hccss.js.uncompressed.js 637 B

  1. define("dijit/hccss", ["dojo/dom-class", "dojo/hccss", "dojo/ready", "dojo/_base/window"], function(domClass, has, ready, win){
  2. // module:
  3. // dijit/hccss
  4. /*=====
  5. return function(){
  6. // summary:
  7. // Test if computer is in high contrast mode, and sets `dijit_a11y` flag on `<body>` if it is.
  8. // Deprecated, use ``dojo/hccss`` instead.
  9. };
  10. =====*/
  11. // Priority is 90 to run ahead of parser priority of 100. For 2.0, remove the ready() call and instead
  12. // change this module to depend on dojo/domReady!
  13. ready(90, function(){
  14. if(has("highcontrast")){
  15. domClass.add(win.body(), "dijit_a11y");
  16. }
  17. });
  18. return has;
  19. });