used,
// Safari jumps all the way back to whatever page was shown before
// the page that uses dojo.undo.browser support.
// IE 5.5 SP2:
// back button behavior is macro. It does not move back to the
// previous hash value, but to the last full page load. This suggests
// that the iframe is the correct way to capture the back button in
// these cases.
// Don't test this page using local disk for MSIE. MSIE will not create
// a history list for iframe_history.html if served from a file: URL.
// The XML served back from the XHR tests will also not be properly
// created if served from local disk. Serve the test pages from a web
// server to test in that browser.
// IE 6.0:
// same behavior as IE 5.5 SP2
// Firefox 1.0+:
// the back button will return us to the previous hash on the same
// page, thereby not requiring an iframe hack, although we do then
// need to run a timer to detect inter-page movement.
//If addToHistory is called, then that means we prune the
//forward stack -- the user went back, then wanted to
//start a new forward path.
forwardStack = [];
var hash = null;
var url = null;
if(config["useXDomain"] && !config["dojoIframeHistoryUrl"]){
console.warn("dojo/back: When using cross-domain Dojo builds,"
+ " please save iframe_history.html to your domain and set djConfig.dojoIframeHistoryUrl"
+ " to the path on your domain to iframe_history.html");
historyIframe = window.frames["dj_history"];
bookmarkAnchor = domConstruct.create("a", {style: {display: "none"}}, baseWindow.body());
hash = ""+ ((args["changeUrl"]!==true) ? args["changeUrl"] : (new Date()).getTime());
//If the current hash matches the new one, just replace the history object with
//this new one. It doesn't make sense to track different state objects for the same
//logical URL. This matches the browser behavior of only putting in one history
//item no matter how many times you click on the same #hash link, at least in Firefox
//and Safari, and there is no reliable way in those browsers to know if a #hash link
//has been clicked on multiple times. So making this the standard behavior in all browsers
//so that dojo/back's behavior is the same in all browsers.
if(historyStack.length == 0 && initialState.urlHash == hash){
initialState = createState(url, args, hash);
}else if(historyStack.length > 0 && historyStack[historyStack.length - 1].urlHash == hash){
historyStack[historyStack.length - 1] = createState(url, args, hash);
changingUrl = true;
changingUrl = false;
}, 1);
bookmarkAnchor.href = hash;
url = loadIframeHistory();
var oldCB = args["back"]||args["backButton"]||args["handle"];
//The function takes handleName as a parameter, in case the
//callback we are overriding was "handle". In that case,
//we will need to pass the handle name to handle.
var tcb = function(handleName){
if(getHash() != ""){
setTimeout(function(){ setHash(hash); }, 1);
//Use apply to set "this" to args, and to try to avoid memory leaks.
oldCB.apply(this, [handleName]);
//Set interceptor function in the right place.
args.back = tcb;
}else if(args["backButton"]){
args.backButton = tcb;
}else if(args["handle"]){
args.handle = tcb;
var oldFW = args["forward"]||args["forwardButton"]||args["handle"];
//The function takes handleName as a parameter, in case the
//callback we are overriding was "handle". In that case,
//we will need to pass the handle name to handle.
var tfw = function(handleName){
if(getHash() != ""){
if(oldFW){ // we might not actually have one
//Use apply to set "this" to args, and to try to avoid memory leaks.
oldFW.apply(this, [handleName]);
//Set interceptor function in the right place.
args.forward = tfw;
}else if(args["forwardButton"]){
args.forwardButton = tfw;
}else if(args["handle"]){
args.handle = tfw;
}else if(!has("ie")){
// start the timer
locationTimer = setInterval(checkLocation, 200);
url = loadIframeHistory();
historyStack.push(createState(url, args, hash));
back._iframeLoaded = function(evt, ifrLoc){
// summary:
// private method. Do not call this directly.
var query = getUrlQuery(ifrLoc.href);
if(query == null){
// alert("iframeLoaded");
// we hit the end of the history, so we should go back
if(historyStack.length == 1){
// we were expecting it, so it's not either a forward or backward movement
moveForward = false;
//Check the back stack first, since it is more likely.
//Note that only one step back or forward is supported.
if(historyStack.length >= 2 && query == getUrlQuery(historyStack[historyStack.length-2].url)){
}else if(forwardStack.length > 0 && query == getUrlQuery(forwardStack[forwardStack.length-1].url)){
return back;