0) { $string = "$string port=" . $port; } $this->link = pg_connect($string); if (!$this->link) { print("Unable to connect to database (as $user to $host, database $db):" . pg_last_error()); exit(102); } $this->init(); return $this->link; } function escape_string($s, $strip_tags = true) { if ($strip_tags) $s = strip_tags($s); return pg_escape_string($s); } function query($query, $die_on_error = true) { $result = @pg_query($this->link, $query); if (!$result) { $this->last_error = @pg_last_error($this->link); @pg_query($this->link, "ROLLBACK"); $query = htmlspecialchars($query); // just in case user_error("Query $query failed: " . ($this->link ? $this->last_error : "No connection"), $die_on_error ? E_USER_ERROR : E_USER_WARNING); } return $result; } function fetch_assoc($result) { return pg_fetch_assoc($result); } function num_rows($result) { return pg_num_rows($result); } function fetch_result($result, $row, $param) { return pg_fetch_result($result, $row, $param); } function close() { return pg_close($this->link); } function affected_rows($result) { return pg_affected_rows($result); } function last_error() { return pg_last_error($this->link); } function last_query_error() { return $this->last_error; } function init() { $this->query("set client_encoding = 'UTF-8'"); pg_set_client_encoding("UNICODE"); $this->query("set datestyle = 'ISO, european'"); $this->query("set TIME ZONE 0"); $this->query("set cpu_tuple_cost = 0.5"); return true; } }