FIXME: this needs to be moved to built-in help system define(ENABLE_FEED_ICONS, true); define(ICONS_DIR, "icons"); define(ICONS_URL, "icons"); define(PURGE_OLD_DAYS, 30); // Articles older than this number of days will be deleted automatically define(UPDATE_POST_ON_CHECKSUM_CHANGE, true); define(ENABLE_PREFS_CATCHUP_UNCATCHUP, false); // enable "Mark as read/unread" buttons in preferences dialog define(ENABLE_LABELS, false); // experimental support for virtual feeds or labels based on user // crafted SQL queries. This feature is highly experimental and // at this point not user friendly. Use with caution. define(DEFAULT_ARTICLE_LIMIT, 0); // default limit for articles to display. Set to 0 for no limit. Not // limited to the default 15, 30, 60 article limits - you may use // any number you want and it will be added to the list. Negative // numbers will be ignored. Anything that evaluates numerically to // zero will be interpreted as 0. define(DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL, 30); // default interval between feed updates, minutes define(DISPLAY_HEADER, true); // enable/disable the display of the header graphic define(DISPLAY_FOOTER, true); // enable/disable the display of the footer define(USE_COMPACT_STYLESHEET, false); // use stylesheet with more compact layout (if combined with two previous // options may improve UI on small screens) define(DAEMON_REFRESH_ONLY, false); // updates to all feeds will only run when the backend script is // invoked with a "daemon" option on the URI stem. An example wget // command line below will invoke an update every 30 minutes, with // output being sent to /dev/null and the timeout set to 10 minutes // so that wget does not time out. Substitute your site name, tt-rss // path, and username/password as necessary. // // */30 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -O /dev/null -T 600 "" // define(DISPLAY_FEEDLIST_ACTIONS, false); // display actions dropbox in feedlist, if disabled these actions are