classes/trssmailer.php - Created class TTRSS mailer which extends phpmailer and sets the default mail settings upon instantiation. Class includes quickmail function that allows for a quick email send with no extra configurion necessary.
config.php-dist - Added the smtp port option
include/digest.php - Converted it to use the new ttrrssmailer class
include/sanity_config.php - Added the smtp port option to the sanity check
plugins/mail/init.php - Modified to use ttrssmailer class. This particular configuration shows a hybrid use case.
register.php = Modified to use ttrssmailer class.
All code was tested and functioned on my local machine.
using $updated when it was not defined - commented it out
was also using $updated, undefined
and had a inconsistent return, added return false;
lookup_user_id($link, $user)
was using $login for the SELECT not $user
used $search_q before it was assigned to, re-ordered the code
The 3rd arg "$feed_id" was never used in the function, it was set in the function
Verified (and modified as needed) function calls in backend.php (5 Usages) and in modules/backend-rpc,php (1 usage)
Before ksort($tags) add a check for count($tags) == 0 return
replace depreciated split() calls with explode()
replace depreciated split() calls with explode()
replace depreciated split() calls with explode()
in handle_rpc_request(), separate asort() from join(), asort() does not return an array.
This fixes a problem where a new tag is added to an entry, but doesn't show up after clicking on save. User must do a screen refresh.
A PHP error msg was being returned in the JSON response.
Make sure Mac OS X .DS_Store & PHPStorm project files (.idea/) are not included